Inheritance: System.Exception
Exemplo n.º 1
 public CUDTException(CUDTException e)
     m_iMajor = (e.m_iMajor);
     m_iMinor = (e.m_iMinor);
     m_iErrno = (e.m_iErrno);
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Functionality:
        //    record the UDT exception.
        // Parameters:
        //    0) [in] e: pointer to a UDT exception instance.
        // Returned value:
        //    None.

        internal void setError(CUDTException e)
            CGuard tg = new CGuard(m_TLSLock);
            //delete (CUDTException*)TlsGetValue(m_TLSError);
            //TlsSetValue(m_TLSError, e);
            m_mTLSRecord[GetCurrentThreadId()] = e;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Functionality:
        //    look up the most recent UDT exception.
        // Parameters:
        //    None.
        // Returned value:
        //    pointer to a UDT exception instance.

        public CUDTException getError()
            CGuard tg = new CGuard(m_TLSLock);
            if (null == TlsGetValue(m_TLSError))
                CUDTException* e = new CUDTException();
                TlsSetValue(m_TLSError, e);
                m_mTLSRecord[GetCurrentThreadId()] = e;
            return (CUDTException*)TlsGetValue(m_TLSError);
Exemplo n.º 4
      // Functionality:
      //    Connect to a UDT entity listening at address "peer".
      // Parameters:
      //    0) [in] peer: The address of the listening UDT entity.
      // Returned value:
      //    None.

        public void connect(IPEndPoint serv_addr)
   CGuard cg = new CGuard(m_ConnectionLock);

   if (!m_bOpened)
      throw new CUDTException(5, 0, 0);

   if (m_bListening)
      throw new CUDTException(5, 2, 0);

   if (m_bConnected)
      throw new CUDTException(5, 2, 0);

   // register this socket in the rendezvous queue
   m_pRcvQueue.m_pRendezvousQueue.insert(m_SocketID, m_iIPversion, serv_addr);

   CPacket request;
   byte[] reqdata = new byte [m_iPayloadSize];
   CHandShake req = (CHandShake)reqdata;

   CPacket response;
   byte[] resdata = new byte [m_iPayloadSize];
   CHandShake res = (CHandShake)resdata;

   // This is my current configurations.
   req.m_iVersion = m_iVersion;
   req.m_iType = m_iSockType;
   req.m_iMSS = m_iMSS;
   req.m_iFlightFlagSize = (m_iRcvBufSize < m_iFlightFlagSize)? m_iRcvBufSize : m_iFlightFlagSize;
   req.m_iReqType = (!m_bRendezvous) ? 1 : 0;
   req.m_iID = m_SocketID;
   CIPAddress.ntop(serv_addr, req.m_piPeerIP, m_iIPversion);

   // Random Initial Sequence Number
   m_iISN = req.m_iISN = (Int32)(CSeqNo.m_iMaxSeqNo * ((double)(rand()) / RAND_MAX));

   m_iLastDecSeq = req.m_iISN - 1;
   m_iSndLastAck = req.m_iISN;
   m_iSndLastDataAck = req.m_iISN;
   m_iSndCurrSeqNo = req.m_iISN - 1;
   m_iSndLastAck2 = req.m_iISN;
   m_ullSndLastAck2Time = CClock.getTime();

   // Inform the server my configurations.
   request.pack(0, null, reqdata, sizeof(CHandShake));
   // ID = 0, connection request
   request.m_iID = 0;

   // Wait for the negotiated configurations from the peer side.
   response.pack(0, null, resdata, sizeof(CHandShake));

   Int64 timeo = 3000000;
   if (m_bRendezvous)
      timeo *= 10;
   Int64 entertime = CClock.getTime();
   CUDTException e = new CUDTException(0, 0);

   byte[] tmp = null;

   while (!m_bClosing)
      m_pSndQueue.sendto(serv_addr, request);

      if (m_pRcvQueue.recvfrom(m_SocketID, response) > 0)
         if (m_bRendezvous && ((0 == response.getFlag()) || (1 == response.getType())) && (null != tmp))
            // a data packet or a keep-alive packet comes, which means the peer side is already connected
            // in this situation, a previously recorded response (tmp) will be used
            memcpy(resdata, tmp, sizeof(CHandShake));
            memcpy(m_piSelfIP, res.m_piPeerIP, 16);

         if ((1 != response.getFlag()) || (0 != response.getType()))

         if (m_bRendezvous)
            // regular connect should NOT communicate with rendezvous connect
            // rendezvous connect require 3-way handshake
            if (1 == res.m_iReqType)
            else if ((0 == res.m_iReqType) || (0 == req.m_iReqType))
               tmp = new char [m_iPayloadSize];
               memcpy(tmp, resdata, sizeof(CHandShake));

               req.m_iReqType = -1;
               request.m_iID = res.m_iID;
            // set cookie
            if (1 == res.m_iReqType)
               req.m_iReqType = -1;
               req.m_iCookie = res.m_iCookie;

      if (response.getLength() > 0)
         memcpy(m_piSelfIP, res.m_piPeerIP, 16);

      if (CClock.getTime() > entertime + timeo)
         // timeout
         e = CUDTException(1, 1, 0);

   //delete [] tmp;
   //delete [] reqdata;

   if (e.getErrorCode() == 0)
      if (m_bClosing)						// if the socket is closed before connection...
         e = new CUDTException(1);
      else if (1002 == res.m_iReqType)				// connection request rejected
         e = new CUDTException(1, 2, 0);
      else if ((!m_bRendezvous) && (m_iISN != res.m_iISN))	// secuity check
         e = new CUDTException(1, 4, 0);

   if (e.getErrorCode() != 0)
      // connection failure, clean up and throw exception
     // delete [] resdata;

      if (m_bRendezvous)

      throw e;

   // Got it. Re-configure according to the negotiated values.
   m_iMSS = res.m_iMSS;
   m_iFlowWindowSize = res.m_iFlightFlagSize;
   m_iPktSize = m_iMSS - 28;
   m_iPayloadSize = m_iPktSize - CPacket.m_iPktHdrSize;
   m_iPeerISN = res.m_iISN;
   m_iRcvLastAck = res.m_iISN;
   m_iRcvLastAckAck = res.m_iISN;
   m_iRcvCurrSeqNo = res.m_iISN - 1;
   m_PeerID = res.m_iID;

   delete [] resdata;

   // Prepare all data structures
      m_pSndBuffer = new CSndBuffer(32, m_iPayloadSize);
      m_pRcvBuffer = new CRcvBuffer(m_iRcvBufSize, &(m_pRcvQueue.m_UnitQueue));
      // after introducing lite ACK, the sndlosslist may not be cleared in time, so it requires twice space.
      m_pSndLossList = new CSndLossList(m_iFlowWindowSize * 2);
      m_pRcvLossList = new CRcvLossList(m_iFlightFlagSize);
      m_pACKWindow = new CACKWindow(4096);
      m_pRcvTimeWindow = new CPktTimeWindow(16, 64);
      m_pSndTimeWindow = new CPktTimeWindow();
   catch (Exception e)
      throw new CUDTException(3, 2, 0);

   m_pCC = m_pCCFactory.create();
   m_pCC.m_UDT = m_SocketID;
   m_ullInterval = (Int64)(m_pCC.m_dPktSndPeriod * m_ullCPUFrequency);
   m_dCongestionWindow = m_pCC.m_dCWndSize;

   CInfoBlock ib;
   if (m_pCache.lookup(serv_addr, m_iIPversion, &ib) >= 0)
      m_iRTT = ib.m_iRTT;
      m_iBandwidth = ib.m_iBandwidth;

   if (m_llMaxBW > 0) m_pCC.setUserParam((char*)&(m_llMaxBW), 8);

   m_pPeerAddr = serv_addr;
   //         m_pPeerAddr = (AddressFamily.InterNetwork == m_iIPversion) ? new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any,0) : new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any,0);
   //memcpy(m_pPeerAddr, serv_addr, (AF_INET == m_iIPversion) ? sizeof(sockaddr_in) : sizeof(sockaddr_in6));

   // And, I am connected too.
   m_bConnected = true;

   // register this socket for receiving data packets

   // remove from rendezvous queue