/// <summary>
        /// calculates the value of a single layer's neuron values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="preLayer"></param>
        /// <param name="curLayer"></param>
        public void calcLayer(Layer preLayer, Layer curLayer)
            double[] temp = NetworkMath.multiply(curLayer.weight, preLayer.neuron); //multiplies the weights and the value of the previous layers neurons

            curLayer.z = NetworkMath.add(curLayer.bias, temp);                      //adds the appropriate biases to the product of the weights and neurons

            curLayer.neuron = NetworkMath.activationFunction(curLayer.z);           //applies an activation function on the previous sum
        public void updateWeightsAndBiases(double rate, double numTests)
            for (int layerNum = 1; layerNum < layers.Count; layerNum++)                                                                       //loops through each layers starting with the first hidden layer
            {                                                                                                                                 //WEIGHT UPDATE
                double[,] sumWeight = new double[layers[layerNum].derivWeight[0].GetLength(0), layers[layerNum].derivWeight[0].GetLength(1)]; //holds sum for the weight derivatives

                for (int i = 0; i < sumWeight.GetLength(0); i++)                                                                              //this goes through the first index
                    for (int j = 0; j < sumWeight.GetLength(1); j++)                                                                          //this goes throguh the second index
                        sumWeight[i, j] = 0;                                                                                                  //sets every value to zero

                foreach (double[,] d in layers[layerNum].derivWeight) //loops through each derivative in the list and adds it to the sum
                    sumWeight = NetworkMath.add(sumWeight, d);        //adds the derivatives to the sum

                for (int i = 0; i < sumWeight.GetLength(0); i++)                 //this goes through the first index
                    for (int j = 0; j < sumWeight.GetLength(1); j++)             //this goes throguh the second index
                        sumWeight[i, j] /= numTests;                             //divides the sum by number of tests to calc average

                        layers[layerNum].weight[i, j] -= sumWeight[i, j] * rate; //the actual update of each weight

                //BIAS UPDATE
                double[] sumBias = new double[layers[layerNum].derivBias[0].GetLength(0)]; //creates a sum array for the bias derivatives

                for (int i = 0; i < sumBias.Length; i++)                                   //loops through the bias sum array
                    sumBias[i] = 0;                                                        //sets every element in the array to zero

                foreach (double[] d in layers[layerNum].derivBias) //loops through all the derivatives from every test
                    sumBias = NetworkMath.add(sumBias, d);         //adds the derivatives to the sum

                for (int i = 0; i < sumBias.Length; i++)           //loops through each element of the sum array
                    sumBias[i] /= numTests;                        //divides the sum by the number of tests to calculate the average

                    layers[layerNum].bias[i] -= sumBias[i] * rate; //the actual update of each bias

                layers[layerNum].derivWeight.Clear(); //removes the list of derivatives used in this update
        /// <summary>
        /// calculates all neuron values in the network
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        public void calcNetwork(double[] input)
            layers[0].neuron = input;                //sets the correct values of the nodes of the input layer

            for (int i = 1; i < (layers.Count); i++) //loops through each layer (starting with the first hidden layer)
                //calcLayer(layers[i - 1], layers[i]);
                double[] temp = NetworkMath.multiply(layers[i].weight, layers[i - 1].neuron); //multiplies the weights and the value of the previous layers neurons

                layers[i].z = NetworkMath.add(layers[i].bias, temp);                          //adds the appropriate biases to the product of the weights and neurons

                layers[i].neuron = NetworkMath.activationFunction(layers[i].z);               //applies an activation function on the previous sum