Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ReadFile()
            NoxBinaryReader rdr = new NoxBinaryReader(File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open), CryptApi.NoxCryptFormat.PLR);

            //find out what kind of file we got
            FileType = (PlrFileType)rdr.ReadInt64();

            //switch for different formats
            switch (FileType)
            case PlrFileType.SOLO:
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Sorry, solo/quest player files are not yet supported.", "Error");
                rdr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

            case PlrFileType.MULTI:
                rdr.ReadInt32();                        //TODO: dunno what this int is doing hangin out here, always 0x00000001?
                rdr.ReadBytes(4);                        //(TODO) 0c 00 00 00 -- this occupies unaccounted-for space and is post-padded
                rdr.ReadBytes((int)rdr.ReadInt64());     //skip the next section (the 3byte one)

                throw new IOException("Unknown player file format");

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(rdr.BaseStream.Position == rdr.BaseStream.Length, "Wrong number of total bytes read.");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static HoleXfer FromStream(Stream mstream, short ParsingRule)
            HoleXfer result = new HoleXfer();
            NoxBinaryReader br = new NoxBinaryReader(mstream);

            if (ParsingRule < 42) throw new NotSupportedException("Where did you find this map?");
            result.ScriptActivated = br.ReadInt32();
            // какой-то скриптовый обработчик
            result.UnknownScriptHandler = br.ReadScriptEventString();
            // координаты места падения
            result.FallX = br.ReadInt32();
            result.FallY = br.ReadInt32();
            // таймаут вызова скрипта
            result.ScriptTime1 = br.ReadInt32();
            result.ScriptTimeout = br.ReadInt16();
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static TriggerXfer FromStream(Stream mstream, short ParsingRule)
     TriggerXfer result = GetDefault();
     NoxBinaryReader br = new NoxBinaryReader(mstream);
     // collisionbox
     result.SizeX = br.ReadInt32();
     result.SizeY = br.ReadInt32();
     if (result.SizeX > 60) result.SizeX = 60;
     if (result.SizeY > 60) result.SizeY = 60;
     // цвета заливки и граней для PressurePlate
     result.EdgeColor = br.ReadColor();
     result.BackColor = br.ReadColor();
     result.UnkInt1 = br.ReadInt32();
     // обработчики событий
     result.ScriptOnPressed = br.ReadScriptEventString();
     result.ScriptOnReleased = br.ReadScriptEventString();
     result.ScriptOnCollided = br.ReadScriptEventString();
     // кто может активировать
     result.AllowedObjClass = br.ReadInt32();
     result.IgnoredObjClass = br.ReadInt32();
     result.AllowedTeamID = br.ReadByte();
     result.IgnoredTeamID = br.ReadByte();
     if (ParsingRule >= 61)
         result.TriggerState = br.ReadByte();
         result.Unk7 = br.ReadByte();
         result.UnkInt2 = br.ReadInt32();
     return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public int UnknownVal; // 0x94

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

        public static InvisibleLightXfer FromMapObject(Map.Object obj)
            InvisibleLightXfer result = new InvisibleLightXfer();
            using (NoxBinaryReader br = new NoxBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(obj.modbuf)))
                result.StateMB = br.ReadInt32(); // 2 normally
                result.LightIntensity = br.ReadSingle();
                result.LightRadius = br.ReadInt32();
                result.UnknownVal = br.ReadInt32(); // unused?
                result.BaseColor = br.ReadColor(); // ChangeColors is used normally
                result.Unknown3 = br.ReadInt16(); // Color Flags?
                result.Unknown4 = br.ReadInt16();
                result.Unknown5 = br.ReadInt32(); // Flags2?
                result.Unknown6 = br.ReadInt16(); // Some flag
                result.ChangeColors = new Color[16];
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) result.ChangeColors[i] = br.ReadColor();
                result.ChangeIntensity = new byte[16];
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) result.ChangeIntensity[i] = br.ReadByte();
                result.ChangeRadius = new byte[16];
                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) result.ChangeRadius[i] = br.ReadByte();
                result.ColorChangeIndex = br.ReadInt16();
                result.IntensityChangeIndex = br.ReadInt16();
                result.RadiusChangeIndex = br.ReadInt16();
                result.ObjExtentID = br.ReadInt32();
                result.Unknown13 = br.ReadInt16(); // some flags
                result.Unknown14 = br.ReadInt16();
                result.Unknown15 = br.ReadByte();
                if (obj.ReadRule1 > 40)
                    if (obj.ReadRule1 < 42) br.ReadByte();
                    else result.Unknown16 = br.ReadInt32(); // unused?
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static GlyphXfer FromStream(Stream stream, short ParsingRule)
            GlyphXfer result = new GlyphXfer();
            NoxBinaryReader br = new NoxBinaryReader(stream);

            if (ParsingRule < 41) br.ReadInt32();
            result.Angle = br.ReadByte();
            result.TargX = br.ReadSingle();
            result.TargY = br.ReadSingle();
            byte spells = br.ReadByte();
            while (spells > 0)

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static RewardMarkerXfer FromStream(Stream stream, short ParsingRule)
            RewardMarkerXfer result = new RewardMarkerXfer();
            NoxBinaryReader br = new NoxBinaryReader(stream);

            result.RewardType = (RewardFlags) br.ReadUInt32();
            result.Unknown1 = br.ReadInt32();
            // spells
            short count = br.ReadInt16();
            result.Spells = new List<string>(count);
            while (count > 0)
            // abilities
            count = br.ReadInt16();
            result.Abilities = new List<string>(count);
            while (count > 0)
            // monster scrolls
            count = br.ReadInt16();
            result.Monsters = new List<string>(count);
            while (count > 0)
            result.Unknown2 = br.ReadInt32();
            result.Unknown3 = br.ReadInt32();
            result.Unknown4 = br.ReadInt32();
            result.Unknown5 = br.ReadInt32();
            result.Unknown6 = br.ReadInt32();
            if (ParsingRule >= 62)
                result.ActivateChance = br.ReadInt32();
            if (ParsingRule >= 63)
                result.RareOrSpecial = br.ReadBoolean();

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected void ReadCharacterInfo(NoxBinaryReader rdr)
            long finish = rdr.ReadInt64() + rdr.BaseStream.Position;

            rdr.ReadBytes(6);          //UNKNOWN header seems to always = 0c 00 02 00 00 00
            SavePath = rdr.ReadString(System.Type.GetType("System.Int16"));
            rdr.ReadByte();            //terminating null not included in length

            //the time this file was written
            FileTime = new DateTime(
                rdr.ReadInt16(),               //year
                rdr.ReadInt32() & 0xFFFF,      //month --skip the next 16bytes
                //rdr.ReadInt16(),//day of the week (not needed)
                rdr.ReadInt16(),               //day
                rdr.ReadInt16(),               //hour
                rdr.ReadInt16(),               //minute
                rdr.ReadInt16(),               //seconds
                rdr.ReadInt16()                //milliseconds

            //these colors are RGB
            HairColor      = rdr.ReadColor();
            SkinColor      = rdr.ReadColor();
            MustacheColor  = rdr.ReadColor();
            BeardColor     = rdr.ReadColor();
            SideburnsColor = rdr.ReadColor();

            PantsColor     = rdr.ReadUserColor();
            ShirtColor     = rdr.ReadUserColor();
            ShirtTrimColor = rdr.ReadUserColor();
            ShoesColor     = rdr.ReadUserColor();
            ShoesTrimColor = rdr.ReadUserColor();

            Name  = rdr.ReadUnicodeString();
            Class = (CharacterClass)rdr.ReadByte();
            rdr.ReadBytes(2);          //UNKNOWN: always 00 0A?
            LastMapPlayed = rdr.ReadString();
            rdr.ReadByte();            //null terminator not included in string length

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(rdr.BaseStream.Position == finish, "Bad CharacterInfo length");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static NPCXfer FromStream(Stream mstream, ThingDb.Thing tt, short ParsingRule)
            NPCXfer result = new NPCXfer();

            NoxBinaryReader br = new NoxBinaryReader(mstream);
            result.Direction = (MonsterXfer.DirectionEncoded) br.ReadUInt64();
            result.ScriptEvents = new string[10];
            // Читаем имена обработчиков скриптовых событий
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                if (i == 2)
                    result.DetectEventTimeout = br.ReadUInt16();

                result.ScriptEvents[i] = br.ReadScriptEventString();
            // Пропуск (0)
            // цвета
            result.NPCColors = new Color[6];
            byte R, G, B;
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                R = br.ReadByte();
                G = br.ReadByte();
                B = br.ReadByte();
                result.NPCColors[i] = Color.FromArgb(R, G, B);
            // основной блок инфы
            if (ParsingRule >= 32)
                result.ActionRoamPathFlag = br.ReadByte();
                if (ParsingRule < 49)
                    result.StatusFlags = (NoxEnums.MonsterStatus) br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.StatusFlags = (NoxEnums.MonsterStatus) br.ReadUInt32();

                result.HealthMultiplier = br.ReadSingle();
                result.RetreatRatio = br.ReadSingle();
                result.ResumeRatio = br.ReadSingle();
                result.SightRange = br.ReadSingle();
                result.Health = br.ReadInt16();
                result.Aggressiveness = br.ReadSingle();
                if (ParsingRule < 35)
                    result.DefaultAction = br.ReadInt32();
                result.EscortObjName = br.ReadString();
                if (ParsingRule >= 34)
                    int spells = br.ReadInt32();
                    result.KnownSpells = new List<MonsterXfer.SpellEntry>();
                    string spellName = null;
                    uint spellFlags = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < spells; i++)
                        spellName = br.ReadString();
                        spellFlags = br.ReadUInt32();
                        if (ThingDb.thingdb.Spells.Keys.Contains(spellName))
                            result.KnownSpells.Add(new MonsterXfer.SpellEntry(spellName, spellFlags));
                    br.BaseStream.Seek(0x224, SeekOrigin.Current);
                // Задержки между заклинаниями
                if (ParsingRule < 47)
                    result.ReactionCastingDelayMin = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    result.ReactionCastingDelayMax = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    if (ParsingRule <= 32) br.ReadInt32();
                    result.BuffCastingDelayMin = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    result.BuffCastingDelayMax = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    if (ParsingRule <= 32) br.ReadInt32();
                    result.DebuffCastingDelayMin = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    result.DebuffCastingDelayMax = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    if (ParsingRule <= 32) br.ReadInt32();
                    result.OffensiveCastingDelayMin = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    result.OffensiveCastingDelayMax = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    if (ParsingRule <= 32) br.ReadInt32();
                    result.BlinkCastingDelayMin = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    result.BlinkCastingDelayMax = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    if (ParsingRule <= 32) br.ReadInt32();
                    result.ReactionCastingDelayMin = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.ReactionCastingDelayMax = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.BuffCastingDelayMin = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.BuffCastingDelayMax = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.DebuffCastingDelayMin = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.DebuffCastingDelayMax = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.OffensiveCastingDelayMin = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.OffensiveCastingDelayMax = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.BlinkCastingDelayMin = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.BlinkCastingDelayMax = br.ReadUInt16();
                if (ParsingRule < 34)
                    result.MagicNumber = br.ReadUInt32();
                if (ParsingRule >= 33)
                    result.LockPathDistance = br.ReadSingle();
                if (ParsingRule >= 34)
                    result.SpellPowerLevel = br.ReadInt32();
                    result.NPCStrength = br.ReadByte();
                    result.NPCSpeed = br.ReadSingle();
                    result.AimSkillLevel = br.ReadSingle();
                    if (ParsingRule < 42)
                        if (br.ReadInt16() == 0)
                            result.Immortal = true;
                    result.TrapSpell1 = br.ReadString();
                    result.TrapSpell2 = br.ReadString();
                    result.TrapSpell3 = br.ReadString();
                if (ParsingRule >= 35)
                    string action = br.ReadString();
                    result.DefaultAction = Array.IndexOf(NoxEnums.AIActionStrings, action);
                if (ParsingRule >= 41)
                    // здесь придётся читать просто огромное кол-во инфы
                    // однако она используется очень редко, обычно entryType = 4; forced = 0
                    short entryType = br.ReadInt16();
                    if (entryType <= 4)
                        byte forced = 1;
                        if (entryType >= 2)
                            forced = br.ReadByte();
                        if (forced == 1 || entryType < 2)
                            return result;
                            // TODO для ПОЛНОЙ совместимости, придётся
                if (ParsingRule >= 42)
                    result.Immortal = br.ReadBoolean();
                if (ParsingRule >= 44)
                    result.MagicNumber = br.ReadUInt32();
                if (ParsingRule >= 45)
                    result.MaxHealth = (short) br.ReadInt32();
                if (ParsingRule >= 46)
                    result.AddedSubclass = br.ReadUInt32();
                if (ParsingRule >= 48)
                    result.Health = br.ReadInt16();
                if (ParsingRule >= 51)
                    result.Experience = br.ReadSingle();
                if (ParsingRule >= 52)
                    result.NPCVoiceSet = br.ReadString();

                if (ParsingRule < 61) return result;
                // энчанты
                short buffsType = br.ReadInt16();
                if (buffsType > 2 || buffsType <= 0) return result;

                byte count = br.ReadByte();
                result.BuffList = new MonsterXfer.BuffEntry[count];
                while (count > 0)
                    MonsterXfer.BuffEntry be = new MonsterXfer.BuffEntry();
                    be.Name = br.ReadString();
                    be.Power = br.ReadByte();
                    be.Duration = br.ReadInt32();
                    if (be.Name == ENCHANT_SHIELD && buffsType >= 2)
                        be.ShieldHealth = br.ReadInt32();

                    result.BuffList[count] = be;

                if (ParsingRule >= 62)
                    result.PoisonLevel = br.ReadByte();
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void ReadFile()
            NoxBinaryReader rdr = new NoxBinaryReader(File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open), CryptApi.NoxCryptFormat.PLR);

            //find out what kind of file we got
            FileType = (PlrFileType) rdr.ReadInt64();

            //switch for different formats
            switch (FileType)
                case PlrFileType.SOLO:
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Sorry, solo/quest player files are not yet supported.", "Error");
                    rdr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
                case PlrFileType.MULTI:
                    rdr.ReadInt32();//TODO: dunno what this int is doing hangin out here, always 0x00000001?
                    rdr.ReadBytes(4);//(TODO) 0c 00 00 00 -- this occupies unaccounted-for space and is post-padded
                    rdr.ReadBytes((int) rdr.ReadInt64());//skip the next section (the 3byte one)
                    throw new IOException("Unknown player file format");

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(rdr.BaseStream.Position == rdr.BaseStream.Length, "Wrong number of total bytes read.");
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected void ReadCharacterInfo(NoxBinaryReader rdr)
            long finish = rdr.ReadInt64() + rdr.BaseStream.Position;

            rdr.ReadBytes(6);//UNKNOWN header seems to always = 0c 00 02 00 00 00
            SavePath = rdr.ReadString(System.Type.GetType("System.Int16"));
            rdr.ReadByte();//terminating null not included in length

            //the time this file was written
            FileTime = new DateTime(
                rdr.ReadInt32() & 0xFFFF,//month --skip the next 16bytes
                //rdr.ReadInt16(),//day of the week (not needed)

            //these colors are RGB
            HairColor = rdr.ReadColor();
            SkinColor = rdr.ReadColor();
            MustacheColor = rdr.ReadColor();
            BeardColor = rdr.ReadColor();
            SideburnsColor = rdr.ReadColor();

            PantsColor = rdr.ReadUserColor();
            ShirtColor = rdr.ReadUserColor();
            ShirtTrimColor = rdr.ReadUserColor();
            ShoesColor = rdr.ReadUserColor();
            ShoesTrimColor = rdr.ReadUserColor();

            Name = rdr.ReadUnicodeString();
            Class = (CharacterClass) rdr.ReadByte();
            rdr.ReadBytes(2);//UNKNOWN: always 00 0A?
            LastMapPlayed = rdr.ReadString();
            rdr.ReadByte();//null terminator not included in string length

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(rdr.BaseStream.Position == finish, "Bad CharacterInfo length");
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static MonsterXfer FromStream(Stream mstream, ThingDb.Thing tt, short ParsingRule)
            MonsterXfer result = new MonsterXfer();

            NoxBinaryReader br = new NoxBinaryReader(mstream);
            result.Direction = (DirectionEncoded) br.ReadUInt64();
            result.ScriptEvents = new string[10];
            // Читаем имена обработчиков скриптовых событий
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                if (i == 2)
                    result.DetectEventTimeout = br.ReadUInt16();

                result.ScriptEvents[i] = br.ReadScriptEventString();
            // Пропуск (0)
            if (ParsingRule >= 11)
            if (ParsingRule >= 31)
                result.ActionRoamPathFlag = br.ReadByte();
                if (ParsingRule < 51)
                    result.StatusFlags = (NoxEnums.MonsterStatus) br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.StatusFlags = (NoxEnums.MonsterStatus) br.ReadUInt32();

                result.HealthMultiplier = br.ReadSingle();
                result.RetreatRatio = br.ReadSingle();
                result.ResumeRatio = br.ReadSingle();
                result.SightRange = br.ReadSingle();
                if (ParsingRule < 33)
                    br.BaseStream.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current);
                result.Aggressiveness = br.ReadSingle();
                if (ParsingRule < 34)
                    result.DefaultAction = br.ReadInt32();
                result.EscortObjName = br.ReadString();
                if (ParsingRule >= 34)
                    int spells = br.ReadInt32();
                    result.KnownSpells = new List<SpellEntry>();
                    string spellName = null;
                    uint spellFlags = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < spells; i++)
                        spellName = br.ReadString();
                        spellFlags = br.ReadUInt32();
                        if (ThingDb.thingdb.Spells.Keys.Contains(spellName))
                            result.KnownSpells.Add(new SpellEntry(spellName, spellFlags));
                    br.BaseStream.Seek(0x224, SeekOrigin.Current);
                // Задержки между заклинаниями
                if (ParsingRule < 46)
                    result.ReactionCastingDelayMin = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    result.ReactionCastingDelayMax = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    if (ParsingRule <= 32) br.ReadInt32();
                    result.BuffCastingDelayMin = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    result.BuffCastingDelayMax = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    if (ParsingRule <= 32) br.ReadInt32();
                    result.DebuffCastingDelayMin = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    result.DebuffCastingDelayMax = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    if (ParsingRule <= 32) br.ReadInt32();
                    result.OffensiveCastingDelayMin = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    result.OffensiveCastingDelayMax = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    if (ParsingRule <= 32) br.ReadInt32();
                    result.BlinkCastingDelayMin = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    result.BlinkCastingDelayMax = (ushort) br.ReadByte();
                    if (ParsingRule <= 32) br.ReadInt32();
                    result.ReactionCastingDelayMin = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.ReactionCastingDelayMax = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.BuffCastingDelayMin = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.BuffCastingDelayMax = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.DebuffCastingDelayMin = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.DebuffCastingDelayMax = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.OffensiveCastingDelayMin = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.OffensiveCastingDelayMax = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.BlinkCastingDelayMin = br.ReadUInt16();
                    result.BlinkCastingDelayMax = br.ReadUInt16();
                if (ParsingRule > 32)
                    result.LockPathDistance = br.ReadSingle();

                if (ParsingRule >= 33)
                    result.SpellPowerLevel = br.ReadInt32();
                    result.AimSkillLevel = br.ReadSingle();
                    if (ParsingRule < 42)
                        if (br.ReadInt16() == 0)
                            result.Immortal = true;
                    if (ParsingRule < 53)
                        int spellIndex = br.ReadInt32();
                        result.TrapSpell1 = ThingDb.thingdb.Spells.Values[spellIndex].Name;
                        spellIndex = br.ReadInt32();
                        result.TrapSpell2 = ThingDb.thingdb.Spells.Values[spellIndex].Name;
                        spellIndex = br.ReadInt32();
                        result.TrapSpell3 = ThingDb.thingdb.Spells.Values[spellIndex].Name;
                        result.TrapSpell1 = br.ReadString();
                        result.TrapSpell2 = br.ReadString();
                        result.TrapSpell3 = br.ReadString();
                if (ParsingRule >= 34)
                    string action = br.ReadString();
                    result.DefaultAction = Array.IndexOf(NoxEnums.AIActionStrings, action);
                if (ParsingRule >= 41)
                    // здесь придётся читать просто огромное кол-во инфы
                    // однако она используется очень редко, обычно entryType = 4; forced = 0
                    short entryType = br.ReadInt16();
                    if (entryType <= 4)
                        byte forced = 1;
                        if (entryType >= 2)
                            forced = br.ReadByte();
                        if (forced == 1 || entryType < 2)
                            return result;
                            // TODO для ПОЛНОЙ совместимости, придётся
                if (ParsingRule >= 42)
                    result.Immortal = br.ReadBoolean();
                if (ParsingRule >= 43 && tt.Subclass[(int) ThingDb.Thing.SubclassBitIndex.SHOPKEEPER])
                    // Информация о содержании магазина
                    ShopkeeperInfoStruct si = new ShopkeeperInfoStruct();
                    if (ParsingRule >= 50)
                        si.BuyValueMultiplier = br.ReadSingle();
                    if (ParsingRule >= 61)
                        si.SellValueMultiplier = br.ReadSingle();
                    if (ParsingRule >= 48)
                        si.ShopkeeperGreetingText = br.ReadString();
                    byte items = br.ReadByte();
                    si.ShopItems = new ShopItemInfo[items];
                    for (int i = 0; i < items; i++)
                        ShopItemInfo item = new ShopItemInfo();
                        if (ParsingRule < 50) br.ReadInt32();
                        item.Count = br.ReadByte();
                        item.Name = br.ReadString();
                        if (ParsingRule >= 47)
                            item.SpellID = br.ReadString();
                            item.Ench1 = br.ReadString();
                            item.Ench2 = br.ReadString();
                            item.Ench3 = br.ReadString();
                            item.Ench4 = br.ReadString();
                        si.ShopItems[i] = item;
                    result.ShopkeeperInfo = si;
                if (ParsingRule >= 44)
                    result.MagicNumber = br.ReadUInt32();
                if (ParsingRule >= 45)
                    result.AddedSubclass = br.ReadUInt32();
                if (ParsingRule >= 49)
                    result.Health = br.ReadInt16();
                if (ParsingRule >= 51)
                    result.SetDefaultResumeRatio = br.ReadBoolean();
                    result.SetDefaultRetreatRatio = br.ReadBoolean();
                    result.SetDefaultMonsterStatus = br.ReadBoolean();
                    result.LearnDefaultSpells = br.ReadBoolean();
                if (ParsingRule >= 54 && tt.Subclass[(int) ThingDb.Thing.SubclassBitIndex.FEMALE_NPC])
                    result.MaidenBodyColors = new Color[6];
                    byte R, G, B;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        R = br.ReadByte();
                        G = br.ReadByte();
                        B = br.ReadByte();
                        result.MaidenBodyColors[i] = Color.FromArgb(R, G, B);
                    if (ParsingRule >= 55)
                        result.MaidenVoiceSet = br.ReadString();
                if (ParsingRule >= 62)
                    short entryType = br.ReadInt16();
                    if (entryType > 2 || entryType <= 0) return result;

                    byte count = br.ReadByte();
                    result.BuffList = new BuffEntry[count];
                    while (count > 0)
                        BuffEntry be = new BuffEntry();
                        be.Name = br.ReadString();
                        be.Power = br.ReadByte();
                        be.Duration = br.ReadInt32();
                        if (be.Name == ENCHANT_SHIELD && entryType >= 2)
                            be.ShieldHealth = br.ReadInt32();

                        result.BuffList[count] = be;
                if (ParsingRule >= 63 && tt.Subclass[(int) ThingDb.Thing.SubclassBitIndex.WOUNDED_NPC])
                    result.WoundedNPCVoiceSet = br.ReadString();
                if (ParsingRule >= 64)
                    result.PoisonLevel = br.ReadByte();
            return result;