Exemplo n.º 1
 internal Factory(Province province, Agent factoryOwner, FactoryType type) : base(type, province)
     //assuming this is level 0 building
     constructionNeeds = getType().getBuildNeeds();
     if (getCountry().economy.getValue() == Economy.PlannedEconomy)
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal void open(IShareOwner byWhom, bool payMoney)
            var agent = byWhom as Agent;

            if (agent.Country.economy.getValue() != Economy.PlannedEconomy)
            if (payMoney)
                agent.PayWithoutRecord(this, getReopenCost());
                ownership.Add(byWhom, getReopenCost());
                //Debug.Log(byWhom + " invested " + getReopenCost() + " in reopening " + this);
            _isOpen          = true;
            daysUnprofitable = 0;
            daysClosed       = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Don't call it directly
        /// </summary>

        public Factory(Province province, IShareOwner investor, FactoryType type, Value cost)
            : base(type, province)
            //this.buildByPlannedEconomy = buildByPlannedEconomy;
            ownership = new Owners(this);
            if (investor != null) // that mean that factory is a fake
                currentInvestor = investor;
                //assuming this is level 0 building
                constructionNeeds = new StorageSet(getType().GetBuildNeeds());

                ownership.Add(investor, cost);

                if (GetCountry().economy.getValue() == Economy.PlannedEconomy)
                //    Debug.Log(investor + " invested " + cost + " in building new " + this);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Enterprise rises salary if labor demand is bigger than labor supply (assuming enterprise is profitable). And vice versa - enterprise lowers salary if labor demand is lower than labor supply.
        ///More profitable enterprise rises salary faster.
        /// </summary>
        public void ChangeSalary()
            //Should be rise salary if: small unemployment, has profit, need has other resources

            if (IsOpen && Economy.isMarket.checkIfTrue(Country))
                var unemployment = Province.GetAllPopulation().Where(x => x.Type == PopType.Workers).GetAverageProcent(x => x.getUnemployment());
                var margin       = GetMargin();

                // rise salary to attract  workforce, including workforce from other factories
                if (margin.isBiggerThan(Options.minMarginToRiseSalary) &&
                    unemployment.isSmallerThan(Options.ProvinceLackWorkforce) && //demand >= supply
                    GetVacancies() > 10)   // && getInputFactor() == 1)
                    // cant catch up salaries like that. Check for zero workforce?
                    float salaryRaise = 0.001f; //1%
                    if (margin.get() > 10f)     //1000%
                        salaryRaise = 0.012f;
                    else if (margin.get() > 1f) //100%
                        salaryRaise = 0.006f;
                    else if (margin.get() > 0.3f) //30%
                        salaryRaise = 0.003f;
                    else if (margin.get() > 0.1f) //10%
                        salaryRaise = 0.002f;


                // Reduce salary on non-profit
                if (margin.isZero() &&
                    daysUnprofitable >= Options.minDaysBeforeSalaryCut &&
                    !isJustHiredPeople() && !isSubsidized())
                    salary.Subtract(0.01f, false);

                // if supply > demand
                if (unemployment.isBiggerThan(Options.ProvinceExcessWorkforce))
                    salary.Subtract(0.001f, false);

                if (getWorkForce() == 0)// && getInputFactor() == 1)
                // to help factories catch up other factories salaries
                //    salary.set(province.getLocalMinSalary());
                // freshly built factories should rise salary to concurrency with old ones
                //if (getWorkForce() < 100 && Province.getUnemployedWorkers() == 0 && this.Cash.get() > 10f)// && getInputFactor() == 1)
                //    //salary.set(province.getLocalMinSalary());
                //    salary.add(0.09f);

                // limit salary country's min wage
                var minSalary = Country.getMinSalary();
                if (salary.isSmallerThan(minSalary))