Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// When an entity is moved there are various possibilities:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>
        /// <term>a connector is moved</term>
        /// <description>in this case the moved connector can only be part of a onnection because moving shape-connectors is not allowed unless by means of the <see cref="ConnectorMoverTool"/>.
        /// If a connector attached to a connection is moved we have the following fork:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>the connector was attached</item>
        /// <description>the connector has a parent and needs to be detached before being moved and eventually attached to another connector</description>
        /// <item>the connector is moved</item>
        /// <description>this is a standard motion and is similar for any <see cref="IDiagramEntity"/>
        /// </description>
        /// <item>the connector ends up somewhere near another connector and will become attached to it</item>
        /// <description>the connector in the proximity of the moved connector will become the parent of it. Note that we previously detached any binding and that a connector can have only one parent.</description>
        /// </list>
        /// </description>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>an entity is moved</item>
        /// <description>the normal <see cref="MoveCommand"/> can be used</description>
        /// <item>a set of entities is moved</item>
        /// <description>we need to create a bundle to package the entities and then use the <see cref="MoveCommand"/></description>
        /// </list>
        /// Several important remarks are in order here:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item>a connector can have only one parent</item>
        /// <item>we need to package a move action in a command but this command needs NOT to be performed (i.e. call the Redo() method) because the motion already occured through the MouseMove handler. Because of this situation we cannot perform a Redo() on the full package since it would move the entities twice. Hence, commands are execute just after their creation (except for the move).
        /// <item>when the stack of actions are undone the stack has to be reverted</item>
        /// </item>
        /// <item>whatever the situation is, the most economical way to code the different cases is by means of a <see cref="CompoundCommand"/> object</item>
        /// </list>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        public void MouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
                //creation of the total undoredo package
                CompoundCommand package = new CompoundCommand(this.Controller);
                string message = string.Empty;
                //notice that the connector can only be a connection connector because of the MouseDown check above
                    #region We are moving a connection-connector

                    #region Is the connector attached?
                    //detach only if there is a parent different than a connection; the join of a chained connection is allowed to move
                    if( Selection.Connector.AttachedTo != null && !typeof(IConnection).IsInstanceOfType(Selection.Connector.AttachedTo))
                        DetachConnectorCommand detach = new DetachConnectorCommand(this.Controller, Selection.Connector.AttachedTo, Selection.Connector);


                    #region The moving part
                    //a bundle might look like overkill here but it makes the coding model uniform
                    Bundle bundle = new Bundle(Controller.Model);
                    MoveCommand move = new MoveCommand(this.Controller, bundle, new Point(lastPoint.X - initialPoint.X, lastPoint.Y - initialPoint.Y));
                    //no Redo() necessary here!

                    #region The re-attachment near another connector
                    //let's see if the connection endpoints hit other connectors (different than the selected one!)
                    //define a predicate delegate to filter things out otherwise the hit will return the moved connector which would results
                    //in a stack overflow later on
                    Predicate<IConnector> predicate =
                        delegate(IConnector conn)
                            //whatever, except itself and any children of the moved connector
                            //since this would entail a child becoming a parent!
                            if(conn.Hit(e.Location) && conn != Selection.Connector && !Selection.Connector.AttachedConnectors.Contains(conn))
                                return true;
                            return false;
                    //find it!
                    IConnector parentConnector = Selection.FindConnector(predicate);

                    if(parentConnector != null) //aha, there's an attachment
                        BindConnectorsCommand binder = new BindConnectorsCommand(this.Controller, parentConnector, Selection.Connector);
                        binder.Redo(); //this one is necessary since the redo cannot be performed on the whole compound command

                    message = "Connector move";
                    #region We are moving entities other than a connector
                    Bundle bundle = new Bundle(Controller.Model);
                    MoveCommand cmd = new MoveCommand(this.Controller, bundle, new Point(lastPoint.X - initialPoint.X, lastPoint.Y - initialPoint.Y));
                    //not necessary to perform the Redo action of the command since the mouse-move already moved the bundle!

                    message = "Entities move";
                //reset the hovered connector, if any
                if (hoveredConnector != null)
                    hoveredConnector.Hovered = false;
                package.Text = message;
                //whatever the content of the package we add it to the undo history

                //show the tracker again

Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles the mouse up event
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 public void MouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) {
   if (IsActive) {
     if (fetchedConnector == null)
     Bundle bundle = new Bundle(Controller.Model);
     MoveCommand cmd = new MoveCommand(this.Controller, bundle, new Point(lastPoint.X - initialPoint.X, lastPoint.Y - initialPoint.Y));
     //not necessary to perform the Redo action of the command since the mouse-move already moved the bundle!