Exemplo n.º 1
        public Session(PeerSession s, X509Certificate2 nodeCert)
            logger        = new SessionLogger(this);
            this.Id       = s.Id;
            this.Kind     = s.Kind;
            this.Budget   = s.Budget;
            this.FromNode = s.FromNode;
            this.ToNode   = s.ToNode;
            this.TaskId   = s.TaskId;
            this.GuidKey  = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray();
            this.Secret   = s.Secret;
            //myKeyPairCrypto = csp;
            cert = nodeCert;
            AuthenticatedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            if (this.Kind == SessionType.Store)
                this.Budget = 0;                 // bug?? do we have to initialize to 0 when receiving/storing?
                // client-side flags are not relevant here since the client data processing is not initialized by the Session.
                if (s.Flags.HasFlag(DataProcessingFlags.CChecksum))
                    s.Flags ^= DataProcessingFlags.CChecksum;
                if (s.Flags.HasFlag(DataProcessingFlags.CCompress))
                    s.Flags ^= DataProcessingFlags.CCompress;
                if (s.Flags.HasFlag(DataProcessingFlags.CDedup))
                    s.Flags ^= DataProcessingFlags.CDedup;
                if (s.Flags.HasFlag(DataProcessingFlags.CEncrypt))
                    s.Flags ^= DataProcessingFlags.CEncrypt;
                this.Flags = s.Flags;
                pipeline   = new Node.DataProcessing.DataPipeline(Node.DataProcessing.PipelineMode.Read, this.Flags);
                logger.Log(Severity.DEBUG, "Creating storage session (" + this.Kind.ToString() + ") with client node #" + this.FromNode.Id + " (" + this.FromNode.IP + ":<UNAVAILABLE>)");
            else if (this.Kind == SessionType.Backup)
                this.CryptoKey = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray();
                logger.Log(Severity.DEBUG, "Creating client session #" + this.Id + " with storage node #" + this.ToNode.Id + " (" + this.ToNode.IP + ":" + this.ToNode.ListenPort + ")");
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal ChunkProcessor(Session session, DataPipeline p, Backup b, CancellationToken t)
            backup         = b;
            pipeline       = p;
            storageSession = session;
            token          = t;
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            BChunkHeader    header    = new BChunkHeader();

            header.DataFlags = pipeline.Flags;
            header.Version   = Utilities.PlatForm.Instance().NodeVersion;
            header.TaskId    = session.TaskId;
            header.OwnerNode = b.NodeId;
            MemoryStream headerStream = new MemoryStream();

            formatter.Serialize(headerStream, header);
            headerData = headerStream.ToArray();

            // end-of-chain stream
            sessionDataStream = new NetworkStream(storageSession.DataSocket);
            p.OutputStream    = sessionDataStream;