Exemplo n.º 1
 private void InitializeButtons()
     string frmName = this.GetType().Name;
     bool   add     = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "add");
     bool   edit    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "edit");
     bool   delete  = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "delete");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void SetDefault()
            dtpTanggal.Value = DateTime.Now;

            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;
            bool   delete  = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "delete");

            if (!delete)
                dtpTanggal.MinDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                dtpTanggal.MaxDate = DateTime.Now.Date;

            if (custType_ == "pecah")
                radGroupBox3.Visible     = true;
                rbtnMesin.ToggleState    = Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.Off;
                rbtnBorongan.ToggleState = Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.On;
                rbtnMeja.ToggleState     = Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.Off;
                statusbarang_            = 7;
                statusbarang_ = 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void frmGaji_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                rddGajiMingguan.SelectedValue = NBConfig.IGBID;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + " : " + ex.StackTrace);
            //Always check if gaji has been printed
            if (NBConfig.GetGBIDPrintedStaff())

            //Setting for GAJI
            radRadioButtonNama.ToggleState = Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.On;
            tipeRincianddl.SelectedValue = 12;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void btnBonus_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Always check if gaji total has been printed or not
            if (!NBConfig.GetGBIDPrintedStaff())
                if (delete_ || rddGajiMingguan.SelectedValue.ToString() == NBConfig.IGBID.ToString())
                    frmAddGajiDetail frm = new frmAddGajiDetail(int.Parse(tipeRincianddl.SelectedValue.ToString())
                                                                , int.Parse(rddGajiMingguan.SelectedValue.ToString())
                                                                , 3
                                                                , tipeRincianddl.Text
                                                                , decimal.Parse(tipeRincianddl.Tag.ToString()));

                    //refresh grid
                    this.vrinciangajiTableAdapter.FillByStaff(this.sinarekDataSet.vrinciangaji, int.Parse(rddGajiMingguan.SelectedValue.ToString()), 1);
                helper.NotifMessage("Gaji Minggu ini telah di print maka input sudah tidak diperbolehkan"
                                    + "./nJika ada kesalahan harap dilaporkan.");
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void radGridView3_CellBeginEdit(object sender, GridViewCellCancelEventArgs e)
     if (NBConfig.GetGMIDPrinted())
         e.Cancel = true;
         MessageBox.Show("Gaji telah di print maka perubahan data gaji sudah tidak diperbolehkan.");
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void btPrintPages_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (int.Parse(txtFrom.Value.ToString()) > 0)
                DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Print Slip Gaji. Siap kan kertas di printer."
                                                   , "Print Slip Gaji"
                                                   , MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel
                                                   , MessageBoxIcon.Question
                                                   , MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2
                                                   , MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly);

                if (res == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    //Print Slip Gaji
                    rptGajiStaff gj = new rptGajiStaff();
                    gj.ReportParameters["GBID"].Value = rddGajiMingguan.SelectedValue;
                    gj.ReportParameters["User"].Value = NBConfig.ValidUserName;
                    IReportDocument report1 = (IReportDocument)gj;
                    ////set parameters when necessary

                    //// PrinterSettings
                    PrinterSettings printerSettings = new PrinterSettings();
                    printerSettings.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize      = new PaperSize("Mini Letter", 850, 550);
                    printerSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top    = 17;
                    printerSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = 17;
                    printerSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left   = 12;
                    printerSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right  = 12;

                    //// Adjust the printer settings if necessary...
                    printerSettings.PrintRange = PrintRange.SomePages;
                    printerSettings.FromPage   = int.Parse(txtFrom.Value.ToString());
                    printerSettings.ToPage     = int.Parse(txtTo.Value.ToString());

                    InstanceReportSource reportSource = new InstanceReportSource();
                    reportSource.ReportDocument = report1;
                    // Print the report using the printer settings.
                    ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();

                    reportProcessor.PrintReport(reportSource, printerSettings);

                    //process printed
                    if (!NBConfig.GetGBIDPrintedStaff())
                        using (sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.gajibulananTableAdapter gb = new sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.gajibulananTableAdapter())
                            gb.UpdatePrintedStaff(NBConfig.ValidUserName, NBConfig.IGBID);
                        helper.NotifMessage("Data Gaji telah terkunci dan tidak dapat di ubah lagi.");
                //Silahkan pilih halaman untuk di print
                MessageBox.Show("Pilih halaman untuk di print!");
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void InitializeButtons()
            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;

            add_    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null ? this.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "add");
            edit_   = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null ? this.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "edit");
            delete_ = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null ? this.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "delete");

            dtpTanggal.Enabled = delete_;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void SetPrintedForms()
            bool bAdd    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), "frmGaji", "add");
            bool bEdit   = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), "frmGaji", "edit");
            bool bDelete = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), "frmGaji", "delete");

            //Set Input according to permission
            btnBonus.Enabled          = bDelete;
            btnKasBon.Enabled         = bDelete;
            radGridView3.AllowEditRow = bDelete;
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void InitialiazeButtons()
            string frmName = this.Owner.GetType().Name;

            add_    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Owner.Tag != null ? this.Owner.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "add");
            edit_   = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Owner.Tag != null ? this.Owner.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "edit");
            delete_ = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Owner.Tag != null ? this.Owner.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "delete");

            btnInputBiaya.Enabled = ((!printed_) || delete_);
            btnDelBiaya.Enabled   = ((!printed_) || delete_);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void InitializeButton()
            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;

            add_    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "add");
            edit_   = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "edit");
            delete_ = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "delete");

            radGroupBox1.Enabled  = add_;
            btnPrintSlip.Enabled  = add_;
            btnPrintTotal.Enabled = add_;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void InitializeButtons()
            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;
            bool   add     = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "add");
            bool   edit    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "edit");
            bool   delete  = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "delete");

            radGroupBox1.Visible = (add || edit || delete);

            btnBatal.Enabled = (edit | delete);
            btnEdit.Enabled  = delete;
            btnPrint.Enabled = add;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void InitializeButtons()
            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;
            bool   add     = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "add");
            bool   edit    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "edit");
            bool   delete  = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "delete");

            btnPrint.Enabled   = delete;
            btnPrint.Visible   = delete;
            rddTipe.Enabled    = delete;
            dtpTanggal.Enabled = delete;
            //rddNama.Enabled = delete;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void InitializeButtons()
            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;

            helper.GetPermissions(frmName, this.Tag.ToString(), out add_, out edit_, out delete_);
            add_    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null ? this.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "add");
            edit_   = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null ? this.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "edit");
            delete_ = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null ? this.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "delete");

            rddGBID.Enabled         = edit_ || delete_;
            btnPrint.Enabled        = delete_;
            btnPrintLaporan.Enabled = delete_;
Exemplo n.º 14
        private void InitializeButtons()
            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;

            add_    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null ? this.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "add");
            edit_   = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null ? this.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "edit");
            delete_ = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null ? this.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "delete");

            btnEdit.Enabled    = (add_ || edit_ || delete_);
            btnPrint.Enabled   = (add_ || edit_ || delete_);
            btnBatalUJ.Enabled = (delete_);
            btnPrintUJ.Enabled = (delete_);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void SetDefault()
            dtpTanggal.Value = DateTime.Now;

            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;
            bool   delete  = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "delete");

            if (!delete)
                dtpTanggal.MaxDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                dtpTanggal.MinDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-1);
            statusbarang_ = 1;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void InitializeButtons()
            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;
            bool   add     = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "add");
            bool   edit    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "edit");
            bool   delete  = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "delete");

            btnAdd.Enabled  = (add || edit);
            btnNext.Enabled = (add && (!isEdit_));
            if (isEdit_)
                btnSimpan.Text = "Save Changes";
            btnSimpan.Enabled   = (add || edit);
            btnCancelSJ.Enabled = delete;
Exemplo n.º 17
 private void radGridView1_CellBeginEdit(object sender, GridViewCellCancelEventArgs e)
     if (e.Row.Cells["TipeHadirID"].Value != null)
         string frmName = this.GetType().Name;
         bool   delete  = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "delete");
         if (!delete)
             //Can not modify absen kalo hari raya
             if (e.Row.Cells["TipeHadirID"].Value.ToString() == "7")
                 e.Cancel = true;
Exemplo n.º 18
        private void frmHistoryGaji_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!NBConfig.GetGMIDPrinted())
                rptGajiPreview1.ReportParameters["GMID"].Value = NBConfig.IGMID - 1;

                //Always filter gajimingguan value to only historical
                gajimingguanBindingSource.Filter = "GMID < " + NBConfig.IGMID;
                //Always filter gajimingguan value to only historical
                gajimingguanBindingSource.Filter = "GMID <= " + NBConfig.IGMID;
Exemplo n.º 19
        private void InitializeButtons()
            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;

            add_    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "add");
            edit_   = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "edit");
            delete_ = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "delete");

            btnAdd.Enabled  = (add_ || edit_);
            btnNext.Enabled = (add_ && (!isEdit_));
            if (isEdit_)
                btnSimpan.Text = "Save Changes";
            btnSimpan.Enabled = (add_ || edit_);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void InitializeButtons()
            string frmName = this.Owner.GetType().Name;

            add_    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Owner.Tag != null ? this.Owner.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "add");
            edit_   = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Owner.Tag != null ? this.Owner.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "edit");
            delete_ = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Owner.Tag != null ? this.Owner.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "delete");

            tanggalDateTimePicker.Enabled = delete_;
            rddCust.Enabled  = delete_;
            mrddPel.Enabled  = delete_;
            rddSales.Enabled = delete_;

            if (DateTime.Parse(editRow_["modified"].ToString()).Date == DateTime.Now.Date)
                rddKernet.Enabled = true;
                rddMobil.Enabled  = true;
                rddSopir.Enabled  = true;

                rddPelKernet.Enabled = true;
                rddPelSopir.Enabled  = true;
                rddPelMobil.Enabled  = true;
                rddPelSales.Enabled  = true;

                rddTujuan.Enabled = true;

                radGridView1.ReadOnly = false;
                radGroupBox2.Enabled  = true;
                rddKernet.Enabled = edit_ || delete_;
                rddMobil.Enabled  = edit_ || delete_;
                rddSopir.Enabled  = edit_ || delete_;

                rddPelKernet.Enabled = edit_ || delete_;
                rddPelSopir.Enabled  = edit_ || delete_;
                rddPelMobil.Enabled  = edit_ || delete_;
                rddPelSales.Enabled  = delete_;

                rddTujuan.Enabled = delete_;

                radGridView1.ReadOnly = (!delete_);
                radGroupBox2.Enabled  = delete_;
Exemplo n.º 21
 private void radGridView1_CellEditorInitialized(object sender, GridViewCellEventArgs e)
     if (!NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), this.GetType().Name, "Delete"))
         if (e.Column.Name == "tipehadirid")
             int iHariRaya;
             //    , iCutiTahunan;
             RadDropDownListEditor        rdd = (RadDropDownListEditor)e.ActiveEditor;
             RadDropDownListEditorElement el  = (RadDropDownListEditorElement)rdd.EditorElement;
             iHariRaya = el.Items.IndexOf("Hari Raya");
             //iCutiTahunan = el.Items.IndexOf("Cuti Tahunan");
             el.Items[iHariRaya].Enabled = false;
             //el.Items[iCutiTahunan].Enabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 22
        private void SetDefault()
            dtpTanggal.Value = DateTime.Now;
            dtpExpire.Value  = DateTime.Now;
            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;
            bool   delete  = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null? this.Tag.ToString():""), frmName, "delete");

            if (!delete)
                dtpTanggal.MinDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                dtpTanggal.MaxDate = DateTime.Now.Date;

            rbtnBaik.ToggleState   = Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.On;
            rbtnExpire.ToggleState = Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.Off;
            rbtnRusak.ToggleState  = Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.Off;
            statusbarang_          = 1;
Exemplo n.º 23
        private void btnPrintNama_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (rddMember.SelectedValue != null)
                DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Print Slip Gaji Untuk " + rddMember.Text + ". Siap kan kertas di printer."
                                                   , "Print Slip Gaji Per Nama"
                                                   , MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel
                                                   , MessageBoxIcon.Question
                                                   , MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2
                                                   , MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly);

                if (res == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    //Print Slip Gaji
                    rptGajiMingguanNama gj = new rptGajiMingguanNama();
                    gj.ReportParameters["GMID"].Value     = rddGajiMingguan.SelectedValue;
                    gj.ReportParameters["User"].Value     = NBConfig.ValidUserName;
                    gj.ReportParameters["memberid"].Value = rddMember.SelectedValue;
                    IReportDocument report1 = (IReportDocument)gj;
                    ////set parameters when necessary

                    //// PrinterSettings
                    PrinterSettings printerSettings = new PrinterSettings();
                    //// Adjust the printer settings if necessary...
                    InstanceReportSource reportSource = new InstanceReportSource();
                    reportSource.ReportDocument = report1;
                    // Print the report using the printer settings.
                    ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
                    reportProcessor.PrintReport(reportSource, printerSettings);

                    //process printed
                    if (!NBConfig.GetGBIDPrintedStaff())
                        using (sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.gajibulananTableAdapter gb = new sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.gajibulananTableAdapter())
                            gb.UpdatePrintedStaff(NBConfig.ValidUserName, NBConfig.IGBID);
                        helper.NotifMessage("Data Gaji telah terkunci dan tidak dapat di ubah lagi.");
Exemplo n.º 24
        private void frmGaji_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region "Print"
            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;
            bool   delete  = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null ? this.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "delete");

            btnPindah.Enabled = delete;
            btnPindah.Visible = delete;

            this.gajidetailtempTableAdapter.FillByGMID(this.sinarekDataSet.gajidetailtemp, NBConfig.IGMID);
            this.vgajidetailabsenTableAdapter.FillByGMID(this.sinarekDataSet.vgajidetailabsen, NBConfig.IGMID);
            //Always check if gaji has been printed
            if (NBConfig.GetGMIDPrinted())

            //Setting for INPUTRES
            vgajidetailabsenbindingSource2.Filter = INPUTRESFILTER;
            //Setting for GAJI
            vgajidetailabsenBindingSource.Filter = gajiCurrentFilter;
            radRadioButtonNama.ToggleState       = Telerik.WinControls.Enumerations.ToggleState.On;
            tipeRincianddl.SelectedValue = 12;

            //Make sure borongan is only loaded once
            long lResult = 0;
            if (!long.TryParse(gajidetailtempTableAdapter.CheckBorongan().ToString(), out lResult))
                btnBorongan.Text    = "Borongan Sudah Di Process";
                btnBorongan.Enabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 25
        private void btnBonus_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Always check if gaji total has been printed or not
            if (!NBConfig.GetGMIDPrinted())
                //frmAddGajiDetail frm = new frmAddGajiDetail(int.Parse(tipeRincianddl.SelectedValue.ToString())
                //    , tipeRincianddl.Text
                //    , decimal.Parse(tipeRincianddl.Tag.ToString()));

                //refresh grid
                vgajidetailabsenTableAdapter.FillByGMID(this.sinarekDataSet.vgajidetailabsen, NBConfig.IGMID);
                vgajidetailabsenBindingSource.Filter = gajiCurrentFilter;
                MessageBox.Show("Gaji Minggu ini telah di print maka input sudah tidak diperbolehkan"
                                + "./nJika ada kesalahan harap dilaporkan.");
Exemplo n.º 26
        private void btnTotalRincian_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Print Laporan Rincian Total Gaji. Siap kan kertas di printer."
                                               , "Print Laporan Rincian Total Gaji"
                                               , MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel
                                               , MessageBoxIcon.Question
                                               , MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2
                                               , MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly);

            if (res == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                //Print Rincian Summary Gaji
                rptGajiTotal gj = new rptGajiTotal();
                gj.ReportParameters[0].Value      = NBConfig.IGMID;
                gj.ReportParameters["user"].Value = NBConfig.ValidUserName;
                IReportDocument report1 = (IReportDocument)gj;
                ////set parameters when necessary

                //// PrinterSettings
                PrinterSettings printerSettings = new PrinterSettings();
                //// Adjust the printer settings if necessary...
                InstanceReportSource reportSource = new InstanceReportSource();
                reportSource.ReportDocument = report1;
                // Print the report using the printer settings.
                ReportProcessor reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
                reportProcessor.PrintReport(reportSource, printerSettings);

                //process printed
                if (!NBConfig.GetGMIDPrinted())
                    using (sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.gajimingguanTableAdapter gm = new sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.gajimingguanTableAdapter())
                        gm.UpdatePrinted(NBConfig.ValidUserName, NBConfig.IGMID);
                    MessageBox.Show("Data Gaji telah terkunci dan tidak dapat di ubah lagi.");
Exemplo n.º 27
        private void btnKasBon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!NBConfig.GetGMIDPrinted())
                //Hardcoded to input only kasbon
                frmAddGajiDetail frm = new frmAddGajiDetail(12
                                                            , int.Parse(rddGajiMingguan.SelectedValue.ToString())
                                                            , 2
                                                            , "Kas Bon"
                                                            , 50000);

                //refresh grid
                this.rinciangajiTableAdapter.FillByTipeGID(this.sinarekDataSet.rinciangaji, 2, int.Parse(rddGajiMingguan.SelectedValue.ToString()));
                MessageBox.Show("Gaji Minggu ini telah di print maka input sudah tidak diperbolehkan"
                                + "./nJika ada kesalahan harap dilaporkan.");
Exemplo n.º 28
        private void btnKasBon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!NBConfig.GetGMIDPrinted())
                //Hardcoded to input only kasbon
                //frmAddGajiDetail frm = new frmAddGajiDetail(12
                //    , "Kas Bon"
                //    , 50000);

                //refresh grid
                vgajidetailabsenTableAdapter.FillByGMID(this.sinarekDataSet.vgajidetailabsen, NBConfig.IGMID);
                //vgajidetailabsenBindingSource3.Filter = gajiCurrentFilter;
                MessageBox.Show("Gaji Minggu ini telah di print maka input sudah tidak diperbolehkan"
                                + "./nJika ada kesalahan harap dilaporkan.");
Exemplo n.º 29
        private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //check printed
            bool printed = false;
            //if printed
            //Print Selected Transaction
            //string custtypetoid = radGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells["custtypetoid"].Value.ToString();
            string iLogID = radGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells["LogID"].Value.ToString();

            using (sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.logproductTableAdapter tbl = new sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.logproductTableAdapter())
                printed = (bool)tbl.CheckPrinted(long.Parse(iLogID));
            string frmName = this.GetType().Name;
            bool   edit    = NBConfig.CheckPermission((this.Tag != null ? this.Tag.ToString() : ""), frmName, "delete");

            if (!edit)
                if (printed)
                    helper.NotifMessage("Surat Jalan Sudah di Print");

            DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("Siapkan kertas untuk print.", "SMS - Verification"
                                               , MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel
                                               , MessageBoxIcon.Question);

            if (res == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                PrinterSettings printerSettings;
                ReportProcessor reportProcessor;

                rptSJ rpt = new rptSJ();
                rpt.ReportParameters["user"].Value  = NBConfig.ValidUserName;
                rpt.ReportParameters["logid"].Value = lblLogID.Text;
                //rpt.ReportParameters["custtypetoid"].Value = custtypetoid;

                IReportDocument iRpt = (IReportDocument)rpt;
                //// PrinterSettings
                printerSettings = new PrinterSettings();
                //printerSettings.PrinterName = rddPrinter.Text;
                //// Adjust the printer settings if necessary...

                // Print the report using the printer settings.
                    InstanceReportSource reportSource = new InstanceReportSource();
                    reportSource.ReportDocument = iRpt;

                    reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
                    reportProcessor.PrintReport(reportSource, printerSettings);
                    using (sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.logproductTableAdapter tbl = new sinarekDataSetTableAdapters.logproductTableAdapter())
                        tbl.UpdatePrinted(NBConfig.ValidUserName, long.Parse(lblLogID.Text));
                    helper.PrintLog(this.GetType().Name, rpt.Name, this.Text + ":LogID-" + iLogID);
                    this.vlogproductTableAdapter.FillByTanggal(this.sinarekDataSet.vlogproduct, dtpTanggal.Value);
                catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// Get user permission for a menu / form
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="frmName"></param>
 /// <param name="MenuName"></param>
 /// <param name="add"></param>
 /// <param name="edit"></param>
 /// <param name="delete"></param>
 internal static void GetPermissions(string frmName, string MenuName, out bool add, out bool edit, out bool delete)
     add    = NBConfig.CheckPermission(MenuName, frmName, "add");
     edit   = NBConfig.CheckPermission(MenuName, frmName, "edit");
     delete = NBConfig.CheckPermission(MenuName, frmName, "delete");