public void Initialize(IDictionary<string, string> properties)
            int size = 128;
            if (properties.ContainsKey(SIZE))
                if (!int.TryParse(properties[SIZE], out size))
                    // TODO: Log a warning
                    size = 128;

            cache = new SoftLimitMRUCache(size);
		public void DontFillUp()
			// NH-1671
			const int count = 32;
			var s = new SoftLimitMRUCache(count);
			for (int i = 0; i < count+10; i++)
				s.Put(new object(), new object());
			Assert.That(s.Count, Is.EqualTo(count));

			s.Put(new object(), new object());

			Assert.That(s.SoftCount, Is.EqualTo(count + 1));
Exemplo n.º 3
		public void Test()
			// WARNING: This test case makes use of reflection resulting in failures if internals change, but reflection was needed to allow for simulation.
			// This test simulates a heavy load on the QueryPlanCache by making it use a SoftLimitMRUCache instance with a size of 1 instead of the default of 128.
			// Since this cache moves the most recently used query plans to the top, pushing down the less used query plans until they are removed from the cache,
			// the smaller the size of the cache the sooner the query plans will be dropped, making it easier to simulate the problem.
			// What is the exact problem:
			// -> When executing a LINQ query that has a contains with only one element in the collection the same queryExpression string is generated by 2 different types
			//    of IQueryExpression, the 'NHibernate.Impl.ExpandedQueryExpression' and the 'NHibernate.Linq.NhLinqExpression' and that key is used to store a query plan
			//    in the QueryPlanCache if a query plan is requested and not found in the cache.
			// -> The 'NHibernate.Linq.NhLinqExpression' is typically added during the DefaultQueryProvider.PrepareQuery and the 'NHibernate.Impl.ExpandedQueryExpression' 
			//    less likely during the execution of the LINQ query
			// -> Unfortunately the PrepareQuery is casting the returned query plan's QueryExpression to a NhLinqExpression, which it assumes will always be the case, but this
			//    is not true in a heavy loaded environment where the cache entries are constantly moving when other queries are being executed at the same time.
			// -> If you look at the following method inside the DefaultQueryProvider class, then you'll see that by drilling down in the PrepareQuery and in the ExecuteQuery, that
			//    both operations are actually requesting the query plan from the QueryPlanCache at some point
			//    public virtual object Execute(Expression expression)
			//    {
			//      IQuery query;
			//      NhLinqExpression nhQuery;
			//      NhLinqExpression nhLinqExpression = PrepareQuery(expression, out query, out nhQuery);
			//      return ExecuteQuery(nhLinqExpression, query, nhQuery);
			//    }
			//    When they are requesting the corresponding query plan according to the QueryExpression's key the PrepareQuery assumes it will get back a NhLinqExpression, while it
			//    is perfectly possible that the corresponding query plan has a QueryExpression of type ExpandedQueryExpression that has been added during the ExecuteQuery because
			//    when a request was made for the query plan during the execution, the load on the cache has put the query plan with a QueryExpression of type NhLinqExpression and with 
			//    the same key somewhere at the bottom of the MRU cache and it might even have been removed from the cache, resulting in adding a query plan with a QueryExpression value
			//    of type ExpandedQueryExpression. When the same LINQ query is executed afterwards, it will go through the PrepareQuery again, assuming that what is returned is a 
			//    NhLinqExpression, while in reality it is an ExpandedQueryExpression, resulting in a cast exception. This problem might even go away due to the same load, pushing out 
			//    the cached query plan with a QueryExpression of ExpandedQueryExpression and have a NhLinqExpression added back again during the next Prepare.
			//    So this test will simulate the pushing out by clearing the cache as long as the QueryExpression of the query plan is NhLinqExpression, once it is an ExpandedQueryExpression
			//    it will stop clearing the cache, and the exception will occur, resulting in a failure of the test. 
			//    The test will pass once all LINQ expression are executed (1000 max) and no exception occured

			var cache = new SoftLimitMRUCache(1);

			var queryPlanCacheType = typeof (QueryPlanCache);

			// get the planCache field on the QueryPlanCache and overwrite it with the restricted cache
				.GetField("planCache", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
				.SetValue(sessions.QueryPlanCache, cache);

			// Initiate a LINQ query with a contains with one item in it, of which we know that the underlying IQueryExpression implementations
			// aka NhLinqExpression and the ExpandedQueryExpression generate the same key.
			IEnumerable<int> personIds = new List<int>

			ISession session = null;

				session = OpenSession();

				var allLinqQueriesSucceeded = false;

				// Setup an action delegate that will be executed on a separate thread and that will execute the LINQ query above multiple times.
				// This will constantly interact with the cache (Once in the PrepareQuery method of the DefaultQueryProvider and once in the Execute)
				System.Action queryExecutor = () =>
						var sessionToUse = sessions.OpenSession();

							for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
								(from person in session.Query<Person>()
								 where personIds.Contains(person.Id)
								 select person).ToList();

							allLinqQueriesSucceeded = true;
							if (sessionToUse != null && sessionToUse.IsOpen)

				(from person in session.Query<Person>()
				 where personIds.Contains(person.Id)
				 select person).ToList();

				// the planCache now contains one item with a key of type HQLQueryPlanKey, 
				// so we are going to retrieve the generated key so that we can use it afterwards to interact with the cache.
				// The softReferenceCache field value from the SoftLimitMRUCache cache instance contains this key
				var field = cache.GetType().GetField("softReferenceCache", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

				var softReferenceCache = (IEnumerable) field.GetValue(cache);

				// Since the cache only contains one item, the first one will be our key
				var queryPlanCacheKey = ((DictionaryEntry) softReferenceCache.First()).Key;

				// Setup an action that will be run on another thread and that will do nothing more than clearing the cache as long
				// as the value stored behind the cachekey is not of type ExpandedQueryExpression, which triggers the error.
				// By running this constantly in concurrency with the thread executing the query, the odds of having the wrong
				// QueryExpression in the cache (wrong as in the PrepareQuery is not expecting it) augments, simulating the workings 
				// of the MRU algorithm under load.
				System.Action cacheCleaner = () =>
						while (!allLinqQueriesSucceeded)
							var hqlExpressionQueryPlan = (HQLExpressionQueryPlan) cache[queryPlanCacheKey];
							if (hqlExpressionQueryPlan != null)
								if (hqlExpressionQueryPlan.QueryExpression.GetType().FullName.Contains("NHibernate.Impl.ExpandedQueryExpression"))
									// we'll stop clearing the cache, since the cache now has a different query expression type than expected by the code


							// we sleep a little, just to make sure the cache is not constantly empty ;-)

				var queryExecutorAsyncResult = queryExecutor.BeginInvoke(null, null);
				var cacheCleanerAsyncResult = cacheCleaner.BeginInvoke(null, null);


				if (session != null)