public void TestLazyLoadNoAdd()
			int parentId = 0;

			using (ISession s1 = OpenSession())
			using (ITransaction t1 = s1.BeginTransaction())
				// create a new
				LLParent parent = new LLParent();
				LLChildNoAdd child = new LLChildNoAdd();
				child.Parent = parent;

				parentId = (int) s1.GetIdentifier(parent);


			// try to Load the object to make sure the save worked
			using (ISession s2 = OpenSession())
			using (ITransaction t2 = s2.BeginTransaction())
				LLParent parent2 = (LLParent) s2.Load(typeof(LLParent), parentId);
				Assert.AreEqual(1, parent2.ChildrenNoAdd.Count);

			using (ISession session = sessions.OpenSession())
				session.Delete("from LLParent");
		public void TestLoadChildFirst()
			int parentId = 0;
			int childId = 0;

			using (ISession s1 = OpenSession())
			using (ITransaction t1 = s1.BeginTransaction())
				// create a new
				LLParent parent = new LLParent();
				LLChildNoAdd child = new LLChildNoAdd();
				child.Parent = parent;

				parentId = (int) s1.GetIdentifier(parent);
				childId = (int) s1.GetIdentifier(child);


			// try to Load the object to make sure the save worked
			using (ISession s2 = OpenSession())
			using (ITransaction t2 = s2.BeginTransaction())
				LLChildNoAdd child2 = (LLChildNoAdd) s2.Load(typeof(LLChildNoAdd), childId);
				Assert.AreEqual(parentId, (int) s2.GetIdentifier(child2.Parent));
		public void TestLazyLoad()
			int parentId = 0;

			using (ISession s1 = OpenSession())
			using (ITransaction t1 = s1.BeginTransaction())
				// create a new
				LLParent parent = new LLParent();
				LLChild child = new LLChild();
				child.Parent = parent;

				parentId = (int) s1.GetIdentifier(parent);


				// try to Load the object to get the exception
				using (ISession s2 = OpenSession())
				using (ITransaction t2 = s2.BeginTransaction())
					LLParent parent2 = (LLParent) s2.Load(typeof(LLParent), parentId);

					// this should throw the exception - the property setter access is not mapped correctly.
					// Because it maintains logic to maintain the collection during the property set it should
					// tell NHibernate to skip the setter and access the field.  If it doesn't, then throw
					// a LazyInitializationException.
					Assert.Throws<LazyInitializationException>(() => { int count = parent2.Children.Count; });
				// Need to delete the objects using direct SQL in this case,
				// because of loading problems.
				ExecuteStatement("delete from LLChild");
				ExecuteStatement("delete from LLParent");