Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw function. Draws all the floating scores.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnDraw()
            // If we have no font then abort:

            if ( m_font == null ) return;

            // Make a custom font settings struct for drawing:

            Font.CustomFontSettings settings = new Font.CustomFontSettings
                m_font.Size         ,
                m_font.Color        ,
                m_font.CharSpacing  ,
                m_font.LineSpacing  ,

            // Get the view projection matrix of the camera:

            Matrix view_projection = Core.Level.Renderer.Camera.View * Core.Level.Renderer.Camera.Projection;

            // Run through all the nodes:

            LinkedList<FloatingScore>.Enumerator e = m_scores.GetEnumerator();

                while ( e.MoveNext() )
                    // Get the score:

                    FloatingScore s = e.Current;

                    // Calculate the alpha value we will give this score depending on. fade it out as it lives longer.

                    float a = 1.0f - ( s.TimeAlive / m_score_live_time );

                    // Set the alpha for the font:

                    settings.Color.W = a;

                    // Good: now draw the score in it's position:

                        s.Score.ToString()  ,
                        s.Position          ,
                        view_projection     ,
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary> 
        /// Draws the text for the button.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnDraw()
            // Abort if we have no effect:

            if ( m_effect == null || m_fill_texture == null ) return;

            // GD Setup

            // Set vertex declaration:

            Core.Graphics.Device.VertexDeclaration = Core.Graphics.VertexPositionColorTextureDeclaration;

            // Get view camera transforms:

            Matrix view_projection = Core.Gui.Camera.View * Core.Gui.Camera.Projection;

            // Set the transform on the shader:

                // Get the parameter:

                EffectParameter param_wvp = m_effect.Parameters[ "WorldViewProjection" ];

                // Set it's value:

                if ( param_wvp != null ) param_wvp.SetValue( view_projection );

            // Figure out the expanded size of the bar:

            Vector2 s = Vector2.Zero;

            s.X = m_size.X + m_expansion.X * m_current_expansion_pc;
            s.Y = m_size.Y + m_expansion.Y * m_current_expansion_pc;

            // Draw the middle of the bar:

            // Only do if we have the texture:

            if ( m_bar_texture != null )
                // Fill in the vertices for the underneath of the bar:

                    m_vertices[0].Position = new Vector3( Position.X - s.X  , Position.Y + s.Y , -2 );
                    m_vertices[1].Position = new Vector3( Position.X - s.X  , Position.Y - s.Y , -2 );
                    m_vertices[2].Position = new Vector3( Position.X        , Position.Y + s.Y , -2 );
                    m_vertices[3].Position = new Vector3( Position.X        , Position.Y - s.Y , -2 );
                    m_vertices[4].Position = new Vector3( Position.X + s.X  , Position.Y + s.Y , -2 );
                    m_vertices[5].Position = new Vector3( Position.X + s.X  , Position.Y - s.Y , -2 );

                // Set the texture on the shader:

                EffectParameter param_tex = m_effect.Parameters[ "Texture" ];

                if ( param_tex != null )
                    param_tex.SetValue( m_bar_texture );

                // Begin drawing with shader:

                m_effect.Begin(); m_effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0].Begin();

                    // Draw the bar:

                        PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip     ,
                        m_vertices                      ,
                        0                               ,

                // End drawing with shader:

                m_effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0].End(); m_effect.End();

            // Figure out how much padding to apply to the bar:

            float xp = m_fill_padding.X * ( 1.0f + ( m_current_expansion_pc * m_expansion.X ) / m_size.X );
            float yp = m_fill_padding.Y * ( 1.0f + ( m_current_expansion_pc * m_expansion.Y ) / m_size.Y );

            // Figure out the width of the bar fill:

            // Get fully filled width of the bar:

            float fill_s = s.X * 2 - xp * 2;
            float fill_w = fill_s * (( m_current_value - m_minimum_value ) / ( m_maximum_value - m_minimum_value ));

            // Now set the positions of the vertices for the fill:

            m_vertices[0].Position = new Vector3( Position.X - s.X + xp             , Position.Y + s.Y - yp , -2 );
            m_vertices[1].Position = new Vector3( Position.X - s.X + xp             , Position.Y - s.Y + yp , -2 );
            m_vertices[2].Position = new Vector3( Position.X - s.X + xp + fill_w    , Position.Y + s.Y - yp , -2 );
            m_vertices[3].Position = new Vector3( Position.X - s.X + xp + fill_w    , Position.Y - s.Y + yp , -2 );

            // Draw the fill:

            if ( m_fill_texture != null )
                // Set the texture on the shader:

                EffectParameter param_tex = m_effect.Parameters[ "Texture" ];

                if ( param_tex != null )
                    param_tex.SetValue( m_fill_texture );

                // Begin drawing with shader:

                m_effect.Begin(); m_effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0].Begin();

                    // Draw the bar:

                        PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip     ,
                        m_vertices                      ,
                        0                               ,

                // End drawing with shader:

                m_effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes[0].End(); m_effect.End();

            // Draw the font string:

            if ( m_font != null && m_string_wobble_effect != null )
                // Set the wobble shader settings:

                    // Time:

                        EffectParameter p = m_string_wobble_effect.Parameters["WobbleTime"];

                        if ( p != null )
                            p.SetValue( m_highlight_wobble_time );

                    // Intensity: set to zero if not in focus

                        EffectParameter p = m_string_wobble_effect.Parameters["WobbleIntensity"];

                        if ( p != null )
                            if ( InFocus )
                                p.SetValue( m_highlight_wobble_intensity );
                                p.SetValue( 0 );

                    // Intensity: fade as we contract

                        EffectParameter p = m_string_wobble_effect.Parameters["WobbleSpeed"];

                        if ( p != null )
                            p.SetValue( m_highlight_wobble_speed );

                // Make up a custom font settings block:

                Font.CustomFontSettings custom_settings = new Font.CustomFontSettings

                    m_font.Size + m_expansion.Y * m_current_expansion_pc    ,
                    m_font.Color                                            ,
                    m_font.CharSpacing                                      ,
                    m_font.LineSpacing                                      ,

                // Draw the string

                    StringDatabase.GetString(m_string_name)         ,
                    Position + Vector2.UnitY * m_string_offset_y    ,
                    view_projection                                 ,
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the text.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnDraw()
            // Abort if we do not have a font:

            if ( m_font == null ) return;

            // Grab the level rules object from the game:

            LevelRules level_rules = (LevelRules) Core.Level.Search.FindByType("LevelRules");

            // If it's not there then abort:

            if ( level_rules == null ) return;

            // Now see if a phase change is underway, if not then abort:

            if ( level_rules.TimeSincePhaseChange >= LevelRules.PHASE_CHANGE_TIME ) return;

            // Decide on the phase change message, alpha, and font enlargen amountfrom the time since the phase change:

            string phase_change_message     = null;
            float  phase_change_message_a   = 0.0f;
            float  font_enlarge             = 0.0f;

                if ( level_rules.TimeSincePhaseChange >= LevelRules.PHASE_CHANGE_TIME * 0.5f )
                    // Show the ready message:

                    phase_change_message = StringDatabase.GetString(m_ready_string_name);

                    // Decide on alpha:

                    if ( level_rules.TimeSincePhaseChange >= LevelRules.PHASE_CHANGE_TIME * 0.75f )
                        phase_change_message_a  = level_rules.TimeSincePhaseChange - LevelRules.PHASE_CHANGE_TIME * 0.75f;
                        phase_change_message_a /= LevelRules.PHASE_CHANGE_TIME * 0.25f;
                        phase_change_message_a  = 1.0f - phase_change_message_a;
                        phase_change_message_a  = level_rules.TimeSincePhaseChange - LevelRules.PHASE_CHANGE_TIME * 0.50f;
                        phase_change_message_a /= LevelRules.PHASE_CHANGE_TIME * 0.25f;
                    // Show the phase message and the current phase number:

                    phase_change_message = StringDatabase.GetString(m_phase_string_name) + " " + (level_rules.CurrentPhase + 1 ).ToString();

                    // Decide on alpha:

                    if ( level_rules.TimeSincePhaseChange >= LevelRules.PHASE_CHANGE_TIME * 0.25f )
                        phase_change_message_a  = level_rules.TimeSincePhaseChange - LevelRules.PHASE_CHANGE_TIME * 0.25f;
                        phase_change_message_a /= LevelRules.PHASE_CHANGE_TIME * 0.25f;
                        phase_change_message_a  = 1.0f - phase_change_message_a;
                        phase_change_message_a  = level_rules.TimeSincePhaseChange;
                        phase_change_message_a /= LevelRules.PHASE_CHANGE_TIME * 0.25f;

                // Make the alpha have a non linear ramp up:

                phase_change_message_a = (float) Math.Sqrt( phase_change_message_a );

                // Decide on font enlargening amount:

                font_enlarge = m_font_enlarge * ( 1.0f - phase_change_message_a );

            // Get view camera transforms:

            Matrix view_projection = Core.Gui.Camera.View * Core.Gui.Camera.Projection;

            // Make up a custom font settings block:

            Font.CustomFontSettings settings = new Font.CustomFontSettings
                m_font.Size + font_enlarge  ,
                m_font.Color                ,
                m_font.CharSpacing          ,
                m_font.LineSpacing          ,

            // Change the settings:

            settings.Color.W = phase_change_message_a;

            // Draw the font string: see if it is to be centered about it's position first though

            if ( m_center )
                // Draw centered at its position:

                    phase_change_message    ,
                    Position                ,
                    view_projection         ,
                // Draw non centered:

                    phase_change_message    ,
                    Position                ,
                    view_projection         ,