Exemplo n.º 1
        public static bool BookGenreCheck(int genreId)
            int result;

            using (MyLibraryContext dbLibrary = new MyLibraryContext())
                var paramOut = new SqlParameter("@output", SqlDbType.Int);
                paramOut.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                var paramGenreId = new SqlParameter("@genreId", genreId);
                var data         = dbLibrary.Database.SqlQuery <object>("EXEC @output = BookGenreCheck @genreId", paramOut, paramGenreId).FirstOrDefault();

                result = (int)paramOut.Value;

            //result = -1 --> no books have this genre, ok to delete
            if (result == -1)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static int GenreSave(string genre)
            int genreId;

            using (MyLibraryContext dbLibrary = new MyLibraryContext())
                var paramOut = new SqlParameter("@output", SqlDbType.Int);
                paramOut.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                var paramGenre = new SqlParameter("@genreName", genre);
                var data       = dbLibrary.Database.SqlQuery <object>("EXEC @output = checkAndInsertGenre @genreName", paramOut, paramGenre).FirstOrDefault();

                genreId = (int)paramOut.Value;

Exemplo n.º 3
        internal static List <CompleteBook> Search(string search, bool chkSwitch)
            List <CompleteBook> books = new List <CompleteBook>();

            //spliting the search string, approximating everything after first space as surname
            //in order to search for eg. "Anne Rice"
            string[] names = search.ToString().Trim().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 2);
            string   name  = names[0];
            string   surname;

            //check if there are at least two words in search string
            if (names.Length > 1)
                surname = names[1];
                surname = name;

            using (var dbLibrary = new MyLibraryContext())
                var booksLib = (from b in dbLibrary.Books
                                join a in dbLibrary.Authors on b.AuthorId equals a.AuthorId
                                join g in dbLibrary.Genres on b.GenreId equals g.GenreId
                                where (chkSwitch ? (a.Name.Contains(name) || a.Surname.Contains(surname)) : b.Title.Contains(search))
                                orderby b.Title
                                select new { b.BookId, b.Title, a.Name, a.Surname, g.GenreId, g.GenreName, b.ImageUrl }).ToList();

                foreach (var book in booksLib)
                    CompleteBook newBook = new CompleteBook();
                    newBook.BookId        = book.BookId;
                    newBook.Title         = book.Title;
                    newBook.AuthorName    = book.Name;
                    newBook.AuthorSurname = book.Surname;
                    newBook.GenreId       = book.GenreId;
                    newBook.Genre         = book.GenreName;
                    newBook.CoverImageUrl = book.ImageUrl;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void BookDelete(int bookId, string path)
            using (var library = new MyLibraryContext())
                var book = from b in library.Books
                           where b.BookId == bookId
                           select b;


            //prevent deleting noimage.jpg file
            if (File.Exists(path) && path != "")
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void BookSave(string title, string authorName, string authorSurname, int genreId, HttpPostedFileBase imageUrlFile)
            string imageUrl = GetImageUrl(imageUrlFile);

            using (MyLibraryContext dbLibrary = new MyLibraryContext())
                int authorId = GetAuthorId(authorName, authorSurname);

                //create and save new book
                var newBook = new Book();
                newBook.Title    = title;
                newBook.AuthorId = authorId;
                newBook.GenreId  = genreId;
                newBook.ImageUrl = imageUrl;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static int GetAuthorId(string authorName, string authorSurname)
            int authorId;

            using (MyLibraryContext dbLibrary = new MyLibraryContext())
                var paramOut = new SqlParameter();
                paramOut.ParameterName = "@output";
                paramOut.SqlDbType     = SqlDbType.Int;
                paramOut.Direction     = ParameterDirection.Output;

                SqlParameter paramName    = new SqlParameter("@name", authorName);
                SqlParameter paramSurname = new SqlParameter("@surname", authorSurname);
                //stored procedure to check if author exist -- if yes, return author id; if no, create author and return author id
                //it didn't work until I added .FirstOrDefault()
                var data = dbLibrary.Database.SqlQuery <object>("EXEC @output = checkAuthor @name, @surname", paramOut, paramName, paramSurname).FirstOrDefault();
                authorId = (int)paramOut.Value;

Exemplo n.º 7
        public static List <CompleteBook> GetCompleteBooks(int GenreId)
            MyLibraryContext dbLibrary = new MyLibraryContext();

            var books2 = (from b in dbLibrary.Books
                          join a in dbLibrary.Authors on b.AuthorId equals a.AuthorId
                          join g in dbLibrary.Genres on b.GenreId equals g.GenreId
                          orderby b.Title
                          select new { b.BookId, b.Title, a.Name, a.Surname, g.GenreId, g.GenreName, b.ImageUrl }).ToList();

            if (GenreId != -1)
                books2 = (from b in dbLibrary.Books
                          join a in dbLibrary.Authors on b.AuthorId equals a.AuthorId
                          join g in dbLibrary.Genres on b.GenreId equals g.GenreId
                          where g.GenreId == GenreId
                          orderby b.Title
                          select new { b.BookId, b.Title, a.Name, a.Surname, g.GenreId, g.GenreName, b.ImageUrl }).ToList();

            //I made a class with all the elements of one book, gather from 3 tables: Books, Authors and Genres
            List <CompleteBook> books = new List <CompleteBook>();

            foreach (var book in books2)
                var modelBook = new CompleteBook();
                modelBook.BookId        = book.BookId;
                modelBook.Title         = book.Title;
                modelBook.AuthorName    = book.Name;
                modelBook.AuthorSurname = book.Surname;
                modelBook.GenreId       = book.GenreId;
                modelBook.Genre         = book.GenreName;
                modelBook.CoverImageUrl = book.ImageUrl;


Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void BookUpdate(int bookId, string title, string authorName, string authorSurname, int genreId, HttpPostedFileBase imageUrlFile)
            using (MyLibraryContext dbLibrary = new MyLibraryContext())
                int authorId = GetAuthorId(authorName, authorSurname);

                //find book by id
                var book = from b in dbLibrary.Books
                           where b.BookId == bookId
                           select b;

                //update book
                Book bookToUpdate = book.First();
                bookToUpdate.Title    = title;
                bookToUpdate.AuthorId = authorId;
                bookToUpdate.GenreId  = genreId;
                //if imageUrlFile == null we are keeping current cover, so don't include in update
                if (imageUrlFile != null)
                    bookToUpdate.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl(imageUrlFile);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static List <Genre> GetGenres()
            MyLibraryContext dbLibrary = new MyLibraryContext();

            return(dbLibrary.Genres.OrderBy(g => g.GenreName).ToList());