Exemplo n.º 1
         * Fills solid arrays with data about faces of an object generated whose status
         * is as required
         * @param object3d solid object used to fill the arrays
         * @param vertices vertices array to be filled
         * @param indices indices array to be filled
         * @param faceStatus1 a status expected for the faces used to to fill the data arrays
         * @param faceStatus2 a status expected for the faces used to to fill the data arrays

        private void GroupObjectComponents(Object3D obj, List <Vertex> vertices, List <int> indices, Status faceStatus1, Status faceStatus2)
            Face face;

            //for each face..
            for (int i = 0; i < obj.NumFaces; i++)
                face = obj.GetFace(i);
                //if the face status fits with the desired status...
                if (face.GetStatus() == faceStatus1 || face.GetStatus() == faceStatus2)
                    //adds the face elements into the arrays
                    Vertex[] faceVerts = { face.V1, face.V2, face.V3 };
                    for (int j = 0; j < faceVerts.Length; j++)
                        if (vertices.Contains(faceVerts[j]))
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// 按特定条件选取物件中适合的三角面填充入容器
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="obj">选取面的物体</param>
 /// <param name="vertices">存放选取的顶点</param>
 /// <param name="indices">存放选取的三角形序号</param>
 /// <param name="faceStatus1">第一个筛选条件</param>
 /// <param name="faceStatus2">第二个筛选条件</param>
 private void GroupObjectComponents(Object3D obj, List <Vertex> vertices, List <int> indices, Status faceStatus1, Status faceStatus2)
     using (var faceVs = CollectionPool <Vertex> .ListCell.Create(3))
         for (int faceCount = 0; faceCount < obj.GetNumFaces(); faceCount++)
             var face = obj.GetFace(faceCount);
             if (face.Status == faceStatus1 || face.Status == faceStatus2)  // if the face status fits with the desired status...
                 faceVs[0] = face.v1;
                 faceVs[1] = face.v2;
                 faceVs[2] = face.v3;
                 for (int triIndex = 0; triIndex < 3; triIndex++)
                     if (vertices.Contains(faceVs[triIndex]))
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Classifies the face based on the ray trace technique
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">object3d used to compute the face status</param>
        public void RayTraceClassify(Object3D obj)
            //creating a ray starting at the face baricenter going to the normal direction
            Line ray = new Line(GetNormal(), center);

            bool    success;
            double  distance;
            Vector3 intersectionPoint;
            Face    closestFace = null;
            double  closestDistance;

                success         = true;
                closestDistance = Double.MaxValue;
                //for each face from the other solid...
                for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < obj.GetNumFaces(); faceIndex++)
                    Face face = obj.GetFace(faceIndex);
                    intersectionPoint = ray.ComputePlaneIntersection(face.GetPlane());

                    //if ray intersects the plane...
                    if (intersectionPoint.x != double.PositiveInfinity)
                        double dotProduct = Vector3.Dot(face.GetNormal(), ray.Direction);
                        distance = ray.ComputePointToPointDistance(intersectionPoint);

                        //if ray lies in plane...
                        if (Math.Abs(distance) < EqualityTolerance && Math.Abs(dotProduct) < EqualityTolerance)
                            //disturb the ray in order to not lie into another plane
                            success = false;

                        //if ray starts in plane...
                        if (Math.Abs(distance) < EqualityTolerance && Math.Abs(dotProduct) > EqualityTolerance)
                            //if ray intersects the face...
                            if (face.ContainsPoint(intersectionPoint))
                                //faces coincide
                                closestFace     = face;
                                closestDistance = 0;

                        //if ray intersects plane...
                        else if (Math.Abs(dotProduct) > EqualityTolerance && distance > EqualityTolerance)
                            if (distance < closestDistance)
                                //if ray intersects the face;
                                if (face.ContainsPoint(intersectionPoint))
                                    //this face is the closest face until now
                                    closestDistance = distance;
                                    closestFace     = face;
            } while (success == false);

            if (closestFace == null)
                //none face found: outside face
                status = Status.OUTSIDE;
            else             //face found: test dot product
                double dotProduct = Vector3.Dot(closestFace.GetNormal(), ray.Direction);

                //distance = 0: coplanar faces
                if (Math.Abs(closestDistance) < EqualityTolerance)
                    if (dotProduct > EqualityTolerance)
                        status = Status.SAME;
                    else if (dotProduct < -EqualityTolerance)
                        status = Status.OPPOSITE;
                else if (dotProduct > EqualityTolerance)
                    //dot product > 0 (same direction): inside face
                    status = Status.INSIDE;
                else if (dotProduct < -EqualityTolerance)
                    //dot product < 0 (opposite direction): outside face
                    status = Status.OUTSIDE;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Split faces so that none face is intercepted by a face of other object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compareObject">the other object 3d used to make the split</param>
        public void SplitFaces(Object3D compareObject)
            Line    line;
            Face    thisFace, compareFace;
            Segment segment1;
            Segment segment2;
            double  v1DistToCompareFace, distFace1Vert2, distFace1Vert3, distFace2Vert1, distFace2Vert2, distFace2Vert3;
            int     signFace1Vert1, signFace1Vert2, signFace1Vert3, signFace2Vert1, signFace2Vert2, signFace2Vert3;
            int     numFacesBefore = this.GetNumFaces();
            int     numFacesStart  = this.GetNumFaces();

            //if the objects bounds overlap...
            if (this.GetBound().Overlap(compareObject.GetBound()))
                //for each object1 face...
                for (int thisFaceIndex = 0; thisFaceIndex < this.GetNumFaces(); thisFaceIndex++)
                    //if object1 face bound and object2 bound overlap ...
                    thisFace = GetFace(thisFaceIndex);

                    if (thisFace.GetBound().Overlap(compareObject.GetBound()))
                        //for each object2 face...
                        for (int compareFaceIndex = 0; compareFaceIndex < compareObject.GetNumFaces(); compareFaceIndex++)
                            //if object1 face bound and object2 face bound overlap...
                            compareFace = compareObject.GetFace(compareFaceIndex);
                            if (thisFace.GetBound().Overlap(compareFace.GetBound()))
                                //PART I - DO TWO POLIGONS INTERSECT?

                                //distance from the face1 vertices to the face2 plane
                                v1DistToCompareFace = ComputeDistance(thisFace.v1, compareFace);
                                distFace1Vert2      = ComputeDistance(thisFace.v2, compareFace);
                                distFace1Vert3      = ComputeDistance(thisFace.v3, compareFace);

                                //distances signs from the face1 vertices to the face2 plane
                                signFace1Vert1 = (v1DistToCompareFace > EqualityTolerance ? 1 : (v1DistToCompareFace < -EqualityTolerance ? -1 : 0));
                                signFace1Vert2 = (distFace1Vert2 > EqualityTolerance ? 1 : (distFace1Vert2 < -EqualityTolerance ? -1 : 0));
                                signFace1Vert3 = (distFace1Vert3 > EqualityTolerance ? 1 : (distFace1Vert3 < -EqualityTolerance ? -1 : 0));

                                //if all the signs are zero, the planes are coplanar
                                //if all the signs are positive or negative, the planes do not intersect
                                //if the signs are not equal...
                                if (!(signFace1Vert1 == signFace1Vert2 && signFace1Vert2 == signFace1Vert3))
                                    //distance from the face2 vertices to the face1 plane
                                    distFace2Vert1 = ComputeDistance(compareFace.v1, thisFace);
                                    distFace2Vert2 = ComputeDistance(compareFace.v2, thisFace);
                                    distFace2Vert3 = ComputeDistance(compareFace.v3, thisFace);

                                    //distances signs from the face2 vertices to the face1 plane
                                    signFace2Vert1 = (distFace2Vert1 > EqualityTolerance ? 1 : (distFace2Vert1 < -EqualityTolerance ? -1 : 0));
                                    signFace2Vert2 = (distFace2Vert2 > EqualityTolerance ? 1 : (distFace2Vert2 < -EqualityTolerance ? -1 : 0));
                                    signFace2Vert3 = (distFace2Vert3 > EqualityTolerance ? 1 : (distFace2Vert3 < -EqualityTolerance ? -1 : 0));

                                    //if the signs are not equal...
                                    if (!(signFace2Vert1 == signFace2Vert2 && signFace2Vert2 == signFace2Vert3))
                                        line = new Line(thisFace, compareFace);

                                        //intersection of the face1 and the plane of face2
                                        segment1 = new Segment(line, thisFace, signFace1Vert1, signFace1Vert2, signFace1Vert3);

                                        //intersection of the face2 and the plane of face1
                                        segment2 = new Segment(line, compareFace, signFace2Vert1, signFace2Vert2, signFace2Vert3);

                                        //if the two segments intersect...
                                        if (segment1.Intersect(segment2))
                                            //PART II - SUBDIVIDING NON-COPLANAR POLYGONS
                                            int  lastNumFaces = GetNumFaces();
                                            bool splitOccured = this.SplitFace(thisFaceIndex, segment1, segment2);

                                            //prevent from infinite loop (with a loss of faces...)
                                            if (GetNumFaces() > numFacesStart * 100)
                                                //System.out.println("possible infinite loop situation: terminating faces split");
                                                int a = 0;

                                            //if the face in the position isn't the same, there was a break
                                            if (splitOccured &&
                                                thisFace != GetFace(thisFaceIndex))
                                                //if the generated solid is equal the origin...
                                                if (thisFace.Equals(GetFace(GetNumFaces() - 1)))
                                                    //return it to its position and jump it
                                                    if (thisFaceIndex != (GetNumFaces() - 1))
                                                        faces.RemoveAt(GetNumFaces() - 1);
                                                        faces.Insert(thisFaceIndex, thisFace);
                                                //else: test next face
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 为表面分类,基于光线追踪技术
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">计算面状态的 3D 物件</param>
        public void RayTraceClassify(Object3D obj)
            Line   ray         = new Line(PlaneNormal, Center); // 射线从面的几何中心发出,方向为法线方向
            Face   closet      = default;
            bool   foundCloset = false;
            double closestDistance;
            bool   success;

                success         = true;
                closestDistance = double.MaxValue;
                for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < obj.GetNumFaces(); faceIndex++)
                    Face face = obj.GetFace(faceIndex);
                    var  intersectionPoint = ray.ComputePlaneIntersection(face.Plane); // 对三角面所在的平面采样
                    if (intersectionPoint.x < float.PositiveInfinity)                  // 射线被平面拦截
                        var  distance = ray.ComputePointToPointDistance(intersectionPoint);
                        var  dot      = Vector3Double.Dot(face.PlaneNormal, ray.Direction);
                        bool parallel = Math.Abs(dot) < epsilon; // 射线与平面平行
                        //if ray lies in plane...
                        if (Math.Abs(distance) < epsilon)        // 交点是射线起点
                            if (parallel)
                                // 略微抖动光线方向以免采样到另一平面
                                success = false;
                            else if (face.ContainsPoint(intersectionPoint))
                                // 面重合
                                closet          = face;
                                foundCloset     = true;
                                closestDistance = 0;
                        else if (!parallel && distance > epsilon)  // 射线产生交点
                            if (distance < closestDistance && face.ContainsPoint(intersectionPoint))
                                closestDistance = distance;
                                closet          = face; // 当前的面时最近的平面
                                foundCloset     = true;
            } while (!success);

            if (!foundCloset)
                Status = Status.OUTSIDE;
            }                                               // 没有找到面,自己是外部面
            else // 由离自己最近的面,检查方向
                var dot = Vector3Double.Dot(closet.PlaneNormal, ray.Direction);
                if (Math.Abs(closestDistance) < epsilon)  // 距离为零,这个面和自己重合
                    if (dot > epsilon)
                        Status = Status.SAME;
                    else if (dot < -epsilon)
                        Status = Status.OPPOSITE;
                else if (dot > epsilon)
                    Status = Status.INSIDE;
                }                                                    // 不重合,同向,在参数物件内部
                else if (dot < -epsilon)
                    Status = Status.OUTSIDE;
                }                                                      // 不重合,反向,在参数物件外部
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Split faces so that none face is intercepted by a face of other object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">the other object 3d used to make the split</param>
        public void SplitFaces(Object3D obj)
            Line    line;
            Face    face1, face2;
            Segment segment1;
            Segment segment2;
            double  distFace1Vert1, distFace1Vert2, distFace1Vert3, distFace2Vert1, distFace2Vert2, distFace2Vert3;
            int     signFace1Vert1, signFace1Vert2, signFace1Vert3, signFace2Vert1, signFace2Vert2, signFace2Vert3;
            int     numFacesBefore = NumFaces;
            int     numFacesStart  = NumFaces;

            //if the objects bounds overlap...
            if (_Bound.Overlap(obj._Bound))
                //for each object1 face...
                for (int i = 0; i < NumFaces; i++)
                    //if object1 face bound and object2 bound overlap ...
                    face1 = GetFace(i);

                    if (face1.GetBound().Overlap(obj._Bound))
                        //for each object2 face...
                        for (int j = 0; j < obj.NumFaces; j++)
                            //if object1 face bound and object2 face bound overlap...
                            face2 = obj.GetFace(j);
                            if (face1.GetBound().Overlap(face2.GetBound()))
                                //PART I - DO TWO POLIGONS INTERSECT?

                                //distance from the face1 vertices to the face2 plane
                                distFace1Vert1 = ComputeDistance(face1.V1, face2);
                                distFace1Vert2 = ComputeDistance(face1.V2, face2);
                                distFace1Vert3 = ComputeDistance(face1.V3, face2);

                                //distances signs from the face1 vertices to the face2 plane
                                signFace1Vert1 = (distFace1Vert1 > EqualityTolerance ? 1 : (distFace1Vert1 < -EqualityTolerance ? -1 : 0));
                                signFace1Vert2 = (distFace1Vert2 > EqualityTolerance ? 1 : (distFace1Vert2 < -EqualityTolerance ? -1 : 0));
                                signFace1Vert3 = (distFace1Vert3 > EqualityTolerance ? 1 : (distFace1Vert3 < -EqualityTolerance ? -1 : 0));

                                //if all the signs are zero, the planes are coplanar
                                //if all the signs are positive or negative, the planes do not intersect
                                //if the signs are not equal...
                                if (!(signFace1Vert1 == signFace1Vert2 && signFace1Vert2 == signFace1Vert3))
                                    //distance from the face2 vertices to the face1 plane
                                    distFace2Vert1 = ComputeDistance(face2.V1, face1);
                                    distFace2Vert2 = ComputeDistance(face2.V2, face1);
                                    distFace2Vert3 = ComputeDistance(face2.V3, face1);

                                    //distances signs from the face2 vertices to the face1 plane
                                    signFace2Vert1 = (distFace2Vert1 > EqualityTolerance ? 1 : (distFace2Vert1 < -EqualityTolerance ? -1 : 0));
                                    signFace2Vert2 = (distFace2Vert2 > EqualityTolerance ? 1 : (distFace2Vert2 < -EqualityTolerance ? -1 : 0));
                                    signFace2Vert3 = (distFace2Vert3 > EqualityTolerance ? 1 : (distFace2Vert3 < -EqualityTolerance ? -1 : 0));

                                    //if the signs are not equal...
                                    if (!(signFace2Vert1 == signFace2Vert2 && signFace2Vert2 == signFace2Vert3))
                                        line = new Line(face1, face2);

                                        //intersection of the face1 and the plane of face2
                                        segment1 = new Segment(line, face1, signFace1Vert1, signFace1Vert2, signFace1Vert3);

                                        //intersection of the face2 and the plane of face1
                                        segment2 = new Segment(line, face2, signFace2Vert1, signFace2Vert2, signFace2Vert3);

                                        //if the two segments intersect...
                                        if (segment1.Intersect(segment2))
                                            //PART II - SUBDIVIDING NON-COPLANAR POLYGONS
                                            int lastNumFaces = NumFaces;
                                            SplitFace(i, segment1, segment2);

                                            //prevent from infinite loop (with a loss of faces...)
                                            //  System.out.println("possible infinite loop situation: terminating faces split");
                                            //  return;

                                            //if the face in the position isn't the same, there was a break
                                            if (face1 != GetFace(i))
                                                //if the generated solid is equal the origin...
                                                if (face1.Equals(GetFace(NumFaces - 1)))
                                                    //return it to its position and jump it
                                                    if (i != (NumFaces - 1))
                                                        Faces.RemoveAt(NumFaces - 1);
                                                        Faces.Insert(i, face1);
                                                //else: test next face