private static async Task <string> GetAuthenticationHeader(AuthenticationConfig config)
            IConfidentialClientApplication app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(config.ClientId)
                                                 .WithAuthority(new Uri(config.Authority))

            string[]             scopes = new string[] { $"{config.BaseUrl}/.default" };
            AuthenticationResult result = await app.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes)

Exemplo n.º 2
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Authenticating with AAD...");
            AuthenticationConfig config = AuthenticationConfig.ReadFromJsonFile("appsettings.json");
            string bearerToken          = await GetAuthenticationHeader(config);

            var context = new Resources(new Uri($"{config.BaseUrl}/data/"));

            //Make all the OData requests cross-company, otherwise you will only reference records in the default company
            context.BuildingRequest += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                var uriBuilder  = new UriBuilder(eventArgs.RequestUri);
                var paramValues = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uriBuilder.Query);
                if (paramValues.Get("cross-company") != null)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Note: cross-company parameter already present - removing");
                paramValues.Add("cross-company", "true");
                uriBuilder.Query     = paramValues.ToString();
                eventArgs.RequestUri = uriBuilder.Uri;

            //Add authorization token. This should be requested from AAD programatically, expiry managed, etc.
            context.SendingRequest2 += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                eventArgs.RequestMessage.SetHeader("Authorization", bearerToken);

            //Query some customer groups
            Console.WriteLine("Listing top 10 customer groups across companies...");
            var custGroupsQuery = context.CustomerGroups.AddQueryOption("$top", "10");
            //var custGroupsQuery = context.CustomerGroups.AddQueryOption("cross-company","true").AddQueryOption("$top", "10"); //You can add multiple query options like this
            var custGroups = custGroupsQuery.Execute();

            foreach (var group in custGroups)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", group.dataAreaId, group.CustomerGroupId, group.Description);

            //Create a customer group
            Console.WriteLine("Creating Customer group...");
            context.AddToCustomerGroups(new CustomerGroup
                dataAreaId      = "ussi",
                CustomerGroupId = "99",
                Description     = "Console app test"

            //Read the customer group
            Console.WriteLine("Reading Customer group...");
            var custGroup = context.CustomerGroups.Where(x => x.dataAreaId == "ussi" && x.CustomerGroupId == "99").First();

            //Other ways to query a specific record
            //var custGroup = context.CustomerGroups.ByKey(new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "dataAreaId", "ussi" }, { "CustomerGroupId", "99" } }).GetValue();
            //var custGroup = context.CustomerGroups.Where(x => x.dataAreaId == "ussi" && x.CustomerGroupId == "99").Single(); //Exception if there is more than one


            //Update the customer group
            Console.WriteLine("Updating Customer group...");
            custGroup.Description = "Console app test updated";
            context.SaveChanges(); //No way to add a cross-company query option, so use BuildingRequest event if needed

            //Read the custmer group again
            Console.WriteLine("Re-reading Customer group...");
            var custGroupUpdated = context.CustomerGroups.Where(x => x.dataAreaId == "ussi" && x.CustomerGroupId == "99").First();


            //Delete the customer group
            Console.WriteLine("Deleting Customer group...");

            //Make sure the customer group is gone
            Console.WriteLine("Testing that Customer group has been deleted...");
            var custGroupAfterDelete = context.CustomerGroups.Where(x => x.dataAreaId == "ussi" && x.CustomerGroupId == "99");

            Console.WriteLine("Records found = {0}", custGroupAfterDelete.Count());

            Console.WriteLine("All done!");
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            Console.WriteLine("Authenticating with AAD...");
            AuthenticationConfig config = AuthenticationConfig.ReadFromJsonFile("appsettings.json");
            string bearerToken          = await GetAuthenticationHeader(config);

            var context = new Resources(new Uri($"{config.BaseUrl}/data/"));

            //Make all the OData requests cross-company, otherwise you will only reference records in the default company
            context.BuildingRequest += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                var uriBuilder  = new UriBuilder(eventArgs.RequestUri);
                var paramValues = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uriBuilder.Query);
                if (paramValues.Get("cross-company") != null)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Note: cross-company parameter already present - removing");
                paramValues.Add("cross-company", "true");
                uriBuilder.Query     = paramValues.ToString();
                eventArgs.RequestUri = uriBuilder.Uri;

            //Add authorization token. This should be requested from AAD programatically, expiry managed, etc.
            context.SendingRequest2 += (sender, eventArgs) =>
                eventArgs.RequestMessage.SetHeader("Authorization", bearerToken);

            //Query some customer groups
            Console.WriteLine("Listing top 10 customer groups with Id '20' in all companies...");
            var custGroupsQuery = context.CustomerGroups.AddQueryOption("$filter", "CustomerGroupId eq '20'").AddQueryOption("$top", "10").IncludeCount();

                var custGroupsResponse = custGroupsQuery.Execute() as QueryOperationResponse <CustomerGroup>; //Use this query form if you need response metadata
                Console.WriteLine("HTTP status = {0}", custGroupsResponse.StatusCode);
                if (custGroupsResponse.StatusCode == 429)                                                     //Handle throttling
                    if (!custGroupsResponse.Headers.TryGetValue("Retry-After", out string retryAfterValue) ||
                        !System.Int32.TryParse(retryAfterValue, out int retryAfterSeconds))
                        retryAfterSeconds = 30;

                    Console.WriteLine("Request throttled, retrying after {0} seconds...", retryAfterSeconds);
                    custGroupsResponse = custGroupsQuery.Execute() as QueryOperationResponse <CustomerGroup>;
                    Console.WriteLine("HTTP status = {0}", custGroupsResponse.StatusCode);
                    if (custGroupsResponse.StatusCode == 429) //Still throttled, give up
                        throw new ApplicationException("Throttling retry still throttled, giving up.");
                var custGroupsList = custGroupsResponse.ToList(); //You can only enumerate the response once
                Console.WriteLine("Retrieved {0} of {1} records", custGroupsList.Count(), custGroupsResponse.Count);
                foreach (var group in custGroupsList)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", group.dataAreaId, group.CustomerGroupId, group.Description);
            catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)

            //Read customer groups with Linq syntax
            Console.WriteLine("Reading customer groups with Id '50' (Linq)...");
                var custGroups = context.CustomerGroups.Where(x => x.CustomerGroupId == "50");

                CustomerGroup custGroup = new CustomerGroup();
                int           num       = 0;
                foreach (var group in custGroups)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", group.dataAreaId, group.CustomerGroupId);
                    if (num == 1)
                        custGroup = group; //Keep the first one
                //Other ways to query specific record
                //var custGroup = context.CustomerGroups.Where(x => x.dataAreaId == "ussi" && x.CustomerGroupId == "10").First(); //Exception if none found
                //var custGroup = context.CustomerGroups.Where(x => x.dataAreaId == "ussi" && x.CustomerGroupId == "10").Single(); //Exception if more than one
                //var custGroup = context.CustomerGroups.ByKey(new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "dataAreaId", "ussi" }, { "CustomerGroupId", "10" } }).GetValue();
                Console.WriteLine("The first group was {0}", JsonSerializer.Serialize(custGroup));
            catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)

            //Create a customer group
            Console.WriteLine("Creating customer group...");
            context.AddToCustomerGroups(new CustomerGroup
                dataAreaId      = "ussi",
                CustomerGroupId = "99",
                Description     = "Console app test",
                PaymentTermId   = "Net30"
                DataServiceResponse responses = context.SaveChanges();           //No way to add a cross-company query option, so use BuildingRequest event if needed
                foreach (var response in responses)                              //non-empty response body if HTTP response isn't 204 (No Content)
                    Console.WriteLine("HTTP status = {0}", response.StatusCode); //We expect a 201
                    var changeResponse   = (ChangeOperationResponse)response;
                    var entityDescriptor = (EntityDescriptor)changeResponse.Descriptor;
                    var custGroupCreated = (CustomerGroup)entityDescriptor.Entity;
            catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)

            //Read and update the new customer group
            Console.WriteLine("Reading the new customer group...");
                var custGroup = context.CustomerGroups.Where(x => x.dataAreaId == "ussi" && x.CustomerGroupId == "99").First();
                Console.WriteLine(JsonSerializer.Serialize(custGroup)); //Should be the same as the response Json after creation

                Console.WriteLine("Updating Customer group...");
                custGroup.Description = "Console app test updated";
                DataServiceResponse dsr = context.SaveChanges();
                var changeResponse      = (ChangeOperationResponse)dsr.First();
                Console.WriteLine("HTTP status = {0}", changeResponse.StatusCode); //We expect a 204
                var entityDescriptor = (EntityDescriptor)changeResponse.Descriptor;
                var custGroupUpdated = (CustomerGroup)entityDescriptor.Entity;     //The response body is empty, so this is inferred, not actually sent back to us
            catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)

            //Read the customer group again, then delete it
            Console.WriteLine("Re-reading Customer group...");
                var custGroupUpdated = context.CustomerGroups.Where(x => x.dataAreaId == "ussi" && x.CustomerGroupId == "99").First();
                Console.WriteLine(JsonSerializer.Serialize(custGroupUpdated)); //Should be identical to the previously inferred Json

                Console.WriteLine("Deleting Customer group...");
                DataServiceResponse dsr = context.SaveChanges();
                Console.WriteLine("HTTP status = {0}", dsr.First().StatusCode); //We expect a 204
            catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)

            //Make sure the customer group is gone
            Console.WriteLine("Testing that Customer group has been deleted...");
                var custGroupsAfterDelete = context.CustomerGroups.Where(x => x.dataAreaId == "ussi" && x.CustomerGroupId == "99");
                Console.WriteLine("Records found = {0}", custGroupsAfterDelete.Count());
            catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("All done!");