The base class for Ldap request and response messages. Subclassed by response messages used in asynchronous operations.
Exemplo n.º 1
 private void cleanup()
     stopTimer(); // Make sure timer stopped
         acceptReplies = false;
         // Empty out any accumuluated replies
         if (replies != null)
             while (replies.Count != 0)
                 var temp_object = replies[0];
                 object generatedAux = temp_object;
     catch (Exception ex)
         // nothing
     // Let GC clean up this stuff, leave name in case finalized is called
     conn = null;
     msg  = null;
     // agent = null;  // leave this reference
     queue = null;
     //replies = null; //leave this since we use it as a semaphore
     bindprops = null;
 private void cleanup()
     stopTimer(); // Make sure timer stopped
         acceptReplies = false;
         if (conn != null)
         // Empty out any accumuluated replies
         if (replies != null)
             while (!(replies.Count == 0))
                 object temp_object;
                 temp_object = replies[0];
                 var generatedAux = temp_object;
     catch (Exception ex)
         LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger().Warn("Exception swallowed", ex);
     _stackTraceCleanup = Environment.StackTrace;
     // Let GC clean up this stuff, leave name in case finalized is called
     conn = null;
     msg  = null;
     // agent = null;  // leave this reference
     queue = null;
     //replies = null; //leave this since we use it as a semaphore
     bindprops = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary> Send a request to the server.  A Message class is created
        /// for the specified request which causes the message to be sent.
        /// The request is added to the list of messages being managed by
        /// this agent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn">the connection that identifies the server.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="msg">the LdapMessage to send
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">the interval to wait for the message to complete or
        /// <code>null</code> if infinite.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="queue">the LdapMessageQueue associated with this request.
        /// </param>
        /* package */
        internal void sendMessage(Connection conn, LdapMessage msg, int timeOut, LdapMessageQueue queue, BindProperties bindProps)
            // creating a messageInfo causes the message to be sent
            // and a timer to be started if needed.
            Message message = new Message(msg, timeOut, conn, this, queue, bindProps);

            message.sendMessage(); // Now send message to server
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Send a request to the server.  A Message class is created
        ///     for the specified request which causes the message to be sent.
        ///     The request is added to the list of messages being managed by
        ///     this agent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn">
        ///     the connection that identifies the server.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="msg">
        ///     the LdapMessage to send.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">
        ///     the interval to wait for the message to complete or.
        ///     <code>null</code> if infinite.
        /// </param>
        internal void SendMessage(Connection conn, LdapMessage msg, int timeOut, BindProperties bindProps)

            // creating a messageInfo causes the message to be sent
            // and a timer to be started if needed.
            var message = new Message(msg, timeOut, conn, this, bindProps);

            message.SendMessage(); // Now send message to server
Exemplo n.º 5
        private BindProperties bindprops;               // Bind properties if a bind request

        internal Message(LdapMessage msg, int mslimit, Connection conn, MessageAgent agent, LdapMessageQueue queue, BindProperties bindprops)
            this.msg       = msg;
            this.conn      = conn;
            this.agent     = agent;
            this.queue     = queue;
            this.mslimit   = mslimit;
            msgId          = msg.MessageID;
            this.bindprops = bindprops;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Send a request to the server.  A Message class is created
        ///     for the specified request which causes the message to be sent.
        ///     The request is added to the list of messages being managed by
        ///     this agent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn">
        ///     the connection that identifies the server.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="msg">
        ///     the LdapMessage to send.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="timeOut">
        ///     the interval to wait for the message to complete or.
        ///     <code>null</code> if infinite.
        /// </param>
        internal Task SendMessageAsync(Connection conn, LdapMessage msg, int timeOut, BindProperties bindProps, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            // creating a messageInfo causes the message to be sent
            // and a timer to be started if needed.
            var message = new Message(msg, timeOut, conn, this, bindProps);

            return(message.SendMessageAsync(cancellationToken)); // Now send message to server
Exemplo n.º 7
        private bool waitForReply_Renamed_Field = true; // true if wait for reply

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        internal Message(LdapMessage msg, int mslimit, Connection conn, MessageAgent agent, LdapMessageQueue queue, BindProperties bindprops)
            this.msg = msg;
            this.conn = conn;
            this.agent = agent;
            this.queue = queue;
            this.mslimit = mslimit;
            this.msgId = msg.MessageID;
            this.bindprops = bindprops;
            return ;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private bool _waitForReplyRenamedField = true; // true if wait for reply

        internal Message(LdapMessage msg, int mslimit, Connection conn, MessageAgent agent, BindProperties bindprops)
            _conn = conn ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(conn));

            _stackTraceCreation = Environment.StackTrace;
            _replies            = new MessageVector(5);
            Request             = msg;
            MessageAgent        = agent;
            _mslimit            = mslimit;
            MessageId           = msg.MessageId;
            _bindprops          = bindprops;
        private BindProperties bindprops;               // Bind properties if a bind request

        internal Message(LdapMessage msg, int mslimit, Connection conn, MessageAgent agent, LdapMessageQueue queue,
                         BindProperties bindprops)
            if (conn == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(conn));
            _stackTraceCreation = Environment.StackTrace;
            this.msg       = msg;
            this.conn      = conn;
            this.agent     = agent;
            this.queue     = queue;
            this.mslimit   = mslimit;
            msgId          = msg.MessageID;
            this.bindprops = bindprops;
Exemplo n.º 10
		/// <summary> Sends an Ldap request to a directory server.
		/// The specified the Ldap request is sent to the directory server
		/// associated with this connection using default constraints. An Ldap
		/// request object is a subclass {@link LdapMessage} with the operation
		/// type set to one of the request types. You can build a request by using
		/// the request classes found in this package
		/// You should note that, since Ldap requests sent to the server
		/// using sendRequest are asynchronous, automatic referral following
		/// does not apply to these requests.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="request">The Ldap request to send to the directory server.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="queue">   The queue for messages returned from a server in
		/// response to this request. If it is null, a
		/// queue object is created internally.
		/// </param>
		/// <exception>     LdapException A general exception which includes an error
		/// message and an Ldap error code.
		/// </exception>
		/// <seealso cref="LdapMessage.Type">
		/// </seealso>
		/// <seealso cref="RfcLdapMessage.isRequest">
		/// </seealso>
		public virtual LdapMessageQueue SendRequest(LdapMessage request, LdapMessageQueue queue)
			return SendRequest(request, queue, null);
Exemplo n.º 11
 private void cleanup()
     stopTimer(); // Make sure timer stopped
         acceptReplies = false;
         if (conn != null)
         // Empty out any accumuluated replies
         if (replies != null)
             while (!(replies.Count == 0))
                 System.Object temp_object;
                 temp_object = replies[0];
                 System.Object generatedAux = temp_object;
     catch (System.Exception ex)
         // nothing
     // Let GC clean up this stuff, leave name in case finalized is called
     conn = null;
     msg = null;
     // agent = null;  // leave this reference
     queue = null;
     //replies = null; //leave this since we use it as a semaphore
     bindprops = null;
     return ;
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary> Gets the next reply from the reply queue or waits until one is there
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns> the next reply message on the reply queue or null
 /// </returns>
 /* package */
 internal virtual System.Object waitForReply()
     if (replies == null)
         return null;
     // sync on message so don't confuse with timer thread
     lock (replies)
         System.Object msg = null;
         while (waitForReply_Renamed_Field)
             if ((replies.Count == 0))
                 catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException ir)
                     ; // do nothing
                 if (waitForReply_Renamed_Field)
                 System.Object temp_object;
                 temp_object = replies[0];
                 msg = temp_object; // Atomic get and remove
             if ((complete || !acceptReplies) && (replies.Count == 0))
                 // Remove msg from connection queue when last reply read
             return msg;
         return null;
    protected void NotifyListeners(LdapMessage sourceMessage,
				   EventClassifiers aClassification,
				   int nType)
      // first let the actual source Notify the listeners with
      // appropriate EventArgs
      bool bListenersNotified = NotifyEventListeners(sourceMessage,

      if (!bListenersNotified)
	// Actual EventSource could not recognize the event
	// Just notify the listeners for generic directory events
	NotifyDirectoryListeners(sourceMessage, aClassification);
    protected void NotifyDirectoryListeners(LdapMessage sourceMessage,
					  EventClassifiers aClassification)
      NotifyDirectoryListeners(new DirectoryEventArgs(sourceMessage, 
    protected void NotifyExceptionListeners(LdapMessage sourceMessage, LdapException ldapException)
      if (null != directory_exception_event)
	directory_exception_event(this, new DirectoryExceptionEventArgs(sourceMessage, ldapException));
Exemplo n.º 16
		/// <summary> Builds a new request replacing dn, scope, and filter where approprate
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="msg">the original LdapMessage to build the new request from
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="url">the referral url
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> a new LdapMessage with appropriate information replaced
		/// </returns>
		/// <exception> LdapException A general exception which includes an error
		/// message and an Ldap error code.
		/// </exception>
		private LdapMessage rebuildRequest(LdapMessage msg, LdapUrl url, bool reference)
			System.String dn = url.getDN(); // new base
			System.String filter = null;
			switch (msg.Type)
				case LdapMessage.SEARCH_REQUEST: 
					if (reference)
						filter = url.Filter;
					// We are allowed to get a referral for the following
				case LdapMessage.ADD_REQUEST: 
				case LdapMessage.BIND_REQUEST: 
				case LdapMessage.COMPARE_REQUEST: 
				case LdapMessage.DEL_REQUEST: 
				case LdapMessage.EXTENDED_REQUEST: 
				case LdapMessage.MODIFY_RDN_REQUEST: 
				case LdapMessage.MODIFY_REQUEST: 
					// The following return no response
				case LdapMessage.ABANDON_REQUEST: 
				case LdapMessage.UNBIND_REQUEST: 
					throw new LdapLocalException(ExceptionMessages.IMPROPER_REFERRAL, new System.Object[]{msg.Type}, LdapException.LOCAL_ERROR);
			return msg.Clone(dn, filter, reference);
Exemplo n.º 17
		/// <summary> Follow referrals if necessary referral following enabled.
		/// This function is called only by synchronous requests.
		/// Search responses come here only if referral following is
		/// enabled and if we are processing a SearchResultReference
		/// or a Response with a status of REFERRAL, i.e. we are
		/// going to follow a referral.
		/// This functions recursively follows a referral until a result
		/// is returned or until the hop limit is reached.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="queue">The LdapResponseQueue for this request
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="cons">The constraints that apply to the request
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="msg">The referral or search reference response message
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="initialReferrals">The referral array returned from the
		/// initial request.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="hopCount">the number of hops already used while
		/// following this referral
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="searchReference">true if the message is a search reference
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="connectionList">An optional array list used to store
		/// the LdapConnection objects used in following the referral.
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> The array list used to store the all LdapConnection objects
		/// used in following the referral.  The list will be empty
		/// if there were none.
		/// </returns>
		/// <exception> LdapException A general exception which includes an error
		/// message and an Ldap error code.
		/// </exception>
		/* package */
		internal virtual System.Collections.ArrayList chaseReferral(LdapMessageQueue queue, LdapConstraints cons, LdapMessage msg, System.String[] initialReferrals, int hopCount, bool searchReference, System.Collections.ArrayList connectionList)
			System.Collections.ArrayList connList = connectionList;
			LdapConnection rconn = null; // new conn for following referral
			ReferralInfo rinfo = null; // referral info
			LdapMessage origMsg;
			// Get a place to store new connections
			if (connList == null)
				connList = new System.Collections.ArrayList(cons.HopLimit);
			// Following referrals or search reference
			System.String[] refs; // referral list
			if (initialReferrals != null)
				// Search continuation reference from a search request
				refs = initialReferrals;
				origMsg = msg.RequestingMessage;
				// Not a search request
				LdapResponse resp = (LdapResponse) queue.getResponse();
				if (resp.ResultCode != LdapException.REFERRAL)
					// Not referral result,throw Exception if nonzero result
					return connList;
				// We have a referral response
				refs = resp.Referrals;
				origMsg = resp.RequestingMessage;
			LdapUrl refUrl; // referral represented as URL
				// increment hop count, check max hops
				if (hopCount++ > cons.HopLimit)
					throw new LdapLocalException("Max hops exceeded", LdapException.REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED);
				// Get a connection to follow the referral
				rinfo = getReferralConnection(refs);
				rconn = rinfo.ReferralConnection;
				refUrl = rinfo.ReferralUrl;
				// rebuild msg into new msg changing msgID,dn,scope,filter
				LdapMessage newMsg = rebuildRequest(origMsg, refUrl, searchReference);
				// Send new message on new connection
					MessageAgent agent;
					if (queue is LdapResponseQueue)
						agent = queue.MessageAgent;
						agent = queue.MessageAgent;
					agent.sendMessage(rconn.Connection, newMsg, defSearchCons.TimeLimit, queue, null);
				catch (InterThreadException ex)
					// Error ending request to referred server
					LdapReferralException rex = new LdapReferralException(ExceptionMessages.REFERRAL_SEND, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, ex);
					ReferralInfo ref_Renamed = rconn.Connection.ActiveReferral;
					rex.FailedReferral = ref_Renamed.ReferralUrl.ToString();
					throw rex;
				if (initialReferrals == null)
					// For operation results, when all responses are complete,
					// the stack unwinds back to the original and returns
					// to the application.
					// An exception is thrown for an error
					connList = chaseReferral(queue, cons, null, null, hopCount, false, connList);
					// For search, just return to LdapSearchResults object
					return connList;
			catch (System.Exception ex)
				if (ex is LdapReferralException)
					throw (LdapReferralException) ex;
					// Set referral list and failed referral
					LdapReferralException rex = new LdapReferralException(ExceptionMessages.REFERRAL_ERROR, ex);
					if (rinfo != null)
						rex.FailedReferral = rinfo.ReferralUrl.ToString();
						rex.FailedReferral = refs[refs.Length - 1];
					throw rex;
			return connList;
Exemplo n.º 18
		// helper methods
		/// <summary> Locates the appropriate message agent and sends
		/// the Ldap request to a directory server.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="msg">the message to send
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="timeout">the timeout value
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="queue">the response queue or null
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> the LdapResponseQueue for this request
		/// </returns>
		/// <exception> LdapException A general exception which includes an error
		/// message and an Ldap error code.
		/// </exception>
		private LdapResponseQueue SendRequestToServer(LdapMessage msg, int timeout, LdapResponseQueue queue, BindProperties bindProps)
			MessageAgent agent;
			if (queue == null)
				agent = new MessageAgent();
				queue = new LdapResponseQueue(agent);
				agent = queue.MessageAgent;
			agent.sendMessage(conn, msg, timeout, queue, bindProps);
			return queue;
    NotifyEventListeners(LdapMessage sourceMessage,
			 EventClassifiers aClassification,
			 int nType);
Exemplo n.º 20
		/// <summary> Writes an LdapMessage to the Ldap server over a socket.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="msg">the message to write.
		/// </param>
		/* package */
		internal void  writeMessage(LdapMessage msg)
			int id;
			// Get the correct semaphore id for bind operations
			if (bindSemaphoreId == 0)
				// Semaphore id for normal operations
				id = msg.MessageID;
				// Semaphore id for sasl bind operations
				id = bindSemaphoreId;
			System.IO.Stream myOut = out_Renamed;
				if (myOut == null)
					throw new System.IO.IOException("Output stream not initialized");
				sbyte[] ber = msg.Asn1Object.getEncoding(encoder);
				myOut.Write(SupportClass.ToByteArray(ber), 0, ber.Length);
			catch (System.IO.IOException ioe)
				* IOException could be due to a server shutdown notification which
				* caused our Connection to quit.  If so we send back a slightly
				* different error message.  We could have checked this a little
				* earlier in the method but that would be an expensive check each
				* time we send out a message.  Since this shutdown request is
				* going to be an infrequent occurence we check for it only when
				* we get an IOException.  shutdown() will do the cleanup.
				if (clientActive)
					// We beliefe the connection was alive
					if (unsolSvrShutDnNotification)
						// got server shutdown
						throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.SERVER_SHUTDOWN_REQ, new System.Object[]{host, port}, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, ioe);
					// Other I/O Exceptions on host:port are reported as is
					throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.IO_EXCEPTION, new System.Object[]{host, port}, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, ioe);
			return ;
Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary> Send a request to the server.  A Message class is created
 /// for the specified request which causes the message to be sent.
 /// The request is added to the list of messages being managed by
 /// this agent.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="conn">the connection that identifies the server.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="msg">the LdapMessage to send
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="timeOut">the interval to wait for the message to complete or
 /// <code>null</code> if infinite.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="queue">the LdapMessageQueue associated with this request.
 /// </param>
 /* package */
 internal void sendMessage(Connection conn, LdapMessage msg, int timeOut, LdapMessageQueue queue, BindProperties bindProps)
     // creating a messageInfo causes the message to be sent
     // and a timer to be started if needed.
     Message message = new Message(msg, timeOut, conn, this, queue, bindProps);
     message.sendMessage(); // Now send message to server
     return ;
      } // end of method run
      protected void processmessage(LdapMessage response) 
	if (response is LdapResponse) 
	    ((LdapResponse) response).chkResultCode();
	  catch (LdapException e) 
	    m_objLdapEventSource.NotifyExceptionListeners(response, e);
      } // end of method processmessage
Exemplo n.º 23
		/// <summary> Writes an LdapMessage to the Ldap server over a socket.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="msg">the message to write.
		/// </param>
		/* package */
		internal void  writeMessage(LdapMessage msg)
			int id;
			// Get the correct semaphore id for bind operations
			if (bindSemaphoreId == 0)
				// Semaphore id for normal operations
				id = msg.MessageID;
				// Semaphore id for sasl bind operations
				id = bindSemaphoreId;
			System.IO.Stream myOut = out_Renamed;
				if (myOut == null)
					throw new System.IO.IOException("Output stream not initialized");
				if (!(myOut.CanWrite))
				sbyte[] ber = msg.Asn1Object.getEncoding(encoder);
				myOut.Write(SupportClass.ToByteArray(ber), 0, ber.Length);
			catch (System.IO.IOException ioe)
				if ((msg.Type == LdapMessage.BIND_REQUEST) &&
					string strMsg = "Following problem(s) occurred while establishing SSL based Connection : ";
					if (handshakeProblemsEncountered.Count > 0)
						strMsg += GetProblemMessage((CertificateProblem)handshakeProblemsEncountered[0]); 
						for (int nProbIndex = 1; nProbIndex < handshakeProblemsEncountered.Count; nProbIndex++)
							strMsg += ", " + GetProblemMessage((CertificateProblem)handshakeProblemsEncountered[nProbIndex]);
						strMsg += "Unknown Certificate Problem";
					throw new LdapException(strMsg, new System.Object[]{host, port}, LdapException.SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED, null, ioe);
				* IOException could be due to a server shutdown notification which
				* caused our Connection to quit.  If so we send back a slightly
				* different error message.  We could have checked this a little
				* earlier in the method but that would be an expensive check each
				* time we send out a message.  Since this shutdown request is
				* going to be an infrequent occurence we check for it only when
				* we get an IOException.  shutdown() will do the cleanup.
				if (clientActive)
					// We beliefe the connection was alive
					if (unsolSvrShutDnNotification)
						// got server shutdown
						throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.SERVER_SHUTDOWN_REQ, new System.Object[]{host, port}, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, ioe);
					// Other I/O Exceptions on host:port are reported as is
					throw new LdapException(ExceptionMessages.IO_EXCEPTION, new System.Object[]{host, port}, LdapException.CONNECT_ERROR, null, ioe);
			return ;
Exemplo n.º 24
		/// <summary> Sends an Ldap request to a directory server.
		/// The specified the Ldap request is sent to the directory server
		/// associated with this connection. An Ldap request object is an
		/// {@link LdapMessage} with the operation type set to one of the request
		/// types. You can build a request by using the request classes found in this
		/// package
		/// You should note that, since Ldap requests sent to the server
		/// using sendRequest are asynchronous, automatic referral following
		/// does not apply to these requests.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="request">The Ldap request to send to the directory server.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="queue">   The queue for messages returned from a server in
		/// response to this request. If it is null, a
		/// queue object is created internally.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="cons">   The constraints that apply to this request
		/// </param>
		/// <exception>     LdapException A general exception which includes an error
		/// message and an Ldap error code.
		/// </exception>
		/// <seealso cref="LdapMessage.Type">
		/// </seealso>
		/// <seealso cref="RfcLdapMessage.isRequest">
		/// </seealso>
		public virtual LdapMessageQueue SendRequest(LdapMessage request, LdapMessageQueue queue, LdapConstraints cons)
			if (!request.Request)
				throw new System.SystemException("Object is not a request message");
			if (cons == null)
				cons = defSearchCons;
			// Get the correct queue for a search request
			MessageAgent agent;
			LdapMessageQueue myqueue = queue;
			if (myqueue == null)
				agent = new MessageAgent();
				if (request.Type == LdapMessage.SEARCH_REQUEST)
					myqueue = new LdapSearchQueue(agent);
					myqueue = new LdapResponseQueue(agent);
				if (request.Type == LdapMessage.SEARCH_REQUEST)
					agent = queue.MessageAgent;
					agent = queue.MessageAgent;
				agent.sendMessage(conn, request, cons.TimeLimit, myqueue, null);
			catch (LdapException lex)
				throw lex;
			return myqueue;
Exemplo n.º 25
 protected abstract bool NotifyEventListeners(LdapMessage sourceMessage,
     EventClassifiers aClassification,
     int nType);