Exemplo n.º 1
 private void dgrExtensions_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
     if (e.ColumnIndex == deleteColumn.Index)
         // update row index(Display) values
         for (int i = 0; i < dgrExtensions.Rows.Count; i++)
             dgrExtensions[indexColumn.Name, i].Value = i + 1;
     else if (e.ColumnIndex == BrowseColumn.Index)
         // show dialog to select files and folders in Components tree
         ComponentsForm componentsForm = new ComponentsForm(true);
         Point          pointToScreen  = PointToScreen(dgrExtensions.Location);
         int            x = pointToScreen.X + dgrExtensions.Columns[0].Width + dgrExtensions.Columns[1].Width + dgrExtensions.Columns[2].Width + dgrExtensions.Columns[3].Width - componentsForm.Width;
         int            y = pointToScreen.Y + dgrExtensions.ColumnHeadersHeight + dgrExtensions.Rows[e.RowIndex].Height * e.RowIndex;
         componentsForm.Location = new Point(x, y);
         if (componentsForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             if (componentsForm.SelectedComponentNode != null)
                 ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)componentsForm.SelectedComponentNode.Tag;
                 dgrExtensions[applicationColumn.Name, e.RowIndex].Value = (new FileInfo(componentNode.Property.SourcePath)).Name;
                 dgrExtensions.Rows[e.RowIndex].Tag = componentsForm.SelectedComponentNode;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static List <BuildLogMessage> CheckFeatureExists(TreeView tree, TreeNode node, Modules module)
            List <BuildLogMessage> messages = new List <BuildLogMessage>();
            TreeNodeCollection     nodes    = node == null ? tree.Nodes : node.Nodes;

            foreach (TreeNode childNode in nodes)
                if (childNode.Tag != null && childNode.Tag is ComponentNode)
                    ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)childNode.Tag;
                    if (componentNode.Property.Feature != null && Common.FeatureExists(componentNode.Property.Feature.Id) == false)
                        BuildLogMessage buildMessage = new BuildLogMessage();
                        buildMessage.Message = "Feature " + componentNode.Property.Feature.Name + " assigned to the file: " + childNode.FullPath + " is not found in the feature tree.";
                        buildMessage.Type    = LogType.ERROR;
                        buildMessage.Module  = Modules.Components;
                if (childNode.Nodes.Count > 0)
                    messages.AddRange(CheckFeatureExists(tree, childNode, module));

Exemplo n.º 3
 private void GetComponentTotals(TreeNode parentNode, ref long totalSize, ref int totalFolders, ref int totalFiles, ref int totalServices, ref int totalAssemblies)
     foreach (TreeNode node in parentNode.Nodes)
         ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)node.Tag;
         if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.RootFolder || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Folder)
             GetComponentTotals(node, ref totalSize, ref totalFolders, ref totalFiles, ref totalServices, ref totalAssemblies);
             if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.File)
             else if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Service)
             else if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Assembly)
             FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(componentNode.Property.SourcePath);
             totalSize += fileInfo.Length;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void SetFileImage(TreeNode node)
            ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)node.Tag;

            if (componentNode != null)
                if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.File)
                    node.ImageIndex         = sysilsSmall.IconIndex(componentNode.Property.SourcePath, true);
                    node.SelectedImageIndex = sysilsSmall.IconIndex(componentNode.Property.SourcePath, true, ShellIconStateConstants.ShellIconStateOpen);
                else if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Folder || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.RootFolder)
                    node.ImageIndex = node.SelectedImageIndex = folderImageIndex;
                    foreach (TreeNode childNode in node.Nodes)
                else if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.InternetShortcut)
                    node.ImageIndex = node.SelectedImageIndex = sysilsSmall.IconIndex(Globals.imagesFolder + Globals.imgInternet, true);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static List <BuildLogMessage> CheckFileSrc(TreeView tree, TreeNode node, Modules module)
            List <BuildLogMessage> messages   = new List <BuildLogMessage>();
            List <TreeNode>        errorNodes = new List <TreeNode>();
            TreeNodeCollection     nodes      = node == null ? tree.Nodes : node.Nodes;

            foreach (TreeNode childNode in nodes)
                ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)childNode.Tag;
                if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.File)
                    if (File.Exists(componentNode.Property.SourcePath) == false)
                if (childNode.Nodes.Count > 0)
                    messages.AddRange(CheckFileSrc(tree, childNode, module));

            // add messages
            foreach (TreeNode errorNode in errorNodes)
                BuildLogMessage message = new BuildLogMessage();
                message.Message = "Source file not found:" + errorNode.Text + ". (" + errorNode.FullPath + ")";
                message.Type    = LogType.ERROR;
                message.Module  = module;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void tvComponents_NodeMouseDoubleClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)
            if (tvComponents.SelectedNode != null)
                // set selectedNode property and close window
                ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)tvComponents.SelectedNode.Tag;
                if (componentNode.Type != ComponentType.Folder || componentNode.Type != ComponentType.RootFolder)
                    if (ComponentNodeSelected != null)
                        ComponentNodeSelected(this, null);

            tvComponents.NodeMouseDoubleClick -= new TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler(tvComponents_NodeMouseDoubleClick);

            if (this.modalDlg)
                this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void edit_SystemFolder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ComponentNode node = (ComponentNode)tvSystemFolder.SelectedNode.Tag;

            if (node != null && node.Type == ComponentType.Folder)
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void edit_Shortcuts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ComponentNode node = (ComponentNode)tvShortcuts.SelectedNode.Tag;

            if (node != null && node.Type == ComponentType.Folder && tvShortcuts.SelectedNode.Level != 0)
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void CreateProgIdComponent(DataGridViewRow rowData)
            ComponentNode exeData = (ComponentNode)((TreeNode)rowData.Tag).Tag;

            Wix.Component exeComponent = (Wix.Component)exeData.Property.WixNode;
            Wix.File      exeFile      = (Wix.File)exeComponent.Items[0];
            string        extenstion   = (string)rowData.Cells[extensionColumn.Name].Value;

            if (extenstion.StartsWith("."))
                extenstion = extenstion.Remove(0, 1);
            string regKey = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(exeFile.Source) + "." + extenstion;

            Wix.Registry reg1 = new Wix.Registry();
            reg1.Id     = regKey;
            reg1.Root   = Wix.RegistryRoot.HKCR; reg1.RootSpecified = true;
            reg1.Action = Wix.RegistryAction.write; reg1.ActionSpecified = true;
            reg1.Type   = Wix.RegistryType.@string; reg1.TypeSpecified = true;
            reg1.Key    = regKey;
            reg1.Value  = (string)rowData.Cells[DescriptionColumn.Name].Value;
            //reg1.KeyPath = Wix.YesNoType.yes; reg1.KeyPathSpecified = true;

            // command or application to run
            Wix.Registry reg2 = new Wix.Registry();
            reg2.Id     = regKey + ".command";
            reg2.Root   = Wix.RegistryRoot.HKCR; reg2.RootSpecified = true;
            reg2.Action = Wix.RegistryAction.write; reg2.ActionSpecified = true;
            reg2.Type   = Wix.RegistryType.@string; reg2.TypeSpecified = true;
            reg2.Key    = regKey + @"\shell\open\command";
            reg2.Value  = "\"[#" + exeFile.Id + "]\" \"%1\"";
            //default icon
            Wix.Registry reg3 = new Wix.Registry();
            reg3.Id     = regKey + ".icon";
            reg3.Root   = Wix.RegistryRoot.HKCR; reg3.RootSpecified = true;
            reg3.Action = Wix.RegistryAction.write; reg3.ActionSpecified = true;
            reg3.Type   = Wix.RegistryType.@string; reg3.TypeSpecified = true;
            reg3.Key    = regKey + @"\DefaultIcon";
            reg3.Value  = "\"[#" + exeFile.Id + "]\"";
            //.<extension> key
            Wix.Registry reg4 = new Wix.Registry();
            reg4.Id     = regKey + ".association";
            reg4.Root   = Wix.RegistryRoot.HKCR; reg4.RootSpecified = true;
            reg4.Action = Wix.RegistryAction.write; reg4.ActionSpecified = true;
            reg4.Type   = Wix.RegistryType.@string; reg4.TypeSpecified = true;
            reg4.Key    = "." + extenstion;
            reg4.Value  = regKey;

            object[] items = new object[4] {
                reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4

            exeComponent.Items = Common.AddItemToArray(exeComponent.Items, items);
Exemplo n.º 10
 private void tvComponents_BeforeLabelEdit(object sender, NodeLabelEditEventArgs e)
     if (tvComponents.SelectedNode != null)
         ComponentNode node = (ComponentNode)tvComponents.SelectedNode.Tag;
         if (node.Type == ComponentType.RootFolder)
             e.CancelEdit = true;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void tvComponents_ItemDrag(object sender, ItemDragEventArgs e)
            TreeNode sourceNode = (TreeNode)e.Item;

            tvComponents.SelectedNode = sourceNode;
            ComponentNode component = (ComponentNode)sourceNode.Tag;

            if (component != null && component.Type == ComponentType.File)
                DoDragDrop(sourceNode, DragDropEffects.Move | DragDropEffects.Copy);
Exemplo n.º 12
 private void GetShortcutSummary(TreeNode shortcutNode, DataTable shortcutsTable)
     foreach (TreeNode node in shortcutNode.Nodes)
         ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)node.Tag;
         if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.RootFolder || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Folder)
             GetShortcutSummary(node, shortcutsTable);
         else if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Service || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.File || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Assembly)
             shortcutsTable.Rows.Add(node.FullPath, "", componentNode.Property.SourcePath);//TODO:Installation location of shortcut
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void ApplyFeature(TreeNode node, FeatureProperty selectedFeature)
            ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)node.Tag;

            if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Folder || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.RootFolder)
                foreach (TreeNode childNodes in node.Nodes)
                    ApplyFeature(childNodes, selectedFeature);
                componentNode.Property.Feature = selectedFeature;
Exemplo n.º 14
 private void GetFilesSummary(TreeNode parentNode, DataTable filesTable)
     foreach (TreeNode node in parentNode.Nodes)
         ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)node.Tag;
         if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.RootFolder || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Folder)
             GetFilesSummary(node, filesTable);
         else if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Service || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.File || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Assembly)
             FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(componentNode.Property.SourcePath);
             filesTable.Rows.Add(node.FullPath, componentNode.Property.SourcePath, fileInfo.Length);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void tvShortcuts_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            //TreeNode sourceNode = (TreeNode)e.Item;
            Point         pos        = tvShortcuts.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
            TreeNode      targetNode = tvShortcuts.GetNodeAt(pos);
            ComponentNode tag        = (ComponentNode)targetNode.Tag;

            if (targetNode != null && (tag != null && tag.Type == ComponentType.Folder) || targetNode.Level == 0)
                TreeNode node     = (TreeNode)e.Data.GetData(typeof(TreeNode));
                TreeNode nodeCopy = new TreeNode(node.Text, tvComponents.SelectedNode.ImageIndex, tvComponents.SelectedNode.SelectedImageIndex);
                nodeCopy.Tag = node.Tag;                                // assign complete ComponentNode object of component node
                ((ComponentNode)nodeCopy.Tag).SecondaryTreeNode = node; // assign Component Tree node itself
Exemplo n.º 16
 private void applyPatch_Components_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (tvComponents.SelectedNode != null)
         OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog();
         dlg.Multiselect = false;
         if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)tvComponents.SelectedNode.Tag;
             if (componentNode != null)
                 componentNode.Property.PatchFile = dlg.FileName;
                 ChangeNodeColor(tvComponents.SelectedNode, true, Globals.PatchFileColor);
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void CalculateFilesFoldersCount(TreeNode node)
            ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)node.Tag;

            if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Folder || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.RootFolder)
            foreach (TreeNode childNode in node.Nodes)
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void Delete_Components_Folder()
            if (tvComponents.SelectedNode != null)
                TreeNode      selectedNode  = tvComponents.SelectedNode;
                ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)selectedNode.Tag;
                if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.RootFolder)

                // change files, folders count
Exemplo n.º 19
        private void tvShortcuts_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            TreeNode selectedNode = tvShortcuts.SelectedNode;

            if (selectedNode != null)
                ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)selectedNode.Tag;
                if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.InternetShortcut)
                    tabShortcutProperty.SelectedIndex = 1;
                    pgShortcuts.SelectedObject        = componentNode.Property.ShortcutProperty;
                    tabShortcutProperty.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    pgShortcuts.SelectedObject        = null;
Exemplo n.º 20
 private void CheckComponentNodeExists(TreeNode node)
     if (node.Tag != null) /*Normally NULL for root nodes*/
         ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)node.Tag;
         if (componentNode.SecondaryTreeNode != null && componentNode.SecondaryTreeNode.TreeView == null)
             BuildLogMessage buildMessage = new BuildLogMessage();
             buildMessage.Message = String.Format("Source file of shortcut file: {0} is not found in components tree. Please check whether the component tree structure is maintained.", node.FullPath);
             buildMessage.Type    = LogType.ERROR;
             buildMessage.Module  = Modules.Components;
     foreach (TreeNode childNode in node.Nodes)
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void tvComponents_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            ComponentNode node = (ComponentNode)e.Node.Tag;

            if (node.Type == ComponentType.File || node.Type == ComponentType.Assembly)
                pgComponent.SelectedObject         = node.Property;
                pgServices.SelectedObject          = null;
                tabControlProperties.SelectedIndex = 0;
                // Disable context menu options
                browseFilesToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                mnuAddService.Enabled = false;
                addAssemblyToolStripMenuItem.Enabled   = false;
                addFolderToolStripMenuItem.Enabled     = false;
                windowsFolderToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;
            else if (node.Type == ComponentType.Service)
                pgComponent.SelectedObject         = node.Property;
                pgServices.SelectedObject          = node.Property.ServiceProperty;
                tabControlProperties.SelectedIndex = 1;
                // Disable context menu options
                browseFilesToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                mnuAddService.Enabled = false;
                addAssemblyToolStripMenuItem.Enabled   = false;
                addFolderToolStripMenuItem.Enabled     = false;
                windowsFolderToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = false;
                pgComponent.SelectedObject         = null;
                pgServices.SelectedObject          = null;
                tabControlProperties.SelectedIndex = 0;
                // enable context menu options
                browseFilesToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true;
                mnuAddService.Enabled = true;
                addAssemblyToolStripMenuItem.Enabled   = true;
                addFolderToolStripMenuItem.Enabled     = true;
                windowsFolderToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 22
        private bool CanAddFolder_File(TreeNode selectedNode)
            if (selectedNode == null)
            ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)selectedNode.Tag;

            if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.RootFolder)
                if (selectedNode.Nodes.Count > 0)
                    TreeNode      childNode      = selectedNode.Nodes[0];
                    ComponentNode componentNode1 = (ComponentNode)childNode.Tag;
                    if (componentNode1.Type == ComponentType.RootFolder)
Exemplo n.º 23
        private void ShowFeatures(TreeNode selectedNode)
            FeaturesForm featureForm = new FeaturesForm();

            if (featureForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                FeatureProperty selectedFeature = featureForm.SelectedProperty;
                ComponentNode   componentNode   = (ComponentNode)selectedNode.Tag;
                if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Folder || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.RootFolder)
                    // recursively apply selected feature to all nodes under the selected node
                    foreach (TreeNode node in selectedNode.Nodes)
                        ApplyFeature(node, selectedFeature);
                    componentNode.Property.Feature = selectedFeature;
Exemplo n.º 24
        private void ApplyPatchNodeColor(TreeNode node)
            ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)node.Tag;

            if (componentNode != null)
                if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.File || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Assembly || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Service)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(componentNode.Property.PatchFile) == false)
                        ChangeNodeColor(node, true, Globals.PatchFileColor);
                else if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Folder || componentNode.Type == ComponentType.RootFolder)
                    foreach (TreeNode childNode in node.Nodes)
Exemplo n.º 25
        private static List <BuildLogMessage> CheckProperties(TreeView tree, TreeNode node, Modules module)
            List <BuildLogMessage> messages = new List <BuildLogMessage>();
            TreeNodeCollection     nodes    = node == null ? tree.Nodes : node.Nodes;

            foreach (TreeNode childNode in nodes)
                if (childNode.Tag != null && childNode.Tag.GetType() == typeof(ComponentNode))
                    ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)childNode.Tag;
                    if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.InternetShortcut)
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(componentNode.Property.ShortcutProperty.URL))
                            BuildLogMessage message = new BuildLogMessage();
                            message.Message = "Internet shortcut URL is not set : " + childNode.FullPath;
                            message.Type    = LogType.ERROR;
                            message.Module  = module;
                            BuildLogMessage message = ValidateUrl("Internet shortcut URL", componentNode.Property.ShortcutProperty.URL, module);
                            if (message != null)
                if (childNode.Nodes.Count > 0)
                    messages.AddRange(CheckProperties(tree, childNode, module));

Exemplo n.º 26
 private void addFile_Shortcuts_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (tvShortcuts.SelectedNode != null)
         ComponentsForm componentsForm = new ComponentsForm(true);
         if (componentsForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
             TreeNode      selectedComponentNode = componentsForm.SelectedComponentNode;
             ComponentNode tag = (ComponentNode)tvShortcuts.SelectedNode.Tag;
             if ((tag != null && tag.Type == ComponentType.Folder) || tvShortcuts.SelectedNode.Level == 0)
                 TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(selectedComponentNode.Text, selectedComponentNode.ImageIndex, selectedComponentNode.SelectedImageIndex);
                 newNode.Tag = selectedComponentNode.Tag;                                // assign complete ComponentNode object of component node
                 ((ComponentNode)newNode.Tag).SecondaryTreeNode = selectedComponentNode; // assign Component Tree node itself
         // Show component tree again
Exemplo n.º 27
 private void SetShortcuts(Wix.File file, TreeNode cmpNode, TreeNode treeNode, Wix.Directory directory, ShortcutType type)
     foreach (TreeNode shortcutNode in treeNode.Nodes)
         ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)shortcutNode.Tag;
         if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Folder)
             SetShortcuts(file, cmpNode, shortcutNode, (Wix.Directory)componentNode.Property.WixNode, type);
         else if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.File)
             if (componentNode.Property == ((ComponentNode)cmpNode.Tag).Property)
                 Wix.Shortcut shortcut = new Wix.Shortcut();
                 shortcut.Id        = Common.GetId();
                 shortcut.Directory = directory.Id;
                 if (type == ShortcutType.Desktop)
                     file.Items[1] = shortcut;
                 else if (type == ShortcutType.StartMenu)
                     file.Items[0] = shortcut;
                 shortcut.Name = Common.GetShortname(shortcutNode.Text);
                 if (shortcut.Name != shortcutNode.Text)
                     shortcut.LongName = shortcutNode.Text;
                 shortcut.WorkingDirectory = "INSTALLDIR";
                 //shortcut.Icon = new NvnInstaller.WixClasses.Icon(
                 shortcut.IconIndex = "0";
Exemplo n.º 28
        private void BuildWixDirectory(Wix.Directory rootDir, TreeNode treeNode, bool isShortcutDir)
            rootDir.Items = new object[treeNode.Nodes.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < treeNode.Nodes.Count; i++)
                TreeNode      node          = treeNode.Nodes[i];
                ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)node.Tag;

                #region Folder
                if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Folder)
                    // create Wix directory
                    Wix.Directory dir = new Wix.Directory();
                    dir.Id   = Common.GetId();
                    dir.Name = Common.GetShortname(node.Text);
                    componentNode.Property.WixNode = dir;
                    if (dir.Name != node.Text)
                        dir.LongName = node.Text;
                    // add directory to parent directory
                    rootDir.Items[i] = dir;
                    // loop again
                    BuildWixDirectory(dir, node, isShortcutDir);

                #region File
                else if (isShortcutDir == false && componentNode.Type == ComponentType.File)
                    // add component
                    Wix.Component component = new Wix.Component();
                    component.Id   = Common.GetId();
                    component.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    componentNode.Property.WixNode = component;
                    // create file node
                    Wix.File file = new Wix.File();
                    file.Id   = componentNode.Property.Id;
                    file.Name = Common.GetShortname(node.Text);
                    if (file.Name != node.Text)
                        file.LongName = node.Text;
                    file.DiskId           = "1"; // Only one disk supported
                    file.Source           = componentNode.Property.SourcePath;
                    file.KeyPathSpecified = true;
                    file.KeyPath          = Wix.YesNoType.yes;
                    file.VitalSpecified   = true;
                    file.Vital            = componentNode.Property.Vital;
                    // add file to component
                    component.Items    = new Wix.File[1];
                    component.Items[0] = file;

                    file.Items = new object[2];
                    if (node.TreeView == tvComponents)
                        // look in Start Menu
                        SetShortcuts(file, node, tvShortcuts.Nodes[0], this.menuDirectory, ShortcutType.StartMenu);
                        // look in Desktop
                        SetShortcuts(file, node, tvShortcuts.Nodes[1], this.desktopDirectory, ShortcutType.Desktop);
                    // Set component ref in FeatureNode
                    Support.SetComponentRef(component, componentNode.Property.Feature);
                    // add component to Directory node
                    rootDir.Items[i] = component;

                #region Assembly
                else if (isShortcutDir == false && componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Assembly)
                    // add component
                    Wix.Component component = new Wix.Component();
                    component.Id   = Common.GetId();
                    component.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    componentNode.Property.WixNode = component;
                    // create file node
                    Wix.File file = new Wix.File();
                    file.Id = componentNode.Property.Id;
                    FileInfo fileInfo     = new FileInfo(componentNode.Property.SourcePath);
                    string   assemblyName = node.Text.Remove(0, 10).Replace(']', ' ').Trim();
                    file.Name = Common.GetShortname(assemblyName);
                    if (file.Name != assemblyName)
                        file.LongName = assemblyName;
                    //Install assembly to GAC
                    file.AssemblySpecified = true;
                    file.Assembly          = Wix.FileAssembly.net;
                    file.DiskId            = "1"; // Only one disk supported
                    file.Source            = componentNode.Property.SourcePath;
                    file.KeyPathSpecified  = true;
                    file.KeyPath           = Wix.YesNoType.yes;
                    file.VitalSpecified    = true;
                    file.Vital             = componentNode.Property.Vital;
                    // add file to component
                    component.Items    = new Wix.File[1];
                    component.Items[0] = file;

                    file.Items = new object[2];
                    if (node.TreeView == tvComponents)
                        // look in Start Menu
                        SetShortcuts(file, node, tvShortcuts.Nodes[0], this.menuDirectory, ShortcutType.StartMenu);
                        // look in Desktop
                        SetShortcuts(file, node, tvShortcuts.Nodes[1], this.desktopDirectory, ShortcutType.Desktop);
                    // Set component ref in FeatureNode
                    Support.SetComponentRef(component, componentNode.Property.Feature);
                    // add component to Directory node
                    rootDir.Items[i] = component;

                #region Service
                else if (isShortcutDir == false && componentNode.Type == ComponentType.Service)
                    // create component object
                    Wix.Component component = new Wix.Component();
                    component.Id   = Common.GetId();
                    component.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    componentNode.Property.WixNode = component;

                    component.Items = new object[3];
                    // Create File Node
                    Wix.File file = new Wix.File();
                    file.Id   = componentNode.Property.Id;
                    file.Name = Common.GetShortname(node.Text);
                    if (file.Name != node.Text)
                        file.LongName = node.Text;
                    file.Source           = componentNode.Property.SourcePath;
                    file.DiskId           = "1"; // Only one disk supported
                    file.KeyPathSpecified = true;
                    file.KeyPath          = Wix.YesNoType.yes;
                    // add file to component
                    component.Items[0] = file;
                    // create ServiceInstall node
                    Wix.ServiceInstall serviceInstall = new Wix.ServiceInstall();
                    serviceInstall.Id           = Common.GetId();
                    serviceInstall.Name         = componentNode.Property.ServiceProperty.Name == null ? node.Text : componentNode.Property.ServiceProperty.Name;
                    serviceInstall.DisplayName  = componentNode.Property.ServiceProperty.DisplayName == null ? node.Text : componentNode.Property.ServiceProperty.DisplayName;
                    serviceInstall.Type         = componentNode.Property.ServiceProperty.InstallType;
                    serviceInstall.Start        = componentNode.Property.ServiceProperty.InstallStart;
                    serviceInstall.ErrorControl = componentNode.Property.ServiceProperty.InstallErrorControl;
                    // add serviceInstall node to component node
                    component.Items[1] = serviceInstall;

                    // Create Service Control Nodes
                    Wix.ServiceControl serviceControl = new Wix.ServiceControl();
                    serviceControl.Id              = Common.GetId();
                    serviceControl.Name            = componentNode.Property.ServiceProperty.Name == null ? node.Text : componentNode.Property.ServiceProperty.Name;
                    serviceControl.StartSpecified  = true;
                    serviceControl.Start           = Wix.ServiceControlStart.install;
                    serviceControl.StopSpecified   = true;
                    serviceControl.Stop            = Wix.ServiceControlStop.uninstall;
                    serviceControl.RemoveSpecified = true;
                    serviceControl.Remove          = Wix.ServiceControlRemove.uninstall;
                    // add to component node
                    component.Items[2] = serviceControl;
                    // Set component ref in FeatureNode
                    Support.SetComponentRef(component, componentNode.Property.Feature);
                    // add component to Directory node
                    rootDir.Items[i] = component;

                #region Internet Shortcut
                else if (componentNode.Type == ComponentType.InternetShortcut)
                    /* Create file *.url in local folder with content like below
                     * [InternetShortcut]
                     * URL=http://www.google.com */
                    InternetShortcutProperty shortcutProperty = componentNode.Property.ShortcutProperty;
                    string urlFile = Globals.localFolder + node.Text + ".url";
                    using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(urlFile)) {
                        writer.WriteLine("URL=" + shortcutProperty.URL);
                    // create component node in the respective shortcut directory
                    // add component
                    Wix.Component component = new Wix.Component();
                    component.Id   = Common.GetId();
                    component.Guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    // create file node
                    Wix.File file = new Wix.File();
                    file.Id   = Common.GetId();
                    file.Name = Common.GetShortname(node.Text);
                    if (file.Name != node.Text)
                        file.LongName = node.Text + ".url";
                    file.DiskId           = "1"; // Only one disk supported
                    file.Source           = urlFile;
                    file.KeyPathSpecified = true;
                    file.KeyPath          = Wix.YesNoType.yes;
                    file.VitalSpecified   = true;
                    file.Vital            = NvnInstaller.WixClasses.YesNoType.yes;
                    // add file to component
                    component.Items    = new Wix.File[1];
                    component.Items[0] = file;

                    // Set component ref in FeatureNode
                    Support.SetComponentRef(component, shortcutProperty.Feature);
                    // add component to Directory node
                    rootDir.Items[i] = component;
Exemplo n.º 29
        private void tvSystemFolder_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            ComponentNode componentNode = (ComponentNode)e.Node.Tag;

            pgSystemFolderComponents.SelectedObject = componentNode.Property;