public ActionResult Clear()
     //We just clear the session when you clear the cart
     //Obviously not the smartest thing to do, but since the only thing the session saves is the cart, it works
     Session["ShoppingCart"] = new ShoppingCart();
     return RedirectToAction("Index");
 // GET: /ShoppingCart/
 public ActionResult Index()
     if(Session["ShoppingCart"] == null)
         Session["ShoppingCart"] = new ShoppingCart();
     ShoppingCart cart = Session["ShoppingCart"] as ShoppingCart;
     return View(cart);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void AddOrder(ShoppingCart Cart, int CustomerID)
     //Add the order
     Order newOrder = new Order() { Customer = new Facade().GetCustomerRepository().GetCustomer(CustomerID), date = DateTime.Now };
     new Facade().GetOrderRepository().Add(newOrder);
     //Add the orderlines
     int OrderID = new Facade().GetOrderRepository().ReadAll().Where(x => x.CustomerId == CustomerID).OrderBy(x =>;
     List<OrderLine> OrderLines = new List<OrderLine>();
     foreach (OrderLineViewModel Line in Cart.OrderLines)
         OrderLine newLine = new OrderLine() { MovieId = Line.MovieVM.Movie.Id, Amount = Line.Amount, OrderId = OrderID };
         new Facade().GetOrderLineRepository().Add(newLine);
 public ActionResult CompleteCheckout(string CustomerMail)
     //This try catch will attempt to create your order and clear the shopping cart for a new order, if it fails, it will just redirect you to a failure page.
         ShoppingCart Cart = Session["ShoppingCart"] as ShoppingCart;
         OrderRepository.getInstance().AddOrder(Cart, CustomerRepository.getInstance().GetAll().Where(x => x.Email.ToLower() == CustomerMail.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault().ID);
         Session["ShoppingCart"] = new ShoppingCart();
         return View(CustomerRepository.getInstance().GetAll().Where(x => x.Email.ToLower() == CustomerMail.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault());
         return RedirectToAction("Failure");
Exemplo n.º 5
 public ActionResult AddToCart(int movID)
     if (Session["ShoppingCart"] == null)
         Session["ShoppingCart"] = new ShoppingCart();
     ShoppingCart cart = Session["ShoppingCart"] as ShoppingCart;
     if(cart.OrderLines.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MovieVM.Movie.Id == movID) != null)
         cart.OrderLines.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MovieVM.Movie.Id == movID).Amount += 1;
         cart.OrderLines.Add(new OrderLineViewModel(MovieRepository.getInstance().GetAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Movie.Id == movID),1));
     Session["ShoppingCart"] = cart;
     return RedirectToAction("Index");