Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Given all arguments for package's procs, load all package specific types (e.g., a record) into memory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arguments"></param>
        private void LoadPackageRecordTypes <T_PackageRecord, T_Field, T_Argument>(List <IArgument> arguments)
            where T_PackageRecord : class, IPackageRecord, new()
            where T_Field : class, IField, new()
            where T_Argument : class, IArgument, new()
            foreach (IArgument arg in arguments)
                switch (arg.DataType)
                case Orcl.RECORD:
                    if (arg.DataLevel == 0)
                        continue;                         // ignore straight record type (without cursor)
                    // send the record argument and a list of all subsequent arguments
                    LoadRecordType <T_PackageRecord, T_Field, T_Argument>(arg, arguments.GetRange(arguments.IndexOf(arg) + 1, arguments.Count - arguments.IndexOf(arg) - 1), null);

                case Orcl.ASSOCIATITVE_ARRAY:
                    // For an associative array of a record, we will need to create a class for the record.
                    if (arguments[arguments.IndexOf(arg) + 1].DataType == Orcl.RECORD)
                        // First get type of the associated array by converting to C#. This will be a list of a class. We need the class name
                        //  in order to to load into our Oracle record types.
                        String assocArrayCSharpType = Translater.ConvertOracleArgTypeToCSharpType(arg, false);

                        // Send the arg following the assoc array arg since it holds the record, a list of all args following the record arg,
                        //  and the C# name of the record parsed out of the assoc array C# type.
                        LoadRecordType <T_PackageRecord, T_Field, T_Argument>(arguments[arguments.IndexOf(arg) + 1],
                                                                              arguments.GetRange(arguments.IndexOf(arg) + 2, arguments.Count - arguments.IndexOf(arg) - 2),
                                                                              CSharp.ExtractSubtypeFromGenericCollectionType(assocArrayCSharpType, false));

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a record type argument, extract and store the record type and its fields (recurse if necessary)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="recordArg">Argument with record</param>
        /// <param name="args">List of arguments following record argument</param>
        private void LoadRecordType <T_PackageRecord, T_Field, T_Argument>(IArgument recordArg, List <IArgument> args, String cSharpType)
            where T_PackageRecord : class, IPackageRecord, new()
            where T_Field : class, IField, new()
            where T_Argument : class, IArgument, new()
            if (recordArg.DataType != Orcl.RECORD)
                throw new Exception("Argument sent to LoadRecordType() that is not a PL/SQL RECORD");

            // happens for type OBJECT, TABLE, VARRAY or UNDEFINED
            if ((recordArg.TypeName == null && recordArg.TypeSubname != null) || (recordArg.TypeName != null && recordArg.TypeSubname == null))

            if (cSharpType == null)
                cSharpType = Translater.ConvertOracleArgTypeToCSharpType(recordArg, false);

            // if the record type has already been stored, do not proceeed
            if (PackageRecordTypes.Any(r => (r.SubName ?? "") == (recordArg.TypeSubname ?? "") &&
                                       (r.Name ?? "") == (recordArg.TypeName ?? "") &&
                                       (r.Owner ?? "") == (recordArg.TypeOwner ?? "") &&
                                       (r.PackageName ?? "") == (recordArg.PackageName ?? "")))

            // begin creation of record type
            IPackageRecord newRec = new T_PackageRecord();

            newRec.PackageName = recordArg.PackageName; // package containing argument
            newRec.Name        = recordArg.TypeName;    // package containing *record type*
            newRec.SubName     = recordArg.TypeSubname; // name of record type if outside argument's package
            newRec.CSharpType  = cSharpType;
            newRec.Owner       = recordArg.TypeOwner;
            newRec.Attributes  = new List <IEntityAttribute>();

            int recordDataLevel = recordArg.DataLevel;

            // loop the args to find this record's fields or a nested record type
            int columnPosition = 0;

            foreach (IArgument arg in args)
                if (arg.DataLevel == recordDataLevel + 1)   // found a record field
                // each of these fields are to be added to the record
                    IField f = new T_Field();
                    f.Name = arg.ArgumentName;

                    // convert to C# now - this should to be adjusted so it's done later
                    f.CSharpType = Translater.ConvertOracleArgTypeToCSharpType(arg, false);

                    // set the containing class from the package name
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(arg.TypeName) && !arg.TypeName.Equals(arg.PackageName))
                        if (!Parameter.Instance.IsDuplicatePackageRecordOriginatingOutsideFilterAndSchema
                            // owned by another schema or owned by package that was filtered out
                            && (!(arg.Owner ?? "").Equals(arg.TypeOwner)
//                                ||  !_packages.Exists(p => p.PackageName.Equals(arg.TypeName)) )   ) {
                                || !Packages.Any(p => p.PackageName.Equals(arg.TypeName))))
                            f.ContainerClassName = Translater.ConvertOracleNameToCSharpName(arg.TypeName, false);

                        if (!(arg.TypeName ?? "").Equals(arg.PackageName)
//                                && _packages.Exists(p => p.PackageName.Equals(arg.TypeName)) // package of origin of record being created
                            && Packages.Any(p => p.PackageName.Equals(arg.TypeName)) &&  // package of origin of record being created
                            PackageRecordTypes.Exists(r => r.PackageName.Equals(arg.TypeName) && r.SubName.Equals(arg.TypeSubname)))
                            f.ContainerClassName = Translater.ConvertOracleNameToCSharpName(arg.TypeName, false);

                    f.AttrType  = arg.DataType;
                    f.Length    = arg.DataLength;
                    f.Precision = arg.DataPrecision;
                    f.Scale     = arg.DataScale;

                    f.MapPosition = columnPosition++;
                else if (arg.DataLevel == recordDataLevel + 2)     // found a lower level field, so skip
                else if (arg.DataLevel <= recordDataLevel)     // we are past the last record field, we are done

                // if field is nested record, recurse into it
                if (arg.DataType == Orcl.RECORD)
                    LoadRecordType <T_PackageRecord, T_Field, T_Argument>(arg, args.GetRange(args.IndexOf(arg) + 1, args.Count - args.IndexOf(arg) - 1), null);

//            newRec.Fields.Sort();