Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void PaletteInfo(string file, string outputDir)
            Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} as NCLR palette...", file);
            Nclr palette = new Nclr(file);

            Console.WriteLine("\t* Version:               {0}", palette.NitroData.VersionS);
            Console.WriteLine("\t* Contains PCMP section: {0}", palette.NitroData.Blocks.ContainsType("PCMP"));
            Console.WriteLine("\t* Number of palettes:    {0}", palette.NumPalettes);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputDir) && !Directory.Exists(outputDir))
            for (int i = 0; i < palette.NumPalettes; i++) {
                Console.WriteLine("\t+ Palette {0}: {1} colors", i, palette.GetPalette(i).Length);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputDir)) {
                    string outputFile = Path.Combine(outputDir, "Palette" + i.ToString() + ".png");
                    if (File.Exists(outputFile))
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void SetOriginalSettings(Stream mapStr, Stream imgStr, Stream palStr,
			bool changePalette = false)
            // Set original palette settings
            if (palStr != null) {
                Nclr nclr = new Nclr(palStr);
                this.ExtendedPalette = nclr.Extended;
                if (!changePalette)
                    this.Quantization = new FixedPaletteQuantization(nclr.GetPalette(0));

            // Set original image settings if the file is not compressed
            if (imgStr != null && imgStr.ReadByte() == 0x52) {
                imgStr.Position -= 1;

                Ncgr ncgr = new Ncgr(imgStr);
                this.DispCnt       = ncgr.RegDispcnt;
                this.UnknownChar   = ncgr.Unknown;
                this.Format        = ncgr.Format;
                this.IncludeCpos   = ncgr.HasCpos;
                this.PixelEncoding = ncgr.PixelEncoding;

            // Set original map settings
            if (mapStr != null && mapStr.ReadByte() == 0x52) {
                mapStr.Position -= 1;

                Nscr nscr = new Nscr(mapStr);
                this.BgMode      = nscr.BgMode;
                this.PaletteMode = nscr.PaletteMode;
                this.TileSize    = nscr.TileSize;