Exemplo n.º 1
 public CommunicationCenter(InternalDataTransfer IDT, InternalSimulator testSim, MainUI M)
     this.IDT        = IDT;
     TestSimulator   = testSim;
     Rnd             = new Random();
     M.LogHumanMove += new MainUI.PingCC(LogHumanMove);
Exemplo n.º 2
 // Creates the clusters, and any sub clusters they have, and sets the right return type to each one
 public NodeCluster(bool IsSubCluster, int returnType, InternalDataTransfer IDT, int lowerEnd, int upperEnd, string ID)
     subCluster      = IsSubCluster;
     Oper            = new Operator();
     this.IDT        = IDT;
     this.returnType = returnType;
     lowerBound      = lowerEnd;
     upperBound      = upperEnd;
     this.ID         = ID;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public CommandCenter(InternalDataTransfer IDT, string ID, string Name, bool InitialLoggingState, CommunicationCenter CTemp)
            CTemp.CCLog += new CommunicationCenter.LogCommandNumber(LogCommandNumber);

            this.ID  += " - " + Name + " " + ID;
            this.Name = Name + " " + ID;
            this.IDT  = IDT;
            LC        = new LearningCenter(IDT);
            Log       = new Logger(this, this.ID + " - Log", this.Name, InitialLoggingState, CTemp.GetMoveSet());
Exemplo n.º 4

        private void MainUI_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IDT          = new InternalDataTransfer();
            TicTacToeSim = new TicTacToe();
            CurrentSim   = TicTacToeSim;
            CC           = new CommunicationCenter(IDT, CurrentSim, this);
            // CC.LoadSimulation("Simulator.cs", "");

            // This is how to setup methods with reflection
            //object[] test3 = { 1 };
            //Type test = GetType();
            //Dictionary<int, MethodInfo> temp = new Dictionary<int, MethodInfo>();
            //temp.Add(1, test.GetMethod("printString"));
            //label1.Text = (string)temp[1].Invoke(this, test3);// new object[] { 1 });
Exemplo n.º 5
 public NodeCluster(bool IsSubCluster, int subClusterCount, int returnType, int[] SubClusterReturnTypes, InternalDataTransfer IDT, int lowerEnd, int upperEnd, string ID)
     subCluster = IsSubCluster;
     Oper       = new Operator();
     this.IDT   = IDT;
     lowerBound = lowerEnd;
     upperBound = upperEnd;
     this.ID    = ID;
     if (!subCluster)
         SubClusters = new NodeCluster[subClusterCount];
         for (int i = 0; i < subClusterCount; i++)
             SubClusters[i] = new NodeCluster(true, SubClusterReturnTypes[i], IDT, lowerEnd, upperEnd, "" + i);
     this.returnType = returnType;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public LearningCenter(InternalDataTransfer IDT)
     this.IDT = IDT;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void Load(InternalDataTransfer IDT, Operator Oper)
     // Todo
Exemplo n.º 8
 public CommunicationCenter(InternalDataTransfer IDT, MainUI M)
     this.IDT        = IDT;
     Rnd             = new Random();
     M.LogHumanMove += new MainUI.PingCC(LogHumanMove);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public CommunicationCenter(MainUI M)
     IDT             = new InternalDataTransfer();
     Rnd             = new Random();
     M.LogHumanMove += new MainUI.PingCC(LogHumanMove);