Exemplo n.º 1
        private void StepTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // winHandles.Clear();
               // winHandles.Add( Win32.FindWindow("Notepad", "todo.txt - Notepad"));


            Win32.RECT rect = new Win32.RECT();

            // first pass select what windows we should maniplate
            foreach (IntPtr handle in WinHandles)
                if(!Win32.GetWindowRect(handle, ref rect))

                // if off screen or minimized
                if (rect.Top == -32000 ||
                    (rect.Left == 0 && rect.Top == TaskbarTop))

                // if the height is bigger the the vertical space, dont move
                if (rect.Height > Desktop.Height - Abd.rc.Height || rect.Width > Desktop.Width)

                if (!WindowPos.ContainsKey(handle))
                    WindowPos[handle] = new WinInfo();

                WinInfo info = WindowPos[handle];
                info.Rect = rect;
                info.Handle = handle;


            // of those windows what are the shelves, windows other windows can rest on

            foreach (WinInfo info in MoveWindows)
                 // shelf may need to be broken into multiple pieces depending on whats covering it
                Recurse = 0;
                TestShelf(info.Handle, info.Rect);

            IntPtr activeWindow = Win32.GetForegroundWindow();

            // move the windows according to gravity and the shelf space
            foreach (WinInfo info in MoveWindows)
                IntPtr handle = info.Handle;
                rect = info.Rect;

                double dT = (double)(DateTime.Now.Ticks - info.LastRun.Ticks) / (double)TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;

                // prevent window from dropping while user is holding it
                short keyState = Win32.GetKeyState(Win32.VirtualKeyStates.VK_LBUTTON);

                bool mouseDown = (keyState & Win32.KEY_PRESSED) > 0;

                Win32.POINT cursorPos;
                Win32.GetCursorPos(out cursorPos); // used also at end of func

                // only give window momentum if dragging the header
                if (mouseDown && activeWindow == handle &&
                    rect.Left < cursorPos.X && cursorPos.X < rect.Right &&
                    rect.Top < cursorPos.Y && cursorPos.Y < rect.Top + 26)
                    info.Vx = (double)(cursorPos.X - info.LastX) / dT;
                    info.Vy = (double)(cursorPos.Y - info.LastY) / dT;

                    /*smush - cant resize window while dragging for some reason
                    // if drag started off screen ignore smush

                    if (rect.Right > Abd.rc.Width)
                        int width = Abd.rc.Width - rect.Left;

                        uint windowStyles = (uint)Win32.GetWindowLongPtr(handle, (int)Win32.GStyles.GWL_STYLE);

                        Win32.SetWindowPos(handle, IntPtr.Zero, rect.Left, rect.Top, width, rect.Height, 0);
                        //Win32.MoveWindow(handle, rect.Left, rect.Top, width, rect.Height, false);
                    else if (rect.Left < 0)


                int moveX = 0;
                int moveY = 0;

                // move window in x direction
                if (!mouseDown)
                    double Ax = 0;

                    if (info.Vx > 0) // moving left, slow down right
                        Ax = -12000;
                    else if (info.Vx < 0) // moving left, slow down right
                        Ax = 12000;

                    // if past right side , bounce back
                    if (rect.Right + moveX > Abd.rc.Width)
                        Ax = -12000;
                    else if (rect.Left + moveX < 0)
                        Ax = 12000;

                    // calc the amount of next move given current velocity and acceleration during time change
                    moveX = (int)(info.Vx * dT + Ax * Math.Pow(dT, 2)); // x = vt + at^2

                    // if passing right side
                    if (rect.Right < Abd.rc.Width && rect.Right + moveX > Abd.rc.Width)
                        moveX = Bounce(dT, Abd.rc.Width - rect.Right, ref info.Vx, Ax);

                        // if still past bounds after second bounce, move into place
                        if (rect.Right + moveX > Abd.rc.Width)
                            info.Vx = 0;
                            moveX = Abd.rc.Width - rect.Right;
                    // if passing left side
                    else if (rect.Left > 0 && rect.Left + moveX < 0)
                        moveX = Bounce(dT, -rect.Left, ref info.Vx, Ax);

                        // if still past bounds after second bounce, move into place
                        if (rect.Left + moveX < 0)
                            info.Vx = 0;
                            moveX = 0 - rect.Left;

                    // if window coast in x in one direction and starts going in other, then stop it
                    double newVx = info.Vx + Ax * dT;

                    if (info.Vx > 0 && newVx < 0) // moving left
                        info.Vx = 0;
                    else if (info.Vx < 0 && newVx > 0) // moving right
                        info.Vx = 0;
                        info.Vx = newVx;

                // not on taskbar and mouse not down,  drop it or pop it
                if (!(mouseDown && activeWindow == handle) && !OnShelf(info))
                    double Ay = 0;

                    // if the top is above the taskbar move down
                    if (rect.Bottom < TaskbarTop)
                        Ay = DownAcceleration;

                    // else the bottom is below the taskbar, move up
                        Ay = UpAcceleration;

                    moveY = (int)(info.Vy * dT + Ay * Math.Pow(dT, 2)); // x = vt + at^2

                    // if moving down, set target shelf
                    if (Ay > 0)
                        info.TargetShelf = GetTargetShelf(info);

                    // bounce - if accelerating down, and moving through bottom
                    if (Ay > 0 && rect.Bottom + moveY > info.TargetShelf)
                        moveY = Bounce(dT, info.TargetShelf - rect.Bottom, ref info.Vy, Ay);

                        // if still below taskbar, thats two bounces below, end it here
                        if (rect.Bottom + moveY > info.TargetShelf)
                            info.Vy = 0;
                            moveY = info.TargetShelf - rect.Bottom;
                    // not hitting anything, move normally
                        // v = a * t
                        info.Vy = info.Vy + Ay * dT;

                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() + " - h:" + handle.ToString() + " x:" + (rect.Top + moveY).ToString() + " dx:" + moveY.ToString() + " v:" + info.Vy.ToString());

                if (moveY != 0 || moveX != 0)
                    Win32.MoveWindow(handle, rect.Left + moveX, rect.Top + moveY, rect.Width, rect.Height, false);

                // always set this if either run move or not
                info.LastRun = DateTime.Now;
                info.LastX = cursorPos.X;
                info.LastY = cursorPos.Y;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void TestShelf(IntPtr handle, Win32.RECT shelf)
            if (shelf.Width == 0)

            // test top 3 points on window
            Win32.POINT testPoint = new Win32.POINT();

            if (Recurse > 5)
                int i = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < ShelfTest; i++)
                testPoint.X = shelf.Left + (shelf.Width-1) * i / (ShelfTest-1); // 0/4, 5 points, is 4 widths
                testPoint.Y = shelf.Top;

                IntPtr maybeChild = Win32.WindowFromPoint(testPoint);
                IntPtr winAtPoint = Win32.GetParent(maybeChild);
                if (winAtPoint == IntPtr.Zero)
                    winAtPoint = maybeChild;

                // if we're on top, continue
                if (winAtPoint == handle)

                Win32.RECT rect = new Win32.RECT();
                if (!Win32.GetWindowRect(winAtPoint, ref rect))

                // left side point
                if(i == 0)
                    // test if shelf completely covered, return if so
                    if (rect.Left <= shelf.Left && shelf.Right <= rect.Right)

                    // left side of shelf is covered, mod it to covering window
                    shelf.Left = rect.Right;
                // interior point
                else if(i < ShelfTest - 1)
                    // check if right side covered
                    if (rect.Right > shelf.Right)
                        shelf.Right = rect.Left;

                    // shelf is split into two, recurse right side
                    Win32.RECT rightShelf = shelf;
                    rightShelf.Left = rect.Right + 1 ;
                    TestShelf(handle, rightShelf);

                    // add left side
                    shelf.Right = rect.Left;
                // right point
                    // set right of shelf to covering windows extent
                    shelf.Right = rect.Left;

Exemplo n.º 3
        private void RefreshTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (onoff)
                freshWindows = new List<IntPtr>();

                Win32.EnumWindows(EnumWindow, IntPtr.Zero);

                Abd = new Win32.APPBARDATA();
                Win32.SHAppBarMessage(Win32.ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, ref Abd);
                TaskbarTop = Abd.rc.Top;

                Desktop = new Win32.RECT();
                Win32.GetWindowRect(Win32.GetDesktopWindow(), ref Desktop);

                onoff = false;
                WinHandles = freshWindows;
                onoff = true;