Exemplo n.º 1
	void Awake(){
		m_idToObj = new Dictionary<int, SRW_TextBox > ();
	//	m_cTextList = new List<string> ();
		m_cScript = new cTextArray ();

		nTweenObjCount = 0;

		UIEventListener.Get(this.gameObject).onClick += OnPanelClick; // for trig next line
		UIEventListener.Get(Skip_Button).onClick += OnSkipClick; // for trig next line

		// templete
		TalkWindow_Up.SetActive( false );
		TalkWindow_Down.SetActive( false );
	//	TalkWindow_new.SetActive( false );
	//	m_idToObj.Add(  0 , TalkWindow_Up );
	//	m_idToObj.Add(  1 , TalkWindow_Down );
		// for fast debug 
		//ConstDataManager.Instance.isLazyMode = false;
		//StartCoroutine(ConstDataManager.Instance.ReadDataStreaming("pcz/", Config.COMMON_DATA_NAMES));

		// cmd event
		GameEventManager.AddEventListener(  TalkSayEvent.Name , OnTalkSayEvent );
		GameEventManager.AddEventListener(  TalkSetCharEvent.Name , OnTalkSetCharEvent );
		GameEventManager.AddEventListener(  TalkSayEndEvent.Name , OnTalkSayEndEvent );

	//	CharSay( 1  , 9 );
		// cause some mob pop in talk event. player can't skip talk event to avoid bug
	//	NGUITools.SetActive( Skip_Button , false );
	//	NGUITools.SetActive( Skip_Button , true );	

Exemplo n.º 2
	public void SetContData( CHARS cData )
		//n_CharID = cData.n_ID;	
		cCharData = cData;
		if (n_CharID != cData.n_ID) {
			Debug.LogErrorFormat ("cUnitData{0} set wrong SetContData{1}", n_CharID, cData.n_ID);
		n_Rank = cData.n_RANK;
		// set school;
		SkillPool.Clear ();

		cTextArray TA = new cTextArray ();
		TA.SetText (cData.s_SCHOOL);
		for (int i = 0; i < TA.GetMaxCol(); i++) {
			CTextLine line = TA.GetTextLine (i);
			for (int j = 0; j < line.GetRowNum(); j++) {
				string s = line.m_kTextPool [j];

				string [] arg = s.Split (",".ToCharArray ());
				if (arg [0] != null) {
					int school = int.Parse (arg [0]);
					int lv = 1;
					if (arg [1] != null) {
						lv = int.Parse (arg [1]);
					SetSchool (school, lv);
		// set Ability
		TA.SetText (cData.s_ABILITY);
		for (int i = 0; i < TA.GetMaxCol(); i++) {
			CTextLine line = TA.GetTextLine (i);
			for (int j = 0; j < line.GetRowNum(); j++) {
				string s = line.m_kTextPool [j];
				string [] arg = s.Split (",".ToCharArray ());
				if (arg [0] != null) {
					int ability = int.Parse (arg [0]);
					int lv = 1;
					if (arg [1] != null) {
						lv = int.Parse (arg [1]);
					SetAbility (ability, lv);
					//SetSchool( school , lv  );
		//Set born Buff
		if (cData.s_BUFF != "0" && cData.s_BUFF.ToUpper() != "NULL") {
			string [] strBorn = cData.s_BUFF.Split(";".ToCharArray());
			for( int i= 0 ; i <strBorn.Length; i++  )
				int nBuffID = 0;
				if( int.TryParse( strBorn[i] , out nBuffID ) ){
					Buffs.AddBuff( nBuffID , n_Ident , 0 , 0 );

		// set up item
		if (cData.n_ITEM1 > 0) {
			EquipItem( _ITEMSLOT._SLOT0 , cData.n_ITEM1 ) ;
		if (cData.n_ITEM2 > 0) {
			EquipItem( _ITEMSLOT._SLOT1 , cData.n_ITEM2 ) ;

		// active school
		ChangeSchool( cData.n_INT_SCHOOL );
		ChangeSchool( cData.n_EXT_SCHOOL );

		//AvtiveSchool (0, cData.n_INT_SCHOOL);
		//AvtiveSchool (1, cData.n_EXT_SCHOOL);

		// fill base data;
Exemplo n.º 3
//	IEnumerator StoryLoading()
//	{
//		// Custom Update Routine which repeats forever
//		do
//		{
//			// wait one frame and continue
//			yield return 1;
//			if ( bIsLoading == false )
//			{
//				// end
//				PanelManager.Instance.CloseUI( "Panel_Loading");
//				yield break;
//			}			
//		} while (true);
//	}

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		// load const stage data
		// 播放  mian BGM
		m_StoryData =ConstDataManager.Instance.GetRow< STAGE_STORY> ( GameDataManager.Instance.nStoryID );
		if( m_StoryData != null )
			GameSystem.PlayBGM ( m_StoryData.n_BGM );
			m_cScript = new cTextArray( );
			m_cScript.SetText( m_StoryData.s_CONTEXT );			


		// close prefab face		
		SRW_TextBox pBox = PanelStoryText.GetComponent<SRW_TextBox>();
		if (pBox != null) {
			pBox.ChangeFace( 0 );

		bIsLoading = false;

		// end
		PanelManager.Instance.CloseUI( "Panel_Loading");
Exemplo n.º 4
	public cEffectCondition CreateEffectCondition( string str )
		cEffectCondition pCon = new cEffectCondition ();
		cTextArray sCond = new cTextArray( );
		sCond.SetText( str );
		int nCol = sCond.GetMaxCol();
		for (int i= 0; i <nCol; i++) {
			CTextLine line = sCond.GetTextLine (i);
			//List<cTextFunc> funcList = line.GetFuncList ();
			pCon.Add( line );
		return pCon;

Exemplo n.º 5
	// Check skill trig effect
//	public bool CheckSkillCond(  string  strCond , cUnitData unit_i  , cUnitData unit_e )
//	{
//		if ( unit_i == null )
//			return false;
//		//cUnitData unit_e = GameDataManager.Instance.GetUnitDateByIdent ( unit.FightAttr.TarIdent );
//		cTextArray sCond = new cTextArray( );
//		sCond.SetText( strCond );
//		// check all line . if one line success . this event check return true
//		int nCol = sCond.GetMaxCol();
//		for( int i= 0 ; i <nCol ; i++ )
//		{
//			if( CheckFightEventCondition( sCond.GetTextLine( i ) , unit_i , unit_e  ) )
//			{
//				return true;
//			}
//		}
//		return false;
//	}

//	public void RunSkillEffect( cUnitData atker  , cUnitData defer  , string strEffect , ref List<cHitResult>  pool )
//	{
//		if (atker == null )
//			return;
//		//cUnitData unit_e = GameDataManager.Instance.GetUnitDateByIdent ( unit.FightAttr.TarIdent );
//		cTextArray Script = new cTextArray ();
//		Script.SetText (strEffect);
//		CacheHitResultPool = pool;
//		CTextLine line = Script.GetTextLine( 0 );
//		if( line != null )
//		{
//			ParserScript( line , atker , defer );
//		}
//		CacheHitResultPool = null;
//	}

//	public bool CheckFightEventCondition( CTextLine line, cUnitData data_I , cUnitData data_E  )
//	{
//		if( line == null || data_I == null )
//			return false;
//		List<cTextFunc> funcList =line.GetFuncList();
//		foreach( cTextFunc func in funcList )
//		{
//			if( func.sFunc == "GO" )
//			{
//				return  true;
//			}
//			 if( func.sFunc == "HP_I"  )
//			{
//				return false;
//			}
//			else if( func.sFunc == "HP_E"  )
//			{
//				return false;
//			}
//			else if( func.sFunc == "MAR_I"  )
//			{
//				float f1 = data_I.GetMar();
//				float f2 = 0.0f;
//				if( func.S( 1 ) == "E" )
//				{
//					if( data_E != null ){
//						f2 = data_E.GetMar();
//					}else{
//						return false; // no enemy is false
//					}
//				}
//				else{
//					f2 = func.F( 1 );
//				}
//				if( ConditionFloat( f1 , func.S(0) ,f2  ) == false  ){
//					return false;
//				}
//			}
//			else if( func.sFunc == "MAR_E"  )
//			{
//				return false;
//			}
//			else if( func.sFunc == "BUFF_I"  )
//			{
//				return false;
//			}
//			else if( func.sFunc == "BUFF_E"  )
//			{
//				return false;
//			}
//			else if( func.sFunc == "SCHOOL_I"  )
//			{
//				return false;
//			}
//			else if( func.sFunc == "SCHOOL_E"  )
//			{
//				return false;
//			}
//			else if( func.sFunc == "SKILL_I"  )
//			{
//				return false;
//			}
//			else if( func.sFunc == "SKILL_E"  )
//			{
//				return false;
//			}
//			else if( func.sFunc == "RANGE_E"  )
//			{
//				return false;
//			}
//			else{
//				Debug.LogError( string.Format( "Error-Can't find script cond func '{0}'" , func.sFunc ) );
//			}
//		}
//		return true;
//	}

	public List< cEffect > CreateEffectPool( string str )
		List< cEffect > pool = new List< cEffect > ();

		cTextArray sEff = new cTextArray( );
		sEff.SetText( str );
		// check all line . if one line success . this event check return true

		int nCol = sEff.GetMaxCol();
		for( int i= 0 ; i <nCol ; i++ )
			CTextLine line = sEff.GetTextLine( i );
			List<cTextFunc> funcList = line.GetFuncList();
			foreach( cTextFunc func in funcList )
				// Fight Effect
				if( func.sFunc  == "ADDBUFF_E") 
					int nBuffID = func.I(0);
					pool.Add( new ADDBUFF_E( nBuffID ) );
				//	CacheHitResultPool.Add( new cHitResult(cHitResult._TYPE._ADDBUFF , data_E.n_Ident , nBuffID )  );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "ADDBUFF_I") 
					int nBuffID = func.I(0);
					pool.Add( new ADDBUFF_I( nBuffID ) );
				//	CacheHitResultPool.Add( new cHitResult(cHitResult._TYPE._ADDBUFF , data_I.n_Ident , nBuffID )  );
				// Attr
				else if( func.sFunc  == "ADD_MAR") {
					pool.Add( new ADD_MAR( func.F(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "ADD_MAR_DIFF") {
					pool.Add( new ADD_MAR_DIFF( func.F(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "ADD_ATTACK_DIFF") {
					pool.Add( new ADD_ATTACK_DIFF( func.F(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "ADD_ATTACK") {
					pool.Add( new ADD_ATTACK( func.I(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "ADD_DEF") {
					pool.Add( new ADD_DEF( func.I(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "ADD_POWER") {
					pool.Add( new ADD_POWER( func.I(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "ADD_HP") {
					pool.Add( new ADD_HP( func.I(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "ADD_MP") {
					pool.Add( new ADD_MP( func.I(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "ADD_SP") {
					pool.Add( new ADD_SP( func.I(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "MUL_DROP") {
					pool.Add( new MUL_DROP( func.F(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "MUL_BRUST") {
					pool.Add( new MUL_BRUST( func.F(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "MUL_DAMAGE") {
					pool.Add( new MUL_DAMAGE( func.F(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "MUL_ATTACK") {
					pool.Add( new MUL_ATTACK( func.F(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "MUL_DEF") {
					pool.Add( new MUL_DEF( func.F(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "MUL_POWER"){
					pool.Add( new MUL_POWER( func.F(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "MUL_MPCOST") {
					pool.Add( new MUL_MPCOST( func.F(0) ) );
				else if( func.sFunc  == "ADD_MOVE") 
					pool.Add( new ADD_MOVE( func.I(0) ) );
					//	CacheHitResultPool.Add( new cHitResult(cHitResult._TYPE._ADDBUFF , data_I.n_Ident , nBuffID )  );


		return pool;
Exemplo n.º 6
	// Check event
	bool CheckEventCanRun( STAGE_EVENT evt )
		cTextArray sCond = new cTextArray( );
		sCond.SetText( evt.s_CONDITION );
		// check all line . if one line success . this event check return true
		int nCol = sCond.GetMaxCol();
		for( int i= 0 ; i <nCol ; i++ )
			if( CheckEventCondition( sCond.GetTextLine( i ) ) )
				return true;
		return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
	// tool func to get aoe affect pool
	public List < iVec2 > GetAOEPool( int nX , int nY , int nAoe )
		iVec2 st = new iVec2 ( nX , nY );
		Dictionary< string , iVec2 > tmp = new Dictionary< string , iVec2 >();
		tmp.Add ( st.GetKey() , st );
		//			pool.Add ( st );
		AOE aoe = ConstDataManager.Instance.GetRow<AOE> ( nAoe ) ;
		if (aoe != null) {
			// add extra first
			cTextArray TA = new cTextArray();
			TA.SetText ( aoe.s_EXTRA );
			for( int i = 0 ; i < TA.GetMaxCol(); i++ )
				CTextLine line  = TA.GetTextLine( i );
				for( int j = 0 ; j < line.GetRowNum() ; j++ )
					string s = line.m_kTextPool[ j ];
					string [] arg = s.Split( ",".ToCharArray() );
					if( arg.Length < 2 )
					if( arg[0] != null && arg[1] != null )
						int x = int.Parse( arg[0] );
						int y = int.Parse( arg[1] );
						iVec2 v = st.MoveXY( x , y );

						if( Grids.Contain( v ) == false )

						string key = v.GetKey();
						if( tmp.ContainsKey( key ) == false ){
							tmp.Add( key , v );
			// get range pool	
			List<iVec2> r = Grids.GetRangePool( st , aoe.n_MAX , aoe.n_MIN );
		List < iVec2 > pool = new List < iVec2 > ();
		return pool;
Exemplo n.º 8
	void PreEcecuteEvent(  )
		if( NextEvent == null ){
			return ;
		IsEventEnd = false;
		// record event script 
		m_cScript = new cTextArray( );
		m_cScript.SetText( NextEvent.s_BEHAVIOR );	

		m_nFlowIdx = 0;
		//NextLine();			// script to run