Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>Parses the given html markup and returns the corresponding inline content element.</summary>
 /// <param name="html">The html markup text.</param>
 /// <param name="source">The source html block element for inheriting styling properties.</param>
 /// <returns>The inline content element that renders the given html markup.</returns>
 public static Inline ParseHTML(string html, HtmlBlock source) {
    html = "<Span>{0}</Span>".Substitute(html);
    html = html.ReplaceAll(_reCharEntity, match => "\xBF"+match.Groups[1].Value+"?");
    var doc = XDocument.Parse(html, LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace | LoadOptions.SetLineInfo);
    return _parseHTMLNode(doc.Root, source);
Exemplo n.º 2
      // Recursively parses the given Html node into a corresponding Inline element
      private static Inline _parseHTMLNode(XNode node, HtmlBlock source) {
         if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) {
            var text = ((XText)node).Value;
            text = text.ReplaceAll(_reWhitespace, " ");
            text = text.ReplaceAll(_reEncodedEntity, match => {
               var code = match.Groups[1].Value;
               if (code.At(0) == "#") {
                  return Char.ConvertFromUtf32(Int32.Parse(code.After(0)));
               } else if (_htmlEntities.ContainsKey(code)) {
                  return Char.ConvertFromUtf32(_htmlEntities[code]);
               } else {
                  throw new Exception(TEXT.HtmlBlock_UnrecognizedChar.Substitute(code));
            return new Run(text);
         if (node.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) {
            return null;

         var tag = (XElement)node;
         var name = tag.Name.LocalName.ToLower();
         Span outer = null;

         Brush  emphBrush = null;
         double fontSize  = 11;
         double paraBreak = 0;
         if (source != null) {
            emphBrush = source.EmphasizedForeground;
            fontSize = Double.IsNaN(source.FontSize) ? 11 : source.FontSize;

         // hyperlink
         if (name == "a") {
            var link = new Hyperlink();
            var href = tag.Get<Uri>("href");
            if (href != null) link.NavigateUri = href;
            var trg = tag.Get("target");
            if (trg.NotEmpty()) link.TargetName = trg;
            outer = link;
         // bold
         else if (name == "b") {
            outer = new Bold();

         // big
         else if (name == "big") {
            outer = new Span();
            outer.FontSize = fontSize * _fontFactors[4];

         // line break
         else if (name == "br") {
            return new LineBreak();

         // code
         else if (name == "c" || name == "code") {
            outer = new Span();
            outer.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Courier New");

         // code
         else if (name == "em") {
            outer = new Span();
            if (emphBrush != null) outer.Foreground = emphBrush;

         // font style
         else if (name == "font") {
            outer = new Span();
            var face = tag.Get("face");
            if (face.NotEmpty()) outer.FontFamily = new FontFamily(face);
            var brush = tag.Get<Brush>("color", null);
            if (brush != null) outer.Foreground = brush;
            var size = tag.Get<int>("size", -1);
            if (size > 0) outer.FontSize = size;
         // header 1-6
         else if (name.Matches(_reHeaderTag)) {
            outer = new Bold();
            if (emphBrush != null) outer.Foreground = emphBrush;
            outer.FontSize = fontSize * _fontFactors[7-Int32.Parse(name.At(1))];
            paraBreak = 1;
         // italic
         else if (name == "i") {
            outer = new Italic();
         // image
         else if (name == "img") {
            outer = new Span();
            var uic = new InlineUIContainer();
            var img = new Image();
            var src = tag.GetImage("src");
            if (src != null) img.Source = src;
            var w = tag.Get<int>("width", -1);
            if (w >= 0) img.Width = w;
            var h = tag.Get<int>("height", -1);
            if (h >= 0) img.Height = h;
            uic.Child = img;
         // paragraph
         else if (name == "p") {
            outer = new Span();
            paraBreak = 4;

         // small
         else if (name == "small") {
            outer = new Span();
            outer.FontSize = fontSize * _fontFactors[2];

         // span
         else if (name == "span") {
            outer = new Span();
         // underline
         else if (name == "u") {
            outer = new Underline();
         // invalid tag
         else {
            throw new Exception(TEXT.HtmlBlock_UnrecognizedTag.Substitute(tag.Name.LocalName));

         var tip = tag.GetImage("title");
         if (tip != null) {
            outer.ToolTip = tip;

         foreach (var child in tag.Nodes()) {
            var inner = _parseHTMLNode(child, source);
            if (inner != null) outer.Inlines.Add(inner);
         if (paraBreak == 0) return outer;

         var para = new Span();
         para.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak());
         var blankline = new Span();
         blankline.FontSize = paraBreak;
         para.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak());
         return para;
Exemplo n.º 3
         private static Slot _createBodySlot(BplProperty parentProperty, BplClass bplClass, Stack<BplClass> parentClasses) {
            if (parentClasses.Any(pclass => bplClass.IsA(pclass))) {
               var error = new Record("", parentProperty.Name + " : " + bplClass.Name + " [recursive]");
               return new Slot(error, _slotErrorBG);

            var childSlots = new StackPanel {
               Margin = new Thickness(0, _slotSize, _slotSize, 0)

            childSlots.Children.Add(new Slot(0, new Record("4", "Opcode (<c>0x{0:X8}</c>)".Substitute(bplClass.Protocol.Opcode))));

            var depth = 0;
            int? fixedSize = 4;
            foreach (var prop in bplClass.Properties) {
               Slot slot = null;
               if (prop.IsCalculated) continue;
               if (prop.IsPrimitive) {
                  var ptype = prop.PrimitiveType;
                  var pname = "{0} : <i>{1}</i>".Substitute(prop.Name, (ptype.IsDelegate ? "Function" : ptype.Name));
                  var psize = BplLanguage.BinaryConverters[ptype].SizeOf();
                  if (psize.Size.HasValue && fixedSize.HasValue) {
                     fixedSize = fixedSize.Value + psize.Size.Value;
                  } else {
                     fixedSize = null;
                  slot = new Slot(0, new Record(psize.Formula, pname));
               } else {
                  fixedSize = null;
                  var refClass = prop.ReferencedClass;
                  if (prop.IsAssociation) {
                     var multiplier = "";
                     var suffix = "*";
                     if (prop.IsCollection) {
                        multiplier = @"n {0} ".Substitute(DOT);
                        suffix = "[]";
                     var record = new Record("4 + {0}|id|".Substitute(multiplier), "{0} : <i>{1}{2}</i>".Substitute(prop.Name, refClass.Name, suffix));
                     slot = new Slot(0, record);
                  } else {
                     slot = _createBodySlot(prop, refClass, parentClasses);
               depth = Math.Max(depth, slot.Depth);

            var parentGrid = new Grid();

            if (parentProperty == null) {
               var title = new HtmlBlock("<b>{0}</b>".Substitute(bplClass.Name)) {
                  Margin = new Thickness(_slotMargin),
                  HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                  VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top
               _ncollections = 0;
            } else {
               var name = "{0} : <i>{1}</i>".Substitute(parentProperty.Name, bplClass.Name + (parentProperty.IsCollection ? "[]" : "*"));
               var cardinality = "1";
               if (parentProperty.IsCollection) {
                  cardinality = @"N<font size=""8"">{0}</font>".Substitute(++_ncollections);

               var parentSize = String.Empty;
               if (fixedSize.HasValue) {
                  parentSize = fixedSize.Value.ToString();
               } else {
                  parentSize = "|{0}|".Substitute(_getNameStem(bplClass.Name));
               if (cardinality == "1") {
                  parentSize = "4 + {0}?".Substitute(parentSize);
               } else {
                  parentSize = "4 + {0} {1} {2}".Substitute(cardinality, DOT, parentSize);
               parentGrid.Children.Add(new Record(parentSize, name));

               parentGrid.Children.Add(new HtmlBlock(cardinality) {
                  Width = _slotSize,
                  TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                  HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right,
                  VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center

            return new Slot(depth + 1, parentGrid);