Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct packed versions of input matrices, and then use sparse row/column dot
        /// to compute elements of output matrix. This is faster. But still relatively expensive.
        /// </summary>
        void multiply_fast(SymmetricSparseMatrix M2in, ref SymmetricSparseMatrix Rin, bool bParallel)
            int N = Rows;

            if (M2in.Rows != N)
                throw new Exception("SymmetricSparseMatrix.Multiply: matrices have incompatible dimensions");

            if (Rin == null)
                Rin = new SymmetricSparseMatrix();
            SymmetricSparseMatrix R = Rin;      // require alias for use in lambda below

            PackedSparseMatrix M = new PackedSparseMatrix(this);

            PackedSparseMatrix M2 = new PackedSparseMatrix(M2in, true);


            // Parallel variant is vastly faster, uses spinlock to control access to R
            if (bParallel)
                // goddamn SpinLock is in .Net 4
                //SpinLock spin = new SpinLock();
                gParallel.ForEach(Interval1i.Range(N), (r1i) => {
                    for (int c2i = r1i; c2i < N; c2i++)
                        double v = M.DotRowColumn(r1i, c2i, M2);
                        if (Math.Abs(v) > math.MathUtil.ZeroTolerance)
                            //bool taken = false;
                            //spin.Enter(ref taken);
                            //R[r1i, c2i] = v;
                            lock (R) {
                                R[r1i, c2i] = v;
                for (int r1i = 0; r1i < N; r1i++)
                    for (int c2i = r1i; c2i < N; c2i++)
                        double v = M.DotRowColumn(r1i, c2i, M2);
                        if (Math.Abs(v) > math.MathUtil.ZeroTolerance)
                            R[r1i, c2i] = v;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute dot product of this.row[r] and M.col[c], where the
        /// column is stored as MTranspose.row[c]
        /// </summary>
        public double DotRowColumn(int r, int c, PackedSparseMatrix MTranspose)
            Debug.Assert(Sorted && MTranspose.Sorted);
            Debug.Assert(Rows.Length == MTranspose.Rows.Length);

            int a = 0;
            int b = 0;

            nonzero[] Row = Rows[r];
            nonzero[] Col = MTranspose.Rows[c];
            int       NA  = Row.Length;
            int       NB  = Col.Length;

            double sum = 0;

            while (a < NA && b < NB)
                if (Row[a].j == Col[b].j)
                    sum += Row[a].d * Col[b].d;
                else if (Row[a].j < Col[b].j)

Exemplo n.º 3
        // returns this*this (requires less memory)
        public SymmetricSparseMatrix Square(bool bParallel = true)
            SymmetricSparseMatrix R = new SymmetricSparseMatrix();
            PackedSparseMatrix    M = new PackedSparseMatrix(this);


            // Parallel variant is vastly faster, uses spinlock to control access to R
            if (bParallel)
                // goddamn SpinLock is in .Net 4
                //SpinLock spin = new SpinLock();
                gParallel.ForEach(Interval1i.Range(N), (r1i) => {
                    for (int c2i = r1i; c2i < N; c2i++)
                        double v = M.DotRowColumn(r1i, c2i, M);
                        if (Math.Abs(v) > math.MathUtil.ZeroTolerance)
                            //bool taken = false;
                            //spin.Enter(ref taken);
                            //R[r1i, c2i] = v;
                            lock (R) {
                                R[r1i, c2i] = v;
                for (int r1i = 0; r1i < N; r1i++)
                    for (int c2i = r1i; c2i < N; c2i++)
                        double v = M.DotRowColumn(r1i, c2i, M);
                        if (Math.Abs(v) > math.MathUtil.ZeroTolerance)
                            R[r1i, c2i] = v;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute dot product of this.row[r] with all columns of M,
        /// where columns are stored in MTranspose rows.
        /// In theory more efficient than doing DotRowColumn(r,c) for each c,
        /// however so far the difference is negligible...perhaps because
        /// there are quite a few more branches in the inner loop
        /// </summary>
        public void DotRowAllColumns(int r, double[] sums, int[] col_indices, PackedSparseMatrix MTranspose)
            Debug.Assert(Sorted && MTranspose.Sorted);
            Debug.Assert(Rows.Length == MTranspose.Rows.Length);

            int N = Rows.Length;
            int a = 0;

            nonzero[] Row = Rows[r];
            int       NA  = Row.Length;

            Array.Clear(sums, 0, N);
            Array.Clear(col_indices, 0, N);

            while (a < NA)
                int aj = Row[a].j;
                for (int ci = 0; ci < N; ++ci)
                    nonzero[] Col = MTranspose.Rows[ci];

                    int b = col_indices[ci];
                    if (b >= Col.Length)

                    while (b < Col.Length && Col[b].j < aj)

                    if (b < Col.Length && aj == Col[b].j)
                        sums[ci] += Row[a].d * Col[b].d;
                    col_indices[ci] = b;