Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine what port a node listens for incoming connections on
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="home">Local node</param>
        /// <param name="node">Remote lode for which to look up the port number from remote EPMD</param>
        /// <param name="closeSocket">If true, close the connection to remote EPMD at return</param>
        /// <returns>the listen port for the specified node, or 0 if the node
        /// was not registered with Epmd</returns>
        public static int LookupPort(ErlLocalNode home, ErlRemoteNode node,
            bool closeSocket = false)
            IErlTransport s = null;

            var obuf = new ErlOutputStream(writeVersion: false, capacity: 4 + 3 + node.AliveName.Length + 1);
            s = node.Epmd;

            if (s == null)
              //create transport
              s = ErlTransportFactory.Create(node.TransportClassName, node.NodeName.Value);

              s.Trace += (o, t, d, msg) => home.OnTrace(t, d, msg);

              //append SSH params to transport

              //connect (I am not sure)
              s.Connect(node.Host, EPMD_PORT, node.ConnectTimeout);

            // build and send epmd request
            // length[2], tag[1], alivename[n] (length = n+1)
            obuf.Write2BE(node.AliveName.Length + 1);
            //UPGRADE_NOTE: This code will be optimized in the future;
            byte[] buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(node.AliveName);

            // send request

            home.OnTrace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Outbound,

            // receive and decode reply
            // resptag[1], result[1], port[2], ntype[1], proto[1],
            // disthigh[2], distlow[2], nlen[2], alivename[n],
            // elen[2], edata[m]
            buf = new byte[100];

            int n = s.GetStream().Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);

            if (n < 0)
              throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_NOT_RESPONDING.Args(node.Host, node.AliveName));

            var ibuf = new ErlInputStream(buf, 0, n, checkVersion: false);

            if (Indicator.Port4resp == (Indicator)ibuf.Read1())
              if (0 == ibuf.Read1())
            node.Port = ibuf.Read2BE();

            node.Ntype = (ErlAbstractNode.NodeType)ibuf.Read1();
            node.Proto = ibuf.Read1();
            node.DistHigh = ibuf.Read2BE();
            node.DistLow = ibuf.Read2BE();
            // ignore rest of fields

            if (!closeSocket)
              node.Epmd = s;
              s = null;
              catch (Exception e)
            home.OnTrace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Inbound, StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_INVALID_RESPONSE_ERROR.Args(node.Host, node.AliveName, e.ToString()));
            throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_NOT_RESPONDING.Args(node.Host, node.AliveName, e.ToString()));
            if (s != null)
              try { s.Close(); } catch { }
            s = null;

              home.OnTrace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Inbound, () =>
              node.Port == 0 ? StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_NOT_FOUND : StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_PORT.Args(node.Port));

              return node.Port;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine what port a node listens for incoming connections on
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="home">Local node</param>
        /// <param name="node">Remote lode for which to look up the port number from remote EPMD</param>
        /// <param name="closeSocket">If true, close the connection to remote EPMD at return</param>
        /// <returns>the listen port for the specified node, or 0 if the node
        /// was not registered with Epmd</returns>
        public static int LookupPort(ErlLocalNode home, ErlRemoteNode node,
                                     bool closeSocket = false)
            TcpClient s = null;

                var obuf = new ErlOutputStream(
                    writeVersion: false, capacity: 4 + 3 + node.AliveName.Length + 1);
                s = node.Epmd ?? new TcpClient(node.Host, EPMD_PORT);

                // build and send epmd request
                // length[2], tag[1], alivename[n] (length = n+1)
                obuf.Write2BE(node.AliveName.Length + 1);
                //UPGRADE_NOTE: This code will be optimized in the future;
                byte[] buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(node.AliveName);

                // send request

                home.Trace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Outbound,

                // receive and decode reply
                // resptag[1], result[1], port[2], ntype[1], proto[1],
                // disthigh[2], distlow[2], nlen[2], alivename[n],
                // elen[2], edata[m]
                buf = new byte[100];

                int n = s.GetStream().Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);

                if (n < 0)
                    throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_NOT_RESPONDING.Args(node.Host, node.AliveName));

                var ibuf = new ErlInputStream(buf, 0, n, checkVersion: false);

                if (Indicator.Port4resp == (Indicator)ibuf.Read1())
                    if (0 == ibuf.Read1())
                        node.Port = ibuf.Read2BE();

                        node.Ntype    = (ErlAbstractNode.NodeType)ibuf.Read1();
                        node.Proto    = ibuf.Read1();
                        node.DistHigh = ibuf.Read2BE();
                        node.DistLow  = ibuf.Read2BE();
                        // ignore rest of fields

                if (!closeSocket)
                    node.Epmd = s;
                    s         = null;
            catch (Exception)
                home.Trace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Inbound, StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_INVALID_RESPONSE_ERROR);
                throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_NOT_RESPONDING.Args(node.Host, node.AliveName));
                if (s != null)
                    try { s.Close(); } catch {}
                s = null;

            home.Trace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Inbound, () =>
                       node.Port == 0 ? StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_NOT_FOUND : StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_PORT.Args(node.Port));

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish node's port at local EPMD, so that other nodes can connect to it.
        /// On failure to connect to EPMD the function may throw if the value of
        /// ErlApp.IgnoreLocalEpmdConnectErrors variable is true.
        /// On failed connection attempt the function calls
        /// node.OnEpmdFailedConnectAttempt delegate
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function will get an exception if it tries to talk to an r3
        /// epmd, or if something else happens that it cannot forsee. In both
        /// cases we return an exception (and the caller should try again, using
        /// the r3 protocol).
        /// If we manage to successfully communicate with an r4 epmd, we return
        /// either the socket, or null, depending on the result
        /// </remarks>
        public static bool PublishPort(ErlLocalNode node)
            Exception error = null;
              IErlTransport s = null;

            ErlOutputStream obuf = new ErlOutputStream(writeVersion: false, capacity: node.AliveName.Length + 20);
            s = node.Epmd ?? new ErlTcpTransport(ErlLocalNode.LocalHost, EPMD_PORT) { NodeName = node.NodeName.Value };

            obuf.Write2BE(node.AliveName.Length + 13);




            var buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(node.AliveName);
            //UPGRADE_NOTE: This code will be optimized in the future;
            obuf.Write2BE(0); // No extra

            // send request

            node.OnTrace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Outbound, () =>
                StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_PUBLISH.Args(node.AliveName, node.Port, "r4"));

            // get reply
            buf = new byte[100];
            int n = s.GetStream().Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);

            if (n < 0)
              // this was an r3 node => not a failure (yet)
              throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_NOT_RESPONDING.Args(node.Host, node.AliveName));

            ErlInputStream ibuf = new ErlInputStream(buf, 0, n, checkVersion: false);

            if (Indicator.Publish4resp == (Indicator)ibuf.Read1())
              int result = ibuf.Read1();
              if (result == 0)
            node.Creation = (byte)ibuf.Read2BE();
            node.OnTrace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Inbound, StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_OK);

            node.Epmd = s;
            return true; // success
            error = new ErlException("Cannot register node '{0}' (not unique?)".Args(node.AliveName));
              catch (Exception e)
            error = e;

              // epmd closed the connection = fail
              if (s != null)
            try { s.Close(); } catch { }

              node.Epmd = null;

              node.OnTrace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Inbound, StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_NO_RESPONSE);

              node.OnEpmdFailedConnectAttempt(node.NodeName, error.Message);

              node.OnTrace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Inbound, StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_FAILED_TO_CONNECT_ERROR);

              if (!ErlApp.IgnoreLocalEpmdConnectErrors)
            throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_FAILED_TO_CONNECT_ERROR + ": " + error.Message);

              node.Creation = 0;
              return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish node's port at local EPMD, so that other nodes can connect to it.
        /// On failure to connect to EPMD the function may throw if the value of
        /// ErlApp.IgnoreLocalEpmdConnectErrors variable is true.
        /// On failed connection attempt the function calls
        /// node.OnEpmdFailedConnectAttempt delegate
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This function will get an exception if it tries to talk to an r3
        /// epmd, or if something else happens that it cannot forsee. In both
        /// cases we return an exception (and the caller should try again, using
        /// the r3 protocol).
        /// If we manage to successfully communicate with an r4 epmd, we return
        /// either the socket, or null, depending on the result
        /// </remarks>
        public static bool PublishPort(ErlLocalNode node)
            Exception error = null;
            TcpClient s     = null;

                ErlOutputStream obuf = new ErlOutputStream(
                    writeVersion: false, capacity: node.AliveName.Length + 20);
                s = node.Epmd ?? new TcpClient(ErlLocalNode.LocalHost, EPMD_PORT);

                obuf.Write2BE(node.AliveName.Length + 13);




                var buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(node.AliveName);
                //UPGRADE_NOTE: This code will be optimized in the future;
                obuf.Write2BE(0); // No extra

                // send request

                node.Trace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Outbound, () =>
                           StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_PUBLISH.Args(node.AliveName, node.Port, "r4"));

                // get reply
                buf = new byte[100];
                int n = s.GetStream().Read(buf, 0, buf.Length);

                if (n < 0)
                    // this was an r3 node => not a failure (yet)
                    throw new ErlException(StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_NOT_RESPONDING.Args(node.Host, node.AliveName));

                ErlInputStream ibuf = new ErlInputStream(buf, 0, n, checkVersion: false);

                if (Indicator.Publish4resp == (Indicator)ibuf.Read1())
                    int result = ibuf.Read1();
                    if (result == 0)
                        node.Creation = (byte)ibuf.Read2BE();
                        node.Trace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Inbound, StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_OK);

                        node.Epmd = s;
                        return(true); // success
                error = new ErlException("Cannot register node '{0}' (not unique?)".Args(node.AliveName));
            catch (Exception e)
                error = e;

            // epmd closed the connection = fail
            if (s != null)
                try { s.Close(); } catch {}

            node.Epmd = null;

            node.Trace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Inbound, StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_NO_RESPONSE);

            node.OnEpmdFailedConnectAttempt(node.NodeName, error.Message);

            node.Trace(ErlTraceLevel.Epmd, Direction.Inbound, StringConsts.ERL_EPMD_FAILED_TO_CONNECT_ERROR);

            if (!ErlApp.IgnoreLocalEpmdConnectErrors)
                throw new ErlException(error.Message);

            node.Creation = 0;