public ActionResult AdvertisementList(DataSourceRequest command, AdvertisementListModel model)
            var ads = _advertisementService.SearchAdvertisements(
                storeId: model.SearchStoreId,
                vendorId: model.SearchVendorId,
                keywords: model.SearchAdvertisementName,
                pageIndex: command.Page - 1,
                pageSize: command.PageSize);

            var gridModel = new DataSourceResult();
            gridModel.Data = ads.Select(x =>
                var adModel = new ModelsMapper().CreateMap<Advertisement, AdvertisementModel>(x);
                //little hack here:
                //ensure that product full descriptions are not returned
                //otherwise, we can get the following error if products have too long descriptions:
                //"Error during serialization or deserialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer. The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property. "
                //also it improves performance
                adModel.Description = string.Empty;

                //var defaultProductPicture = _pictureService.GetPicturesByProductId(x.Id, 1).FirstOrDefault();
                //adModel.PictureThumbnailUrl = _pictureService.GetPictureUrl(defaultProductPicture, 75, true);
                ////product type
                //adModel.ProductTypeName = x.ProductType.GetLocalizedEnum(_localizationService, _workContext);
                ////friendly stock qantity
                ////if a simple product AND "manage inventory" is "Track inventory", then display
                //if (x.ProductType == ProductType.SimpleProduct && x.ManageInventoryMethod == ManageInventoryMethod.ManageStock)
                //    adModel.StockQuantityStr = x.GetTotalStockQuantity().ToString();
                return adModel;
            gridModel.Total = ads.TotalCount;

            return Json(gridModel);
 public ActionResult List()
     var model = new AdvertisementListModel();
     return View(model);