Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Indicates that a notes file has been added or removed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">GH notes item</param>
 /// <param name="addedRemoved">true=Added, false=Removed</param>
 internal GhItemMapChangedEventArgs(NotesFile fromFile, uint uniqueId, GhNotesItem toItem, bool isGenerated, bool addedRemoved)
     this.ToGhNotesItem = toItem;
     this.FromFile = fromFile;
     this.UniqueId = uniqueId;
     this.IsGenerated = isGenerated;
     this.AddedRemoved = addedRemoved;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Initialise(NotesFile baseNotesInfo, GhNotesItem[] items, float hopoMeasure, bool gh3SustainClipping, string[] wavPaths)
            ne.NotesInfo = baseNotesInfo;
            ne.HoPoMeasure = hopoMeasure;
            ne.Gh3SustainClipping = gh3SustainClipping;

            loadWindowInfo(this, _windowInfo);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public MapSetting(int syncOffset, bool genSP, bool genFO, bool genBP, bool genNotes, uint uniqueId, GhNotesItem ghItem)
     this.SyncOffset = syncOffset;
     this.GenSP = genSP;
     this.GenFO = genFO;
     this.GenBP = genBP;
     this.GenNotes = genNotes;
     this.UniqueId = uniqueId;
     this.GhItem = ghItem;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void addGhItem(GhNotesItem item)
     ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem(item.Name);
     li.ImageIndex = (int)(item.Difficulty);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void setGhItemInformation(NotesFile file, uint uniqueId, GhNotesItem ghItem)
            ListViewItem li = null;

            foreach (ListViewItem l in lvwGh.Items)
                if (l.Text == ghItem.Name)
                    li = l;

            int fileNo = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < lvwFiles.Items.Count; i++)
                if (lvwFiles.Items[i].Tag == file)
                    fileNo = i + 1;

            if (li != null && ghItem != null)
                if (ghItem.IsMapped)
                    li.SubItems[1].Text = ghItem.MappedFileItem.ButtonsUsed.ToString();
                    li.SubItems[2].Text = string.Concat(ghItem.MappedFileItem.NotesCount.ToString(), ghItem.MappedFileItem.HasGeneratedNotes ? " *" : string.Empty);
                    if (_song.Notes.ForceNoStarPower)
                        li.SubItems[3].Text = "0 (Forced)";
                        li.SubItems[3].Text = string.Concat(ghItem.MappedFileItem.StarPowerCount.ToString(), ghItem.MappedFileItem.HasGeneratedStarPower ? " *" : string.Empty);
                    li.SubItems[4].Text = string.Concat(ghItem.MappedFileItem.BattlePowerCount.ToString(), ghItem.MappedFileItem.HasGeneratedBattlePower ? " *" : string.Empty);
                    li.SubItems[5].Text = string.Concat((ghItem.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP1Count + ghItem.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP2Count).ToString(), ghItem.MappedFileItem.HasGeneratedFaceOff ? " *" : string.Empty);

                    string fileName = string.Format("{0} ({1})", fileNo.ToString(), (new FileInfo(file.Filename)).Extension.Substring(1));

                    if (ghItem.MappedFileItem.HasGeneratedNotes)
                        li.SubItems[6].Text = string.Format("Generated from {0} : {1}", fileName, ghItem.MappedFileItem.SourceName);
                        li.SubItems[6].Text = string.Format("{0} : {1}", fileName, ghItem.MappedFileItem.SourceName);
                    li.Tag = ghItem;
                    li.SubItems[1].Text = string.Empty;
                    li.SubItems[2].Text = string.Empty;
                    li.SubItems[3].Text = string.Empty;
                    li.SubItems[4].Text = string.Empty;
                    li.SubItems[5].Text = string.Empty;
                    li.SubItems[6].Text = string.Empty;
                    li.Tag = null;
Exemplo n.º 6
 private bool findMatch(NotesFile nf, GhNotesItem ghi, NotesType type, NotesDifficulty difficulty)
     string match;
     if (nf.Parser != null)
         match = nf.Parser.MatchType(type, difficulty);
         if (match.Length != 0)
             int j = 0;
             foreach (NotesFileItem nfi in nf.Items)
                 if (!ghi.IsMapped && nfi.SourceName == match && nfi.Notes.Length > 1 * 3)
                     this.MapToGhItem(nf, nfi.UniqueId, ghi, false);
                     return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected void OnGhItemMapChanged(NotesFile fromFile, uint uniqueId, GhNotesItem toItem, bool isGenerated, bool addedRemoved)
            if (GhItemMapChanged != null)
                GhItemMapChanged(this, new GhItemMapChangedEventArgs(fromFile, uniqueId, toItem, isGenerated, addedRemoved));

            this.LastChanged = DateTime.Now;
            this.UpdateAffectsAudio = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void UnMapGhItem(GhNotesItem ghItem)
            if (ghItem == null)

            bool gen = ghItem.MappedFileItem.HasGeneratedNotes;

            NotesFile nf = ghItem.MappedFile;
            uint id = 0; //unmap generated
            if (!gen)
                id = ghItem.MappedFileItem.UniqueId;

            ghItem.IsMapped = false;
            ghItem.MappedFile = null;
            ghItem.MappedFileItem = null;
            this.LastChanged = DateTime.Now;

            //Raise an event
            this.OnGhItemMapChanged(nf, id, ghItem, gen, false);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Map the missing GH3 items to other difficulties
        /// </summary>
        //public void AutoMapMissing()
        //    foreach (GhNotesItem ghi in this.GhItems)
        //    {
        //        if (!ghi.IsMapped)
        //        {
        //            foreach (NotesFile nf in this.Files)
        //            {
        //                //loop up to expert
        //                for (int i = (int)ghi.Difficulty; i <= (int)NotesDifficulty.Expert; i++)
        //                    findMatch(nf, ghi, (NotesDifficulty)i);
        //                if (ghi.IsMapped)
        //                    break;
        //                //loop down to easy
        //                for (int i = ((int)ghi.Difficulty) - 1; i >= (int)NotesDifficulty.Easy; i--)
        //                    findMatch(nf, ghi, (NotesDifficulty)i);
        //                if (ghi.IsMapped)
        //                    break;
        //            }
        //            if (ghi.IsMapped)
        //                continue;
        //        }
        //    }
        public void MapToGhItem(NotesFile fromFile, uint uniqueId, GhNotesItem toItem, bool isGenerated)
            toItem.IsMapped = true;
            toItem.MappedFile = fromFile;
            toItem.MappedFileItem = fromFile.FindItem(uniqueId);

            this.LastChanged = DateTime.Now;
            this.UpdateAffectsAudio = true;

            //Raise an event
            this.OnGhItemMapChanged(fromFile, uniqueId, toItem, isGenerated, false);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public bool GenerateNotes(GhNotesItem ghi, bool force, bool replaceExistingSp, bool replaceExistingBattle, bool replaceExistingFaceOff, bool replaceGeneratedItems)
            GhNotesItem source = null;

            if (!ghi.IsMapped || force)
                //attempt to find a set of notes from the same notes type (Guitar / Rhythm etc)
                source = SourceGenerationItem(ghi.Type);

                if (source != null && source != ghi)
                    if (source.IsMapped && source.MappedFileItem.StarPowerCount <= 1)
                        source.MappedFileItem.GenerateStarPower(this.BaseFile.Frets, true, null);

                    ghi.GenerateNotes(this.BaseFile, source);
                    ghi.MappedFileItem.SyncOffset = source.MappedFileItem.SyncOffset;

                    this.OnGhItemMapChanged(source.MappedFile, ghi.MappedFileItem.UniqueId, ghi, true, true);
                    return false;
            else if (ghi.MappedFileItem.StarPowerCount <= 1 || replaceExistingSp ||
                (ghi.MappedFileItem.HasGeneratedStarPower && replaceGeneratedItems))
                source = SourceGenerationItem(ghi.Type, NotesDifficulty.Expert);
                if (!source.IsMapped || (ghi.MappedFileItem.StarPowerCount <= 1 && ghi.Type != NotesType.Guitar))
                    source = SourceGenerationItem(NotesType.Guitar, NotesDifficulty.Expert);

                if (!source.IsMapped)
                    this.GenerateNotes(source, true, true, true, true, true);
                if (source.MappedFileItem.StarPowerCount <= 1)
                    source.MappedFileItem.GenerateStarPower(this.BaseFile.Frets, true, null);

                ghi.MappedFileItem.GenerateStarPower(this.BaseFile.Frets, false, source.MappedFileItem.StarPower);

            if (ghi.MappedFileItem.BattlePowerCount <= 1 || replaceExistingBattle ||
                (ghi.MappedFileItem.HasGeneratedBattlePower && replaceGeneratedItems))
                source = SourceGenerationItem(ghi.Type, NotesDifficulty.Expert);
                if (!source.IsMapped || (ghi.MappedFileItem.BattlePowerCount <= 1 && ghi.Type != NotesType.Guitar))
                    source = SourceGenerationItem(NotesType.Guitar, NotesDifficulty.Expert);

                if (!source.IsMapped)
                    this.GenerateNotes(source, true, true, true, true, true);
                if (source.MappedFileItem.BattlePowerCount <= 1)
                    source.MappedFileItem.GenerateBattlePower(this.BaseFile.Frets, source.MappedFileItem.StarPowerCount <= 1 ? null : source.MappedFileItem.StarPower);

                ghi.MappedFileItem.GenerateBattlePower(this.BaseFile.Frets, source.MappedFileItem.StarPower);

            if (ghi.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP1Count <= 1 || ghi.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP2Count <= 1 || replaceExistingFaceOff ||
                (ghi.MappedFileItem.HasGeneratedFaceOff && replaceGeneratedItems))
                source = SourceGenerationItem(ghi.Type, NotesDifficulty.Expert);
                if (!source.IsMapped || ((source.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP1Count <= 1 || source.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP2Count <= 1) && ghi.Type != NotesType.Guitar))
                    source = SourceGenerationItem(NotesType.Guitar, NotesDifficulty.Expert);

                if (!source.IsMapped)
                    this.GenerateNotes(source, true, true, true, true, true);
                if (source.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP1Count <= 1 || source.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP2Count <= 1)
                    source.MappedFileItem.GenerateFaceOff(this.BaseFile.Frets, null, null, source.MappedFileItem.StarPower);

                ghi.MappedFileItem.GenerateFaceOff(this.BaseFile.Frets, source.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP1, source.MappedFileItem.FaceOffP2, source.MappedFileItem.StarPower);

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void GenerateNotes(NotesFile baseFile, GhNotesItem sourceItem)
     this.IsMapped = true;
     this.MappedFile = sourceItem.MappedFile;
     this.MappedFileItem = new NotesFileItem(sourceItem.MappedFileItem.SourceName, baseFile, sourceItem.MappedFileItem, sourceItem.Difficulty, this.Difficulty);
     this.MappedFileItem.NotesGeneratedFrom = string.Format("{0} : {1}", sourceItem.Type.ToString(), sourceItem.Difficulty.ToString());
     this.MappedFileItem.UniqueId = sourceItem.MappedFileItem.UniqueId;
     this.MappedFileItem.SyncOffset = sourceItem.MappedFileItem.SyncOffset;
     this.MappedFileItem.LastChanged = DateTime.Now;