Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Advanced Menu constructor that allows custom title banner.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">Title that appears on the big banner. Set to "" if you are using a custom banner.</param>
        /// <param name="subtitle">Subtitle that appears in capital letters in a small black bar.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Point object with X and Y data for offsets. Applied to all menu elements.</param>
        /// <param name="spriteLibrary">Sprite library name for the banner.</param>
        /// <param name="spriteName">Sprite name for the banner.</param>
        public UIMenu(string title, string subtitle, Point offset, string spriteLibrary, string spriteName)
            _offset = offset;
            Children = new Dictionary<UIMenuItem, UIMenu>();
            WidthOffset = 0;

            _instructionalButtonsScaleform = new Scaleform(0);

            _mainMenu = new UIContainer(new Point(0, 0), new Size(700, 500), Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));
            _logo = new Sprite(spriteLibrary, spriteName, new Point(0 + _offset.X, 0 + _offset.Y), new Size(431, 107));
            _mainMenu.Items.Add(Title = new UIResText(title, new Point(215 + _offset.X, 20 + _offset.Y), 1.15f, Color.White, Font.HouseScript, UIResText.Alignment.Centered));
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subtitle))
                _mainMenu.Items.Add(new UIResRectangle(new Point(0 + offset.X, 107 + _offset.Y), new Size(431, 37), Color.Black));
                _mainMenu.Items.Add(Subtitle = new UIResText(subtitle, new Point(8 + _offset.X, 110 + _offset.Y), 0.35f, Color.WhiteSmoke, 0, UIResText.Alignment.Left));

                if (subtitle.StartsWith("~"))
                    CounterPretext = subtitle.Substring(0, 3);
                _counterText = new UIResText("", new Point(425 + _offset.X, 110 + _offset.Y), 0.35f, Color.WhiteSmoke, 0, UIResText.Alignment.Right);
                _extraYOffset = 37;

            _upAndDownSprite = new Sprite("commonmenu", "shop_arrows_upanddown", new Point(190 + _offset.X, 147 + 37 * (MaxItemsOnScreen + 1) + _offset.Y - 37 + _extraYOffset), new Size(50, 50));
            _extraRectangleUp = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0 + _offset.X, 144 + 38 * (MaxItemsOnScreen + 1) + _offset.Y - 37 + _extraYOffset), new Size(431, 18), Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 0, 0));
            _extraRectangleDown = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0 + _offset.X, 144 + 18 + 38 * (MaxItemsOnScreen + 1) + _offset.Y - 37 + _extraYOffset), new Size(431, 18), Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 0, 0));

            _descriptionBar = new UIResRectangle(new Point(_offset.X, 123), new Size(431, 4), Color.Black);
            _descriptionRectangle = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_bgd", new Point(_offset.X, 127), new Size(431, 30));
            _descriptionText = new UIResText("Description", new Point(_offset.X + 5, 125), 0.35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255), Font.ChaletLondon, UIResText.Alignment.Left);

            _background = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_bgd", new Point(_offset.X, 144 + _offset.Y - 37 + _extraYOffset), new Size(290, 25));

            SetKey(MenuControls.Up, Control.PhoneUp);
            SetKey(MenuControls.Down, Control.PhoneDown);
            SetKey(MenuControls.Left, Control.PhoneLeft);
            SetKey(MenuControls.Right, Control.PhoneRight);
            SetKey(MenuControls.Select, Control.FrontendAccept);

            SetKey(MenuControls.Back, Control.PhoneCancel);
            SetKey(MenuControls.Back, Control.FrontendPause);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the line count for the text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text to measure.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position of the text.</param>
        /// <param name="font">The font to use.</param>
        /// <returns>The number of lines used.</returns>
        public static int GetLineCount(string text, Point position, GTA.Font font, float scale, int wrap)
            // Tell the game that we are going to request the number of lines
            // Add the text that has been sent to us
            UIResText.AddLongStringForUtf8(text);                       // ADD_TEXT_COMPONENT_SUBSTRING_PLAYER_NAME

            // Get the resolution with the correct aspect ratio
            SizeF res = ResolutionMaintainRatio;
            // Calculate the x and y positions
            float x = position.X / res.Width;
            float y = position.Y / res.Height;

            // Set the properties for the text
            Function.Call(Hash.SET_TEXT_FONT, (int)font);
            Function.Call(Hash.SET_TEXT_SCALE, 1f, scale);

            // If there is some text wrap to add
            if (wrap > 0)
                // Calculate the wrap size
                float start = position.X / res.Width;
                float end   = start + (wrap / res.Width);
                // And apply it
                Function.Call(Hash.SET_TEXT_WRAP, x, end);

            // Finally, return the number of lines being made by the string
            return(Function.Call <int>(Hash._0x9040DFB09BE75706, x, y)); // _GET_TEXT_SCREEN_LINE_COUNT
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static int GetLineCount(string text, PointF position, CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font font, float scale, float wrap)
            // Tell the game that we are going to request the number of lines
            SetTextGxtEntry("CELL_EMAIL_BCON");             // _BEGIN_TEXT_COMMAND_LINE_COUNT
            // Add the text that has been sent to us
            UIResText.AddLongStringForUtf8(text);           // ADD_TEXT_COMPONENT_SUBSTRING_PLAYER_NAME

            // Get the resolution with the correct aspect ratio
            SizeF res = ResolutionMaintainRatio;
            // Calculate the x and y positions
            float x = position.X / res.Width;
            float y = position.Y / res.Height;

            // Set the properties for the text
            SetTextScale(1f, scale);

            // If there is some text wrap to add
            if (wrap > 0)
                // Calculate the wrap size
                float start = position.X / res.Width;
                float end   = start + (wrap / res.Width);
                // And apply it
                SetTextWrap(x, end);
            // Finally, return the number of lines being made by the string
            return(GetTextScreenLineCount(x, y));            // _GET_TEXT_SCREEN_LINE_COUNT
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void Draw(int interval)
            SizeF res  = UIMenu.GetScreenResolutionMaintainRatio();
            Point safe = UIMenu.GetSafezoneBounds();

            UIResText.Draw(Text, (int)res.Width - safe.X - 10, (int)res.Height - safe.Y - (42 + (4 * interval)), Font.ChaletLondon, 0.5f, Color.White,
                           UIResText.Alignment.Right, false, false, 0);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic menu button.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Button label.</param>
        /// <param name="description">Description.</param>
        public UIMenuItem(string text, string description)
            Text = text;
            _rectangle = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 38), Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0));
            _text = new UIResText(text, new Point(8, 0), 0.33f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.ChaletLondon, false);
            Description = description;
            _selectedSprite = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_nav", new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 38));

            _badgeLeft = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Point(0, 0), new Size(40, 40));
            _badgeRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Point(0, 0), new Size(40, 40));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public UIMenuColorPanel(string Title, ColorPanelType ColorType)
            if (ColorType == ColorPanelType.Hair)
                for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                    API.GetHairRgbColor(i, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    Colors.Add(Color.FromArgb(r, g, b));
            else if (ColorType == ColorPanelType.Makeup)
                for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                    API.GetMakeupRgbColor(i, ref r, ref g, ref b);
                    Colors.Add(Color.FromArgb(r, g, b));
            Data.Pagination.Min   = 0;
            Data.Pagination.Max   = 7;
            Data.Pagination.Total = 7;
            Data.Index            = 1000;
            Data.Items            = Colors;
            Data.Title            = Title ?? "Title";
            Enabled           = true;
            Data.Value        = 1;
            Background        = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_bgd", new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 122));
            EnableArrow       = true;
            LeftArrow         = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowleft", new Point(0, 0), new Size(30, 30));
            RightArrow        = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowright", new Point(0, 0), new Size(30, 30));
            SelectedRectangle = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(44, 8), Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));
            Text       = new UIResText(Title + " [1 / " + Colors.Count + "]", new Point(0, 0), 0.35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255), CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
            ParentItem = null;

            for (int Index = 0; Index < Colors.Count; Index++)
                if (Index < 9)
                    Bar.Add(new UIResRectangle(new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(44.5f, 44.5f), Colors[Index]));
            if (Data.Items.Count != 0)
                Data.Index          = 1000 - (1000 % Data.Items.Count);
                Data.Pagination.Max = Data.Pagination.Total + 1;
                Data.Pagination.Min = 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public UIMenuHorizontalOneLineGridPanel(string LeftText, string RightText, float CirclePositionX = 0.5f)
     Enabled           = true;
     Background        = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_bgd", new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 275));
     Grid              = new Sprite("NativeUI", "horizontal_grid", new Point(0, 0), new Size(200, 200), 0f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));
     Circle            = new Sprite("mpinventory", "in_world_circle", new Point(0, 0), new Size(20, 20), 0f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));
     Audio             = new UIMenuGridAudio("CONTINUOUS_SLIDER", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", 0);
     Left              = new UIResText(LeftText ?? "Left", new Point(0, 0), .35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
     Right             = new UIResText(RightText ?? "Right", new Point(0, 0), .35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
     SetCirclePosition = new PointF(CirclePositionX, 0.5f);
 public UIMenuVerticalOneLineGridPanel(string TopText, string BottomText, float circlePositionY = .5f)
     Enabled           = true;
     Background        = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_bgd", new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 275));
     Grid              = new Sprite("NativeUI", "vertical_grid", new Point(0, 0), new Size(200, 200), 0f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));
     Circle            = new Sprite("mpinventory", "in_world_circle", new Point(0, 0), new Size(20, 20), 0f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));
     Audio             = new UIMenuGridAudio("CONTINUOUS_SLIDER", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", 0);
     Top               = new UIResText(TopText ?? "Up", new Point(0, 0), .35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
     Bottom            = new UIResText(BottomText ?? "Down", new Point(0, 0), .35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
     SetCirclePosition = new PointF(.5f, circlePositionY != 0 ? circlePositionY : .5f);
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// List item, with left/right arrows.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">Item label.</param>
 /// <param name="items">List that contains your items.</param>
 /// <param name="index">Index in the list. If unsure user 0.</param>
 /// <param name="description">Description for this item.</param>
 public UIMenuListItem(string text, List<dynamic> items, int index, string description)
     : base(text, description)
     const int y = 0;
     _items = new List<dynamic>(items);
     _arrowLeft = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowleft", new Point(110, 105 + y), new Size(30, 30));
     _arrowRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowright", new Point(280, 105 + y), new Size(30, 30));
     _itemText = new UIResText("", new Point(290, y + 104), 0.35f, Color.White, Font.ChaletLondon,
         UIResText.Alignment.Left) {TextAlignment = UIResText.Alignment.Right};
     Index = index;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public UIMenuPercentagePanel(string title, string MinText, string MaxText)
     Enabled       = true;
     Background    = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_bgd", new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 275));
     ActiveBar     = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(413, 10), Color.FromArgb(245, 245, 245));
     BackgroundBar = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(413, 10), Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80));
     Min           = new UIResText(MinText != "" || MinText != null ? MinText : "0%", new Point(0, 0), .35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
     Max           = new UIResText(MaxText != "" || MaxText != null ? MaxText : "100%", new Point(0, 0), .35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
     Title         = new UIResText(title != "" || title != null ? title : "Opacity", new Point(0, 0), .35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
     Audio         = new UIMenuGridAudio("CONTINUOUS_SLIDER", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", 0);
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// List item with items generated at runtime
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Label text</param>
        /// <param name="description">Item description</param>
        public UIMenuDynamicListItem(string text, string description, string startingItem, DynamicListItemChangeCallback changeCallback) : base(text, description)
            const int y = 0;

            _arrowLeft  = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowleft", new Point(110, 105 + y), new Size(30, 30));
            _arrowRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowright", new Point(280, 105 + y), new Size(30, 30));
            _itemText   = new UIResText("", new Point(290, y + 104), 0.35f, Color.White, Font.ChaletLondon,

            CurrentListItem = startingItem;
            Callback        = changeCallback;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public UIMenuGridPanel(string TopText, string LeftText, string RightText, string BottomText, PointF circlePosition)
     Enabled           = true;
     Background        = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_bgd", new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 275));
     Grid              = new Sprite("pause_menu_pages_char_mom_dad", "nose_grid", new Point(0, 0), new Size(200, 200), 0f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));
     Circle            = new Sprite("mpinventory", "in_world_circle", new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(20, 20), 0f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255));
     Audio             = new UIMenuGridAudio("CONTINUOUS_SLIDER", "HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET", 0);
     Top               = new UIResText(TopText ?? "Up", new Point(0, 0), .35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
     Left              = new UIResText(LeftText ?? "Left", new Point(0, 0), .35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
     Right             = new UIResText(RightText ?? "Right", new Point(0, 0), .35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
     Bottom            = new UIResText(BottomText ?? "Down", new Point(0, 0), .35f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255), CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
     SetCirclePosition = new PointF(circlePosition.X != 0 ? circlePosition.X : .5f, circlePosition.Y != 0 ? circlePosition.Y : .5f);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public UIMenuEditableNumericItem(string text, float defaultValue, float minimum, float maximum, float step, string description)
            : base(text, description)
            Value   = defaultValue;
            Minimum = minimum;
            Maximum = maximum;
            Step    = step;
            _followingKeyEventNumber = 0;

            _valueText  = new UIResText(defaultValue.ToString(), new Point(0, 0), 0.37f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.ChaletLondon, UIResText.Alignment.Centered);
            _rightArrow = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowright", new Point(0, 0), new Size(30, 30));
            _leftArrow  = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowleft", new Point(0, 0), new Size(30, 30));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public UIMenuEditableNumericItem(string text, float defaultValue, float minimum, float maximum, float step, string description)
            : base(text, description)
            Value = defaultValue;
            Minimum = minimum;
            Maximum = maximum;
            Step = step;
            _followingKeyEventNumber = 0;

            _valueText = new UIResText(defaultValue.ToString(), new Point(0, 0), 0.37f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.ChaletLondon, UIResText.Alignment.Centered);
            _rightArrow = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowright", new Point(0, 0), new Size(30, 30));
            _leftArrow = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowleft", new Point(0, 0), new Size(30, 30));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public virtual void Draw(int interval)
            SizeF res  = UIMenu.GetScreenResolutionMaintainRatio();
            Point safe = UIMenu.GetSafezoneBounds();

            UIResText.Draw(Label, (int)res.Width - safe.X - 180, (int)res.Height - safe.Y - (30 + (4 * interval)), Font.ChaletLondon, 0.3f, Color.White,
                           UIResText.Alignment.Right, false, false, 0);
            Sprite.Draw("timerbars", "all_black_bg", (int)res.Width - safe.X - 298, (int)res.Height - safe.Y - (40 + (4 * interval)), 300, 37, 0f, Color.FromArgb(180, 255, 255, 255));

Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic menu button.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Button label.</param>
        /// <param name="description">Description.</param>
        public UIMenuItem(string text, string description)
            Enabled = true;

            _rectangle = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 38), Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0));
            _text = new UIResText(text, new Point(8, 0), 0.33f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.ChaletLondon, UIResText.Alignment.Left);
            Description = description;
            _selectedSprite = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_nav", new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 38));

            _badgeLeft = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Point(0, 0), new Size(40, 40));
            _badgeRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Point(0, 0), new Size(40, 40));

            _labelText = new UIResText("", new Point(0, 0), 0.35f) {TextAlignment = UIResText.Alignment.Right};
Exemplo n.º 17
        protected void Init()
            _selectedSprite = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_nav", new Size(431, 38), new Point(0, 0), HighlightColor);
            _rectangle      = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 38), Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0));
            _text           = new UIResText(Text, new Point(8, 0), 0.33f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Left);
            Description     = Description;

            _badgeLeft  = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Size(40, 40), new Point(0, 0));
            _badgeRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Size(40, 40), new Point(0, 0));

            _labelText = new UIResText("", new Point(0, 0), 0.35f)
                Alignment = Alignment.Right
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// List item, with left/right arrows.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Item label.</param>
        /// <param name="items">List that contains your items.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index in the list. If unsure user 0.</param>
        /// <param name="description">Description for this item.</param>
        public UIMenuListItem(string text, List <dynamic> items, int index, string description)
            : base(text, description)
            const int y = 0;

            _items      = new List <dynamic>(items);
            _arrowLeft  = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowleft", new PointF(110, 105 + y), new SizeF(30, 30));
            _arrowRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "arrowright", new PointF(280, 105 + y), new SizeF(30, 30));
            _itemText   = new UIResText("", new PointF(290, y + 104), 0.35f, UnknownColors.White, Font.ChaletLondon,
                TextAlignment = UIResText.Alignment.Right
            Index = index;
Exemplo n.º 19
        protected void Init()
            _selectedSprite = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_nav", new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(431, 38), 0, HighlightColor);
            _rectangle      = new UIResRectangle(new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(431, 38), Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0));
            _text           = new UIResText(Text, new PointF(8, 0), 0.33f, UnknownColors.WhiteSmoke, CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, UIResText.Alignment.Left);
            Description     = Description;

            _badgeLeft  = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(40, 40));
            _badgeRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(40, 40));

            _labelText = new UIResText("", new PointF(0, 0), 0.35f)
                TextAlignment = UIResText.Alignment.Right
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the width of a string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text to measure.</param>
        /// <param name="font">Game font used for measurements.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The scale of the characters.</param>
        /// <returns>The width of the string based on the font and scale.</returns>
        public static float GetTextWidth(string text, CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font font, float scale)
            // Start by requesting the game to start processing a width measurement
            SetTextEntryForWidth("CELL_EMAIL_BCON");             // _BEGIN_TEXT_COMMAND_WIDTH
            // Add the text string
            // Set the properties for the text
            SetTextScale(1f, scale);

            // Ask the game for the relative string width
            float width = GetTextScreenWidth(true);

            // And return the literal result
            return(ResolutionMaintainRatio.Width * width);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic menu button.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Button label.</param>
        /// <param name="description">Description.</param>
        public UIMenuItem(string text, string description)
            Enabled = true;

            _rectangle      = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 38), Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0));
            _text           = new UIResText(text, new Point(8, 0), 0.43f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.UI.Font.ChaletComprimeCologne, UIResText.Alignment.Left);
            Description     = description;
            _selectedSprite = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_nav", new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 38));

            _badgeLeft  = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Point(0, 0), new Size(40, 40));
            _badgeRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Point(0, 0), new Size(40, 40));

            _labelText = new UIResText("", new Point(0, 0), 0.45f)
                TextAlignment = UIResText.Alignment.Right
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic menu button.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Button label.</param>
        /// <param name="description">Description.</param>
        public UIMenuItem(string text, string description)
            Enabled = true;

            _rectangle      = new UIResRectangle(new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(431, 38), Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0));
            _text           = new UIResText(text, new PointF(8, 0), 0.33f, UnknownColors.WhiteSmoke, CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, UIResText.Alignment.Left);
            Description     = description;
            _selectedSprite = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_nav", new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(431, 38));

            _badgeLeft  = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(40, 40));
            _badgeRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new PointF(0, 0), new SizeF(40, 40));

            _labelText = new UIResText("", new PointF(0, 0), 0.35f)
                TextAlignment = UIResText.Alignment.Right
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic menu button.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Button label.</param>
        /// <param name="description">Description.</param>
        public UIMenuItem(string text, string description)
            Enabled = true;

            _rectangle      = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 38), Color.FromArgb(20, 255, 255, 255)); // Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0)
            _text           = new UIResText(text, new Point(8, 0), 0.33f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Center);
            Description     = description;
            _selectedSprite = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_nav", new Size(431, 38), new Point(0, 0));

            _badgeLeft  = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Size(40, 40), new Point(0, 0));
            _badgeRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Size(40, 40), new Point(0, 0));

            _labelText = new UIResText("", new Point(0, 0), 0.35f)
                Alignment = Alignment.Right
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the width of a string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text to measure.</param>
        /// <param name="font">Game font used for measurements.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The scale of the characters.</param>
        /// <returns>The width of the string based on the font and scale.</returns>
        public static float GetTextWidth(string text, GTA.Font font, float scale)
            // Start by requesting the game to start processing a width measurement
            // Add the text string

            // Set the properties for the text
            Function.Call(Hash.SET_TEXT_FONT, (int)font);
            Function.Call(Hash.SET_TEXT_SCALE, 1f, scale);

            // Ask the game for the relative string width
            float width = Function.Call <float>(Hash._GET_TEXT_SCREEN_WIDTH, true);

            // And return the literal result
            return(ResolutionMaintainRatio.Width * width);
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Basic menu button with description and colors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Button label.</param>
        /// <param name="description">Button label.</param>
        /// <param name="description">Button label.</param>
        /// <param name="description">Button label.</param>
        public UIMenuItem(string text, string description, Color color, Color highlightColor)
            Enabled = true;

            MainColor      = color;
            HighlightColor = highlightColor;

            TextColor            = Colors.White;
            HighlightedTextColor = Colors.Black;

            _rectangle      = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 38), _defaultColor);        // Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0)
            _text           = new UIResText(text, new Point(8, 0), 0.33f, Colors.WhiteSmoke, CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font.ChaletLondon, Alignment.Left);
            Description     = description;
            _selectedSprite = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_nav", new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 38));

            _badgeLeft  = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Point(0, 0), new Size(40, 40));
            _badgeRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Point(0, 0), new Size(40, 40));

            _labelText = new UIResText("", new Point(0, 0), 0.35f)
                TextAlignment = Alignment.Right
Exemplo n.º 26
 public static float MeasureString(string input, CitizenFX.Core.UI.Font font, float scale)
     return(UIResText.MeasureStringWidth(input, font, scale));
        void Deloreonfunctioning(int index)
            #region functions
            UIResText Deloreanlistnum = new UIResText("Number of Time Machines: " + Deloreanlist.Count.ToString(), new Point(loc.X, loc.Y - 50), (float)0.6, Color.Red);
            UIResText Deloreanspeed = new UIResText("Speed: " + (int)((Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Speed / .27777) / 1.60934), new Point(loc.X, loc.Y - 130), (float)0.6, Color.Red);
            UIResText Deloreanpos = new UIResText(Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Rotation.ToString(), new Point(500, loc.Y - 130), (float)0.6, Color.Red);

            if (!Deloreanlist[index].engineturningon)
                if (!Deloreanlist[index].engineison)
                    if (!Deloreanlist[index].RCmode)
                        Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.EngineRunning = true;
                    Deloreanlist[index].engineison = true;
                    Deloreanlist[index].engineturningon = true;
                    Deloreanlist[index].ifwentoutoffcar = false;
                    Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_ENGINE_ON, Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle, true);

            if (!Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle.IsDriveable)
                if (!Deloreanlist[index].carjustdied)
                    Deloreanlist[index].carjustdied = true;
                    Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.IsPersistent = false;
                    Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon = null;
                    Deloreanlist[index].ifwentoutoffcar = true;

            if (Deloreanlist[index].refilltimecurcuits)
                if (runoncefeul)
                    if (Mrfusionrefilltimer.getdelay() >= 3)
                        Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT, Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Handle, 0);
                        Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.FrontBumper, 0, true);
                        Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Roof, -1, true);
                        runoncefeul = false;
                if (Mrfusionrefilltimer.getdelay() < 3)
                    if (!Deloreanlist[index].toggletimecurcuits)
                        if (!freezestarted)
                            Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT, Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Handle, 0);
                            Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.FrontBumper, -1, true);
                            Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Roof, -1, true);
                if (!freezestarted)
                    Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT, Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Handle, 0);
                    Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.FrontBumper, -1, true);
                    Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Roof, -1, true);

            if (Deloreanlist[index].toggletimecurcuits)
                Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT, Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Handle, 0);
                Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.SideSkirt, 0, true);
                //Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_EXTRA, new InputArgument[] { TimeTravel.instantDelorean.Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon, 8, 0 });
                int tempspeed = (int)((Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Speed / .27777) / 1.60934);
                if (tempspeed > 84 && tempspeed < 88)
                    sparkprotect = true;
                    if (!below84)
                        Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT, Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Handle, 0);
                        Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Spoilers, 0, true);
                        Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Frame, 5, true);
                        if (Deloreanlist[index].refilltimecurcuits)
                            make_effect("scr_martin1", "scr_sol1_sniper_impact", index);
                    World.DrawLightWithRange(Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.GetOffsetInWorldCoords(new Vector3(0, (float)2.2, (float)0.5)), Color.DodgerBlue, (float)1.2, 400);
                    if (!Deloreanlist[index].past84)
                        if (Deloreanlist[index].refilltimecurcuits)
                            Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.IsInvincible = true;
                            Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.CanBeVisiblyDamaged = false;
                        Deloreanlist[index].past84 = true;
                else if (tempspeed >= 88)
                    if (!below84)
                        Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT, Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Handle, 0);
                        Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Spoilers, 0, true);
                        Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Frame, 5, true);
                        if (Deloreanlist[index].refilltimecurcuits)
                            make_effect("scr_martin1", "scr_sol1_sniper_impact", index);
                    World.DrawLightWithRange(Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.GetOffsetInWorldCoords(new Vector3(0, (float)2.2, (float)0.5)), Color.DodgerBlue, (float)1.2, 400);
                    if (Deloreanlist[index].refilltimecurcuits)
                        if (delay.getdelay() < 5)
                            if (delay.getdelay() > 2)

                            if (Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_FOLLOW_VEHICLE_CAM_VIEW_MODE) == 4)
                                Ped[] peds = World.GetNearbyPeds(Game.Player.Character, 1000);
                                Vehicle[] pedVehicles = World.GetNearbyVehicles(Game.Player.Character, 1000);
                                for (int i = 0; i < peds.Length; i++)
                                    if (peds[i] != Game.Player.Character)
                                        GTA.Native.Function.Call(GTA.Native.Hash.SET_ENTITY_COORDS_NO_OFFSET, peds[i], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
                                Array.Clear(peds, 0, peds.Length);
                                for (int i = 0; i < pedVehicles.Length; i++)
                                    if (pedVehicles[i] != Game.Player.Character.CurrentVehicle)
                                        GTA.Native.Function.Call(GTA.Native.Hash.SET_ENTITY_COORDS_NO_OFFSET, pedVehicles[i], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
                                Array.Clear(pedVehicles, 0, pedVehicles.Length);
                                //End Ped Despawning

                                //Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_DATE, Deloreanlist[index].getmonth(), Deloreanlist[index].getday(), Deloreanlist[index].getyear());
                                Function.Call(Hash.SET_CLOCK_TIME, ((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2), Deloreanlist[index].getminute(), 0);

                                Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0;

                                Player_time_class.pastday1 = Deloreanlist[index].pastday1;
                                Player_time_class.pastday2 = Deloreanlist[index].pastday2;
                                Player_time_class.pastmonth1 = Deloreanlist[index].pastmonth1;
                                Player_time_class.pastmonth2 = Deloreanlist[index].pastmonth2;
                                Player_time_class.pasty1 = Deloreanlist[index].pasty1;
                                Player_time_class.pasty2 = Deloreanlist[index].pasty2;
                                Player_time_class.pasty3 = Deloreanlist[index].pasty3;
                                Player_time_class.pasty4 = Deloreanlist[index].pasty4;
                                Player_time_class.pasth1 = Deloreanlist[index].pasth1;
                                Player_time_class.pasth2 = Deloreanlist[index].pasth2;
                                Player_time_class.pastm1 = Deloreanlist[index].pastm1;
                                Player_time_class.pastm2 = Deloreanlist[index].pastm2;
                                Player_time_class.pastampm = Deloreanlist[index].pastampm;
                                Player_time_class.presday1 = Deloreanlist[index].presday1;
                                Player_time_class.presday2 = Deloreanlist[index].presday2;
                                Player_time_class.presmonth1 = Deloreanlist[index].presmonth1;
                                Player_time_class.presmonth2 = Deloreanlist[index].presmonth2;
                                Player_time_class.presy1 = Deloreanlist[index].presy1;
                                Player_time_class.presy2 = Deloreanlist[index].presy2;
                                Player_time_class.presy3 = Deloreanlist[index].presy3;
                                Player_time_class.presy4 = Deloreanlist[index].presy4;
                                Player_time_class.presh1 = Deloreanlist[index].presh1;
                                Player_time_class.presh2 = Deloreanlist[index].presh2;
                                Player_time_class.presm1 = Deloreanlist[index].presm1;
                                Player_time_class.presm2 = Deloreanlist[index].presm2;
                                Player_time_class.presampm = Deloreanlist[index].presampm;
                                Player_time_class.fday1 = Deloreanlist[index].fday1;
                                Player_time_class.fday2 = Deloreanlist[index].fday2;
                                Player_time_class.fmonth1 = Deloreanlist[index].fmonth1;
                                Player_time_class.fmonth2 = Deloreanlist[index].fmonth2;
                                Player_time_class.fy1 = Deloreanlist[index].fy1;
                                Player_time_class.fy2 = Deloreanlist[index].fy2;
                                Player_time_class.fy3 = Deloreanlist[index].fy3;
                                Player_time_class.fy4 = Deloreanlist[index].fy4;
                                Player_time_class.fh1 = Deloreanlist[index].fh1;
                                Player_time_class.fh2 = Deloreanlist[index].fh2;
                                Player_time_class.fm1 = Deloreanlist[index].fm1;
                                Player_time_class.fm2 = Deloreanlist[index].fm2;
                                Player_time_class.fampm = Deloreanlist[index].fampm;
                                Deloreanlist[index].refilltimecurcuits = false;
                                Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.DirtLevel = 12;
                                below84 = true;
                                if (Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_EXTRA_TURNED_ON, new InputArgument[] { TimeTravel.instantDelorean.Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon, 10 }))
                                    Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_EXTRA, new InputArgument[] { TimeTravel.instantDelorean.Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon, 10, -1 });
                                Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT, Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Handle, 0);
                                Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Spoilers, 1, true);
                                Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.FrontBumper, -1, true);
                                make_effect("scr_rcpaparazzo1", "scr_rcpap1_camera", index);

                                if (!stoponce)
                                    Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Speed = 0;
                                    stoponce = true;
                                if (!Variableclass.sendinvincible)
                                    Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.IsInvincible = true;
                                Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.IsVisible = false;

                                Game.Player.CanControlCharacter = false;

                                int tempcount = 0;
                                while (tempcount <= 30)
                                    int eplode = (int)ExplosionType.FlameExplode;
                                    World.AddExplosion(Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.GetOffsetInWorldCoords(new Vector3(1, tempcount + 3, -2)), (ExplosionType)eplode, (float)1, 0);
                                    World.AddExplosion(Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.GetOffsetInWorldCoords(new Vector3(-1, tempcount + 3, -2)), (ExplosionType)eplode, (float)1, 0);
                                if (Game.Player.WantedLevel > 0)
                                    Game.Player.WantedLevel = 0;
                                if (Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_EXTRA_TURNED_ON, new InputArgument[] { TimeTravel.instantDelorean.Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon, 10 }))
                                    Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_EXTRA, new InputArgument[] { TimeTravel.instantDelorean.Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon, 10, -1 });
                                Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT, Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Handle, 0);
                                Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Spoilers, 1, true);
                                Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.FrontBumper, -1, true);
                    if (Deloreanlist[index].past84)
                        if (!entertime)
                            sparkprotect = false;
                            stoponce = false;
                            Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT, Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Handle, 0);
                            Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Spoilers, 1, true);

                    if (Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_FOLLOW_VEHICLE_CAM_VIEW_MODE) == 4)
                        below84 = false;
                    Deloreanlist[index].past84 = false;
                Function.Call(Hash.SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT, Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.Handle, 0);
                Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.FrontBumper, -1, true);
                Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.SideSkirt, -1, true);
                Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Spoilers, -1, true);
                Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Frame, -1, true);
                Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Grille, -1, true);
        public void tick(int index)
            int tick = DateTime.Now.Second;
            if (Directory.Exists(image))
                #region future

                //month display
                img = displaymonth((Deloreanlist[index].fmonth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fmonth2, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + 27, loc.Y + 65), new Size(88, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //Day display
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fday1, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\day\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\day\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + 140, loc.Y + 65), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fday2, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\day\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\day\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + 166, loc.Y + 65), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fy1, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + 220, loc.Y + 65), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fy2, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + 249, loc.Y + 65), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fy3, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\3" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\3" + img, new Point(loc.X + 278, loc.Y + 65), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fy4, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\4" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\4" + img, new Point(loc.X + 307, loc.Y + 65), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                int h1 = 1, h2 = 2;
                if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 0)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 1)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 2)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 3)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 3;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 4)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 4;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 5)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 5;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 6)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 6;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 7)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 7;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 8)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 8;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 9)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 9;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 10)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 0;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 11)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 12)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 13)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 14)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 15)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 3;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 16)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 4;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 17)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 5;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 18)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 6;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 19)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 7;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 20)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 8;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 21)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 9;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 22)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 0;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 23)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 1;

                //hour display
                img = displaymunber(h1, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\hour\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\hour\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + 366, loc.Y + 65), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(h2, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\hour\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\hour\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + 388, loc.Y + 65), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) > 12)
                    Deloreanlist[index].fampm = "pm";
                    Deloreanlist[index].fampm = "am";

                img = "\\red " + Deloreanlist[index].fampm + ".jpg";
                if (File.Exists(image + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + 340, loc.Y + 36), new Size(20, 28));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                if (tick != temptick)
                    if (ticktock)
                        ticktock = false;
                        ticktock = true;
                    temptick = tick;
                    if (ticktock)
                        img = "\\red colon on.jpg";
                        if (File.Exists(image + img))
                            Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + 427, loc.Y + 65), new Size(10, 14));
                            UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                        img = "\\red colon off.jpg";
                        if (File.Exists(image + img))
                            Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + 427, loc.Y + 65), new Size(10, 14));
                            UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //minute display
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fm1, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\min\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\min\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + 447, loc.Y + 65), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fm2, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\min\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\min\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + 474, loc.Y + 65), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                #region present

                img = displaymonth((Deloreanlist[index].presmonth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].presmonth2, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + 27, loc.Y + 157), new Size(88, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //Day display
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presday1, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\day\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\day\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + 140, loc.Y + 157), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presday2, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\day\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\day\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + 166, loc.Y + 157), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presy1, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + 220, loc.Y + 157), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presy2, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + 249, loc.Y + 157), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presy3, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\3" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\3" + img, new Point(loc.X + 278, loc.Y + 157), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presy4, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\4" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\4" + img, new Point(loc.X + 307, loc.Y + 157), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                Deloreanlist[index].presampm = "am";
                int hour = World.CurrentDayTime.Hours;
                if (hour == 0)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (hour == 1)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (hour == 2)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (hour == 3)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 3;
                else if (hour == 4)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 4;
                else if (hour == 5)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 5;
                else if (hour == 6)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 6;
                else if (hour == 7)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 7;
                else if (hour == 8)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 8;
                else if (hour == 9)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 9;
                else if (hour == 10)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 0;
                else if (hour == 11)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (hour == 12)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (hour == 13)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (hour == 14)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (hour == 15)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 3;
                else if (hour == 16)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 4;
                else if (hour == 17)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 5;
                else if (hour == 18)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 6;
                else if (hour == 19)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 7;
                else if (hour == 20)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 8;
                else if (hour == 21)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 9;
                else if (hour == 22)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 0;
                else if (hour == 23)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 1;

                if (hour > 12)
                    Deloreanlist[index].fampm = "pm";
                    Deloreanlist[index].fampm = "am";

                img = "\\green " + Deloreanlist[index].presampm + ".jpg";
                if (File.Exists(image + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + 340, loc.Y + 157), new Size(20, 32));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //hour display
                img = displaymunber(h1, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\hour\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\hour\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + 366, loc.Y + 157), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(h2, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\hour\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\hour\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + 388, loc.Y + 157), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                if (tick != temptick)
                    if (ticktock)
                        ticktock = false;
                        ticktock = true;
                    temptick = tick;
                    if (ticktock)
                        img = "\\green colon on.jpg";
                        if (File.Exists(image + img))
                            Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + 427, loc.Y + 157), new Size(10, 14));
                            Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Grille, 0, true);
                            UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                        img = "\\green colon off.jpg";
                        if (File.Exists(image + img))
                            Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + 427, loc.Y + 157), new Size(10, 14));
                            Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Grille, -1, true);
                            UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //minute display
                int presmin = World.CurrentDayTime.Minutes;
                if (presmin < 10)
                    Deloreanlist[index].presm1 = 0;
                    Deloreanlist[index].presm2 = presmin;
                    if (presmin < 20)
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm1 = 1;
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm2 = presmin - 10;
                    else if (presmin < 30)
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm1 = 2;
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm2 = presmin - 20;
                    else if (presmin < 40)
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm1 = 3;
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm2 = presmin - 30;
                    else if (presmin < 50)
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm1 = 4;
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm2 = presmin - 40;
                    else if (presmin < 60)
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm1 = 5;
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm2 = presmin - 50;

                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presm1, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\min\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\min\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + 447, loc.Y + 157), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presm2, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\min\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\min\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + 474, loc.Y + 157), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                #region past
                //month display
                img = displaymonth((Deloreanlist[index].pastmonth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pastmonth2, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + 27, loc.Y + 243), new Size(88, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //Day display
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pastday1, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\day\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\day\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + 140, loc.Y + 243), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pastday2, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\day\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\day\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + 166, loc.Y + 243), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pasty1, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + 220, loc.Y + 243), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pasty2, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + 249, loc.Y + 243), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pasty3, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\3" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\3" + img, new Point(loc.X + 278, loc.Y + 243), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pasty4, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\4" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\4" + img, new Point(loc.X + 307, loc.Y + 243), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                img = "\\amber " + Deloreanlist[index].pastampm + ".jpg";
                if (File.Exists(image + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + 340, loc.Y + 243), new Size(20, 32));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //hour display
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pasth1, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\hour\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\hour\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + 366, loc.Y + 243), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pasth2, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\hour\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\hour\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + 388, loc.Y + 243), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                if (tick != temptick)
                    if (ticktock)
                        ticktock = false;
                        ticktock = true;
                    temptick = tick;
                    if (ticktock)
                        img = "\\amber colon on.jpg";
                        if (File.Exists(image + img))
                            Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + 427, loc.Y + 243), new Size(10, 17));
                            UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                        img = "\\amber colon off.jpg";
                        if (File.Exists(image + img))
                            Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + 427, loc.Y + 243), new Size(10, 17));
                            UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //minute display
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pastm1, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\min\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\min\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + 447, loc.Y + 243), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pastm2, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\min\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\min\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + 474, loc.Y + 243), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                if (!Deloreanlist[index].refilltimecurcuits)
                    UIResText Mrfusion = new UIResText("Empty", new Point(1600, 900), (float)0.6, Color.Orange);
                UIResText Timedisplayf = new UIResText(Deloreanlist[index].timedisplayfuture(), new Point(1450, 940), (float)0.6, Color.Red);
                UIResText Timedisplaypres = new UIResText(Deloreanlist[index].timedisplaypresent(), new Point(1450, 980), (float)0.6, Color.Green);
                UIResText Timedisplaypast = new UIResText(Deloreanlist[index].timedisplaypast(), new Point(1450, 1020), (float)0.6, Color.Yellow);
                Timedisplayf.DropShadow = true;
                Timedisplaypres.DropShadow = true;
                Timedisplaypast.DropShadow = true;
Exemplo n.º 29
 public static float MeasureString(string input, Font font, float scale)
     return(UIResText.MeasureStringWidth(input, font, scale));
Exemplo n.º 30
        protected void Init()
            _selectedSprite = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_nav", new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 38), 0, HighlightColor);
            _rectangle = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(431, 38), Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0));
            _text = new UIResText(Text, new Point(8, 0), 0.33f, Color.WhiteSmoke, GTA.Font.ChaletLondon, UIResText.Alignment.Left);
            Description = Description;

            _badgeLeft = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Point(0, 0), new Size(40, 40));
            _badgeRight = new Sprite("commonmenu", "", new Point(0, 0), new Size(40, 40));

            _labelText = new UIResText("", new Point(0, 0), 0.35f) { TextAlignment = UIResText.Alignment.Right };
Exemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Advanced Menu constructor that allows custom title banner.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">Title that appears on the big banner. Set to "" if you are using a custom banner.</param>
        /// <param name="subtitle">Subtitle that appears in capital letters in a small black bar.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Point object with X and Y data for offsets. Applied to all menu elements.</param>
        /// <param name="spriteLibrary">Sprite library name for the banner.</param>
        /// <param name="spriteName">Sprite name for the banner.</param>
        public UIMenu(string title, string subtitle, Point offset, string spriteLibrary, string spriteName)
            Offset = offset;
            Children = new Dictionary<UIMenuItem, UIMenu>();

            _mainMenu = new UIContainer(new Point(0 + Offset.X, 0 + Offset.Y), new Size(700, 500), Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0));
            _logo = new Sprite(spriteLibrary, spriteName, new Point(0 + Offset.X, 0 + Offset.Y), new Size(431, 107));
            _mainMenu.Items.Add(new UIResText(title, new Point(215, 20), 1.15f, Color.White, Font.HouseScript, true));
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subtitle))
                _mainMenu.Items.Add(new UIResRectangle(new Point(0, 107), new Size(431, 37), Color.Black));
                _mainMenu.Items.Add(new UIResText(subtitle, new Point(8, 110), 0.35f, Color.WhiteSmoke, 0, false));

                if (subtitle.StartsWith("~"))
                    CounterPretext = subtitle.Substring(0, 3);
                _counterText = new UIResText("", new Point(360 + Offset.X, 110 + Offset.Y), 0.35f, Color.WhiteSmoke, 0, false);
                ExtraYOffset = 37;
            Title = title;
            Subtitle = subtitle;

            _upAndDownSprite = new Sprite("commonmenu", "shop_arrows_upanddown", new Point(190 + Offset.X, 147 + 37 * (MaxItemsOnScreen + 1) + Offset.Y - 37 + ExtraYOffset), new Size(50, 50));
            _extraRectangleUp = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0 + Offset.X, 144 + 38 * (MaxItemsOnScreen + 1) + Offset.Y - 37 + ExtraYOffset), new Size(431, 18), Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 0, 0));
            _extraRectangleDown = new UIResRectangle(new Point(0 + Offset.X, 144 + 18 + 38 * (MaxItemsOnScreen + 1) + Offset.Y - 37 + ExtraYOffset), new Size(431, 18), Color.FromArgb(200, 0, 0, 0));

            _descriptionBar = new UIResRectangle(new Point(Offset.X, 123), new Size(431, 4), Color.Black);
            _descriptionRectangle = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_bgd", new Point(Offset.X, 127), new Size(431, 30));
            _descriptionText = new UIResText("Description", new Point(Offset.X + 5, 125), 0.33f, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255), Font.ChaletLondon, false);

            _background = new Sprite("commonmenu", "gradient_bgd", new Point(Offset.X, 144 + Offset.Y - 37 + ExtraYOffset), new Size(290, 25));

            SetKey(MenuControls.Up, GTA.Control.FrontendUp);
            SetKey(MenuControls.Down, GTA.Control.FrontendDown);
            SetKey(MenuControls.Left, GTA.Control.FrontendLeft);
            SetKey(MenuControls.Right, GTA.Control.FrontendRight);
            SetKey(MenuControls.Select, GTA.Control.FrontendAccept);

            SetKey(MenuControls.Back, GTA.Control.FrontendCancel);
            SetKey(MenuControls.Back, GTA.Control.FrontendPause);
            SetKey(MenuControls.Back, GTA.Control.Aim);

        public void tick(int X, int Y, int index)
            int tick = DateTime.Now.Second;
            if (Directory.Exists(image))
                #region future

                //month display
                img = displaymonth((Deloreanlist[index].fmonth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fmonth2, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + X, loc.Y + Y), new Size(88, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //Day display
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fday1, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\day\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\day\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 90, loc.Y + Y), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fday2, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\day\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\day\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 110, loc.Y + Y), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fy1, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 140, loc.Y + Y), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fy2, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 160, loc.Y + Y), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fy3, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\3" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\3" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 180, loc.Y + Y), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fy4, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\4" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\4" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 200, loc.Y + Y), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                #region ampm
                int h1 = 1, h2 = 2;
                if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 0)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 1)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 2)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 3)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 3;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 4)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 4;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 5)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 5;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 6)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 6;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 7)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 7;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 8)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 8;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 9)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 9;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 10)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 0;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 11)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 12)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 13)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 14)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 15)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 3;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 16)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 4;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 17)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 5;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 18)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 6;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 19)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 7;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 20)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 8;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 21)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 9;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 22)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 0;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) == 23)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 1;
                //hour display
                img = displaymunber(h1, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\hour\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\hour\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 250, loc.Y + Y), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(h2, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\hour\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\hour\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 270, loc.Y + Y), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) > 12)
                    Deloreanlist[index].fampm = "pm";
                    Deloreanlist[index].fampm = "am";

                UIResText Timedisplayf = new UIResText(Deloreanlist[index].timedisplayfuture(), new Point(1100, 570), (float)0.6, Color.Red);
                Timedisplayf.DropShadow = true;
                img = "\\red " + Deloreanlist[index].fampm + ".jpg";
                if (File.Exists(image + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 220, loc.Y + Y + 2), new Size(20, 28));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(loc.X + X, loc.Y + Y), (float)0.6);

                if (tick != temptick)
                    if (ticktock)
                        ticktock = false;
                        ticktock = true;
                    temptick = tick;
                    if (ticktock)
                        img = "\\red colon on.jpg";
                        if (File.Exists(image + img))
                            Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 287, loc.Y + Y + 10), new Size(10, 14));
                            UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                        img = "\\red colon off.jpg";
                        if (File.Exists(image + img))
                            Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 287, loc.Y + Y + 10), new Size(10, 14));
                            UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //minute display
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fm1, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\min\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\min\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 300, loc.Y + Y), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].fm2, time.Future);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\min\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\min\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 320, loc.Y + Y), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                #region Present

                //month display
                img = displaymonth((Deloreanlist[index].presmonth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].presmonth2, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + X, loc.Y + Y + 30), new Size(88, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //Day display
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presday1, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\day\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\day\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 90, loc.Y + Y + 30), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presday2, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\day\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\day\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 110, loc.Y + Y + 30), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presy1, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 140, loc.Y + Y + 30), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presy2, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 160, loc.Y + Y + 30), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presy3, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\3" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\3" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 180, loc.Y + Y + 30), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presy4, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\4" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\4" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 200, loc.Y + Y + 30), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                #region ampm
                Deloreanlist[index].presampm = "am";
                int hour = World.CurrentDayTime.Hours;
                if (hour == 0)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (hour == 1)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (hour == 2)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (hour == 3)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 3;
                else if (hour == 4)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 4;
                else if (hour == 5)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 5;
                else if (hour == 6)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 6;
                else if (hour == 7)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 7;
                else if (hour == 8)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 8;
                else if (hour == 9)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 9;
                else if (hour == 10)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 0;
                else if (hour == 11)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (hour == 12)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (hour == 13)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (hour == 14)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (hour == 15)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 3;
                else if (hour == 16)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 4;
                else if (hour == 17)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 5;
                else if (hour == 18)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 6;
                else if (hour == 19)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 7;
                else if (hour == 20)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 8;
                else if (hour == 21)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 9;
                else if (hour == 22)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 0;
                else if (hour == 23)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 1;
                if (hour > 12)
                    Deloreanlist[index].fampm = "pm";
                    Deloreanlist[index].fampm = "am";

                img = "\\green " + Deloreanlist[index].fampm + ".jpg";
                if (File.Exists(image + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 220, loc.Y + Y + 32), new Size(20, 28));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(loc.X + X, loc.Y + Y), (float)0.6);

                //hour display
                img = displaymunber(h1, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\hour\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\hour\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 250, loc.Y + Y + 30), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(h2, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\hour\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\hour\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 270, loc.Y + Y + 30), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                if (tick != temptick)
                    if (ticktock)
                        ticktock = false;
                        ticktock = true;
                    temptick = tick;
                    if (ticktock)
                        img = "\\green colon on.jpg";
                        if (File.Exists(image + img))
                            Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 287, loc.Y + Y + 40), new Size(10, 14));
                            Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Grille, 0, true);
                            UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                        img = "\\green colon off.jpg";
                        if (File.Exists(image + img))
                            Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 287, loc.Y + Y + 40), new Size(10, 14));
                            Deloreanlist[index].Deloreon.SetMod(VehicleMod.Grille, -1, true);
                            UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //minute display
                int presmin = World.CurrentDayTime.Minutes;
                if (presmin < 10)
                    Deloreanlist[index].presm1 = 0;
                    Deloreanlist[index].presm2 = presmin;
                    if (presmin < 20)
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm1 = 1;
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm2 = presmin - 10;
                    else if (presmin < 30)
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm1 = 2;
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm2 = presmin - 20;
                    else if (presmin < 40)
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm1 = 3;
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm2 = presmin - 30;
                    else if (presmin < 50)
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm1 = 4;
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm2 = presmin - 40;
                    else if (presmin < 60)
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm1 = 5;
                        Deloreanlist[index].presm2 = presmin - 50;

                //minute display
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presm1, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\min\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\min\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 300, loc.Y + Y + 30), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].presm2, time.Present);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\min\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\min\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 320, loc.Y + Y + 30), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                #region Past

                //month display
                img = displaymonth((Deloreanlist[index].pastmonth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pastmonth2, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + X, loc.Y + Y + 60), new Size(88, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //Day display
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pastday1, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\day\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\day\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 90, loc.Y + Y + 60), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pastday2, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\day\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\day\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 110, loc.Y + Y + 60), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pasty1, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 140, loc.Y + Y + 60), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pasty2, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 160, loc.Y + Y + 60), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pasty3, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\3" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\3" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 180, loc.Y + Y + 60), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pasty4, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\year\\4" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\year\\4" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 200, loc.Y + Y + 60), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                #region ampm
                h1 = 1; h2 = 2;
                if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 0)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 1)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 2)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 3)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 3;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 4)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 4;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 5)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 5;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 6)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 6;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 7)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 7;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 8)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 8;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 9)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 9;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 10)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 0;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 11)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 12)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 13)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 1;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 14)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 2;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 15)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 3;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 16)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 4;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 17)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 5;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 18)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 6;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 19)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 7;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 20)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 8;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 21)
                    h1 = 0;
                    h2 = 9;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 22)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 0;
                else if (((Deloreanlist[index].pasth1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].pasth2) == 23)
                    h1 = 1;
                    h2 = 1;

                //hour display
                img = displaymunber(h1, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\hour\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\hour\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 250, loc.Y + Y + 60), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(h2, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\hour\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\hour\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 270, loc.Y + Y + 60), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                if (((Deloreanlist[index].fh1 * 10) + Deloreanlist[index].fh2) > 12)
                    Deloreanlist[index].fampm = "pm";
                    Deloreanlist[index].fampm = "am";

                img = "\\amber " + Deloreanlist[index].pastampm + ".jpg";
                if (File.Exists(image + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 220, loc.Y + Y + 62), new Size(20, 28));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(loc.X + X, loc.Y + Y + 50), (float)0.6);

                if (tick != temptick)
                    if (ticktock)
                        ticktock = false;
                        ticktock = true;
                    temptick = tick;
                    if (ticktock)
                        img = "\\amber colon on.jpg";
                        if (File.Exists(image + img))
                            Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 287, loc.Y + Y + 70), new Size(10, 14));
                            UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                        img = "\\amber colon off.jpg";
                        if (File.Exists(image + img))
                            Sprite.DrawTexture(image + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 287, loc.Y + Y + 70), new Size(10, 14));
                            UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);

                //minute display
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pastm1, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\min\\1" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\min\\1" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 300, loc.Y + Y + 60), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                img = displaymunber(Deloreanlist[index].pastm2, time.Past);
                if (File.Exists(image + "\\min\\2" + img))
                    Sprite.DrawTexture(image + "\\min\\2" + img, new Point(loc.X + X + 320, loc.Y + Y + 60), new Size(20, 29));
                    UIText debug2 = new UIText("File is not present: " + img, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
                UIText debug2 = new UIText("images folder not present. Please place images folder in the scripts folder" + image, new Point(400, 100), (float)0.6);
