Exemplo n.º 1
        public IColumn FindColumnByName(string columnName, bool nullReturnEnable)
        { // There isn't default parameter value, so this function is wrote same as previous function, because this way is quicker then call it only with name parameter.
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(columnName))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("columnName");

            var column = _columns.FirstOrDefault(c => (String.Compare(c.name, columnName, true) == 0)); // case insensitive

            if (column == null)
                if (!nullReturnEnable)
                    throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentOutOfRangeException("columnName", "Column {0} not found.", columnName);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Resize(int newPageCount)
            if (newPageCount > MAXCACHESIZE)
                newPageCount = MAXCACHESIZE;
            else if (newPageCount < 0)
                newPageCount = 0;

        #if DEBUG
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentOutOfRangeException("newPageCount", "Count of pages must greater or equal then 0!");

            if (items.Count > newPageCount)
            { // Shrink size, remove oldest/not-used items
                RemovePages(items.Count - newPageCount);

            _pageCount = newPageCount;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Read content of memo field.
        /// (multithread calls enabled)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blockNo">Pointer of first block in memo (DBT) file, readed from DBF's memo field.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override byte[] ReadMemoBytes(int blockNo)
            byte[] retBytes = null;

            if (blockNo < 1)
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentException("blockNo", "ReadMemoBytes({0}) invalid block number!",

            if ((blockNo * blockSize) >= stream.Length)
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentException("blockNo",
                                                               "ReadMemoBytes({0}) out of dbt stream length!", blockNo);

            lock (lockObject)
                switch (memoType)
                case MemoFileType.DBT_Ver3:
                    retBytes = ReadMemoArray3(blockNo);

                case MemoFileType.DBT_Ver4:
                    retBytes = ReadMemoArray4(blockNo);

                case MemoFileType.FPT_Ver3:
                    retBytes = ReadMemoArrayFPT(blockNo);

                    throw new Exception("MemoFileDBT/ReadMemoBytes: invalid switch case!");

Exemplo n.º 4
        internal void AtachedToAnotherTable(DbfTable dbfTable, int recNo)
            this._dbfTableClassID = (dbfTable == null) ? Guid.Empty : dbfTable.dbfTableClassID;
            this._recNo           = recNo;


            if (dbfTable != null)
                if (!IsIdenticalColumnsDefinition(this._columns, dbfTable._columns))
                    throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentException("dbfTable", "DbfRow.AtachedToAnotherTable/this.columns and dbfTable.columns aren't identical !");


            foreach (var item in memoCache)
                item.modified = ((item.data != null) && (item.data.Length > 0));

                (item.column as Column).SetNull(_buffer);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static NtxHeader GetHeader(Stream stream)
            if (stream.Length < (pageSize * 2))
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentOutOfRangeException("stream", "NTX index stream length '{0}' < '{1}'!", stream.Length, (pageSize * 2));

            if ((stream.Length % pageSize) != 0)
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentOutOfRangeException("stream", "NTX index stream length ({0}) isn't a multiple of '{1}'!", stream.Length, pageSize);


            NtxHeader header = new NtxHeader();

            stream.Position = 0;

            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);                     // don't use 'using (BinaryReader reader...' because 'using' dispose 'stream' too!

            header.signature = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.version   = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.root      = reader.ReadInt32();
            header.unused    = reader.ReadInt32();
            header.itemSize  = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.keySize   = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.keyDec    = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.maxItem   = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.halfPage  = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.keyExpr   = reader.ReadBytes(maxKeyLen);

            byte uniqueFlag = reader.ReadByte();

            header.unique = (uniqueFlag != 0);

            Debug.Assert(reader.BaseStream.Position == 279);


            byte sign1Byte = (byte)(header.signature >> 8);                       // get first byte

            if (!Array.Exists(validSignatures, s => (s == sign1Byte)))
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentOutOfRangeException("stream", "Signature byte of NTX index stream is invalid! '{0}'", sign1Byte);

            byte sign2Byte = (byte)(header.signature);                            // cut off first byte

            if (sign2Byte != 0)
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentOutOfRangeException("stream", "Second signature byte in NTX index stream header is invalid!'{0}'", sign2Byte);

            if ((header.keySize < 1) || (header.keySize > 250))
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentOutOfRangeException("stream", "Key size in NTX index stream header is invalid!");

            if ((header.keySize + 8) != header.itemSize)
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentOutOfRangeException("stream", "Key size (+8) in NTX index stream header is invalid!");

            if (ProcessKeyExpressionBuffer(header.keyExpr) == null)
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateNotSupportedException("Content of key expression bytes is envalid!");

            if (!((uniqueFlag == 0) || (uniqueFlag == 1)))
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentOutOfRangeException("stream", "Unique flag in NTX index stream header is invalid!");


Exemplo n.º 6
        public static bool IsIdenticalColumnsDefinition(ICollection <IColumn> columns1, ICollection <IColumn> columns2)
            if (columns1 == null)
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentException("columns1", "Null parameter value not allowed!");

            if (columns2 == null)
                throw ExceptionFactory.CreateArgumentException("columns2", "Null parameter value not allowed!");

            List <Column> cols1 = new List <Column>();
            List <Column> cols2 = new List <Column>();

            foreach (var item in columns1)
                cols1.Add(item as Column);

            foreach (var item in columns2)
                cols2.Add(item as Column);

            if (cols1.Count != cols2.Count)

            cols1.Sort((col1, col2) => String.Compare(col1.name, col2.name, true));     // Ignore case
            cols2.Sort((col1, col2) => String.Compare(col1.name, col2.name, true));     // Ignore case

            for (int i = 0; (i < cols1.Count); i++)
                if (String.Compare(cols1[i].name, cols2[i].name, true) != 0)            // Ignore case

                if (cols1[i].dbfType != cols2[i].dbfType)

                if (cols1[i].size != cols2[i].size)

                if (cols1[i].dec != cols2[i].dec)

                if (cols1[i].type != cols2[i].type)

                if (cols1[i].offset != cols2[i].offset)
