Exemplo n.º 1
        private static IExp resultOfConsumerRule(KpCore.Rule kpRule, Variable variable)
            OperExp      result = new OperExp();
            int          value  = 0;//value of the variable
            ConsumerRule cr     = null;

            if (kpRule.Type == RuleType.MEMBRANE_DISSOLUTION)
                cr = (DissolutionRule)kpRule;
            else if (kpRule.Type == RuleType.MEMBRANE_DIVISION)
                cr = (DivisionRule)kpRule;

            result.Oper.Value = MathOper.SUB;
            foreach (var leftHRule in cr.Lhs)
                if (leftHRule.Key.Equals(variable.Name))
                    value += leftHRule.Value;
            result.Exp    = variable.Name;
            result.Result = new Expression(value.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 2
        internal static void addCaseLineToCurrentCopyCommVar(Variable orjVariable, Variable copyCommVar, KpCore.Rule rule, Module module, Module targetModule, int strategyIndex)
            //for each variable generate a case line
            CaseLine caseLine            = new CaseLine();
            OperExp  result              = new OperExp();
            int      resultValue         = 0;
            RewriteCommunicationRule rcr = (RewriteCommunicationRule)rule;

            foreach (var target in rcr.TargetRhs.Values)
                TargetedMultiset   targetMultiSet = (TargetedMultiset)target;
                InstanceIdentifier targetType     = (InstanceIdentifier)targetMultiSet.Target;
                if (targetModule.Type == targetType.Value)
                    Multiset ms = targetMultiSet.Multiset;
                    foreach (var obj in ms.Objects)
                        if (obj.Equals(orjVariable.Name))
                            resultValue += ms[obj];
            result.Exp = copyCommVar.Name;
            if (resultValue != 0)
                result.Oper.Value = MathOper.ADD;
                result.Result     = new Expression(resultValue.ToString());

            caseLine.Result = result;
            caseLine.Rule   = BRulesStandardVar.extractStandardRuleFromKPRule(rule, module, strategyIndex);

            ICondition             sequenceCondition = BRulesStandardVar.getSequenceCondition(module, strategyIndex, rule.Id);
            ICondition             targetBounds      = getBoundCondition(copyCommVar, caseLine.Result);
            CompoundBoolExpression sequenceAndBound  = new CompoundBoolExpression(sequenceCondition, BinaryOperator.AND, targetBounds);

            ICondition statusCondition = BRulesStandardVar.getTurnCondition(module, strategyIndex);

            CompoundBoolExpression statusAndSequence = new CompoundBoolExpression(statusCondition, BinaryOperator.AND, sequenceAndBound);

            // _conn = to_c2
            if (module.connectionToModuleExist(targetModule))
                BoolExp connEqInstance = new BoolExp(module.getConnectionToModule(targetModule).Name, NuSMV.RelationalOperator.EQUAL, SMVPreFix.getConnectedTo(targetModule.Instance));
                caseLine.Rule.AddBoolExpression(connEqInstance, BinaryOperator.AND);
            caseLine.Rule.AddBoolExpression(statusAndSequence, BinaryOperator.AND);
            caseLine.Rule.ID = rule.Id;

            if (copyCommVar.Next != null)
                //if the case line has not added yet
                if (!ruleExist(copyCommVar.Next, caseLine))
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static string insertInstanceName2Expression(IExp expression, Instance instance)
            string temp = "";

            //_c1.e + self.e_cp
            if (expression is OperExp)
                OperExp operExp = (OperExp)expression;
                // c1.e
                temp += instance.Name + "." + operExp.Exp;
                // if right of operation requires instance name
                //c1.e + c1.e_cp
                if (operExp.Result is InstancedExp)
                    temp += " " + operExp.Oper.Value + " " + instance.Name + "." + operExp.Result;
                    temp += " " + operExp.Oper.Value + " " + operExp.Result;
            else if (expression is InstancedExp)
                temp += instance.Name + "." + expression;
            else if (expression is Expression)
                temp += expression;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private static void assignStatusAndSyncToAVariable(Module module, IVar variable)
     if (variable is Variable)
         CaseLine caseLine      = new CaseLine();
         Variable var           = (Variable)variable;
         String   exchangeState = SynchStates.EXCHANGE;
         //For Copy variables inside module
         if (var.Origin == VariableOrigin.Copy || var.Origin == VariableOrigin.CopyOfCommVar)
             Expression result = new Expression("0");
             caseLine.Rule.Condition = getStatusAndSynchCondition(module, exchangeState);
             caseLine.Result         = result;
         //For Original variables inside module
         else if (var.Origin == VariableOrigin.Original && var.Behaviour != VariableBehaviour.COMMUNICATION)
             //if it has copy var, then add  var + var_cp
             if (module.isVariableExist(SMVPreFix.getCopyName(var)))
                 OperExp result = new OperExp();
                 result.Exp        = variable.Name;
                 result.Oper.Value = MathOper.ADD;
                 //if variable is a division variable, then it has go to main part, like comm vars, so it will be instanced.
                 if (var.Behaviour == VariableBehaviour.DIVISION)
                     result.Result = new InstancedExp(variable.Name + SMVPreFix.COPY);
                     result.Result = new Expression(variable.Name + SMVPreFix.COPY);
                 ICondition boundCondition = getBoundCondition(var, result);
                 caseLine.Rule.Condition = new CompoundBoolExpression(getStatusAndSynchCondition(module, exchangeState), BinaryOperator.AND, boundCondition);
                 caseLine.Result         = result;
         //for communication variables, goes into main module.
         else if (var.Origin == VariableOrigin.OriginalCommVar && var.Behaviour == VariableBehaviour.COMMUNICATION)
             CaseLine commCaseLine = assignStatusAndSyncToACommVariable(module, var);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static CaseLine assignStatusAndSyncToACommVariable(Module module, Variable variable)
            CaseLine commCaseLine = new CaseLine();
            OperExp  result       = new OperExp();

            result.Exp        = new InstancedExp(module.Instance.Name, variable.Name).ToString();
            result.Oper.Value = MathOper.ADD;
            //if it has copy var, then add  var + var_cp
            string res = "";

            if (module.isVariableExist(SMVPreFix.getCopyName(variable)))
                res += new InstancedExp(module.Instance.Name, SMVPreFix.getCopyName(variable));
            foreach (var connectedInstance in module.Instance.ConnectedTo)
                if (connectedInstance.Module.isVariableExist(SMVPreFix.getConnectedCopyCommVarName(variable, module)))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(res))
                        res += " + ";

                    res += new InstancedExp(connectedInstance.Name, SMVPreFix.getConnectedCopyCommVarName(variable, module));
            result.Result = new Expression(res);

            //(c1.status = _ACTIVE)
            CompoundBoolExpression statusAndSync = getInstancedStatusAndSyncCondition(module);

            ICondition boundCondition = getBoundCondition(variable, result);

            ICondition compound = new CompoundBoolExpression(statusAndSync, BinaryOperator.AND, boundCondition);

            CommunicationRule rule = new CommunicationRule();

            rule.Condition = compound;
            //commCaseLine.Rule.Condition = compound;
            commCaseLine.Rule   = rule;
            commCaseLine.Result = result;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static IExp resultOfReWritingRule(KpCore.Rule kpRule, Variable variable)
            OperExp       result = new OperExp();
            int           value  = 0;//value of the variable
            RewritingRule rwr    = null;

            if (kpRule.Type == RuleType.MULTISET_REWRITING)
                rwr = (RewritingRule)kpRule;
            else if (kpRule.Type == RuleType.REWRITE_COMMUNICATION)
                rwr = (RewriteCommunicationRule)kpRule;
            string orijinalVarName = variable.Name.Replace(SMVPreFix.COPY, "");

            if (variable.Origin == VariableOrigin.Original || variable.Origin == VariableOrigin.OriginalCommVar)
                result.Oper.Value = MathOper.SUB;
                foreach (var leftHRule in rwr.Lhs)
                    if (leftHRule.Key.Equals(orijinalVarName))
                        value += leftHRule.Value;
            else if (variable.Origin == VariableOrigin.Copy || variable.Origin == VariableOrigin.CopyOfCommVar)
                result.Oper.Value = MathOper.ADD;
                foreach (var rigthHRule in rwr.Rhs)
                    if (rigthHRule.Key.Equals(orijinalVarName))
                        value += rigthHRule.Value;
            result.Exp    = variable.Name;
            result.Result = new Expression(value.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 7
        public static ICondition insertInstanceName(ICondition left, Instance instance)
            // ICondition condition = null;
            if (left is BoolExp)
                BoolExp condition = new BoolExp();
                BoolExp boolExp   = (BoolExp)left;
                if (boolExp.Left.Exp.Contains(SMVKeys.SELF))
                    if (boolExp.Left is OperExp)
                        OperExp tempOper = new OperExp();
                        tempOper.Exp        = (boolExp.Left as OperExp).Exp;
                        tempOper.Oper.Value = (boolExp.Left as OperExp).Oper.Value;
                        tempOper.Result     = (boolExp.Left as OperExp).Result;
                        condition.Left      = new Expression();
                        condition.Left.Exp  = tempOper.ToString().Replace(SMVKeys.SELF, instance.Name);
                        condition.Left     = new Expression();
                        condition.Left.Exp = condition.ToString().Replace(SMVKeys.SELF, instance.Name);
                    condition.RelationalOperator = boolExp.RelationalOperator;
                    condition.Right     = new Expression();
                    condition.Right.Exp = boolExp.Right.Exp;
                else if (!boolExp.Left.Exp.Contains(instance.Name))
                    // if it is a shared variable (such as main's synch variable), then don't call with compartment name
                    if (boolExp.Left.Exp == CustomVariables.SYNCH)
                        // actually do nothing.
                        condition.Left     = new Expression();
                        condition.Left.Exp = boolExp.Left.Exp;
                    else if (boolExp.Left is OperExp)
                        condition.Left     = new Expression();
                        condition.Left.Exp = insertInstanceName2Expression(boolExp.Left, instance);
                        condition.Left     = new Expression();
                        condition.Left.Exp = instance.Name + "." + boolExp.Left.Exp;
                    condition.RelationalOperator = boolExp.RelationalOperator;
                    condition.Right     = new Expression();
                    condition.Right.Exp = boolExp.Right.Exp;
                    condition = boolExp;
            else if (left is BoolVariable)
                BoolVariable boolGuard = (BoolVariable)left;
                BoolVariable condition = new BoolVariable();
                if (boolGuard.BoolGuard.Exp == SMVKeys.SELF)
                    (condition as BoolVariable).BoolGuard.Exp = boolGuard.BoolGuard.Exp.Replace(SMVKeys.SELF, instance.Name);
                    (condition as BoolVariable).BoolGuard.Exp = instance.Name + "." + boolGuard.BoolGuard.Exp;
            else if (left is NegatedBoolExpression)
                NegatedBoolExpression negated   = (NegatedBoolExpression)left;
                NegatedBoolExpression condition = new NegatedBoolExpression();

                BoolExp boolExp = (BoolExp)negated.BoolExpression;
                if (boolExp.Left.Exp == SMVKeys.SELF)
                    ((condition as NegatedBoolExpression).BoolExpression as BoolExp).Left.Exp = boolExp.Left.Exp.Replace(SMVKeys.SELF, instance.Name);
                    ((condition as NegatedBoolExpression).BoolExpression as BoolExp).Left.Exp = instance.Name + "." + boolExp.Left.Exp;
            else if (left is TruthValue)
                if (left != null)
                    CompoundBoolExpression comp             = (CompoundBoolExpression)left;
                    CompoundBoolExpression compoundBoolExpr = new CompoundBoolExpression();
                    compoundBoolExpr.LeftCondition  = insertInstanceName(comp.LeftCondition, instance);
                    compoundBoolExpr.BinaryOperator = comp.BinaryOperator;
                    compoundBoolExpr.RightCondition = insertInstanceName(comp.RightCondition, instance);
                    // condition = compoundBoolExpr;