Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a field named TypeIDFieldName with the type id of the object instance, force=true to emit the field even if it is a known type.
        /// Returns true if type id element was added
        /// </summary>
        public virtual bool AddTypeIDField(BSONDocument doc, IBSONSerializable parent, IBSONSerializable self, object ctx, bool force = false)
            if (doc == null)
            if (self == null)

            var add = force || parent == null;
            var t   = self.GetType();

            if (!add)
                add = !parent.IsKnownTypeForBSONDeserialization(t);

            if (add)
                var id = BSONSerializableAttribute.GetGuidTypeAttribute <object, BSONSerializableAttribute>(t)

                var telm = new BSONBinaryElement(TypeIDFieldName, new BSONBinary(BSONBinaryType.UUID, id.ToByteArray()));

Exemplo n.º 2
 private void buildFromTemplateArgs(BSONDocument root, JSONDataMap template, TemplateArg[] args)
     foreach (var kvp in template)
         root.Set(jToB(kvp.Key, kvp.Value, args));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts row to BSON document suitable for storage in MONGO.DB.
        /// Pass target name (name of particular store/epoch/implementation) to get targeted field metadata.
        /// Note: the supplied row MAY NOT CONTAIN REFERENCE CYCLES - either direct or transitive
        /// </summary>
        public virtual BSONDocumentElement RowToBSONDocumentElement(Row row, string targetName, bool useAmorphousData = true, string name = null, FieldFilterFunc filter = null)
            if (row == null)

            var amrow = row as IAmorphousData;

            if (amrow != null && useAmorphousData && amrow.AmorphousDataEnabled)

            var result = new BSONDocument();

            foreach (var field in row.Schema)
                var attr = field[targetName];
                if (attr != null && attr.StoreFlag != StoreFlag.OnlyStore && attr.StoreFlag != StoreFlag.LoadAndStore)

                if (filter != null)//20160210 Dkh+SPol
                    if (!filter(row, null, field))

                var el = GetFieldAsBSON(row, field, targetName);

            if (amrow != null && useAmorphousData && amrow.AmorphousDataEnabled)
                foreach (var kvp in amrow.AmorphousData)
                    result.Set(GetAmorphousFieldAsBSON(kvp, targetName));

            return(name != null ? new BSONDocumentElement(name, result) : new BSONDocumentElement(result));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static BSONDocumentElement Amount_CLRtoBSON(string name, Amount amount)
            var curEl = new BSONStringElement("c", amount.CurrencyISO);
            var valEl = Decimal_CLRtoBSON("v", amount.Value);
            var doc   = new BSONDocument();


            return(name != null ? new BSONDocumentElement(name, doc) : new BSONDocumentElement(doc));
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// override to perform the conversion. the data is never null here, and ref cycles a ruled out
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual BSONElement DoConvertCLRtoBSON(string name, object data, Type dataType, string targetName)
            //1 Primitive/direct types
            Func <string, object, BSONElement> func;

            if (m_CLRtoBSON.TryGetValue(dataType, out func))
                return(func(name, data));

            //2 Enums
            if (dataType.IsEnum)
                return(name != null ? new BSONStringElement(name, data.ToString()) : new BSONStringElement(data.ToString()));

            //3 Complex Types
            if (data is Row)
                return(this.RowToBSONDocumentElement((Row)data, targetName, name: name));

            //IDictionary //must be before IEnumerable
            if (data is IDictionary)
                var dict   = (IDictionary)data;
                var result = new BSONDocument();
                foreach (var key in dict.Keys)
                    var fldName = key.ToString();
                    var el      = ConvertCLRtoBSON(fldName, dict[key], targetName);
                return(name != null ? new BSONDocumentElement(name, result) : new BSONDocumentElement(result));

            if (data is IEnumerable)
                var list = (IEnumerable)data;
                List <BSONElement> elements = new List <BSONElement>();
                foreach (var obj in list)
                    var el = ConvertCLRtoBSON(null, obj, targetName);
                var result = name != null ? new BSONArrayElement(name, elements.ToArray()) : new BSONArrayElement(elements.ToArray());

            throw new BSONException(StringConsts.CLR_BSON_CONVERSION_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR.Args(dataType.FullName));
Exemplo n.º 6
 private static BSONDocument onNullOrEmpty(BSONDocument document, string name, bool skipNull, bool required)
     if (required)
         throw new BSONException("BSONDocument.Add(required=true&&value=null)");
     if (!skipNull)
         return(document.Set(new BSONNullElement(name)));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static BSONDocument Add(this BSONDocument document, string name, object value, bool skipNull = false, bool required = false)
            if (value == null)
                return(onNullOrEmpty(document, name, skipNull, required));

            switch (Type.GetTypeCode(value.GetType()))
            case TypeCode.Empty:
            case TypeCode.DBNull:   return(document.Set(new BSONNullElement(name)));

            case TypeCode.Boolean:  return(document.Set(new BSONBooleanElement(name, (bool)value)));

            case TypeCode.Char:     return(document.Set(new BSONStringElement(name, value.ToString())));

            case TypeCode.SByte:    return(document.Set(new BSONInt32Element(name, (sbyte)value)));

            case TypeCode.Byte:     return(document.Set(new BSONInt32Element(name, (byte)value)));

            case TypeCode.Int16:    return(document.Set(new BSONInt32Element(name, (short)value)));

            case TypeCode.UInt16:   return(document.Set(new BSONInt32Element(name, (ushort)value)));

            case TypeCode.Int32:    return(document.Set(new BSONInt32Element(name, (int)value)));

            case TypeCode.UInt32:   return(document.Set(new BSONInt32Element(name, (int)(uint)value)));

            case TypeCode.Int64:    return(document.Set(new BSONInt64Element(name, (long)value)));

            case TypeCode.UInt64:   return(document.Set(new BSONInt64Element(name, (long)(ulong)value)));

            case TypeCode.Single:   return(document.Set(new BSONDoubleElement(name, (float)value)));

            case TypeCode.Double:   return(document.Set(new BSONDoubleElement(name, (double)value)));

            case TypeCode.Decimal:  return(document.Set(RowConverter.Decimal_CLRtoBSON(name, (decimal)value)));

            case TypeCode.DateTime: return(document.Set(new BSONDateTimeElement(name, (DateTime)value)));

            case TypeCode.String:   return(document.Set(new BSONStringElement(name, (string)value)));

            case TypeCode.Object:
                if (value is Guid)
                    var guid = (Guid)value;
                    if (guid == Guid.Empty)
                        return(onNullOrEmpty(document, name, skipNull, required));
                    return(document.Set(new BSONBinaryElement(name, new BSONBinary(BSONBinaryType.UUID, ((Guid)value).ToByteArray()))));
                else if (value is GDID)
                    var gdid = (GDID)value;
                    if (gdid.IsZero)
                        return(onNullOrEmpty(document, name, skipNull, required));
                    return(document.Set(RowConverter.GDID_CLRtoBSON(name, gdid)));
                else if (value is TimeSpan)
                    return(document.Set(new BSONInt64Element(name, ((TimeSpan)value).Ticks)));
                else if (value is BSONDocument)
                    return(document.Set(new BSONDocumentElement(name, (BSONDocument)value)));
                else if (value is byte[])
                    return(document.Set(new BSONBinaryElement(name, new BSONBinary(BSONBinaryType.GenericBinary, (byte[])value))));
                throw new BSONException("BSONDocument.Add(not supported object type '{0}')".Args(value.GetType().Name));

            default: throw new BSONException("BSONDocument.Add(not supported object type '{0}')".Args(value.GetType().Name));