Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is called after our control has been created and sited.
        /// This is a good place to initialize the control with data gathered
        /// from Visual Studio services.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnToolWindowCreated()

            // Add the handler for our toolbar buttons
            CommandID id = new CommandID(GuidsList.guidClientCmdSet, PkgCmdId.cmdidLogListClear);

            DefineCommandHandler(new EventHandler(this.OnLogListClear), id);

            id = new CommandID(GuidsList.guidClientCmdSet, PkgCmdId.cmdidLogListPrev);
            DefineCommandHandler(new EventHandler(this.OnLogListPrev), id);

            id = new CommandID(GuidsList.guidClientCmdSet, PkgCmdId.cmdidLogListNext);
            DefineCommandHandler(new EventHandler(this.OnLogListNext), id);

            id = new CommandID(GuidsList.guidClientCmdSet, PkgCmdId.cmdidCombo);
            DefineCommandHandler(new EventHandler(this.OnCombo), id);

            id = new CommandID(GuidsList.guidClientCmdSet, PkgCmdId.cmdidComboGetList);
            DefineCommandHandler(new EventHandler(this.OnComboGetList), id);

            // Ensure the control's handle has been created; otherwise, BeginInvoke cannot be called.
            // Note that during runtime this should have no effect when running inside Visual Studio,
            // as the control's handle should already be created, but unit tests can end up calling
            // this method without the control being created.

            // setup output pane
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for ToolWindowPane.
        /// Initialization that depends on the package or that requires access
        /// to VS services should be done in OnToolWindowCreated.
        /// </summary>
        public ListenerWindowPane()
            : base(null)
            // Set the image that will appear on the tab of the window frame when docked with another window.
            // KnownMonikers is a set of image monkiers that are globablly recognized by VS. These images can be
            // used in any project without needing to include the source image.
            BitmapImageMoniker = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging.KnownMonikers.GoToSourceCode;

            // Add the toolbar by specifying the Guid/MenuID pair corresponding to
            // the toolbar definition in the vsct file.
            ToolBar = new CommandID(GuidsList.guidClientCmdSet, PkgCmdId.IDM_MyToolbar);

            // Specify that we want the toolbar at the top of the window
            ToolBarLocation = (int)VSTWT_LOCATION.VSTWT_TOP;

            // Set the text that will appear in the title bar of the tool window.
            this.Caption = "NLV Listener";

            // Creating the user control that will be displayed in the window - change this to content
            Content = (m_Control = new ListenerControl());