Exemplo n.º 1
        //// assemblyName has to be fully specified name. 
        //// A.k.a, for v1.0/v1.1 assemblies, it should be "name, Version=xx, Culture=xx, PublicKeyToken=xx".
        //// For v2.0 assemblies, it should be "name, Version=xx, Culture=xx, PublicKeyToken=xx, ProcessorArchitecture=xx".
        //// If assemblyName is not fully specified, a random matching assembly will be uninstalled.         
        public static void UninstallAssembly(string assemblyName, InstallReference reference, out AssemblyCacheUninstallDisposition disposition)
            AssemblyCacheUninstallDisposition dispResult = AssemblyCacheUninstallDisposition.Uninstalled;
            if (reference != null)
                if (!InstallReferenceGuid.IsValidGuidScheme(reference.GuidScheme))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid reference guid.", "reference");

            IAssemblyCache ac = null;

            int hr = FusionMethods.CreateAssemblyCache(out ac, 0);
            if (hr >= 0)
                hr = ac.UninstallAssembly(0, assemblyName, reference, out dispResult);

            if (hr < 0)

            disposition = dispResult;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public InstallReference GetNextReference()
            IInstallReferenceItem item = null;
            int hr = refEnum.GetNextInstallReferenceItem(out item, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
            if ((uint)hr == 0x80070103)
            {   //// ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS
                return null;

            if (hr < 0)

            IntPtr refData;
            InstallReference instRef = new InstallReference(Guid.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty);

            hr = item.GetReference(out refData, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
            if (hr < 0)

            Marshal.PtrToStructure(refData, instRef);
            return instRef;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void InstallAssembly(string assemblyPath, InstallReference reference, AssemblyCommitOption commitOption)
            if (reference != null)
                if (!InstallReferenceGuid.IsValidGuidScheme(reference.GuidScheme))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid reference guid.", "reference");

            IAssemblyCache ac = null;

            int hr = 0;

            hr = FusionMethods.CreateAssemblyCache(out ac, 0);
            if (hr >= 0)
                hr = ac.InstallAssembly((int)commitOption, assemblyPath, reference);

            if (hr < 0)