public ActionResult Configure()
            var taxCategories = _taxCategoryService.GetAllTaxCategories();
            if (taxCategories.Count == 0)
                return Content("No tax categories can be loaded");

            var model = new TaxRateListModel();
            model.AvailableStores.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "*", Value = "0" });
            var stores = _storeService.GetAllStores();
            foreach (var s in stores)
                model.AvailableStores.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = s.Name, Value = s.Id.ToString() });
            //tax categories
            foreach (var tc in taxCategories)
                model.AvailableTaxCategories.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = tc.Name, Value = tc.Id.ToString() });
            var countries = _countryService.GetAllCountries(true);
            foreach (var c in countries)
                model.AvailableCountries.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = c.Name, Value = c.Id.ToString() });
            model.AvailableStates.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "*", Value = "0" });
            var states = _stateProvinceService.GetStateProvincesByCountryId(countries.FirstOrDefault().Id);
            foreach (var s in states)
                model.AvailableStates.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = s.Name, Value = s.Id.ToString() });

            return View("~/Plugins/Tax.CountryStateZip/Views/TaxCountryStateZip/Configure.cshtml", model);
        public ActionResult AddTaxRate(TaxRateListModel model)
            var taxRate = new TaxRate()
                TaxCategoryId = model.AddTaxCategoryId,
                CountryId = model.AddCountryId,
                StateProvinceId = model.AddStateProvinceId,
                Zip = model.AddZip,
                Percentage = model.AddPercentage

            return Json(new { Result = true });
        public ActionResult AddTaxRate(TaxRateListModel model)
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageTaxSettings))
                return Content("Access denied");

            var taxRate = new TaxRate()
                TaxCategoryId = model.AddTaxCategoryId,
                CountryId = model.AddCountryId,
                StateProvinceId = model.AddStateProvinceId,
                Zip = model.AddZip,
                Percentage = model.AddPercentage

            return Json(new { Result = true });
        public ActionResult Configure()
            var taxCategories = _taxCategoryService.GetAllTaxCategories();
            if (taxCategories.Count == 0)
                return Content("No tax categories can be loaded");

            var model = new TaxRateListModel();
            //tax categories
            foreach (var tc in taxCategories)
                model.AvailableTaxCategories.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = tc.Name, Value = tc.Id.ToString() });
            var countries = _countryService.GetAllCountries(true);
            foreach (var c in countries)
                model.AvailableCountries.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = c.Name, Value = c.Id.ToString() });
            model.AvailableStates.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "*", Value = "0" });
            var states = _stateProvinceService.GetStateProvincesByCountryId(countries.FirstOrDefault().Id);
            foreach (var s in states)
                model.AvailableStates.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = s.Name, Value = s.Id.ToString() });
            //tax rates
            model.TaxRates = _taxRateService.GetAllTaxRates()
                .Select(x =>
                    var m = new TaxRateModel()
                        Id = x.Id,
                        TaxCategoryId = x.TaxCategoryId,
                        CountryId = x.CountryId,
                        StateProvinceId = x.StateProvinceId,
                        Zip = x.Zip,
                        Percentage = x.Percentage,
                    var tc = _taxCategoryService.GetTaxCategoryById(x.TaxCategoryId);
                    m.TaxCategoryName = (tc != null) ? tc.Name : "";
                    var c = _countryService.GetCountryById(x.CountryId);
                    m.CountryName = (c != null) ? c.Name : "Unavailable";
                    var s = _stateProvinceService.GetStateProvinceById(x.StateProvinceId);
                    m.StateProvinceName = (s != null) ? s.Name : "*";
                    m.Zip = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Zip)) ? x.Zip : "*";
                    return m;

            return View("Nop.Plugin.Tax.CountryStateZip.Views.TaxCountryStateZip.Configure", model);
        public ActionResult AddTaxRate(TaxRateListModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return Configure();

            var taxRate = new TaxRate()
                TaxCategoryId = model.AddTaxCategoryId,
                CountryId = model.AddCountryId,
                StateProvinceId = model.AddStateProvinceId,
                Zip = model.AddZip,
                Percentage = model.AddPercentage

            return Configure();