Exemplo n.º 1
 public ParametrsForTestObj(ParametrsForTest _p, Dictionary <string, DataTableWithCalcValues> _dictionaryDT, int _numThread = 0, int _mutationCount = 0)
     paramS             = _p;
     dictionaryDT       = _dictionaryDT;
     this.numThread     = _numThread;
     this.mutationCount = _mutationCount;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IndicatorValues(ParametrsForTest _pt, ModeIndicator _mi)
            switch (_mi)
            case ModeIndicator.glassInterest:
                parametrs.Add("glassHeight", _pt.glassHeight);
                parametrs.Add("averageValue", _pt.averageValue);

Exemplo n.º 3
 public bool Compare(ParametrsForTest p1, ParametrsForTest p2)
     if (p1.indicatorExitValue.CompareTo(p2.indicatorExitValue) == 0 && p1.indicatorEnterValue.CompareTo(p2.indicatorEnterValue) == 0 &&
         p1.glassHeight.CompareTo(p2.glassHeight) == 0 && p1.lossLongValue.CompareTo(p2.lossLongValue) == 0 && p1.lossShortValue.CompareTo(p2.lossShortValue) == 0 &&
         p1.martingValue.CompareTo(p2.martingValue) == 0 && p1.profitLongValue.CompareTo(p2.profitLongValue) == 0 && p1.profitShortValue.CompareTo(p2.profitShortValue) == 0)
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void OneThreadTester(object p)
            //DateTime lastDtBadIndicator;
            GlassGraph                  threadGlassVisual = new GlassGraph();
            ResultOneThreadSumm         resTh = new ResultOneThreadSumm();
            List <int>                  oldGlassValue = new List <int>();
            List <int>                  tempListForIndicator = new List <int>();
            List <int>                  tempListForIndicatorAverage = new List <int>();
            SortedDictionary <int, int> glass = new SortedDictionary <int, int>();
            ParametrsForTest            paramTh = (p as ParametrsForTestObj).paramS;
            Dictionary <string, DataTableWithCalcValues> dictionaryDT = (p as ParametrsForTestObj).dictionaryDT;
            int priceEnterLong, priceEnterShort;
            //IndicatorValuesAggregate aggreValues = new IndicatorValuesAggregate(new TimeSpan(TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond * 100)); // 100 мс

            //TimeSpan timeLong = new TimeSpan();
            //TimeSpan timeShort = new TimeSpan();
            IndicatorValues calculatedIndidcator;
            bool            isCalculatedIndicator;
            DateTime        startThread = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (string k in dictionaryDT.Keys)
                lock (lockObj)
                    isCalculatedIndicator = true;
                    IndicatorValues tempIval = new IndicatorValues(paramTh, ModeIndicator.glassInterest);
                    calculatedIndidcator = (p as ParametrsForTestObj).dictionaryDT[k].indicatorvalues.Find(x => x.Compare(x, tempIval));

                    if (calculatedIndidcator == null)
                        isCalculatedIndicator = false;
                        (p as ParametrsForTestObj).dictionaryDT[k].indicatorvalues.Add(tempIval);
                        calculatedIndidcator = (p as ParametrsForTestObj).dictionaryDT[k].indicatorvalues.Find(x => x.Compare(x, tempIval));
                while (isCalculatedIndicator && !calculatedIndidcator.CalculatedFinish) // ждем, пока другой поток завершит рассчет и затем начинаем использовать прощитанные значения

                //lastDtBadIndicator = new DateTime();
                priceEnterLong = 0; priceEnterShort = 0;
                bool            indicatorGoToZero = false;
                int             lotCount = 1;
                int?            bid = 0, ask = 0;
                ResultOneThread resThTemp = new ResultOneThread();
                int             lossLongValueTemp = paramTh.lossLongValue, profitLongValueTemp = paramTh.profitLongValue;
                int             lossShortValueTemp = paramTh.lossShortValue, profitShortValueTemp = paramTh.profitShortValue;
                resThTemp.shortName = k;
                DealInfo  dealTemp    = null;
                DataTable dt          = dictionaryDT[k].datatable;//.Copy();
                threadGlassVisual.visualAllElements.levelstartglass  = (int)paramTh.averageValue;
                threadGlassVisual.visualAllElements.levelheightglass = paramTh.glassHeight;
                threadGlassVisual.visualAllElements.levelignoreval   = paramTh.indicatorEnterValue;
                threadGlassVisual.visualAllElements.levelrefilling   = paramTh.indicatorExitValue;

                int      indicator    = 0;
                int      iterationNum = 0; // счетчик строк в текущей DataTable
                int?     pricetick    = 0;
                byte?    actiontick   = 0;
                double?  volumetick   = 0;
                int      martinLevelTemp = 1;
                DateTime dtCurrentRow = new DateTime();

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    #region торговля
                    if (DoVisualisation && iterationNum != 0)
                        if (OnInformation != null)
                            OnInformation(InfoElement.tbInformation, dr.Field <DateTime>("dtserver").ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss\.fff"));
                            OnInformation(InfoElement.tbInfo2, "ind " + indicator.ToString());
                        if (speedvisual >= 0)
                            Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan((int)(dr.Field <DateTime>("dtserver").Subtract(dtCurrentRow).TotalMilliseconds *(speedvisual + 1) * 10000)));
                            Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan((int)(dr.Field <DateTime>("dtserver").Subtract(dtCurrentRow).TotalMilliseconds / Math.Abs(speedvisual) * 10000)));
                    dtCurrentRow = dr.Field <DateTime>("dtserver");
                    // совершена сделка
                    if (!dr.IsNull("priceTick") && (pricetick = (int?)dr.Field <float?>("priceTick")) > 0)// && pricetick != (int?)dr.Field<float?>("priceTick")) // вторая часть условия - если перед этим была таже цена - пропускаем
                        if (indicator == 0)
                            indicatorGoToZero = true;
                        actiontick = dr.Field <byte?>("idaction");
                        volumetick = dr.Field <float?>("volumetick");
                        if (DoVisualisation && OnAddTick != null)
                            OnAddTick(dtCurrentRow, (double)pricetick, (double)volumetick, actiontick == 2 ? ActionGlassItem.sell : ActionGlassItem.buy);
                        if (priceEnterShort != 0 && indicator > 0 && actiontick == 1)
                            indicatorGoToZero = false;
                            if (priceEnterShort - ask >= symbolStep)
                                resThTemp.profit += (priceEnterShort - (int)ask) * lotCount;
                                resThTemp.loss += ((int)ask - priceEnterShort) * lotCount;;
                            dealTemp.DoExit(dtCurrentRow, (float)ask);
                            priceEnterShort = 0;
                            // профит короткая
                            //if (priceEnterShort - profitShortValueTemp >= ask)
                            //    resThTemp.countPDeal++;
                            //    resThTemp.profit += (priceEnterShort - (int)ask) * lotCount;
                            //    priceEnterShort = 0;
                            //    dealTemp.DoExit(dtCurrentRow, (float)ask);
                            //    //dealTemp.aggreeIndV = aggreValues.ResultAggregate;
                            //    resThTemp.lstAllDeals.Add(dealTemp);
                            // лосс короткая
                            //else if (indicator > 0)
                            //    resThTemp.countLDeal++;
                            //    int g = ((int)ask - priceEnterShort) * lotCount;
                            //    resThTemp.loss += g;
                            //    dealTemp.DoExit(dtCurrentRow, (float)ask);
                            //    resThTemp.lstAllDeals.Add(dealTemp);
                            //    priceEnterShort = 0;
                            //    priceEnterLong = (int)ask;
                            //    lotCount += 1;
                            //    dealTemp = new DealInfo(ActionDeal.buy, dtCurrentRow, lotCount, priceEnterLong, indicator);
                            //else if (priceEnterShort + lossShortValueTemp <= ask)
                            //if (paramTh.martingValue >= martinLevelTemp)// && indicator < 0)
                            //lotCount += 1;
                            //dealTemp.lotsCount = lotCount;
                            //int delt = (int)Math.Truncate((double)((int)ask - priceEnterShort) / lotCount / 10) * 10;

                            //profitShortValueTemp = paramTh.profitShortValue + 2 * delt;
                            //lossShortValueTemp   = paramTh.lossShortValue + delt;

                            //priceEnterShort = priceEnterShort + (int)((int)ask - priceEnterShort) / lotCount;

                            //if (dealTemp.lstSubDeal.Count > 0)
                            //    dealTemp.lstSubDeal.Last().dtDealLength = dtCurrentRow.TimeOfDay.Subtract(dealTemp.lstSubDeal.Last().dtEnter);
                            //dealTemp.lstSubDeal.Add(new SubDealInfo(dtCurrentRow, lotCount, ActionDeal.subsell, (float)priceEnterShort, (float)ask, (float)delt, indicator, (float)lossShortValueTemp, (float)profitShortValueTemp));
                            //dealTemp.lstSubDeal.Last().aggreeIndV = aggreValues.ResultAggregate;
                            //int g = ((int)ask - priceEnterShort) * lotCount;
                            //resThTemp.loss += g;
                            //dealTemp.DoExit(dtCurrentRow, (float)ask);
                            //dealTemp.aggreeIndV = aggreValues.ResultAggregate;
                            //priceEnterShort = 0;
                            //lotCount = 1;
                            // трейлим профит
                            //else if ((ask - paramTh.profitShortValue - 20 > priceEnterShort - profitShortValueTemp) && profitShortValueTemp > 20)
                            //    profitShortValueTemp = priceEnterShort - (int)ask + paramTh.profitShortValue;
                        else if (priceEnterLong != 0 && indicator < 0 && actiontick == 2)
                            indicatorGoToZero = false;
                            if (bid - priceEnterLong >= symbolStep)
                                resThTemp.profit += ((int)bid - priceEnterLong) * lotCount;
                                resThTemp.loss += (priceEnterLong - (int)bid) * lotCount;
                            dealTemp.DoExit(dtCurrentRow, (float)bid);
                            priceEnterLong = 0;
                            // профит длиная
                            //if (priceEnterLong + profitLongValueTemp <= bid)
                            //    resThTemp.countPDeal++;
                            //    resThTemp.profit += ((int)bid - priceEnterLong) * lotCount;
                            //    priceEnterLong = 0;
                            //    dealTemp.DoExit(dtCurrentRow, (float)bid);
                            //    //dealTemp.aggreeIndV = aggreValues.ResultAggregate;
                            //    resThTemp.lstAllDeals.Add(dealTemp);
                            // лосс длиная
                            //else if (indicator < 0)
                            //    resThTemp.countLDeal++;
                            //    int g = (priceEnterLong - (int)bid) * lotCount;
                            //    resThTemp.loss += g;
                            //    dealTemp.DoExit(dtCurrentRow, (float)bid);
                            //    resThTemp.lstAllDeals.Add(dealTemp);
                            //    priceEnterLong = 0;
                            //    priceEnterShort = (int)bid;
                            //    lotCount += 1;
                            //    dealTemp = new DealInfo(ActionDeal.sell, dtCurrentRow, lotCount, priceEnterShort, indicator);
                            //else if (priceEnterLong - lossLongValueTemp >= bid)
                            //if (paramTh.martingValue >= martinLevelTemp) //&& indicator > 0)
                            //lotCount += 1;
                            //dealTemp.lotsCount = lotCount;
                            //int delt = (int)Math.Truncate((double)(priceEnterLong - (int)bid) / lotCount / 10) * 10;

                            //profitLongValueTemp = paramTh.profitLongValue + 2 * delt;
                            //lossLongValueTemp   = paramTh.lossLongValue + delt;

                            //priceEnterLong = priceEnterLong - (int)(priceEnterLong - (int)bid) / lotCount;

                            //if (dealTemp.lstSubDeal.Count > 0)
                            //    dealTemp.lstSubDeal.Last().dtDealLength = dtCurrentRow.TimeOfDay.Subtract(dealTemp.lstSubDeal.Last().dtEnter);
                            //dealTemp.lstSubDeal.Add(new SubDealInfo(dtCurrentRow, lotCount, ActionDeal.subbuy, (float)priceEnterLong, (float)bid, (float)delt, indicator, (float)lossLongValueTemp, (float)profitLongValueTemp));
                            //dealTemp.lstSubDeal.Last().aggreeIndV = aggreValues.ResultAggregate;
                            //int g = (priceEnterLong - (int)bid) * lotCount;
                            //resThTemp.loss += g;
                            //dealTemp.DoExit(dtCurrentRow, (float)bid);
                            //dealTemp.aggreeIndV = aggreValues.ResultAggregate;
                            //priceEnterLong = 0;
                            //lotCount = 1;
                            // трейлим профит
                            //else if ((bid + paramTh.profitLongValue < priceEnterLong + profitLongValueTemp - 20) && profitLongValueTemp > 20)
                            //    profitLongValueTemp = (int)bid + paramTh.profitLongValue - priceEnterLong;
                        if (indicator > 0 && priceEnterLong == 0 && priceEnterShort == 0 && indicatorGoToZero && actiontick == 1)
                            lossLongValueTemp   = paramTh.lossLongValue;
                            profitLongValueTemp = paramTh.profitLongValue;
                            priceEnterLong      = (int)ask;
                            lotCount            = 1;
                            martinLevelTemp     = 1;
                            dealTemp            = new DealInfo(ActionDeal.buy, dtCurrentRow, 1, priceEnterLong, indicator);
                        // вход шорт
                        else if (indicator < 0 && priceEnterLong == 0 && priceEnterShort == 0 && indicatorGoToZero && actiontick == 2)
                            lossShortValueTemp   = paramTh.lossShortValue;
                            profitShortValueTemp = paramTh.profitShortValue;
                            priceEnterShort      = (int)bid;
                            lotCount             = 1;
                            martinLevelTemp      = 1;
                            dealTemp             = new DealInfo(ActionDeal.sell, dtCurrentRow, 1, priceEnterShort, indicator);
                    // изменение в стакане
                    else if (!dr.IsNull("price"))
                        int updatepricegl  = (int)dr.Field <float?>("price");
                        int updatevolumegl = (int)dr.Field <float?>("volume");
                        int rownum         = (int)dr.Field <int?>("rownum");
                        int typeprice      = (int)dr.Field <int?>("typeprice");
                        if (rownum == 0)
                            if (typeprice == 1)
                                ask = updatepricegl;
                            else if (typeprice == 2)
                                bid = updatepricegl;
                        if (DoVisualisation && OnChangeGlass != null)
                            OnChangeGlass(dtCurrentRow, updatepricegl, updatevolumegl, rownum, typeprice == 1 ? ActionGlassItem.sell : ActionGlassItem.buy);
                        if (!glass.ContainsKey(updatepricegl))
                            glass.Add(updatepricegl, updatevolumegl);
                            glass[updatepricegl] = updatevolumegl;
                            if (glass.Count > 50)
                                DateTime dttemp = dtCurrentRow;
                                if (!isCalculatedIndicator)
                                    int sumGlass = 0;
                                    // среднее значение по стакану
                                    for (int i = 0; i < 50 /*threadGlassVisual.visualAllElements.LevelHeightGlass*/; i++)
                                        sumGlass += glass.ContainsKey((int)(ask + i * symbolStep)) ? (int)glass[(int)(ask + i * symbolStep)] : 0;
                                        sumGlass += glass.ContainsKey((int)(bid - i * symbolStep)) ? (int)glass[(int)(bid - i * symbolStep)] : 0;
                                    int averageGlass = (int)sumGlass / (50 /*threadGlassVisual.visualAllElements.LevelHeightGlass*/ * 2);
                                    int sumlong = 0, sumshort = 0;
                                    int sumlongAverage = 0, sumshortAverage = 0;
                                    // новая версия, более взвешенное значение (как год назад)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < 50 /*paramTh.glassHeight*/; i++)
                                        if (glass.ContainsKey((int)(ask + i * symbolStep)))
                                            sumlong += (int)glass[(int)(ask + i * symbolStep)];
                                        if (glass.ContainsKey((int)(bid - i * symbolStep)))
                                            sumshort += (int)glass[(int)(bid - i * symbolStep)];
                                        sumlongAverage += glass.ContainsKey((int)(ask + i * symbolStep)) &&
                                                          glass[(int)(ask + i * symbolStep)] < averageGlass * 100  //paramTh.averageValue
                                            ? (int)glass[(int)(ask + i * symbolStep)] : averageGlass * 100;        //(int)paramTh.averageValue;
                                        sumshortAverage += glass.ContainsKey((int)(bid - i * symbolStep)) &&
                                                           glass[(int)(bid - i * symbolStep)] < averageGlass * 100 //paramTh.averageValue
                                            ? (int)glass[(int)(bid - i * symbolStep)] : averageGlass * 100;        // (int)paramTh.averageValue;
                                        if (sumlong + sumshort == 0)
                                        tempListForIndicator.Add((int)(sumlong - sumshort) * 100 / (sumlong + sumshort));
                                        int tempsumavr = (sumlongAverage + sumshortAverage) == 0 ? 1 : sumlongAverage + sumshortAverage;
                                        tempListForIndicatorAverage.Add((int)(sumlongAverage - sumshortAverage) * 100 / tempsumavr);

                                    lock (lockObj)
                                        ResultOneTick r = new ResultOneTick();
                                        threadGlassVisual.visualAllElements.CalcSummIndicatorValue(tempListForIndicatorAverage.ToArray(), r);

                                        if (!calculatedIndidcator.values.ContainsKey(dttemp))
                                            calculatedIndidcator.values.Add(dttemp, r.valPresetHeight);
                                    indicator = (int)calculatedIndidcator.values[dttemp];
                    // Обновление котировок
                    else if (!dr.IsNull("bid"))
                        bid = (int)dr.Field <float?>("bid");
                        ask = (int)dr.Field <float?>("ask");
                    if (iterationNum == dt.Rows.Count)
                        #region Закрыть последнюю сделку, если данные закончились (эмитируем отключение программы)
                        if (priceEnterLong != 0)
                            if (bid - priceEnterLong > 0)
                                resThTemp.profit += ((int)bid - priceEnterLong) * lotCount;
                                resThTemp.loss += (priceEnterLong - (int)bid) * lotCount;
                            dealTemp.DoExit(dtCurrentRow, (float)bid);
                            //dealTemp.aggreeIndV = aggreValues.ResultAggregate;
                            priceEnterLong = 0;
                            lotCount       = 1;
                        if (priceEnterShort != 0)
                            if (priceEnterShort - ask > 0)
                                resThTemp.profit += (priceEnterShort - (int)ask) * lotCount;
                                resThTemp.loss += ((int)ask - priceEnterShort) * lotCount;
                            dealTemp.DoExit(dtCurrentRow, (float)ask);
                            //dealTemp.aggreeIndV = aggreValues.ResultAggregate;
                            priceEnterShort = 0;
                            lotCount        = 1;
                    #endregion торговля
                } // конец цикла по строка DataTable
                lock (lockObj)
                    if (!calculatedIndidcator.CalculatedFinish)
                        calculatedIndidcator.CalculatedFinish = true;

                resThTemp.margin    = resThTemp.profit - resThTemp.loss;
                resThTemp.profitFac = (float)resThTemp.profit / (float)resThTemp.loss;
                // математическое ожидание
                resThTemp.matExp = (1 + ((float)resThTemp.profit / (float)resThTemp.countPDeal) / ((float)resThTemp.loss / (float)resThTemp.countLDeal))
                                   * ((float)resThTemp.countPDeal / ((float)resThTemp.countPDeal + (float)resThTemp.countLDeal)) - 1;
            lock (lockObj)
                resTh.idCycle        = (p as ParametrsForTestObj).numThread;
                resTh.mutC           = (p as ParametrsForTestObj).mutationCount.ToString() + "|" + DateTime.Now.Subtract(startThread).TotalSeconds.ToString() + "с";
                resTh.idParam        = paramTh.id;
                resTh.paramForTest   = paramTh;
                resTh.glassH         = paramTh.glassHeight;
                resTh.indicLongVal   = paramTh.indicatorEnterValue;
                resTh.indicShortVal  = paramTh.indicatorExitValue;
                resTh.profLongLevel  = paramTh.profitLongValue;
                resTh.lossLongLevel  = paramTh.lossLongValue;
                resTh.profShortLevel = paramTh.profitShortValue;
                resTh.lossShortLevel = paramTh.lossShortValue;
                resTh.martinLevel    = paramTh.martingValue;
                resTh.delay          = paramTh.delay;
                resTh.averageVal     = paramTh.averageValue;

                resTh.margin = resTh.profit - resTh.loss;
                resTh.matExp = (1 + ((float)resTh.profit / (float)resTh.countPDeal) / ((float)resTh.loss / (float)resTh.countLDeal))
                               * ((float)resTh.countPDeal / ((float)resTh.countPDeal + (float)resTh.countLDeal)) - 1;
                if (resTh.loss == 0 && resTh.profit == 0)
                    resTh.profitFac = -1;
                else if (resTh.loss == 0)
                    resTh.profitFac = 999;
                    resTh.profitFac = (float)resTh.profit / (float)resTh.loss;

                ResultBestProfitFactor rp = new ResultBestProfitFactor(resTh.idParam, resTh.profitFac, resTh.margin, resTh.matExp);
                if (!dicAllProfitResult.ContainsKey(rp))
                    dicAllProfitResult.Add(rp, resTh);

                if (OnFinishOneThread != null)
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void DicspatcherThread()
            string        connectionString = "user id=sa;password=WaNo11998811mssql;server=localhost;database=smartcom;MultipleActiveResultSets=true";
            SqlConnection connectionTh     = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

            //загрузка данных в datatable для всех выбранных дат
            int stepProgress = 1;

            selectedSessionList.ForEach((string tabNam) =>
                if (OnChangeProgress != null)
                    OnChangeProgress(0, selectedSessionList.Count, stepProgress++);
                SqlCommand sqlcom     = new SqlCommand();
                sqlcom.Connection     = connectionTh;
                sqlcom.CommandTimeout = 300;
                sqlcom.CommandText    = @"
                SELECT dtserver, price as price, volume as volume, row as rownum, typeprice, null as bid, null as ask, null AS priceTick, null AS volumetick, null AS idaction, null AS tradeno
	            FROM ["     + tabNam + @"_bidask] rts 
	            WHERE (convert(time, dtserver, 108) > timefromparts(10, 50, 0, 0, 0)) and (convert(time, dtserver, 108) < timefromparts(11, 55, 0, 0, 0)) 
                                        + @"  -- UNION ALL

                --SELECT dtserver, null as price, null as volume, null as rownum, null as typeprice, bid as bid, ask as ask, null AS priceTick, null AS volumetick, null AS idaction, null AS tradeno
	            --FROM ["     + tabNam + @"_quotes] rts2 
	            --WHERE (convert(time, dtserver, 108) > timefromparts(10, 50, 0, 0, 0)) and (convert(time, dtserver, 108) < timefromparts(11, 55, 0, 0, 0)) 

                                        + @"
                UNION ALL

                SELECT dtserver, null as price, null as volume, null as rownum, null as typeprice, null as bid, null as ask, price AS priceTick, volume AS volumetick, idaction AS idaction, tradeno AS tradeno
	            FROM ["     + tabNam + @"_ticks] rft
	            WHERE (convert(time, dtserver, 108) > timefromparts(10, 50, 0, 0, 0)) AND (convert(time, dtserver, 108) < timefromparts(11, 55, 0, 0, 0)) 

                ORDER BY dtserver ASC;
                if (!dicSelectedDataTables.ContainsKey(tabNam))
                    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                    dicSelectedDataTables.Add(tabNam, new DataTableWithCalcValues(dt));
            if (OnChangeProgress != null)
                OnChangeProgress(0, 0, 0, "", false);
            int    plStartCount         = parametrsList.Count;
            Random rnd                  = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
            int    startPopulationCount = 1000;
            int    mutationCount        = 0;

            ParametrsForTest pt;

            if (DoVisualisation)
                listThreads.Add(new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(OneThreadTester)));
                listThreads.Last().IsBackground = true;
                listThreads.Last().Start(new ParametrsForTestObj(paramTh, dicSelectedDataTables));
            while (parametrsList.Count > 0 && !DoVisualisation)
                mutationCount = 0;
                while (listThreads.Count < countThreads && parametrsList.Count > 0)
                    if (dicAllProfitResult.Count < startPopulationCount)
                        pt = parametrsList[rnd.Next(0, parametrsList.Count - 1)];
                        int o1 = rnd.Next(1, (int)(startPopulationCount / 3));
                        int o2 = rnd.Next(1, startPopulationCount - 1);
                        if (o1 == o2)
                            o2 += 1;
                        ParametrsForTest param1 = parametrsList[rnd.Next(0, parametrsList.Count - 1)];
                        ParametrsForTest param2 = parametrsList[rnd.Next(0, parametrsList.Count - 1)];
                        lock (lockObj)
                            foreach (ResultBestProfitFactor item in dicAllProfitResult.Keys)
                                o1--; o2--;
                                if (o1 < 0 && o2 < 0)
                                if (o1 == 0 && dicAllProfitResult.ContainsKey(item))
                                    param1 = dicAllProfitResult[item].paramForTest;
                                else if (o2 == 0 && dicAllProfitResult.ContainsKey(item))
                                    param2 = dicAllProfitResult[item].paramForTest;

                            ParametrsForTest[] ptForTest = { param1, param2 };
                            ParametrsForTest   ptTemp    = new ParametrsForTest(ptForTest);

                                pt = parametrsList.Find(x => x.Compare(x, ptTemp));
                                int mutantParamId = rnd.Next(1, 9);
                                foreach (diapasonTestParam dp in dicDiapasonParams.Values)
                                    if (dp.idParam == mutantParamId)
                            } while (pt.id == 0);
                    listThreads.Add(new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(OneThreadTester)));
                    listThreads.Last().Priority     = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
                    listThreads.Last().IsBackground = true;
                    listThreads.Last().Start(new ParametrsForTestObj(pt, dicSelectedDataTables, plStartCount - parametrsList.Count, mutationCount));
                    lock (lockObj)
                    if (OnChangeProgress != null)
                        OnChangeProgress(0, plStartCount, plStartCount - parametrsList.Count);
                List <Thread> listThreadsForDelete = new List <Thread>();
                foreach (Thread t in listThreads)
                    if (!t.IsAlive)
                foreach (Thread t in listThreadsForDelete)