Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates several option maps for fast access to individual options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="OptionException"> </exception>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void generateMaps() throws org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException
        public virtual void generateMaps()
            foreach (string groupname in optionGroups.Keys)
                OptionGroup og = optionGroups[groupname];
                ICollection <Option.Option> options = og.OptionList;

                foreach (Option.Option option in options)
                    if (ambiguous.Contains(option.Name))
                        option.Ambiguous = true;
                        ambiguousOptionMap[option.Group.Name + "-" + option.Name] = option;
                        if (!unambiguousOptionMap.ContainsKey(option.Name))
                            unambiguousOptionMap[option.Name] = option;
                            Option.Option ambig = unambiguousOptionMap[option.Name];
                            ambig.Ambiguous  = true;
                            option.Ambiguous = true;
                            ambiguousOptionMap[ambig.Group.Name + "-" + ambig.Name]   = ambig;
                            ambiguousOptionMap[option.Group.Name + "-" + option.Name] = option;
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(option.Flag, null))
                        Option.Option co = flagOptionMap[option.Flag];
                        if (co != null)
                            co.Flag     = null;
                            option.Flag = null;
                            if (SystemLogger.logger().DebugEnabled)
                                SystemLogger.logger().debug("Ambiguous use of an option flag -> the option flag is removed for all ambiguous options\n");
                            flagOptionMap[option.Flag] = option;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a XML file that contains the options used for controlling the application. The method
        /// calls the parseOptionGroups to parse the set of option groups in the DOM tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">	The path to a XML file that explains the options used in the application. </param>
        /// <exception cref="OptionException"> </exception>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void parseOptionDescriptionXMLfile(java.net.URL url) throws org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException
        public virtual void parseOptionDescriptionXMLfile(URL url)
            if (url == null)
                throw new OptionException("The URL to the default option file is null. ");

                DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
                DocumentBuilder        db  = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();

                Element  root   = db.parse(url.openStream()).DocumentElement;
                NodeList groups = root.getElementsByTagName("optiongroup");
                Element  group;
                for (int i = 0; i < groups.Length; i++)
                    group = (Element)groups.item(i);
                    string      groupname = group.getAttribute("groupname").ToLower();
                    OptionGroup og        = null;
                    if (optionGroups.ContainsKey(groupname))
                        og = optionGroups[groupname];
                        optionGroups[groupname] = new OptionGroup(groupname);
                        og = optionGroups[groupname];
                    parseOptionsDescription(group, og);
            catch (java.io.IOException e)
                throw new OptionException("Can't find the file " + url.ToString() + ".", e);
            catch (OptionException e)
                throw new OptionException("Problem parsing the file " + url.ToString() + ". ", e);
            catch (ParserConfigurationException e)
                throw new OptionException("Problem parsing the file " + url.ToString() + ". ", e);
            catch (SAXException e)
                throw new OptionException("Problem parsing the file " + url.ToString() + ". ", e);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a set of options within an option group to collect all information of individual options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="group"> a reference to an individual option group in the DOM tree. </param>
        /// <param name="og"> a reference to the corresponding option group in the HashMap. </param>
        /// <exception cref="OptionException"> </exception>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private void parseOptionsDescription(org.w3c.dom.Element group, OptionGroup og) throws org.maltparser.core.exception.MaltChainedException
        private void parseOptionsDescription(Element group, OptionGroup og)
            NodeList options = group.getElementsByTagName("option");
            Element  option;

            for (int i = 0; i < options.Length; i++)
                option = (Element)options.item(i);
                string optionname   = option.getAttribute("name").ToLower();
                string optiontype   = option.getAttribute("type").ToLower();
                string defaultValue = option.getAttribute("default");
                string usage        = option.getAttribute("usage").ToLower();
                string flag         = option.getAttribute("flag");

                NodeList shortdescs = option.getElementsByTagName("shortdesc");
                Element  shortdesc;
                string   shortdesctext = "";
                if (shortdescs.Length == 1)
                    shortdesc     = (Element)shortdescs.item(0);
                    shortdesctext = shortdesc.TextContent;

                if (optiontype.Equals("string") || optiontype.Equals("bool") || optiontype.Equals("integer") || optiontype.Equals("unary"))
                    Option.Option op = og.getOption(optionname);
                    if (op != null)
                        throw new OptionException("The option name '" + optionname + "' for option group '" + og.Name + "' already exists. It is only allowed to override the class and enum option type to add legal value. ");
                else if (optiontype.Equals("class") || optiontype.Equals("enum") || optiontype.Equals("stringenum"))
                    Option.Option op = og.getOption(optionname);
                    if (op != null)
                        if (op is EnumOption && !optiontype.Equals("enum"))
                            throw new OptionException("The option name '" + optionname + "' for option group '" + og.Name + "' already exists. The existing option is of enum type, but the new option is of '" + optiontype + "' type. ");
                        if (op is ClassOption && !optiontype.Equals("class"))
                            throw new OptionException("The option name '" + optionname + "' for option group '" + og.Name + "' already exists. The existing option is of class type, but the new option is of '" + optiontype + "' type. ");
                        if (op is StringEnumOption && !optiontype.Equals("stringenum"))
                            throw new OptionException("The option name '" + optionname + "' for option group '" + og.Name + "' already exists. The existing option is of urlenum type, but the new option is of '" + optiontype + "' type. ");
                if (optiontype.Equals("string"))
                    og.addOption(new StringOption(og, optionname, shortdesctext, flag, usage, defaultValue));
                else if (optiontype.Equals("bool"))
                    og.addOption(new BoolOption(og, optionname, shortdesctext, flag, usage, defaultValue));
                else if (optiontype.Equals("integer"))
                    og.addOption(new IntegerOption(og, optionname, shortdesctext, flag, usage, defaultValue));
                else if (optiontype.Equals("unary"))
                    og.addOption(new UnaryOption(og, optionname, shortdesctext, flag, usage));
                else if (optiontype.Equals("enum"))
                    Option.Option op  = og.getOption(optionname);
                    EnumOption    eop = null;
                    if (op == null)
                        eop = new EnumOption(og, optionname, shortdesctext, flag, usage);
                        if (op is EnumOption)
                            eop = (EnumOption)op;

                    NodeList legalvalues = option.getElementsByTagName("legalvalue");
                    Element  legalvalue;
                    for (int j = 0; j < legalvalues.Length; j++)
                        legalvalue = (Element)legalvalues.item(j);
                        string legalvaluename = legalvalue.getAttribute("name");
                        string legalvaluetext = legalvalue.TextContent;
                        eop.addLegalValue(legalvaluename, legalvaluetext);
                    if (op == null)
                        eop.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
                else if (optiontype.Equals("class"))
                    Option.Option op  = og.getOption(optionname);
                    ClassOption   cop = null;
                    if (op == null)
                        cop = new ClassOption(og, optionname, shortdesctext, flag, usage);
                        if (op is ClassOption)
                            cop = (ClassOption)op;

                    NodeList legalvalues = option.getElementsByTagName("legalvalue");
                    Element  legalvalue;
                    for (int j = 0; j < legalvalues.Length; j++)
                        legalvalue = (Element)legalvalues.item(j);
                        string legalvaluename = legalvalue.getAttribute("name").ToLower();
                        string classname      = legalvalue.getAttribute("class");
                        string legalvaluetext = legalvalue.TextContent;
                        cop.addLegalValue(legalvaluename, legalvaluetext, classname);
                    if (op == null)
                        cop.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
                else if (optiontype.Equals("stringenum"))
                    Option.Option    op   = og.getOption(optionname);
                    StringEnumOption ueop = null;
                    if (op == null)
                        ueop = new StringEnumOption(og, optionname, shortdesctext, flag, usage);
                        if (op is StringEnumOption)
                            ueop = (StringEnumOption)op;

                    NodeList legalvalues = option.getElementsByTagName("legalvalue");
                    Element  legalvalue;
                    for (int j = 0; j < legalvalues.Length; j++)
                        legalvalue = (Element)legalvalues.item(j);
                        string legalvaluename = legalvalue.getAttribute("name").ToLower();
                        string url            = legalvalue.getAttribute("mapto");
                        string legalvaluetext = legalvalue.TextContent;
                        ueop.addLegalValue(legalvaluename, legalvaluetext, url);
                    if (op == null)
                        ueop.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
                    throw new OptionException("Illegal option type found in the setting file. ");