Exemplo n.º 1
 private void InitializeApiObjects()
     //New API needs to be instantiated here, in the same alphabetical order as above
     Acsrf             = new Acsrf(this);
     AjaxSpider        = new AjaxSpider(this);
     Alert             = new Generated.Alert(this);
     AlertFilter       = new AlertFilter(this);
     Ascan             = new Ascan(this);
     Authentication    = new Authentication(this);
     Authorization     = new Authorization(this);
     AutoUpdate        = new AutoUpdate(this);
     Brk               = new Break(this);
     Context           = new Context(this);
     Core              = new Core(this);
     ForcedUser        = new ForcedUser(this);
     HttpSessions      = new HttpSessions(this);
     ImportLogFiles    = new ImportLogFiles(this);
     ImportUrls        = new ImportUrls(this);
     LocalProxies      = new LocalProxies(this);
     OpenApi           = new OpenApi(this);
     Parameters        = new Params(this);
     Pnh               = new Pnh(this);
     PScan             = new PScan(this);
     Replacer          = new Replacer(this);
     Reveal            = new Reveal(this);
     RuleConfig        = new RuleConfig(this);
     Script            = new Script(this);
     Search            = new Search(this);
     Selenium          = new Selenium(this);
     SessionManagement = new SessionManagement(this);
     Soap              = new Soap(this);
     Spider            = new Spider(this);
     Stats             = new Stats(this);
     Users             = new Users(this);
     Websocket         = new Websocket(this);
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void InitializeApiObjects()
     //New API needs to be instantiated here, in the same alphabetical order as above
     acsrf             = new Acsrf(this);
     ajaxspider        = new AjaxSpider(this);
     alert             = new OWASPZAPDotNetAPI.Generated.Alert(this);
     alertFilter       = new AlertFilter(this);
     ascan             = new Ascan(this);
     authentication    = new Authentication(this);
     authorization     = new OWASPZAPDotNetAPI.Generated.Authorization(this);
     autoupdate        = new Autoupdate(this);
     brk               = new Break(this);
     context           = new Context(this);
     core              = new Core(this);
     forcedUser        = new ForcedUser(this);
     httpSessions      = new HttpSessions(this);
     importLogFiles    = new ImportLogFiles(this);
     importurls        = new Importurls(this);
     localProxies      = new LocalProxies(this);
     openapi           = new Openapi(this);
     parameters        = new Params(this);
     pnh               = new Pnh(this);
     pscan             = new Pscan(this);
     replacer          = new Replacer(this);
     reveal            = new Reveal(this);
     ruleConfig        = new RuleConfig(this);
     script            = new Script(this);
     search            = new Search(this);
     selenium          = new Selenium(this);
     sessionManagement = new SessionManagement(this);
     soap              = new Soap(this);
     spider            = new Spider(this);
     stats             = new Stats(this);
     users             = new Users(this);
     websocket         = new Websocket(this);