Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override void RequestStartup(TinyIoCContainer requestContainer, IPipelines pipelines, NancyContext context)
            // At request startup we modify the request pipelines to
            // include stateless authentication
            // Configuring stateless authentication is simple. Just use the
            // NancyContext to get the apiKey. Then, use the apiKey to get
            // your user's identity.
            var configuration =
                new StatelessAuthenticationConfiguration(nancyContext =>
                //for now, we will pull the apiKey from the querystring,
                //but you can pull it from any part of the NancyContext
                var apiKey = (string)nancyContext.Request.Query.ApiKey.Value;

                //get the user identity however you choose to (for now, using a static class/method)


            StatelessAuthentication.Enable(pipelines, configuration);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //by this time, the api key should have already been pulled out of our querystring
        //and, using the api key, an identity assigned to our NancyContext
        public SecureModule()

            Get("secure", args =>
                //Context.CurrentUser was set by StatelessAuthentication earlier in the pipeline
                var identity = this.Context.CurrentUser;

                //return the secure information in a json response
                var userModel = new UserModel(identity.Identity.Name);
                    SecureContent = "here's some secure content that you can only see if you provide a correct apiKey",
                    User = userModel

            Post("secure/create_user", args =>
                Tuple <string, string> user = UserDatabase.CreateUser(this.Context.Request.Form["username"], this.Context.Request.Form["password"]);
                return(this.Response.AsJson(new { username = user.Item1 }));