private void addPropertyJoinTables(MemberInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData)
            // first set the join table based on the AuditJoinTable annotation
            var joinTable = _metaDataStore.MemberMeta <AuditJoinTableAttribute>(property);

            propertyData.JoinTable = joinTable ?? DEFAULT_AUDIT_JOIN_TABLE;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void AddComponent(XmlElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
								 IValue value, ICompositeMapperBuilder mapper, string entityName,
								 EntityXmlMappingData xmlMappingData, bool firstPass, bool insertable)
            var propComponent = (Component) value;

            var componentMapper = mapper.AddComponent(propertyAuditingData.GetPropertyData(),

            // The property auditing data must be for a component.
            var componentAuditingData = (ComponentAuditingData) propertyAuditingData;

            // Adding all properties of the component
            foreach (var property in propComponent.PropertyIterator)
                var componentPropertyAuditingData = componentAuditingData.GetPropertyAuditingData(property.Name);

                // Checking if that property is audited
                if (componentPropertyAuditingData != null)
                    mainGenerator.AddValue(parent, property.Value, componentMapper, entityName, xmlMappingData,
                            componentPropertyAuditingData, property.IsInsertable && insertable, firstPass);
        public void AddOneToOneNotOwning(PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData, IValue value,
            ICompositeMapperBuilder mapper, String entityName)
            OneToOne propertyValue = (OneToOne)value;

            String owningReferencePropertyName = propertyValue.ReferencedPropertyName; // mappedBy
            EntityConfiguration configuration = mainGenerator.EntitiesConfigurations[entityName];
            if (configuration == null) {
                throw new MappingException("An audited relation to a non-audited entity " + entityName + "!");

            IdMappingData ownedIdMapping = configuration.IdMappingData;

            if (ownedIdMapping == null) {
                throw new MappingException("An audited relation to a non-audited entity " + entityName + "!");

            String lastPropertyPrefix = MappingTools.createToOneRelationPrefix(owningReferencePropertyName);
            String referencedEntityName = propertyValue.ReferencedEntityName;

            // Generating the id mapper for the relation
            IIdMapper ownedIdMapper = ownedIdMapping.IdMapper.PrefixMappedProperties(lastPropertyPrefix);

            // Storing information about this relation
                    propertyAuditingData.Name, owningReferencePropertyName,
                    referencedEntityName, ownedIdMapper);

            // Adding mapper for the id
            PropertyData propertyData = propertyAuditingData.getPropertyData();
            mapper.AddComposite(propertyData, new OneToOneNotOwningMapper(owningReferencePropertyName,
                    referencedEntityName, propertyData));
        public void AddComponent(XmlElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
            IValue value, ICompositeMapperBuilder mapper, String entityName,
            EntityXmlMappingData xmlMappingData, bool firstPass)
            Component prop_component = (Component) value;

            ICompositeMapperBuilder componentMapper = mapper.AddComponent(propertyAuditingData.getPropertyData(),

            // The property auditing data must be for a component.
            ComponentAuditingData componentAuditingData = (ComponentAuditingData) propertyAuditingData;

            // Adding all properties of the component
            IEnumerator<Property> properties = (IEnumerator<Property>) prop_component.PropertyIterator.GetEnumerator();
            while (properties.MoveNext()) {
                Property property = properties.Current;

                PropertyAuditingData componentPropertyAuditingData =

                // Checking if that property is audited
                if (componentPropertyAuditingData != null) {
                    mainGenerator.AddValue(parent, property.Value, componentMapper, entityName, xmlMappingData,
                            componentPropertyAuditingData, property.IsInsertable, firstPass);
  * Process the {@link org.hibernate.envers.AuditOverride} annotations for this property.
  * @param property
  *            the property for which the {@link org.hibernate.envers.AuditOverride}
  *            annotations are being processed
  * @param propertyData
  *            the Envers auditing data for this property
  * @return {@code false} if isAudited() of the override annotation was set to
 private bool ProcessPropertyAuditingOverrides(PropertyInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData)
     // if this property is part of a component, process all override annotations
     if (this._auditedPropertiesHolder is ComponentAuditingData)
         IList <AuditOverrideAttribute> overrides = ((ComponentAuditingData)this._auditedPropertiesHolder).AuditingOverrides;
         foreach (AuditOverrideAttribute ovr in overrides)
             if (property.Name.Equals(ovr.Name))
                 // the override applies to this property
                 if (!ovr.IsAudited)
                     if (ovr.AuditJoinTable != null)
                         propertyData.JoinTable = ovr.AuditJoinTable;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static void AddCustomValue(XmlElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
									IValue value, ISimpleMapperBuilder mapper, bool insertable, 
									bool key, System.Type typeOfUserImplementation)
            if (parent != null)
                var prop_mapping = MetadataTools.AddProperty(parent, propertyAuditingData.Name,
                        null, insertable, key);
                MetadataTools.AddColumns(prop_mapping, value.ColumnIterator.OfType<Column>());
                var typeElement = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("type");
                typeElement.SetAttribute("name", typeOfUserImplementation.AssemblyQualifiedName);

                var simpleValue = value as SimpleValue;
                if (simpleValue != null)
                    var typeParameters = simpleValue.TypeParameters;
                    if (typeParameters != null)
                        foreach (var paramKeyValue in typeParameters)
                            var type_param = typeElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("param");
                            type_param.SetAttribute("name", paramKeyValue.Key);
                            type_param.InnerText =  paramKeyValue.Value;

            if (mapper != null)
        private void AddCustomValue(XmlElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
            IValue value, ISimpleMapperBuilder mapper, bool insertable, bool key)
            if (parent != null) {
                XmlElement prop_mapping = MetadataTools.AddProperty(parent, propertyAuditingData.Name,
                        null, insertable, key);

                //CustomType propertyType = (CustomType) value.getType();

                XmlElement type_mapping = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("type");
                type_mapping.SetAttribute("name", value.GetType().Name);

                if (value is SimpleValue) {
                    IDictionary<string, string> typeParameters = ((SimpleValue)value).TypeParameters;
                    if (typeParameters != null) {
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string,string> paramKeyValue in typeParameters) {
                            XmlElement type_param = parent.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("param");
                            type_param.SetAttribute("name", (String) paramKeyValue.Key);
                            type_param["name"].Value =  paramKeyValue.Value;

                MetadataTools.AddColumns(prop_mapping, (IEnumerator<ISelectable>)value.ColumnIterator);

            if (mapper != null) {
        public void AddOneToOneNotOwning(PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData, OneToOne value, ICompositeMapperBuilder mapper, string entityName)
            var owningReferencePropertyName = referencePropertyName(value, entityName);

            var configuration = mainGenerator.EntitiesConfigurations[entityName];
            if (configuration == null)
                throw new MappingException("An audited relation to a non-audited entity " + entityName + "!");

            var ownedIdMapping = configuration.IdMappingData;

            if (ownedIdMapping == null)
                throw new MappingException("An audited relation to a non-audited entity " + entityName + "!");

            var lastPropertyPrefix = MappingTools.CreateToOneRelationPrefix(owningReferencePropertyName);
            var referencedEntityName = value.ReferencedEntityName;

            // Generating the id mapper for the relation
            var ownedIdMapper = ownedIdMapping.IdMapper.PrefixMappedProperties(lastPropertyPrefix);

            // Storing information about this relation
                    propertyAuditingData.Name, owningReferencePropertyName,
                    referencedEntityName, ownedIdMapper);

            // Adding mapper for the id
            var propertyData = propertyAuditingData.GetPropertyData();
            mapper.AddComposite(propertyData, new OneToOneNotOwningMapper(owningReferencePropertyName,
                    referencedEntityName, propertyData));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public bool AddBasic(XmlElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
					 IValue value, ISimpleMapperBuilder mapper, bool insertable, bool key)
            var type = value.Type;
            var custType = type as CustomType;
            var compType = type as CompositeCustomType;
            if (type is ImmutableType || type is MutableType)
                AddSimpleValue(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, mapper, insertable, key);
            else if (custType != null)
                AddCustomValue(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, mapper, insertable, key, custType.UserType.GetType());
            else if (compType != null)
                AddCustomValue(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, mapper, insertable, key, compType.UserType.GetType());
                return false;

            return true;
        private void setCustomMapper(MemberInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData)
            var customMapper = _metaDataStore.MemberMeta <CustomCollectionMapperAttribute>(property);

            if (customMapper != null)
                propertyData.CustomCollectionMapperFactory = (ICustomCollectionMapperFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(customMapper.CustomCollectionFactory);
         * Add the {@link org.hibernate.envers.AuditOverride} annotations.
         * @param property the property being processed
         * @param propertyData the Envers auditing data for this property
        private void addPropertyAuditingOverrides(MemberInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData)
            var annotationOverride = _metaDataStore.MemberMeta <AuditOverrideAttribute>(property);

            if (annotationOverride != null)
        private void AddPropertyMapKey(PropertyInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData)
            MapKeyAttribute mapKey = (MapKeyAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(MapKeyAttribute));

            if (mapKey != null)
                propertyData.MapKey = mapKey.Name;
        private void setPropertyAuditMappedBy(MemberInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData)
            var auditMappedBy = _metaDataStore.MemberMeta <AuditMappedByAttribute>(property);

            if (auditMappedBy != null)
                propertyData.MappedBy         = auditMappedBy.MappedBy;
                propertyData.ForceInsertable  = auditMappedBy.ForceInsertOverride;
                propertyData.PositionMappedBy = auditMappedBy.PositionMappedBy;
        private void SetPropertyAuditMappedBy(PropertyInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData)
            AuditMappedByAttribute auditMappedBy = (AuditMappedByAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(AuditMappedByAttribute));

            if (auditMappedBy != null)
                propertyData.AuditMappedBy = auditMappedBy.MappedBy;
                if (!"".Equals(auditMappedBy.PositionMappedBy))
                    propertyData.PositionMappedBy = auditMappedBy.PositionMappedBy;
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void AddSimpleValue(XmlElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
            IValue value, ISimpleMapperBuilder mapper, bool insertable, bool key)
            if (parent != null) {
                XmlElement prop_mapping = MetadataTools.AddProperty(parent, propertyAuditingData.Name,
                        value.Type.Name, propertyAuditingData.ForceInsertable || insertable, key);
                MetadataTools.AddColumns(prop_mapping, (IEnumerator<ISelectable>)value.ColumnIterator.GetEnumerator());

            // A null mapper means that we only want to add xml mappings
            if (mapper != null) {
        private void AddPropertyJoinTables(PropertyInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData)
            // first set the join table based on the AuditJoinTable annotation
            AuditJoinTableAttribute joinTable = (AuditJoinTableAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(AuditJoinTableAttribute));;

            if (joinTable != null)
                propertyData.JoinTable = joinTable;
                propertyData.JoinTable = DEFAULT_AUDIT_JOIN_TABLE;
        public void AddToOne(XmlElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData, IValue value,
					  ICompositeMapperBuilder mapper, string entityName, bool insertable, IEnumerable<string> fixedColumnNames)
            var referencedEntityName = ((ToOne)value).ReferencedEntityName;
            var idMapping = mainGenerator.GetReferencedIdMappingData(entityName, referencedEntityName,
                    propertyAuditingData, true);

            var lastPropertyPrefix = MappingTools.CreateToOneRelationPrefix(propertyAuditingData.Name);

            // Generating the id mapper for the relation
            var relMapper = idMapping.IdMapper.PrefixMappedProperties(lastPropertyPrefix);

            // Storing information about this relation
                    propertyAuditingData.Name, referencedEntityName, relMapper, insertable);

            // If the property isn't insertable, checking if this is not a "fake" bidirectional many-to-one relationship,
            // that is, when the one side owns the relation (and is a collection), and the many side is non insertable.
            // When that's the case and the user specified to store this relation without a middle table (using
            // @AuditMappedBy), we have to make the property insertable for the purposes of Envers. In case of changes to
            // the entity that didn't involve the relation, it's value will then be stored properly. In case of changes
            // to the entity that did involve the relation, it's the responsibility of the collection side to store the
            // proper data.
            bool nonInsertableFake;
            if (!insertable && propertyAuditingData.ForceInsertable)
                nonInsertableFake = true;
                insertable = true;
                nonInsertableFake = false;

            // Adding an element to the mapping corresponding to the references entity id's
            // Use OwnerDocument.ImportNode() instead of XmlNode.Clone();
            var properties = (XmlElement)parent.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(idMapping.XmlRelationMapping,true);

            MetadataTools.PrefixNamesInPropertyElement(properties, lastPropertyPrefix,
                                                       fixedColumnNames == null
                                                       	? MetadataTools.GetColumnNameEnumerator(value.ColumnIterator)
                                                       	: fixedColumnNames.GetEnumerator(), false, insertable);

            // Adding mapper for the id
            var propertyData = propertyAuditingData.GetPropertyData();
            mapper.AddComposite(propertyData, new ToOneIdMapper(relMapper,propertyData,referencedEntityName,nonInsertableFake));
         * Add the {@link org.hibernate.envers.AuditOverride} annotations.
         * @param property the property being processed
         * @param propertyData the Envers auditing data for this property
        private void AddPropertyAuditingOverrides(PropertyInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData)
            AuditOverrideAttribute annotationOverride = (AuditOverrideAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(AuditOverrideAttribute));;

            if (annotationOverride != null)
            AuditOverridesAttribute annotationOverrides = (AuditOverridesAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(AuditOverridesAttribute));;

            if (annotationOverrides != null)
        private void addFromNotComponentProperty(DeclaredPersistentProperty property, AuditedAttribute allClassAudited)
            var propertyData = new PropertyAuditingData();
            var isAudited    = fillPropertyData(property.Member,

            if (isAudited)
                // Now we know that the property is audited
                _auditedPropertiesHolder.AddPropertyAuditingData(property.Property.Name, propertyData);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a property is audited and if yes, fills all of its data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="property">Property to check.</param>
        /// <param name="mappedPropertyName">NH Property name</param>
        /// <param name="propertyData">Property data, on which to set this property's modification store.</param>
        /// <param name="accessType">Access type for the property.</param>
        /// <param name="allClassAudited">Is class fully audited</param>
        /// <returns>False if this property is not audited.</returns>
        private bool fillPropertyData(MemberInfo property,
                                      string mappedPropertyName,
                                      PropertyAuditingData propertyData,
                                      string accessType,
                                      AuditedAttribute allClassAudited)
            // check if a property is declared as not audited to exclude it
            // useful if a class is audited but some properties should be excluded
            if ((_metaDataStore.MemberMeta <NotAuditedAttribute>(property) != null && !_overriddenAuditedProperties.Contains(mappedPropertyName)) ||
            // if the optimistic locking field has to be unversioned and the current property
            // is the optimistic locking field, don't audit it
            if (_globalCfg.DoNotAuditOptimisticLockingField &&
                _persistentPropertiesSource.VersionedProperty != null &&

            if (!CheckAudited(property, mappedPropertyName, propertyData, allClassAudited))

            var propertyName = _propertyNamePrefix + mappedPropertyName;

            propertyData.Name             = propertyName;
            propertyData.ModifiedFlagName = MetadataTools.ModifiedFlagPropertyName(propertyName, _globalCfg.ModifiedFlagSuffix);
            propertyData.BeanName         = mappedPropertyName;
            propertyData.AccessType       = accessType;

            addPropertyJoinTables(property, propertyData);
            addPropertyAuditingOverrides(property, propertyData);
            if (!processPropertyAuditingOverrides(property, propertyData))
                return(false);                // not audited due to AuditOverride annotation
            setPropertyAuditMappedBy(property, propertyData);
            setCustomMapper(property, propertyData);

         * @param mainGenerator Main generator, giving access to configuration and the basic mapper.
         * @param propertyValue Value of the collection, as mapped by Hibernate.
         * @param currentMapper Mapper, to which the appropriate {@link org.hibernate.envers.entities.mapper.PropertyMapper}
         * will be added.
         * @param referencingEntityName Name of the entity that owns this collection.
         * @param xmlMappingData In case this collection requires a middle table, additional mapping documents will
         * be created using this object.
         * @param propertyAuditingData Property auditing (meta-)data. Among other things, holds the name of the
         * property that references the collection in the referencing entity, the user data for middle (join)
         * table and the value of the <code>@MapKey</code> annotation, if there was one.
        public CollectionMetadataGenerator(AuditMetadataGenerator mainGenerator,
                                           Mapping.Collection propertyValue, ICompositeMapperBuilder currentMapper,
                                           String referencingEntityName, EntityXmlMappingData xmlMappingData,
                                           PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData) {
            this.mainGenerator = mainGenerator;
            this.propertyValue = propertyValue;
            this.currentMapper = currentMapper;
            this.referencingEntityName = referencingEntityName;
            this.xmlMappingData = xmlMappingData;
            this.propertyAuditingData = propertyAuditingData;

            this.propertyName = propertyAuditingData.Name;

            referencingEntityConfiguration = mainGenerator.EntitiesConfigurations[referencingEntityName];
            if (referencingEntityConfiguration == null) {
                throw new MappingException("Unable to read auditing configuration for " + referencingEntityName + "!");

            referencedEntityName = MappingTools.getReferencedEntityName(propertyValue.Element);
        private void AddFromProperties(IEnumerable <PropertyInfo> properties, String accessType, ISet <String> persistentProperties)
            //ORIG: foreach (XProperty property in properties) {
            foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                // If this is not a persistent property, with the same access type as currently checked,
                // it's not audited as well.
                if (persistentProperties.Contains(property.Name))
                    IValue propertyValue = _persistentPropertiesSource.GetProperty(property.Name).Value;

                    PropertyAuditingData propertyData;
                    bool isAudited;
                    if (propertyValue is Component)
                        ComponentAuditingData componentData = new ComponentAuditingData();
                        isAudited = FillPropertyData(property, componentData, accessType);

                        IPersistentPropertiesSource componentPropertiesSource = new ComponentPropertiesSource(
                        new AuditedPropertiesReader(ModificationStore.FULL, componentPropertiesSource, componentData,
                                                    _propertyNamePrefix + MappingTools.createComponentPrefix(property.Name))

                        propertyData = componentData;
                        propertyData = new PropertyAuditingData();
                        isAudited    = FillPropertyData(property, propertyData, accessType);

                    if (isAudited)
                        // Now we know that the property is audited
                        _auditedPropertiesHolder.addPropertyAuditingData(property.Name, propertyData);
  * Process the {@link org.hibernate.envers.AuditOverride} annotations for this property.
  * @param property
  *            the property for which the {@link org.hibernate.envers.AuditOverride}
  *            annotations are being processed
  * @param propertyData
  *            the Envers auditing data for this property
  * @return {@code false} if isAudited() of the override annotation was set to
 private bool processPropertyAuditingOverrides(MemberInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData)
     // if this property is part of a component, process all override annotations
     if (_auditedPropertiesHolder is ComponentAuditingData audPropHolderAsComponentAudData)
         var overrides = audPropHolderAsComponentAudData.AuditingOverrides;
         foreach (var ovr in overrides)
             if (property.Name.Equals(ovr.PropertyName))
                 // the override applies to this property
                 if (!ovr.IsAudited)
                 propertyData.JoinTable = ovr;
        public bool AddBasic(XmlElement parent, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
					 IValue value, ISimpleMapperBuilder mapper, bool insertable, bool key) {
            NHibernate.Type.IType  type = value.Type;
		    if (type is ImmutableType || type is MutableType) {
			    AddSimpleValue(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, mapper, insertable, key);
		    } else if (type is CustomType || type is CompositeCustomType) {
			    AddCustomValue(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, mapper, insertable, key);
            // TODO Simon: There is no equivalent of PrimitiveByteArrayBlobType in NHibernate, will see later if needed
            // ORIG:
            //else if ("org.hibernate.type.PrimitiveByteArrayBlobType".equals(type.getClass().getName()))
            //    AddSimpleValue(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, mapper, insertable, key);
		    else {
			    return false;

		    return true;
	    private void AddFromProperties(IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> properties, String accessType, ISet<String> persistentProperties) {
		    //ORIG: foreach (XProperty property in properties) {
			foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) {
			    // If this is not a persistent property, with the same access type as currently checked,
			    // it's not audited as well.
			    if (persistentProperties.Contains(property.Name)) {
				    IValue propertyValue = _persistentPropertiesSource.GetProperty(property.Name).Value;

				    PropertyAuditingData propertyData;
				    bool isAudited;
				    if (propertyValue is Component) {
					    ComponentAuditingData componentData = new ComponentAuditingData();
					    isAudited = FillPropertyData(property, componentData, accessType);

					    IPersistentPropertiesSource componentPropertiesSource = new ComponentPropertiesSource(
							    (Component) propertyValue);
					    new AuditedPropertiesReader(ModificationStore.FULL, componentPropertiesSource, componentData,
							    _propertyNamePrefix + MappingTools.createComponentPrefix(property.Name))

					    propertyData = componentData;
				    } else {
					    propertyData = new PropertyAuditingData();
					    isAudited = FillPropertyData(property, propertyData, accessType);

				    if (isAudited) {
					    // Now we know that the property is audited
					    _auditedPropertiesHolder.addPropertyAuditingData(property.Name, propertyData);
	     * Process the {@link org.hibernate.envers.AuditOverride} annotations for this property.
	     * @param property
	     *            the property for which the {@link org.hibernate.envers.AuditOverride}
	     *            annotations are being processed
	     * @param propertyData
	     *            the Envers auditing data for this property
	     * @return {@code false} if isAudited() of the override annotation was set to
	    private bool ProcessPropertyAuditingOverrides(PropertyInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData) {
		    // if this property is part of a component, process all override annotations
		    if (this._auditedPropertiesHolder is ComponentAuditingData) {
			    IList<AuditOverrideAttribute> overrides = ((ComponentAuditingData) this._auditedPropertiesHolder).AuditingOverrides;
			    foreach (AuditOverrideAttribute ovr in overrides) {
				    if (property.Name.Equals(ovr.Name)) {
					    // the override applies to this property
					    if (!ovr.IsAudited) {
						    return false;
					    } else {
						    if (ovr.AuditJoinTable != null) {
							    propertyData.JoinTable = ovr.AuditJoinTable;
		    return true;
	     * Add the {@link org.hibernate.envers.AuditOverride} annotations.
	     * @param property the property being processed
	     * @param propertyData the Envers auditing data for this property
	    private void AddPropertyAuditingOverrides(PropertyInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData) {
		    AuditOverrideAttribute annotationOverride = (AuditOverrideAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(AuditOverrideAttribute));;
		    if (annotationOverride != null) {
		    AuditOverridesAttribute annotationOverrides = (AuditOverridesAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(AuditOverridesAttribute));;
		    if (annotationOverrides != null) {
	    private void AddPropertyJoinTables(PropertyInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData) {
		    // first set the join table based on the AuditJoinTable annotation
		    AuditJoinTableAttribute joinTable = (AuditJoinTableAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(AuditJoinTableAttribute));;
		    if (joinTable != null) {
			    propertyData.JoinTable = joinTable;
		    } else {
			    propertyData.JoinTable = DEFAULT_AUDIT_JOIN_TABLE;
	    private void AddPropertyMapKey(PropertyInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData) {
		    MapKeyAttribute mapKey = (MapKeyAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(MapKeyAttribute));
		    if (mapKey != null) {
			    propertyData.MapKey = mapKey.Name;
        private void SetPropertyAuditMappedBy(PropertyInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData) {
            AuditMappedByAttribute auditMappedBy = (AuditMappedByAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(AuditMappedByAttribute));
            if (auditMappedBy != null) {
		        propertyData.AuditMappedBy = auditMappedBy.MappedBy;
                if (!"".Equals(auditMappedBy.PositionMappedBy)) {
                    propertyData.PositionMappedBy = auditMappedBy.PositionMappedBy;
 public void addPropertyAuditingData(String propertyName, PropertyAuditingData auditingData)
     Properties.Add(propertyName, auditingData);
         * Reads the id mapping data of a referenced entity.
         * @param entityName Name of the entity which is the source of the relation.
         * @param referencedEntityName Name of the entity which is the target of the relation.
         * @param propertyAuditingData Auditing data of the property that is the source of the relation.
         * @param allowNotAuditedTarget Are not-audited target entities allowed.
         * @throws MappingException If a relation from an audited to a non-audited entity is detected, which is not
         * mapped using {@link RelationTargetAuditMode#NOT_AUDITED}.
         * @return The id mapping data of the related entity. 
        public IdMappingData GetReferencedIdMappingData(String entityName, String referencedEntityName,
                                                PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
                                                bool allowNotAuditedTarget)
            EntityConfiguration configuration;
            if (EntitiesConfigurations.Keys.Contains(referencedEntityName))
                configuration = EntitiesConfigurations[referencedEntityName];
                RelationTargetAuditMode relationTargetAuditMode = propertyAuditingData.getRelationTargetAuditMode();

                if (!NotAuditedEntitiesConfigurations.Keys.Contains(referencedEntityName) ||
                    !allowNotAuditedTarget || !RelationTargetAuditMode.NOT_AUDITED.Equals(relationTargetAuditMode))
                    throw new MappingException("An audited relation from " + entityName + "."
                            + propertyAuditingData.Name + " to a not audited entity " + referencedEntityName + "!"
                            + (allowNotAuditedTarget ?
                                " Such mapping is possible, but has to be explicitly defined using [Audited(TargetAuditMode = RelationTargetAuditMode.NOT_AUDITED)]." :
                else configuration = NotAuditedEntitiesConfigurations[referencedEntityName];
            return configuration.IdMappingData;
 public void AddPropertyAuditingData(string propertyName, PropertyAuditingData auditingData)
     properties.Add(propertyName, auditingData);
         * Checks if a property is audited and if yes, fills all of its data.
         * @param property Property to check.
         * @param propertyData Property data, on which to set this property's modification store.
         * @param accessType Access type for the property.
         * @return False if this property is not audited.
        private bool FillPropertyData(PropertyInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData,
                                      String accessType)
            // check if a property is declared as not audited to exclude it
            // useful if a class is audited but some properties should be excluded
            NotAuditedAttribute unVer = (NotAuditedAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(NotAuditedAttribute));

            if (unVer != null)
                // if the optimistic locking field has to be unversioned and the current property
                // is the optimistic locking field, don't audit it
                if (_globalCfg.isDoNotAuditOptimisticLockingField())
                    //Version jpaVer = property.getAnnotation(typeof(Version));
                    VersionAttribute jpaVer = (VersionAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(VersionAttribute));
                    if (jpaVer != null)

            // Checking if this property is explicitly audited or if all properties are.
            //AuditedAttribute aud = property.getAnnotation(typeof(AuditedAttribute));
            AuditedAttribute aud = (AuditedAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(AuditedAttribute));

            if (aud != null)
                propertyData.Store = aud.ModStore;
                if (_defaultStore != ModificationStore._NULL)
                    propertyData.Store = _defaultStore;

            propertyData.Name       = _propertyNamePrefix + property.Name;
            propertyData.BeanName   = property.Name;
            propertyData.AccessType = accessType;

            AddPropertyJoinTables(property, propertyData);
            AddPropertyAuditingOverrides(property, propertyData);
            if (!ProcessPropertyAuditingOverrides(property, propertyData))
                return(false);            // not audited due to AuditOverride annotation
            AddPropertyMapKey(property, propertyData);
            SetPropertyAuditMappedBy(property, propertyData);

Exemplo n.º 35
        public void AddValue(XmlElement parent, IValue value, ICompositeMapperBuilder currentMapper, string entityName,
					  EntityXmlMappingData xmlMappingData, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
					  bool insertable, bool firstPass)
            var type = value.Type;

            // only first pass
            if (firstPass)
                if (BasicMetadataGenerator.AddBasic(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, currentMapper, insertable, false))
                    // The property was mapped by the basic generator.

            if (type is ComponentType)
                // both passes
                componentMetadataGenerator.AddComponent(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, currentMapper,
                        entityName, xmlMappingData, firstPass, insertable);
            else if (type is ManyToOneType)
                // only second pass
                if (!firstPass)
                    toOneRelationMetadataGenerator.AddToOne(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, currentMapper,
                            entityName, insertable, null);
            else if (type is OneToOneType)
                // only second pass
                if (!firstPass)
                    var oneToOneType = (OneToOneType)type;
                    var oneToOneValue = (OneToOne)value;
                    if (oneToOneType.IsReferenceToPrimaryKey && oneToOneValue.IsConstrained)
                        //if pk onetoone is used, "value" has no corresponding columns
                        var pkColumns = new List<string>();
                        foreach (Column column in Cfg.GetClassMapping(oneToOneValue.ReferencedEntityName).Identifier.ColumnIterator)
                            pkColumns.Add("Ref" + column.Name);

                        toOneRelationMetadataGenerator.AddToOne(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, currentMapper,
                                entityName, insertable, pkColumns);
                        toOneRelationMetadataGenerator.AddOneToOneNotOwning(propertyAuditingData, oneToOneValue,
                                currentMapper, entityName);
            else if (type is CollectionType)
                // only second pass
                if (!firstPass)
                    var collectionMetadataGenerator = new CollectionMetadataGenerator(this,
                            (Mapping.Collection)value, currentMapper, entityName, xmlMappingData,
                if (firstPass)
                    // If we got here in the first pass, it means the basic mapper didn't map it, and none of the
                    // above branches either.
                    ThrowUnsupportedTypeException(type, entityName, propertyAuditingData.Name);
        public void AddValue(XmlElement parent, IValue value, ICompositeMapperBuilder currentMapper, String entityName,
                      EntityXmlMappingData xmlMappingData, PropertyAuditingData propertyAuditingData,
                      bool insertable, bool firstPass)
            IType type = value.Type;

            // only first pass
            if (firstPass)
                if (BasicMetadataGenerator.AddBasic(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, currentMapper,
                        insertable, false))
                    // The property was mapped by the basic generator.

            if (type is ComponentType)
                // both passes
                componentMetadataGenerator.AddComponent(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, currentMapper,
                        entityName, xmlMappingData, firstPass);
            else if (type is ManyToOneType)
                // only second pass
                if (!firstPass)
                    toOneRelationMetadataGenerator.AddToOne(parent, propertyAuditingData, value, currentMapper,
                            entityName, insertable);
            else if (type is OneToOneType)
                // only second pass
                if (!firstPass)
                    toOneRelationMetadataGenerator.AddOneToOneNotOwning(propertyAuditingData, value,
                            currentMapper, entityName);
            else if (type is CollectionType)
                // only second pass
                if (!firstPass)
                    CollectionMetadataGenerator collectionMetadataGenerator = new CollectionMetadataGenerator(this,
                            (Mapping.Collection)value, currentMapper, entityName, xmlMappingData,
                if (firstPass)
                    // If we got here in the first pass, it means the basic mapper didn't map it, and none of the
                    // above branches either.
                    ThrowUnsupportedTypeException(type, entityName, propertyAuditingData.Name);
	     * Checks if a property is audited and if yes, fills all of its data.
	     * @param property Property to check.
	     * @param propertyData Property data, on which to set this property's modification store.
	     * @param accessType Access type for the property.
	     * @return False if this property is not audited.
	    private bool FillPropertyData(PropertyInfo property, PropertyAuditingData propertyData,
									     String accessType) {

		    // check if a property is declared as not audited to exclude it
		    // useful if a class is audited but some properties should be excluded
            NotAuditedAttribute unVer = (NotAuditedAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(NotAuditedAttribute));
		    if (unVer != null) {
			    return false;
		    } else {
			    // if the optimistic locking field has to be unversioned and the current property
			    // is the optimistic locking field, don't audit it
			    if (_globalCfg.isDoNotAuditOptimisticLockingField()) {
				    //Version jpaVer = property.getAnnotation(typeof(Version));
                    VersionAttribute jpaVer = (VersionAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(VersionAttribute));
				    if (jpaVer != null) {
					    return false;

		    // Checking if this property is explicitly audited or if all properties are.
		    //AuditedAttribute aud = property.getAnnotation(typeof(AuditedAttribute));
            AuditedAttribute aud = (AuditedAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(property, typeof(AuditedAttribute));
		    if (aud != null) {
			    propertyData.Store = aud.ModStore;
		    } else {
			    if (_defaultStore != ModificationStore._NULL) {
				    propertyData.Store = _defaultStore;
			    } else {
				    return false;

		    propertyData.Name = _propertyNamePrefix + property.Name;
		    propertyData.BeanName = property.Name;
		    propertyData.AccessType = accessType;

		    AddPropertyJoinTables(property, propertyData);
		    AddPropertyAuditingOverrides(property, propertyData);
		    if (!ProcessPropertyAuditingOverrides(property, propertyData)) {
			    return false; // not audited due to AuditOverride annotation
		    AddPropertyMapKey(property, propertyData);
            SetPropertyAuditMappedBy(property, propertyData);

		    return true;
Exemplo n.º 38
        protected override bool CheckAudited(MemberInfo property, string mappedPropertyName, PropertyAuditingData propertyData, AuditedAttribute allClassAudited)
            // Checking if this property is explicitly audited or if all properties are.
            var aud = _metaDataStore.MemberMeta <AuditedAttribute>(property);

            if (aud != null)
                propertyData.RelationTargetAuditMode = aud.TargetAuditMode;
        protected virtual bool CheckAudited(MemberInfo property, string mappedPropertyName, PropertyAuditingData propertyData, AuditedAttribute allClassAudited)
            // Checking if this property is explicitly audited or if all properties are.
            var aud = _metaDataStore.MemberMeta <AuditedAttribute>(property) ?? allClassAudited;

            if (aud == null && _overriddenAuditedProperties.Contains(mappedPropertyName) && !_overriddenNotAuditedProperties.Contains(mappedPropertyName))
                // Assigning AuditedAttribute defaults. If anyone needs to customize those values in the future,
                // appropriate fields shall be added to AuditOverrideAttribute annotation.
                aud = new AuditedAttribute();
            if (aud != null)
                propertyData.RelationTargetAuditMode = aud.TargetAuditMode;
                propertyData.UsingModifiedFlag       = checkUsingModifiedFlag(aud);