public List<API.Common.Model.ChargePoint> Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            string source = InputData;

            JObject o = JObject.Parse(source);

            var dataList = o["locations"].ToArray();

            var submissionStatus = coreRefData.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == (int)StandardSubmissionStatusTypes.Imported_UnderReview);//imported and under review
            var operationalStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 50);
            var unknownStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 0);
            var usageTypePublic = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 1);
            var usageTypePrivate = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == 2);
            var operatorUnknown = coreRefData.Operators.First(opUnknown => opUnknown.ID == 1);

            int itemCount = 0;
            foreach (var item in dataList)
                ChargePoint cp = new ChargePoint();
                cp.DataProvider = new DataProvider() { ID = this.DataProviderID }; //
                cp.DataProvidersReference = item["post_id"].ToString();
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cp.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();

                // have requested we not use the station names from their data, so we use address
                //cp.AddressInfo.Title = item["name"] != null ? item["name"].ToString() : item["address"].ToString();
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = item["address"] != null ? item["address"].ToString() : item["post_id"].ToString();
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Title.Trim().Replace("&amp;", "&");
                cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = "" + cp.DataProvidersReference;
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = item["address"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Town = item["city"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.StateOrProvince = item["region"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = item["postal_code"].ToString().Trim();
                cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(item["latitude"].ToString().Trim());
                cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(item["longitude"].ToString().Trim());

                cp.AddressInfo.ContactTelephone1 = item["phone"].ToString();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item["country"].ToString()))
                    string country = item["country"].ToString();
                    int? countryID = null;

                    var countryVal = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title.ToLower() == country.Trim().ToLower());
                    if (countryVal == null)
                        country = country.ToUpper();
                        //match country
                        if (country == "UNITED STATES" || country == "US" || country == "USA" || country == "U.S." || country == "U.S.A.") countryID = 2;

                        if (country == "UK" || country == "GB" || country == "GREAT BRITAIN" || country == "UNITED KINGDOM") countryID = 1;
                        countryID = countryVal.ID;

                    if (countryID == null)
                        this.Log("Country Not Matched, will require Geolocation:" + item["country"].ToString());
                        cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(cy => cy.ID == countryID);
                    //default to US if no country identified
                    //cp.AddressInfo.Country = cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(cy => cy.ID == 2);

                string publicCount = item["public"].ToString();
                string privateCount = item["private"].ToString();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(publicCount) && publicCount != "0")
                        cp.NumberOfPoints = int.Parse(publicCount);
                    catch (Exception) { }
                    cp.UsageType = usageTypePublic;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(privateCount) && privateCount != "0")
                            cp.NumberOfPoints = int.Parse(privateCount);
                        catch (Exception) { }
                        cp.UsageType = usageTypePrivate;

                string verifiedFlag = item["verified_flag"].ToString();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(verifiedFlag) && verifiedFlag != "0")
                    cp.StatusType = operationalStatus;
                    cp.StatusType = unknownStatus;

                //TODO: allow for multiple operators?
                var operatorsNames = item["brands"].ToArray();

                if (operatorsNames.Count() > 0)
                    var operatorName = operatorsNames[0].ToString();
                    var opDetails = coreRefData.Operators.FirstOrDefault(op => op.Title.ToLower().Contains(operatorName.ToString().ToLower()));
                    if (opDetails != null)
                        cp.OperatorInfo = opDetails;
                        Log("Operator not matched:" + operatorName);
                    cp.OperatorInfo = operatorUnknown;

                var connectorTypes = item["techs"].ToArray();
                foreach (var conn in connectorTypes)
                    ConnectionInfo cinfo = new ConnectionInfo() { };
                    ConnectionType cType = new ConnectionType { ID = 0 };
                    ChargerType level = null;
                    cinfo.Reference = conn.ToString();

                    if (conn.ToString().ToUpper() == "J1772")
                        cType = new ConnectionType();
                        cType.ID = 1; //J1772
                        level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };//default to level 2

                    if (conn.ToString().ToUpper() == "CHADEMO")
                        cType = new ConnectionType();
                        cType.ID = 2; //CHadeMO
                        level = new ChargerType { ID = 3 };//default to level 3
                    if (conn.ToString().ToUpper() == "NEMA5")
                        cType = new ConnectionType();
                        cType.ID = 9; //NEMA5-20R
                        level = new ChargerType { ID = 1 };//default to level 1

                    if (cType.ID == 0)
                        var conType = coreRefData.ConnectionTypes.FirstOrDefault(ct => ct.Title.ToLower().Contains(conn.ToString().ToLower()));
                        if (conType != null) cType = conType;
                    cinfo.ConnectionType = cType;
                    cinfo.Level = level;

                    if (cp.Connections == null)
                        cp.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();
                        if (!IsConnectionInfoBlank(cinfo))

                if (cp.DataQualityLevel == null) cp.DataQualityLevel = 2;

                cp.SubmissionStatus = submissionStatus;

                if (IsPOIValidForImport(cp))


            return outputList;
        public List<API.Common.Model.ChargePoint> Process(CoreReferenceData coreRefData)
            List<ChargePoint> outputList = new List<ChargePoint>();

            string source = InputData;

            JObject o = JObject.Parse(source);

            var dataList = o["ChargeDevice"].ToArray();

            var submissionStatus = coreRefData.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == (int)StandardSubmissionStatusTypes.Imported_UnderReview);//imported and under review
            var submissionStatusDelistedPrivate = coreRefData.SubmissionStatusTypes.First(s => s.ID == (int)StandardSubmissionStatusTypes.Delisted_NotPublicInformation);//delisted not public
            var operationalStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 50);
            var nonoperationalStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == 100);
            var unknownStatus = coreRefData.StatusTypes.First(os => os.ID == (int)StandardStatusTypes.Unknown);
            var usageTypeUnknown = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == (int)StandardUsageTypes.Unknown);
            var usageTypePublic = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == (int)StandardUsageTypes.Public);
            var usageTypePublicPayAtLocation = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == (int)StandardUsageTypes.Public_PayAtLocation);
            var usageTypePrivate = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == (int)StandardUsageTypes.PrivateRestricted);
            var usageTypePublicMembershipRequired = coreRefData.UsageTypes.First(u => u.ID == (int)StandardUsageTypes.Public_MembershipRequired);
            var operatorUnknown = coreRefData.Operators.First(opUnknown => opUnknown.ID == (int)StandardOperators.UnknownOperator);

            int itemCount = 0;

            foreach (var dataItem in dataList)
                bool skipPOI = false;
                var item = dataItem;
                ChargePoint cp = new ChargePoint();

                var deviceName = item["ChargeDeviceName"].ToString();

                //private addresses are skipped from import
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceName) && deviceName.ToLower().Contains("parkatmyhouse"))
                    //skipPOI = true;
                    skipPOI = true;

                var locationType = item["LocationType"].ToString();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationType))
                    if (locationType.ToLower().Contains("home"))
                        skipPOI = true;

                //parse reset of POI data
                cp.DataProvider = new DataProvider() { ID = this.DataProviderID }; //UK National Charge Point Registry
                cp.DataProvidersReference = item["ChargeDeviceId"].ToString();
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cp.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo();

                var locationDetails = item["ChargeDeviceLocation"];
                var addressDetails = locationDetails["Address"];

                cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = "";
                cp.DateLastStatusUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 = addressDetails["Street"].ToString().Replace("<br>", ", ");
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationDetails["LocationShortDescription"].ToString()) ? cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1 : locationDetails["LocationShortDescription"].ToString();
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Title.Replace("&amp;", "&");
                cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Title.Replace("<br>", ", ");
                if (cp.AddressInfo.Title.Length > 100) cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Title.Substring(0, 64) + "..";
                cp.AddressInfo.Town = addressDetails["PostTown"].ToString();
                string dependantLocality = addressDetails["DependantLocality"].ToString();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dependantLocality) && dependantLocality.ToLower() != cp.AddressInfo.Town.ToLower())
                    //use depenendantLocality if provided and is not same as town
                    cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine2 = dependantLocality;
                cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = addressDetails["PostCode"].ToString();
                cp.AddressInfo.Latitude = double.Parse(locationDetails["Latitude"].ToString());
                cp.AddressInfo.Longitude = double.Parse(locationDetails["Longitude"].ToString());
                cp.AddressInfo.AccessComments = locationDetails["LocationLongDescription"].ToString().Replace("<br>", ", ").Replace("\r\n", ", ").Replace("\n", ", ");

                //cp.AddressInfo.Postcode = this.NormalizePostcode(cp.AddressInfo.Postcode);
                //TODO: if address wasn't provide in address details try to parse from "LocationLongDescription":
                /*if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine2) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.Town) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.Postcode))

                //if title is empty, attempt to add a suitable replacement
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.Title))
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1))
                        cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.AddressLine1;
                        cp.AddressInfo.Title = cp.AddressInfo.Postcode;
                //cp.AddressInfo.ContactTelephone1 = item["phone"].ToString();

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(addressDetails["Country"].ToString()))
                    string country = addressDetails["Country"].ToString();
                    int? countryID = null;

                    var countryVal = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Title.ToLower() == country.Trim().ToLower());
                    if (countryVal == null)
                        country = country.ToUpper();
                        //match country
                        if (country == "gb" || country == "US" || country == "USA" || country == "U.S." || country == "U.S.A.") countryID = 2;
                        if (country == "UK" || country == "GB" || country == "GREAT BRITAIN" || country == "UNITED KINGDOM") countryID = 1;
                        countryID = countryVal.ID;

                    if (countryID == null)
                        this.Log("Country Not Matched, will require Geolocation:" + item["country"].ToString());
                        cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(cy => cy.ID == countryID);
                    //default to US if no country identified
                    //cp.AddressInfo.Country = cp.AddressInfo.Country = coreRefData.Countries.FirstOrDefault(cy => cy.ID == 2);

                //operator from DeviceController
                var deviceController = item["DeviceController"];

                cp.AddressInfo.RelatedURL = deviceController["Website"].ToString();
                var deviceOperator = coreRefData.Operators.FirstOrDefault(devOp => devOp.Title.Contains(deviceController["OrganisationName"].ToString()));
                if (deviceOperator != null)
                    cp.OperatorInfo = deviceOperator;
                    //operator from device owner
                    var devOwner = item["DeviceOwner"];
                    deviceOperator = coreRefData.Operators.FirstOrDefault(devOp => devOp.Title.Contains(devOwner["OrganisationName"].ToString()));
                    if (deviceOperator != null)
                        cp.OperatorInfo = deviceOperator;

                //determine most likely usage type
                cp.UsageType = usageTypeUnknown;

                if (item["SubscriptionRequiredFlag"].ToString().ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                    //membership required
                    cp.UsageType = usageTypePublicMembershipRequired;
                    if (item["PaymentRequiredFlag"].ToString().ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                        //payment required
                        cp.UsageType = usageTypePublicPayAtLocation;
                        //accessible 24 hours, payment not required and membership not required, assume public
                        if (item["Accessible24Hours"].ToString().ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                            cp.UsageType = usageTypePublic;

                //special usage cases detected from text
                if (cp.AddressInfo.ToString().ToLower().Contains("no public access"))
                    cp.UsageType = usageTypePrivate;

                //add connections
                var connectorList = item["Connector"].ToArray();
                foreach (var conn in connectorList)
                    string connectorType = conn["ConnectorType"].ToString();
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(connectorType))
                        ConnectionInfo cinfo = new ConnectionInfo() { };
                        ConnectionType cType = new ConnectionType { ID = 0 };
                        ChargerType level = null;
                        cinfo.Reference = conn["ConnectorId"].ToString();

                        if (connectorType.ToUpper().Contains("BS 1363") || connectorType.ToUpper().Contains("3-PIN TYPE G (BS1363)"))
                            cType = new ConnectionType();
                            cType.ID = 3; //UK 13 amp plug
                            level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };//default to level 2

                        if (connectorType.ToUpper() == "IEC 62196-2 TYPE 1 (SAE J1772)" || connectorType.ToUpper() == "TYPE 1 SAEJ1772 (IEC 62196)")
                            cType = new ConnectionType();
                            cType.ID = 1; //J1772
                            level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };//default to level 2

                        if (connectorType.ToUpper() == "IEC 62196-2 TYPE 2" || connectorType.ToUpper().Contains("TYPE 2 MENNEKES (IEC62196)"))
                            cType = new ConnectionType();
                            cType.ID = 25; //Mennkes Type 2
                            level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };//default to level 2

                        if (connectorType.ToUpper() == "JEVS G 105 (CHADEMO)" || connectorType.ToUpper() == "JEVS G105 (CHADEMO) DC")
                            cType = new ConnectionType();
                            cType.ID = 2; //CHadeMO
                            level = new ChargerType { ID = 3 };//default to level 3
                        if (connectorType.ToUpper() == "IEC 62196-2 TYPE 3")
                            cType = new ConnectionType();
                            cType.ID = 26; //IEC 62196-2 type 3

                            level = new ChargerType { ID = 2 };//default to level 2

                        if (connectorType.ToUpper() == "TYPE 2 COMBO (IEC62196) DC")
                            cType = new ConnectionType();
                            cType.ID = 33; //CCS with Type 2

                            level = new ChargerType { ID = 3 };//default to level 3

                        if (cType.ID == 0)
                            var conType = coreRefData.ConnectionTypes.FirstOrDefault(ct => ct.Title.ToLower().Contains(conn.ToString().ToLower()));
                            if (conType != null) cType = conType;

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(conn["RatedOutputVoltage"].ToString())) cinfo.Voltage = int.Parse(conn["RatedOutputVoltage"].ToString());
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(conn["RatedOutputCurrent"].ToString())) cinfo.Amps = int.Parse(conn["RatedOutputCurrent"].ToString());
                        //TODO: use AC/DC/3 Phase data

                        if (conn["ChargePointStatus"] != null)
                            cinfo.StatusType = operationalStatus;
                            if (conn["ChargePointStatus"].ToString() == "Out of service") cinfo.StatusType = nonoperationalStatus;

                        if (conn["RatedOutputkW"] != null)
                            double tmpKw = 0;
                            if (double.TryParse(conn["RatedOutputkW"].ToString(), out tmpKw))
                                cinfo.PowerKW = tmpKw;

                        if (conn["RatedOutputVoltage"] != null)
                            int tmpV = 0;
                            if (int.TryParse(conn["RatedOutputVoltage"].ToString(), out tmpV))
                                cinfo.Voltage = tmpV;

                        if (conn["RatedOutputCurrent"] != null)
                            int tmpA = 0;
                            if (int.TryParse(conn["RatedOutputCurrent"].ToString(), out tmpA))
                                cinfo.Amps = tmpA;

                        if (conn["ChargeMethod"] != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(conn["ChargeMethod"].ToString()))
                            string method = conn["ChargeMethod"].ToString();
                            //Single Phase AC, Three Phase AC, DC
                            if (method == "Single Phase AC") cinfo.CurrentTypeID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.SinglePhaseAC;
                            if (method == "Three Phase AC") cinfo.CurrentTypeID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.ThreePhaseAC;
                            if (method == "DC") cinfo.CurrentTypeID = (int)StandardCurrentTypes.DC;
                        cinfo.ConnectionType = cType;
                        cinfo.Level = level;

                        if ((cinfo.ConnectionType == null && cinfo.ConnectionTypeID == null) || cinfo.ConnectionType != null && cinfo.ConnectionType.ID == 0)
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(connectorType))
                                Log("Unknown connector type:" + connectorType);
                        if (cp.Connections == null)
                            cp.Connections = new List<ConnectionInfo>();
                            if (!IsConnectionInfoBlank(cinfo))
                                //TODO: skip items with blank address info

                //apply data attribution metadata
                if (cp.MetadataValues == null) cp.MetadataValues = new List<MetadataValue>();
                cp.MetadataValues.Add(new MetadataValue { MetadataFieldID = (int)StandardMetadataFields.Attribution, ItemValue = DataAttribution });

                if (cp.DataQualityLevel == null) cp.DataQualityLevel = 3;

                if (cp.SubmissionStatus == null) cp.SubmissionStatus = submissionStatus;

                if (!skipPOI)

            return outputList;