public override void ExecuteCommand()
     TableErrorLog log = new TableErrorLog(string.Format(ElmahAccountCredentials));
     List<ErrorLogEntry> entities = new List<ErrorLogEntry>();
     log.GetErrors(0, 500, entities); //retrieve n * LastNHours errors assuming a max of 500 errors per hour.
     int count = entities.Where(entity => entity.Error.Time.ToUniversalTime() > DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1) && entity.Error.Time.ToUniversalTime() < DateTime.UtcNow).ToList().Count;
     ReportHelpers.AppendDatatoBlob(StorageAccount, "ErrorRate" + string.Format("{0:MMdd}", DateTime.Now) + ".json", new Tuple<string, string>(String.Format("{0:HH:mm}", DateTime.Now), count.ToString()), 50, ContainerName);            
        public List<ElmahError> GetElmahError(DateTime start, DateTime end)
            if (StorageAccount == null) StorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConnectionString);
            List<string> nonCriticalErrorDictionary = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<List<string>>(Load(StorageAccount, "Configuration.ElmahNonCriticalErrors.json", ContainerName));
            TableErrorLog log = new TableErrorLog(string.Format(ElmahAccountCredentials));
            List<ErrorLogEntry> entities = new List<ErrorLogEntry>();

            int lasthours = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start).Hours + 1;

            log.GetErrors(0, 500 * lasthours, entities); //retrieve n * LastNHours errors assuming a max of 500 errors per hour.
            List<ElmahError> listOfErrors = new List<ElmahError>();

            //Get the error from Last N hours.
            if (entities.Any(entity => entity.Error.Time.ToUniversalTime() > start.ToUniversalTime() && entity.Error.Time.ToUniversalTime() < end.ToUniversalTime()))
                entities = entities.Where(entity => entity.Error.Time.ToUniversalTime() > start.ToUniversalTime() && entity.Error.Time.ToUniversalTime() < end.ToUniversalTime()).ToList();
                var elmahGroups = entities.GroupBy(item => item.Error.Message);

                //Group the error based on exception and send alerts if critical errors exceed the thresold values.
                foreach (IGrouping<string, ErrorLogEntry> errorGroups in elmahGroups)
                    Console.WriteLine(errorGroups.Key.ToString() + "  " + errorGroups.Count());
                    int severity = 0;
                    if (nonCriticalErrorDictionary.Any(item => errorGroups.Key.ToString().Contains(item)))
                        severity = 1; //sev 1 is low pri and sev 0 is high pri.
                    string link = "{0}";
                    if (ContainerName.Contains("qa"))
                        link = "{0}";
                    //for severity, assume all refresh error, severity = 0
                    listOfErrors.Add(new ElmahError(errorGroups.Key.ToString(), errorGroups.Count(), errorGroups.Min(item => item.Error.Time.ToLocalTime()), errorGroups.Max(item => item.Error.Time.ToLocalTime()), string.Format(link, errorGroups.First().Id), errorGroups.First().Error.Detail, severity));


            return listOfErrors;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void MigrateCredentials(User user, List<Credential> creds, string password)
            var toRemove = creds.Where(c => 

            // Remove any non PBKDF2 credentials
            foreach (var cred in toRemove)

            // Now add one if there are no credentials left
            if (creds.Count == 0)

            // Save changes, if any (even though we only commit one repo, both will get saved because they just wrap entities context)