public static IList <VersionLabel> GetBranchVersionLabels(Repository repository, string prefix = BranchPrefix)
            var branchVersionLabels =
                from branch in repository.Branches
                let branchVersionLabel = VersionLabel.Parse(branch.FriendlyName, prefix)
                                         where branchVersionLabel != null
                                         select branchVersionLabel;

        public static IList <VersionLabel> GetTagVersionLabels(Repository repository, string prefix)
            var tagVersionLabels =
                from tag in repository.Tags
                let tagVersionLabel = VersionLabel.Parse(tag.FriendlyName, prefix)
                                      where tagVersionLabel != null
                                      select tagVersionLabel;

        public static void CheckoutBranchInDependencyRepository(Repository otherRepository, Repository myRepository, string myShortName, ILogger logger)
            // Check HEAD branch
            string headBranchName = myRepository.Head.FriendlyName;

            var currentBranchVersionLabel = VersionLabel.Parse(headBranchName, BranchPrefix); // Looking for my version label branch => no myShortName

            if (currentBranchVersionLabel != null)
                logger.Log($"My repository: HEAD branch '{headBranchName}' is a version branch for '{myShortName}': {currentBranchVersionLabel}({currentBranchVersionLabel.Raw})");
                CheckoutVersionBranchInDependencyRepository(otherRepository, myRepository, myShortName, currentBranchVersionLabel, logger);
                logger.Log($"My repository: HEAD branch '{headBranchName}' is a NON-version branch: develop, stable, etc... Looking for a branch with the same name in the other repository...");
                CheckoutNonVersionBranchInDependencyRepository(otherRepository, headBranchName, logger);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static VersionLabel FindLastVersionLabelSmallerThan(this IList <VersionLabel> versionLabels, VersionLabel versionLabel)
            var sortedLabels = from vt in versionLabels orderby vt select vt;
            var lowerLabel   = (from vt in sortedLabels where vt.CompareTo(versionLabel) < 0 orderby vt select vt).LastOrDefault();

            if (lowerLabel == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(FindLastVersionLabelSmallerOrEqualThan)}: unable to find a version tag lower than '{versionLabel}': versionTags = [{string.Join(",", versionLabels)}]");
        private static void CheckoutVersionBranchInDependencyRepository(Repository otherRepository, Repository myRepository, string myShortName, VersionLabel currentBranchVersionLabel, ILogger logger)
            // The HEAD points to a branch which is a version branch => check if there's at least a version label tag on the HEAD commit
            // In case multiple version label tags are found, take the most recent one
            var headCommit = myRepository.Commits.FirstOrDefault();

            if (headCommit == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"My repository: the repository is empty: couldn't find any commit");
            logger.Log($"My repository: HEAD commit: {headCommit.ToString()}. Checking if there's at least a version label tag on the HEAD commit...");

            var headCommitVersionLabelTags =
                from tag in myRepository.Tags
                where tag.Target == headCommit
                let tagVersionLabel = VersionLabel.Parse(tag.FriendlyName, "") // Looking for _my_ version tags => No prefix
                                      where tagVersionLabel != null
                                      orderby tagVersionLabel descending
                                      select new { Tag = tag, VersionLabel = tagVersionLabel };

            logger.Log($"My repository: HEAD commit version label tags: [{string.Join(",", from hct in headCommitVersionLabelTags select $"{hct.VersionLabel}({hct.VersionLabel.Raw})")}]");

            var headCommitLastVersionLabelTag = headCommitVersionLabelTags.FirstOrDefault();

            if (headCommitLastVersionLabelTag == null)
                var otherRepositoryBranch = BranchPrefix + myShortName + currentBranchVersionLabel;

                logger.Log($"My repository: no valid version label tag has been found on the HEAD commit => we look for the branch '{otherRepositoryBranch}' in the other repository...");

                var otherRepositoryVersionLabelBranch =
                    (from branch in otherRepository.Branches
                     where branch.FriendlyName == otherRepositoryBranch
                     select branch).SingleOrDefault();

                if (otherRepositoryVersionLabelBranch != null)
                    logger.Log($"Other repository: branch '{otherRepositoryBranch}' found => checking it out...");

                    otherRepository.Checkout(otherRepositoryVersionLabelBranch, new CheckoutOptions()
                        CheckoutModifiers = CheckoutModifiers.Force
                    var nextBranchVersionLabel = currentBranchVersionLabel + 1;
                    logger.Log($"Other repository: unable to find a brach named '{otherRepositoryBranch}' => we look for a tag version label < '{myShortName}{nextBranchVersionLabel}' in the other repository...");

                    var otherRepositoryTagVersionLabels = GetTagVersionLabels(otherRepository, myShortName);
                    var otherRepositoryVersionLabel     = otherRepositoryTagVersionLabels.FindLastVersionLabelSmallerThan(nextBranchVersionLabel);

                    logger.Log($"Other repository: last tag version label < '{myShortName}{nextBranchVersionLabel}': {otherRepositoryVersionLabel}({otherRepositoryVersionLabel.Raw})");

                    var otherRepositoryVersionLabelTag =
                        (from tag in otherRepository.Tags
                         where tag.FriendlyName == otherRepositoryVersionLabel.Raw
                         select tag).Single();

                    ResetBuildBranchToTag(otherRepository, logger, otherRepositoryVersionLabel, otherRepositoryVersionLabelTag);
                if (headCommitVersionLabelTags.Count() > 1)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"My repository: multiple version label tags found on the HEAD commit: [{string.Join(",", from hct in headCommitVersionLabelTags select hct.Tag.FriendlyName)}].");

                var headCommitVersionLabelTag = headCommitVersionLabelTags.Single().Tag;
                var headCommitVersionLabel    = headCommitVersionLabelTags.Single().VersionLabel;

                logger.Log($"My repository: a valid version label tag has been found on the HEAD commit: {headCommitVersionLabelTag.FriendlyName} => we look for the last tag <= '{myShortName}{headCommitVersionLabel}' in the other repository");

                // A valid version label tag has been found on the HEAD commit => we look for the last tag <= this tag in the other repository
                // Remark: the tag in the other repo must have a prefix equal to the shortName of my repo
                // Remark: we are in a version branch (i.e. a branch named x[.y[.z[.w]]]) => we only look for version label tags (i.e. fixed
                // instant of time in the past) and never a branch in the other repo with the same name (that can change state over time).
                var otherRepositoryTagVersionLabels = GetTagVersionLabels(otherRepository, myShortName);
                var otherRepositoryVersionLabel     = otherRepositoryTagVersionLabels.FindLastVersionLabelSmallerOrEqualThan(headCommitVersionLabel);
                logger.Log($"Other repository: last tag version label <= '{myShortName}{headCommitVersionLabel}': {otherRepositoryVersionLabel}({otherRepositoryVersionLabel.Raw})");

                var otherRepositoryVersionLabelTag =
                    (from tag in otherRepository.Tags
                     where tag.FriendlyName == otherRepositoryVersionLabel.Raw
                     select tag).Single();

                ResetBuildBranchToTag(otherRepository, logger, otherRepositoryVersionLabel, otherRepositoryVersionLabelTag);
        private static void ResetBuildBranchToTag(Repository repository, ILogger logger, VersionLabel versionLabel, Tag versionLabelTag)
            var buildBranch =
                (from branch in repository.Branches
                 where branch.FriendlyName == BuildBranchName
                 select branch).SingleOrDefault();

            if (buildBranch == null)
                logger.Log($"The branch '{BuildBranchName}' doesn't exist: creating it and resetting it to '{versionLabel.Raw}'");

                // If the build branch doesn't exist, create it and check it out
                buildBranch = repository.CreateBranch(BuildBranchName, versionLabelTag.Target as Commit);
                repository.Checkout(buildBranch, new CheckoutOptions()
                    CheckoutModifiers = CheckoutModifiers.Force
                logger.Log($"The branch '{BuildBranchName}' already exists: checking it out and resetting it to '{versionLabel.Raw}'");

                // If the build branch exists, check it out and do an hard reset
                repository.Checkout(buildBranch, new CheckoutOptions()
                    CheckoutModifiers = CheckoutModifiers.Force
                repository.Reset(ResetMode.Hard, versionLabelTag.Target as Commit);