Exemplo n.º 1
        private static PageTemplateConfiguration LoadPageTemplateConfiguration(string configurationPath)
            PageTemplateConfiguration rtnConfig = null;

            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(PageTemplateConfiguration));

            bool pageAssemblyInstructionXmlValid = true;

            pageAssemblyInstructionXmlValid = PageAssemblyInstructionFactory.ValidateXml(PageTemplateConfigurationPath,

                using (FileStream xmlFile = File.Open(configurationPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete))
                    rtnConfig = (PageTemplateConfiguration)serializer.Deserialize(XmlReader.Create(xmlFile));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //TODO: Do something here

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an IPageAssemblyInstruction derived instance from the XML at the specified path.        ///
        /// </summary>
        public static IPageAssemblyInstruction GetPageAssemblyInfo(string requestedPath)
            bool   pageAssemblyInstructionXmlValid = true;
            string xmlFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(String.Format(ContentDeliveryEngineConfig.PathInformation.PagePathFormat.Path, requestedPath));

            // Input validation.
            if (xmlFilePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pathToXml", "The pathToXml parameter cannot be null.");

            if (!File.Exists(xmlFilePath))

            if (ContentDeliveryEngineConfig.PageAssembly.PageAssemblyInfoTypes.EnableValidation == true)
                pageAssemblyInstructionXmlValid = PageAssemblyInstructionFactory.ValidateXml(xmlFilePath,

            if (pageAssemblyInstructionXmlValid == false)

            // Load the XML file into an XmlReader and create a IPageAssemblyInstruction derived instance from the XML.
            IPageAssemblyInstruction pageAssemblyInfo = null;

                using (FileStream xmlFile = File.Open(xmlFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite | FileShare.Delete))
                    using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(xmlFile))
                        // Read just enough to get the page type of assembly info object we want to create
                        // e.g. a SinglePageAssemblyInfo, BookletAssemblyInfo, etc.

                        // Get the name of hte serializer type we need (the document element name is the
                        // name of the type).
                        string pageAssemblyInfoTypeName = xmlReader.LocalName;

                        // Make sure the serializer we need is in the cache (if it isn't, we've got invalid XML).
                        if (Instance._serializers.ContainsKey(pageAssemblyInfoTypeName) == false)
                            string message = String.Format("Unable to find XmlSerializer for type \"{0}.\"  Either \"{0}\" is an unsupported type and the XML file at \"{1}\" is invalid or the page assembly configuration needs a new entry to support \"{0}\"", pageAssemblyInfoTypeName, xmlFilePath);
                            throw new PageAssemblyException(message);

                        // Get the serializer from the cache.
                        XmlSerializer serializer = Instance._serializers[pageAssemblyInfoTypeName];

                        // Deserialize the XML into an object.
                        pageAssemblyInfo = (IPageAssemblyInstruction)serializer.Deserialize(xmlReader);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new PageAssemblyException(String.Format("Unable to create IPageAssemblyInfo for file \"{0}.\"", xmlFilePath), ex);
