Exemplo n.º 1
        public void BuildRoom()
            // Game Objects
            this.objects = new Dictionary <byte, Dictionary <int, GameObject> > {
                [(byte)LoadOrder.Platform]     = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>(),
                [(byte)LoadOrder.Enemy]        = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>(),
                [(byte)LoadOrder.Item]         = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>(),
                [(byte)LoadOrder.TrailingItem] = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>(),
                [(byte)LoadOrder.Character]    = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>(),
                [(byte)LoadOrder.Projectile]   = new Dictionary <int, GameObject>()

            // Object Coordination and Cleanup
            this.markedForAddition = new List <GameObject>();
            this.markedForRemoval  = new List <GameObject>();

            // Build Tilemap with Correct Dimensions
            short xCount, yCount;

            RoomGenerate.DetectRoomSize(Systems.handler.levelContent.data.rooms[roomID], out xCount, out yCount);

            this.tilemap = new TilemapLevel(xCount, yCount);

            // Additional Components
            this.colors      = new ColorToggles();
            this.trackSys    = new TrackSystem();
            this.roomExits   = new RoomExits();
            this.queueEvents = new QueueEvent(this);

            // Generate Room Content (Tiles, Objects)
            RoomGenerate.GenerateRoom(this, Systems.handler.levelContent, roomID);

            // Prepare the Full Track System
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Check if an exact coordinate has a Blocking Square (Ground, BlockTile, HorizontalWall, etc.)
        public static bool IsBlockingCoord(TilemapLevel tilemap, int posX, int posY, DirCardinal dir)
            short gridX = (short)(posX / (byte)TilemapEnum.TileWidth);
            short gridY = (short)(posY / (byte)TilemapEnum.TileHeight);

            return(CollideTile.IsBlockingSquare(tilemap, gridX, gridY, dir));
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Check if Grid Square is a Blocking Square (Ground, BlockTile, HorizontalWall, etc.)
        public static bool IsBlockingSquare(TilemapLevel tilemap, short gridX, short gridY, DirCardinal dir)
            // Verify that a tile exists at the given location:
            byte[] tileData = tilemap.GetTileDataAtGrid(gridX, gridY);

            // If the tile was removed, never existed, or the main layer has no content:
            if (tileData == null || tileData[0] == 0)

            TileObject tileObj = Systems.mapper.TileDict[tileData[0]];

            // Make sure the tile exists and collides, otherwise there's no point in testing any further:
            if (tileObj == null || !tileObj.collides)

            // Check if the Tile is Blocking:
            if (tileObj is Ground || tileObj is BlockTile || tileObj is HorizontalWall || tileObj is ButtonFixed || tileObj is SpringFixed || tileObj is Cannon || tileObj is Placer)

            if (tileObj is Ledge)
                return(dir == DirCardinal.Down);

            // Tile may be blocking against specific directions:
            if (dir == DirCardinal.Down)
                if (tileObj is PlatformFixedUp)
