Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Initialize()
            //Animation and images
            texture = ImageManager.GreenEnemyTexture;
            deadTexture = ImageManager.CorpseTexture;
            animates = true;
            spriteSheetCols = 8;
            spriteSheetRows = 2;
            animationFramesPerSecond = 4;

            visibleRange = 300.0f;
            range = 300.0f;
            PrimaryWeapon = new Gun(gamePlayScreen, this);
            isArmed = true;

            //Movement and status
            destination = Center;
            isCurrentlyMoveable = true;
            isInMotion = false;
            MaxSpeed = 40f;
            Speed = MaxSpeed;

            //Hit points
            maxHP = 200;
            startingHP = maxHP;
            currentHP = maxHP;
            killScore = 30;

            //Initialize the draw area as a proportion of the screen size.
            width = (int)(gamePlayScreen.VP.Width * 0.075f);
            height = (int)(gamePlayScreen.VP.Height * 0.15f);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void Initialize()
            //Animation and images
            animates = true;
            spriteSheetCols = 8;
            spriteSheetRows = 2;
            texture = ImageManager.NathanielTexture;
            deadTexture = ImageManager.BloodTexture;

            PrimaryWeapon = new Gun(gamePlayScreen, this);
            isArmed = true;
            visibleRange = 500;
            range = 450;

            //Movement and status
            MaxSpeed = 70f;
            Speed = MaxSpeed;
            isCurrentlyMoveable = true;
            isInMotion = false;
            destination = Center;
            facingDirection = FacingDirection.South;

            //Hit points
            maxHP = 8000;
            startingHP = maxHP;
            currentHP = maxHP;

            //Initialize the draw area as a proportion of the screen size
            width = (int)(gamePlayScreen.VP.Width * 0.06);
            height = (int)(gamePlayScreen.VP.Height * 0.15f);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void Initialize()
            PrimaryWeapon = new Gun(gamePlayScreen,this);
            isArmed = true;
            range = 500;
            visibleRange = 700f;

            //Hit points
            maxHP = 600;
            startingHP = maxHP;
            currentHP = maxHP;

            texture = ImageManager.GunTowerTexture;
            width = (int)(gamePlayScreen.VP.Width*0.06);
            height = (int) (gamePlayScreen.VP.Height*0.1);