Exemplo n.º 1
        public static T GetVariableFromCurrentFlow_Generic <T>(string name)
            object value = null;

            if (CurrentFlow != null)
                CurrentFlow.variables.TryGetValue(name, out value);

            var expectedType = typeof(T);

            //auto convert types
            if (value != null && !expectedType.IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType()))
                var newValue = MetadataManager.AutoConvertValue(value, expectedType);
                if (newValue == null)
                    newValue = MetadataManager.AutoConvertValue(ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(value), expectedType);
                value = newValue;
            //default for value types
            if (value == null && expectedType.IsValueType)
                value = Activator.CreateInstance(expectedType);

Exemplo n.º 2
            public override object GetValue(object obj, object[] index)
                //always obj == Owner
                var c = (Component_ConvertTo)obj;

                object result = c.Source.Value;

                //!!!!Metadata.TypeInfo support

                //auto convert types
                if (result != null && !Type.GetNetType().IsAssignableFrom(result.GetType()))
                    var newValue = MetadataManager.AutoConvertValue(result, Type.GetNetType());
                    if (newValue == null)
                        newValue = MetadataManager.AutoConvertValue(ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(result), Type.GetNetType());
                    result = newValue;

                //check the type. result can contains value with another type after change the type of property.
                if (result != null && !Type.IsAssignableFrom(MetadataManager.MetadataGetType(result)))
                    result = null;
                if (result == null && Type.GetNetType().IsValueType)
                    result = Type.InvokeInstance(null);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public object Invoke(object obj, object[] parameters)
            object returnValue = null;

            var invokeItem = new InvokeStackItem();

            invokeItem.obj        = obj;
            invokeItem.parameters = parameters;

            if (invokeStack == null)
                invokeStack = new Stack <InvokeStackItem>();

            //execute flow
            Flow flow = null;

            if (Flow.Value != null)
                flow = NeoAxis.Flow.ExecuteWithoutRemoveFromStack(Flow, null);

            //get ref, out, return value parameters
            var bodyEnd = BodyEnd.Value;

            if (bodyEnd != null)
                foreach (var p in bodyEnd.properties)
                    switch (p.parameterType)
                    case Component_MethodBodyEnd.PropertyImpl.ParameterType.Parameter:
                        if (p.invokeParameterIndex < parameters.Length)
                            parameters[p.invokeParameterIndex] = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(p.GetValue(bodyEnd, null));

                    case Component_MethodBodyEnd.PropertyImpl.ParameterType.ReturnValue:
                        returnValue = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(p.GetValue(bodyEnd, null));

            if (flow != null)


            //returnValue = EngineApp.EngineTime % 4.0 > 2.0;

Exemplo n.º 4
            public override void SetValue(object obj, object value, object[] index)
                var c = (Component_DeclareVariable)obj;

                c.valuePropertyValue = value;

                //set variable to current flow
                var currentFlow = Flow.CurrentFlow;

                currentFlow?.SetVariable(c.GetVariableName(), ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(value));
Exemplo n.º 5
        void UpdateDefaultValue(PropertyImpl property)
            property.DefaultValueSpecified = DefaultValueSpecified.Value;
            if (property.DefaultValueSpecified && defaultValueProperty != null)
                //!!!!need check type?

                property.DefaultValue = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(defaultValueProperty.GetValue(this, null));
                property.DefaultValue = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
        void IFlowExecutionComponent.FlowExecution(Flow flow, Flow.ExecutionStackItem entryItem)
            var variable = Variable.Value;

            if (variable != null && valueProperty != null)
                var value = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(valueProperty.GetValue(this, null));
                flow.SetVariable(variable.GetVariableName(), value);

            FlowInput next = Exit;

            if (next != null)
                flow.ExecutionStack.Push(new Flow.ExecutionStackItem(next));
Exemplo n.º 7
        void IFlowExecutionComponent.FlowExecution(Flow flow, Flow.ExecutionStackItem entryItem)
            var selection = Selection.Value;

            if (selection != null)
                //!!!!always compare via strings?
                var selectionStr = selection.ToString();

                for (int nCase = 0; nCase < Cases.Count; nCase++)
                    if (selectionStr == Cases[nCase])
                        var p = GetProperty(nCase);
                        if (p != null)
                            var v = (FlowInput)ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(p.GetValue(this, null));
                            if (v != null)
                                flow.ExecutionStack.Push(new Flow.ExecutionStackItem(v));

                var p = GetProperty(-1);
                if (p != null)
                    var v = (FlowInput)ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(p.GetValue(this, null));
                    if (v != null)
                        flow.ExecutionStack.Push(new Flow.ExecutionStackItem(v));
Exemplo n.º 8
        void IFlowExecutionComponent.FlowExecution(Flow flow, Flow.ExecutionStackItem entryItem)
            bool isEntry = entryItem.FlowInput != null && entryItem.FlowInput.PropertyName == nameof(Entry);

            int number = -1;

            if (!isEntry)
                if (flow.InternalVariables.TryGetValue(this, out var value))
                    number = (int)value;


            var p = GetProperty(number);

            if (p != null)
                flow.InternalVariables[this] = number;

                //reply after Body
                flow.ExecutionStack.Push(new Flow.ExecutionStackItem(this));

                //go to Body
                var v = (FlowInput)ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(p.GetValue(this, null));
                if (v != null)
                    flow.ExecutionStack.Push(new Flow.ExecutionStackItem(v.Owner));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override void RenderNodeReferences(Component_FlowGraph_DocumentWindow window, Component_FlowGraphNode node,
                                                  Dictionary <Component, List <Component_FlowGraphNode> > objectToNodes,
                                                  Dictionary <Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.Item, EditorRenderSelectionState> referenceSelectionStates,
                                                  out Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.Item outMouseOverReference)
            outMouseOverReference = null;

            var representation = node.GetRepresentation();
            var renderer       = window.ViewportControl.Viewport.CanvasRenderer;

            for (int nItem = 0; nItem < representation.Items.Count; nItem++)
                var item = representation.Items[nItem];

                //references from input
                if (item.Input != null)
                    var itemProperty = item as Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.ItemProperty;
                    if (itemProperty != null && ReferenceUtility.IsReferenceType(itemProperty.Property.Type.GetNetType()) &&
                        Component obj = itemProperty.Owner.Owner.ControlledObject;
                        if (obj != null)
                            var        v          = itemProperty.Property.GetValue(obj, null);
                            IReference iReference = v as IReference;
                            if (iReference != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(iReference.GetByReference))
                                iReference.GetMember(obj, out object destObject, out Metadata.Member destMember);
                                var destProperty = destMember as Metadata.Property;
                                if (destProperty != null)
                                    //reference to property

                                    //!!!!только компоненты? статичные свойства тоже нельзя?
                                    var destComponent = destObject as Component;
                                    if (destComponent != null && objectToNodes.TryGetValue(destComponent, out List <Component_FlowGraphNode> destNodes))
                                        foreach (var destNode in destNodes)
                                            var destRep = destNode.GetRepresentation();
                                            Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.ItemProperty destSocket;
                                            if (destRep.ItemByProperty.TryGetValue(destProperty, out destSocket))
                                                if (destSocket.Output != null)
                                                    var from = GetSocketPositionInUnits(item, true);
                                                    var to   = GetSocketPositionInUnits(destSocket, false);

                                                    if (!referenceSelectionStates.TryGetValue(item, out EditorRenderSelectionState state))
                                                        state = EditorRenderSelectionState.None;

                                                    ColorValue color;
                                                    if (state != EditorRenderSelectionState.None)
                                                        color = GetColorMultiplierSelectionState(state);
                                                        color = new ColorValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                                                    //ColorValue color = GetColorMultiplierSelectionState( state );

                                                    window.GetFlowGraphStyle().RenderReference(window, from, true, to, color, out bool mouseOver);

                                                    if (mouseOver && outMouseOverReference == null)
                                                        outMouseOverReference = item;
                                    //reference to Component

                                    var unrefValue    = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(iReference.GetValue(obj));
                                    var destComponent = unrefValue as Component;
                                    if (destComponent != null && objectToNodes.TryGetValue(destComponent, out List <Component_FlowGraphNode> destNodes))
                                        foreach (var destNode in destNodes)
                                            var destRep    = destNode.GetRepresentation();
                                            var destSocket = destRep.ItemObject;
                                            if (destSocket != null)
                                                var from = GetSocketPositionInUnits(item, true);
                                                var to   = GetSocketPositionInUnits(destSocket, false);

                                                if (!referenceSelectionStates.TryGetValue(item, out EditorRenderSelectionState state))
                                                    state = EditorRenderSelectionState.None;

                                                ColorValue color;
                                                if (state != EditorRenderSelectionState.None)
                                                    color = GetColorMultiplierSelectionState(state);
                                                    color = new ColorValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                                                //ColorValue color = GetColorMultiplierSelectionState( state );

                                                window.GetFlowGraphStyle().RenderReference(window, from, true, to, color, out bool mouseOver);

                                                if (mouseOver && outMouseOverReference == null)
                                                    outMouseOverReference = item;

                                    //!!!!invalid reference

                //references from output (FlowInput)
                if (item.Output != null)
                    var itemProperty = item as Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.ItemProperty;
                    if (itemProperty != null && ReferenceUtility.IsReferenceType(itemProperty.Property.Type.GetNetType()) &&
                        Component obj = itemProperty.Owner.Owner.ControlledObject;
                        if (obj != null)
                            var        v          = itemProperty.Property.GetValue(obj, null);
                            IReference iReference = v as IReference;
                            if (iReference != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(iReference.GetByReference))
                                iReference.GetMember(obj, out object destObject, out Metadata.Member destMember);

                                var destProperty = destMember as Metadata.Property;
                                if (destProperty != null)
                                    //!!!!только компоненты? статичные свойства тоже нельзя?
                                    var destComponent = destObject as Component;
                                    if (destComponent != null && objectToNodes.TryGetValue(destComponent, out List <Component_FlowGraphNode> destNodes))
                                        foreach (var destNode in destNodes)
                                            var destRep = destNode.GetRepresentation();
                                            Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.ItemProperty destSocket;
                                            if (destRep.ItemByProperty.TryGetValue(destProperty, out destSocket))
                                                if (destSocket.Input != null)
                                                    var from = GetSocketPositionInUnits(item, false);
                                                    var to   = GetSocketPositionInUnits(destSocket, true);

                                                    if (!referenceSelectionStates.TryGetValue(item, out EditorRenderSelectionState state))
                                                        state = EditorRenderSelectionState.None;

                                                    ColorValue color;
                                                    if (state != EditorRenderSelectionState.None)
                                                        color = GetColorMultiplierSelectionState(state);
                                                        color = new ColorValue(0.3, 0.3, 1);
                                                    //ColorValue color = GetColorMultiplierSelectionState( state );

                                                    window.GetFlowGraphStyle().RenderReference(window, from, false, to, color, out bool mouseOver);

                                                    if (mouseOver && outMouseOverReference == null)
                                                        outMouseOverReference = item;
                                    //!!!!invalid reference
Exemplo n.º 10
        void Invoke()

            //!!!!try catch

            if (MemberObject != null)
                    var method = MemberObject as Metadata.Method;
                    if (method != null)
                        //if( method.Name == "Factorial" )
                        //	Log.Info( "dgdg" );

                        object obj = null;
                        if (!method.Static && propertyThis != null)
                            obj = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(propertyThis.GetValue(this, null));

                            //if( obj == null && !( method.Owner is Metadata.TypeInfo ) )
                            //	obj = method.Owner;
                            //	//Metadata.TypeInfo creatorType = method.Creator as Metadata.TypeInfo;
                            //	//if( creatorType == null )
                            //	//	creatorType = MetadataManager.MetadataGetType( method.Creator );

                        object[] parameters = new object[propertyMethodParameters.Count];
                        for (int n = 0; n < parameters.Length; n++)
                            var value = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(propertyMethodParameters[n].GetValue(this, null));

                            //подвисает только в дебаггере.
                            ////!!!!чтобы не подвисало. даже с try, catch. на int.Parse
                            //	var type = propertyMethodParameters[ n ].TypeUnreferenced;

                            //	if( value != null && !type.IsAssignableFrom( MetadataManager.MetadataGetType( value ) ) )
                            //		value = null;
                            //	if( value == null && type.GetNetType().IsValueType )
                            //		value = type.InvokeInstance( null );

                            parameters[n] = value;

                        if (method.Static || method.Constructor || obj != null)
                            //!!!!пока так
                                var result = method.Invoke(obj, parameters);

                                //ref, out
                                for (int n = 0; n < parameters.Length; n++)
                                    var p = propertyMethodParameters[n];
                                    if ((p.Parameter.ByReference || p.Parameter.Output) && !p.Parameter.ReturnValue)
                                        p.SetValue(this, parameters[n], null);

                                propertyMethodReturnParameter?.SetValue(this, result, null);
                                //if( propertyMethodReturnParameter != null )
                                //	var key = propertyMethodReturnParameter.GetKey();
                                //	if( result != null )
                                //		propertyValues[ key ] = result;
                                //	else
                                //		propertyValues.Remove( key );

                    var property = MemberObject as Metadata.Property;
                    if (property != null)

                        object obj = null;
                        if (!property.Static && propertyThis != null)
                            obj = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(propertyThis.GetValue(this, null));

                        if (property.Static || obj != null)
                            object[] indexers = new object[0];
                            //object[] parameters = new object[ propertyParameters.Length ];
                            //for( int n = 0; n < parameters.Length; n++ )
                            //	parameters[ n ] = propertyParameters[ n ].GetValue( this );

                            var result = property.GetValue(obj, indexers);
                            propertyPropertyValue?.SetValue(this, result, null);
                            //propertyValues[ propertyPropertyValue.GetKey() ] = result;
Exemplo n.º 11
        void Invoke()

            //!!!!try catch

            //One method
            if (compiledOneMethod != null)
                object obj = null;
                //if( !method.Static && propertyThis != null )
                //	obj = ReferenceUtils.GetUnreferencedValue( propertyThis.GetValue( this, null ) );

                //	//if( obj == null && !( method.Owner is Metadata.TypeInfo ) )
                //	//{
                //	//	obj = method.Owner;
                //	//	//Metadata.TypeInfo creatorType = method.Creator as Metadata.TypeInfo;
                //	//	//if( creatorType == null )
                //	//	//	creatorType = MetadataManager.MetadataGetType( method.Creator );
                //	//}

                object[] parameters = new object[propertyMethodParameters.Count];
                for (int n = 0; n < parameters.Length; n++)
                    var value = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(propertyMethodParameters[n].GetValue(this, null, false));

                    //подвисает только в дебаггере.
                    ////!!!!чтобы не подвисало. даже с try, catch. на int.Parse
                    //	var type = propertyMethodParameters[ n ].TypeUnreferenced;

                    //	if( value != null && !type.IsAssignableFrom( MetadataManager.MetadataGetType( value ) ) )
                    //		value = null;
                    //	if( value == null && type.GetNetType().IsValueType )
                    //		value = type.InvokeInstance( null );

                    parameters[n] = value;

                //if( compiledOneMethod.Static )//|| method.Constructor || obj != null )
                    //!!!!пока так
                        var result = compiledOneMethod.Invoke(obj, parameters);

                        //ref, out
                        for (int n = 0; n < parameters.Length; n++)
                            var p = propertyMethodParameters[n];
                            if ((p.Parameter.ByReference || p.Parameter.Output) && !p.Parameter.ReturnValue)
                                p.SetValue(this, parameters[n], null);

                        propertyMethodReturnParameter?.SetValue(this, result, null);