private dynamic Handler(dynamic parameters)
            IHttpContext httpContext = new NancyHttpContext(Context);

            // Creating a request handler factory for Active Query Builder
            HandlerFactory factory = new HandlerFactory();

            // handling the request
            var handler = factory.CreateHandler(Context.Request.Path, httpContext);


            // returning the response
        public IndexModule()
            Get["/"] = parameters =>
                // Custom context based on the NancyContext to define data interchange rules with the client part of Active Query Builder
                IHttpContext httpContext = new NancyHttpContext(Context);

                // Get an instance of the QueryBuilder object according to the SessionID from the context.
                if (QueryBuilderStore.Get(httpContext, InstanceId) == null)


            // handling queries from the Active Query Builder clients
            Get["/{ActiveQueryBuilder*}"]  = Handler;
            Post["/{ActiveQueryBuilder*}"] = Handler;