protected sealed override void HandleOption()
     if (TelnetOption.IsDesired(option))
         TelnetOption.Number(option).Enabled = true;
        /// <summary>Return a <see cref="TelnetOption"/> instance of the type specified by <paramref name="optionNumber"/></summary>
        /// <remarks>If the referenced option number is not desired, return null.
        /// Each <see cref="TelnetOption"/> should have at most one instance.  This method enforces that singleton behavior.
        /// If an option type requires special handling, create a subclass of <see cref="TelnetOption"/> and instantiate it in this method.</remarks>
        public static TelnetOption Number(int optionNumber)
            TelnetOption theOption = null;

            if (OptionRegistry.ContainsKey(optionNumber))
                OptionRegistry.TryGetValue(optionNumber, out theOption);
 private string commandAndOptionDescription()
     return(commandTypeDescription() + " " + TelnetOption.NameOfOptionNumber(option) + " ");
 protected sealed override string humanReadableForm()
     if (this.isIncoming())
         return(commandAndOptionDescription() + NameOfCommandTypeNumber(sendCommand));
         return(commandAndOptionDescription() + NameOfCommandTypeNumber((int)CommandType.IS) + " " + TelnetOption.Number(option).proposedValue);
 /// <summary>Enable the option handled by this command.  Assumes the subnegotiation has happened successfully.</summary>
 protected sealed override void HandleOption() => TelnetOption.Number(option).Active = true;