Exemplo n.º 1
 public GroupShape(IModel model) : base(model)
     this.mEntities                = new CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity>();
     this.mEntities.OnItemAdded   += new EventHandler <CollectionEventArgs <IDiagramEntity> >(mEntities_OnItemAdded);
     this.mEntities.OnClear       += new EventHandler(mEntities_OnClear);
     this.mEntities.OnItemRemoved += new EventHandler <CollectionEventArgs <IDiagramEntity> >(mEntities_OnItemRemoved);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void Redo()
            //remove the group from the layer
            //detach the entities from the group
            foreach (IDiagramEntity entity in mGroup.Entities)
                //this will be recursive if an entity is itself an IGroup
                entity.Group = null;
            //change the visuals such that the entities in the group are selected

            CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity> col = new CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity>();


            Selection.SelectedItems = col;

            mGroup = null;

            //note that the entities have never been disconnected from the layer
            //so they don't have to be re-attached to the anything.
            //The insertion of the Group simply got pushed in the scene-graph.
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void Undo()
            //create a new group
            GroupShape group = new GroupShape(this.Controller.Model);

            //asign the entities to the group
            group.Entities = bundle.Entities;

            foreach (IDiagramEntity entity in group.Entities)
                //this will be recursive if an entity is itself an IGroup
                entity.Group = group;
            //add the new group to the layer

            mGroup = group;

            //select the newly created group
            CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity> col = new CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity>();

            Selection.SelectedItems = col;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public ComplexShapeBase(IModel model)
     : base(model)
     mChildren              = new CollectionBase <IShapeMaterial>();
     mChildren.OnItemAdded += new EventHandler <CollectionEventArgs <IShapeMaterial> >(mChildren_OnItemAdded);
     mServices              = new Dictionary <Type, IInteraction>();
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void TraverseCollect(IGroup group, ref CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity> collection)
            #region Checks
            if (group == null)
                throw new InconsistencyException("Cannot collect entities of a 'null' IGroup");
            if (collection == null)
                throw new InconsistencyException("You need to instantiate a collection before using this method.");

            foreach (IDiagramEntity entity in group.Entities)
                if (entity is IGroup)
                    TraverseCollect(entity as IGroup, ref collection);
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected ConnectorBase(Point p) : base()
            #region FIX2006020701
            attachedConnectors = new CollectionBase <IConnector>();

            this.point = p;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public Layer(string name)
     mName                    = name;
     mEntities                = new CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity>();
     mEntities.OnItemAdded   += new EventHandler <CollectionEventArgs <IDiagramEntity> >(mEntities_OnItemAdded);
     mEntities.OnItemRemoved += new EventHandler <CollectionEventArgs <IDiagramEntity> >(mEntities_OnItemRemoved);
     mEntities.OnClear       += new EventHandler(mEntities_OnClear);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ShapeBase(IModel model) : base(model)
            mRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 70);

            connectors = new CollectionBase <IConnector>();
            shapeColor = ArtPallet.RandomLowSaturationColor;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public Page(string name)
            mLayers = new CollectionBase <ILayer>();

            //the one and only and indestructible layer
            mDefaultLayer = new Layer("Default Layer");
            mDefaultLayer.OnEntityAdded   += new EventHandler <EntityEventArgs>(defaultLayer_OnEntityAdded);
            mDefaultLayer.OnEntityRemoved += new EventHandler <EntityEventArgs>(mDefaultLayer_OnEntityRemoved);
            mDefaultLayer.OnClear         += new EventHandler(mDefaultLayer_OnClear);

            mName = name;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public Bundle(CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity> collection)
            mEntities = new CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity>();
            //we could assign it directly but let's make sure the collection does not
            //contain unwanted elements
            foreach (IDiagramEntity entity in collection)
                if ((entity is IShape) || (entity is IConnection) || (entity is IGroup))

            //the following line would give problem. The event handler attached to the Selection would be triggered when
            //the mEntities collection is changed!
            //mEntities = collection;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void ShowTracker()
            if (Selection.SelectedItems != null && Selection.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
                CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity> ents = Selection.SelectedItems;
                bool showHandles = false;

                Rectangle rec = ents[0].Rectangle;
                foreach (IDiagramEntity entity in ents)
                    rec          = Rectangle.Union(rec, entity.Rectangle);
                    showHandles |= entity.Resizable;
                //make the tracker slightly bigger than the actual bounding rectangle
                rec.Inflate(TrackerOffset, TrackerOffset);

                this.PaintTracker(rec, showHandles);
            else //if the selection is 'null' or empty we annihilate the current tracker
Exemplo n.º 12
        public Model()
            mAmbience = new Ambience(this);
            //listen to events

            //here I'll have to work on the scene graph
            this.mShapes = new ShapeCollection();

            //the page collection
            mPages = new CollectionBase <IPage>();

            //the default page
            mDefaultPage = new Page("Default Page");
            mDefaultPage.OnEntityAdded   += new EventHandler <EntityEventArgs>(mDefaultPage_OnEntityAdded);
            mDefaultPage.OnEntityRemoved += new EventHandler <EntityEventArgs>(mDefaultPage_OnEntityRemoved);
            mDefaultPage.OnClear         += new EventHandler(mDefaultPage_OnClear);
            //initially the current page is the one and only default page
            mCurrentPage = mDefaultPage;

            //the paintables
            mPaintables = new CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity>();
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected override void OnActivateTool()
             * A lot of stuff is calculated here for something which might seem at first sight
             * a really simple action. In general the calculations will be short since a user does not
             * usually shift many shapes at the same time and the overlap with the selection
             * is small.
            if (Selection.SelectedItems != null && Selection.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
                 * They should give me a Nobel prize for so much thinking early in the morning...
                #region Preparation of the ordering
                Debug.Assert(Selection.SelectedItems[0] != null, "A selection cannot contain a 'null' entity.");
                //the items have to be moved in the order of the Paintables; the SortedList automatically orders things for us.
                SortedList <int, IDiagramEntity> list = new SortedList <int, IDiagramEntity>();
                //We fetch a flattened selection, which means that if there is a group the constituents will be
                //returned rather than the group itself.
                foreach (IDiagramEntity entity in Selection.FlattenedSelectionItems)
                    //the addition will automatically put the item in increasing order
                    list.Add(this.Controller.Model.Paintables.IndexOf(entity), entity);
                //if the highest z-value is the last one in the paintables we cannot shift anything, so we quit
                if (list.Keys[list.Count - 1] == this.Controller.Model.Paintables.Count - 1)

                /*Send them forwards but make sure it's a visible effect!
                 * It's not enough to move it only once since the shape(s) above might be of
                 * high z-order degree, so we have to find which is the first shape overlapping with
                 * the selection and take as many steps as it takes to surpass it.
                 * If there is no overlap we'll shift the z-order with just one unit.
                int  delta = 1;
                int  lowestZInSelection = list.Keys[0];
                bool found = false;
                //we can speed up the loop by noticing that the next shape in the z-stack is necessarily
                //above the first one of the selection
                for (int m = lowestZInSelection + 1; m < this.Controller.Model.Paintables.Count && !found; m++)
                    //the overlap has to be with an entity, not from the selection
                    if (list.ContainsValue(this.Controller.Model.Paintables[m]))
                    for (int s = 0; s < list.Count; s++)
                        //if there is an overlap we found the required index
                        if (this.Controller.Model.Paintables[m].Rectangle.IntersectsWith(list.Values[s].Rectangle))
                            //an additional complication here; if the found shape is part of a group we have
                            //to take the upper z-value of the group...
                            if (this.Controller.Model.Paintables[m].Group != null)
                                int max = -1;
                                CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity> leafs = new CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity>();
                                Utils.TraverseCollect(this.Controller.Model.Paintables[m].Group, ref leafs);
                                foreach (IDiagramEntity groupMember in leafs)
                                    max = Math.Max(max, this.Controller.Model.Paintables.IndexOf(groupMember));
                                //take the found z-value of the group rather than the one of the group-child
                                m = max;
                            delta = m - lowestZInSelection;
                            found = true;
                Debug.Assert(delta >= 1, "The shift cannot be less than one since we checked previous situations earlier.");
                for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++)
                    this.Controller.Model.SendForwards(list.Values[k], delta);
Exemplo n.º 14
 protected ConnectorBase(Point p, IModel model)
     : base(model)
     attachedConnectors = new CollectionBase <IConnector>();
     point = p;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public CompoundCommand(IController controller) : base(controller)
     commands = new CollectionBase <ICommand>();
Exemplo n.º 16
 public virtual void AddRange(CollectionBase <T> items)
     //TODO: raise for each item?
Exemplo n.º 17
        protected ControllerBase(IDiagramControl surface)
            //doesn't work if you supply a null reference
            if (surface == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("The diagram control assigned to the controller cannot be 'null'");

            mModel = new Model();
            mModel.OnEntityAdded   += new EventHandler <EntityEventArgs>(mModel_OnEntityAdded);
            mModel.OnEntityRemoved += new EventHandler <EntityEventArgs>(mModel_OnEntityRemoved);
            //create the undo/redo manager
            mUndoManager = new UndoManager(15);
            mUndoManager.OnHistoryChange += new EventHandler(mUndoManager_OnHistoryChange);

            #region Instantiation of listeners
            mouseListeners    = new CollectionBase <IMouseListener>();
            keyboardListeners = new CollectionBase <IKeyboardListener>();
            dragdropListeners = new CollectionBase <IDragDropListener>();
            //keep a reference to the parent control
            parentControl = surface;


            //Make sure the static selection class knows about the model
            Selection.Controller = this;
            //Initialize the colorscheme

            #region Tools: the registration order matters!

            registeredTools = new CollectionBase <ITool>();

            TransformTool transformer = new TransformTool("Transform Tool");
            transformer.Controller = this;

            HitTool hitter = new HitTool("Hit Tool");
            hitter.Controller = this;

            MoveTool mover = new MoveTool("Move Tool");
            mover.Controller = this;

            RectangleTool recter = new RectangleTool("Rectangle Tool");
            recter.Controller = this;

            EllipseTool ellipser = new EllipseTool("Ellipse Tool");
            ellipser.Controller = this;

            SelectionTool selecter = new SelectionTool("Selection Tool");
            selecter.Controller = this;

            DragDropTool dragdropper = new DragDropTool("DragDrop Tool");
            dragdropper.Controller = this;

            ConnectionTool connecter = new ConnectionTool("Connection Tool");
            connecter.Controller = this;

            ConnectorMoverTool conmover = new ConnectorMoverTool("Connector Mover Tool");
            conmover.Controller = this;

            GroupTool grouper = new GroupTool("Group Tool");
            grouper.Controller = this;

            UngroupTool ungrouper = new UngroupTool("Ungroup Tool");
            ungrouper.Controller = this;

            SendToBackTool sendback = new SendToBackTool("SendToBack Tool");
            sendback.Controller = this;

            SendBackwardsTool sendbackwards = new SendBackwardsTool("SendBackwards Tool");
            sendbackwards.Controller = this;

            SendForwardsTool sendforwards = new SendForwardsTool("SendForwards Tool");
            sendforwards.Controller = this;

            SendToFrontTool sendfront = new SendToFrontTool("SendToFront Tool");
            sendfront.Controller = this;

            TextTool texttool = new TextTool("Text Tool");
            texttool.Controller = this;

            HoverTool hoverer = new HoverTool("Hover Tool");
            hoverer.Controller = this;

Exemplo n.º 18
 public Bundle(IModel model) : base(model)
     mEntities = new CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity>();
Exemplo n.º 19
 protected ConnectorBase(IModel model)
     : base(model)
     attachedConnectors = new CollectionBase <IConnector>();
Exemplo n.º 20
        public void MouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
            if (!IsSuspended && this.Enabled)
                IHoverListener listener = null;

                CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity> paintables = this.Controller.Model.Paintables;
                IDiagramEntity entity;
                if (paintables.Count == 0)
                //going from top to the bottom of the z-order
                for (int k = paintables.Count - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    entity = paintables[k];
                    if (entity.Rectangle.Contains(e.Location)) //we caught an entity
                        //unhover the previous, if any
                        if (previousHovered != null)
                            previousHovered.Hovered = false;
                        entity.Hovered = true; //tell the current one it's being hovered
                        //fetch the hovering service, if defined
                        listener = entity.GetService(typeof(IHoverListener)) as IHoverListener;
                        if (listener != null)                //the caught entity does listen
                            if (currentListener == listener) //it's the same as the previous time
                            else //we moved from one entity to another listening entity
                                if (currentListener != null) //tell the previous entity we are leaving
                                listener.MouseEnter(e); //tell the current one we enter
                                currentListener = listener;
                        else //the caught entity does not listen
                            if (currentListener != null)
                                currentListener = null;
                        previousHovered = entity; //remember, for the next time
                        return;                   //if another entity is listening underneath this entity it will not receive the notification
                if (currentListener != null)
                    currentListener = null;
                //unhover the previous, if any
                if (previousHovered != null)
                    previousHovered.Hovered = false;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public Bundle()
     mEntities = new CollectionBase <IDiagramEntity>();