Exemplo n.º 1
        public void WakeUp(Demo3Controller instance)
            var lurch = new Effect <Demo3Controller, Quaternion>
                Duration        = Random.Range(0.12f, 1.2f),
                RetrieveStart   = (leaf, lastEnd) => leaf.MyLeaf.localRotation,
                RetrieveEnd     = (leaf) => Quaternion.Euler(Random.onUnitSphere * 6.5f),
                OnUpdate        = (leaf, value) => leaf.MyLeaf.localRotation = value,
                HoldEffectUntil = (leaf, holdTimeSoFar) => !leaf.AtRest

            Sequence <Demo3Controller, Quaternion> shake = lurch * 6;

            lurch.Duration    = 0.15f;
            lurch.RetrieveEnd = (leaf) => Quaternion.Euler(Random.onUnitSphere * 2.8f);
            shake            += lurch * 16;

            lurch.Duration = 0.05f;
            shake         += lurch * 3;

            shake.Reference  = this;
            shake.OnComplete = Fly;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Fly(Demo3Controller instance)
            // Three sequences that will run so long as AtRest == false.
            // #1 faces a random direction.
            Sequence <Demo3Controller, Quaternion> faceRandom = new Sequence <Demo3Controller, Quaternion>
                RetrieveSequenceStart = (me) => me.MyLeaf.localRotation,
                ContinueIf            = (me) => !me.AtRest,
                Reference             = this,

            faceRandom.Effects = new Effect <Demo3Controller, Quaternion>[]
                new Effect <Demo3Controller, Quaternion>
                    Duration    = 3.5f,
                    RetrieveEnd = (me) => Quaternion.Euler(Random.insideUnitSphere * 500f),
                    OnUpdate    = (me, value) => me.MyLeaf.localRotation = value

            Movement.Run(faceRandom).Loop = true;

            //#2 spins around in a circle.
            var semiCircle = new Effect <Demo3Controller, Vector2>
                Duration      = 3f,
                RetrieveStart = (me, lastEnd) => lastEnd,
                RetrieveEnd   = (me) =>
                {   // Funny little math trick to rotate 90 degrees just by swapping numbers around:
                    Vector2 dest = new Vector2(me.MyLeaf.position.z, -me.MyLeaf.position.x).normalized
                                   *Mathf.Pow(me.MyLeaf.position.y / 8f, 2.6f);
                    // If the leaf was sitting at (0, 0) then the .normalized in the above line will
                    // leave the vector holding (NaN, NaN). NaN means "Not-a-Number". The magnitude of
                    // NaN is NaN, which evaluates to false in any compairson check, this is why I'm
                    // checking for "not greater than" rather than "less than" here.
                    if (!(dest.sqrMagnitude > 0.009f))
                        dest = Random.insideUnitCircle * (me.MyLeaf.position.y + 25f);

                OnUpdate = (me, value) =>
                    Vector3 newPos = me.MyLeaf.position;
                    newPos.x           = value.x;
                    newPos.z           = value.y;
                    me.MyLeaf.position = newPos;
                MovementSpace = MovementOverTime.MovementSpace.Spherical

            var circle = semiCircle * 4;

            circle.ContinueIf            = (me) => !me.AtRest;
            circle.RetrieveSequenceStart = me => new Vector2(me.MyLeaf.position.x, me.MyLeaf.position.z);
            circle.Inertia    = 0.5f;
            circle.Elasticity = 0.5f;

            Movement.Run(this, circle).Loop = true;

            // #3 makes the leaf rise into the air.
            Sequence <Demo3Controller, float> rise = new Sequence <Demo3Controller, float>
                Effects = new Effect <Demo3Controller, float>[]
                    new Effect <Demo3Controller, float>
                        Duration = 30f,
                        // This is the default behavior when you leave RetrieveStart null:
                        //RetrieveStart = (me, lastEnd) => lastEnd,
                        RetrieveEnd = (me) => Random.Range(6.15f, 35f),
                        OnUpdate    = (me, value) =>
                            Vector3 tempPos = me.MyLeaf.position;
                            tempPos.y          = value;
                            me.MyLeaf.position = tempPos;
                Reference             = this,
                RetrieveSequenceStart = me => me.MyLeaf.position.y,
                ContinueIf            = (me) => !me.AtRest,


            // Two sequences that will return to home as soon as AtRest == true
            // #1 moves the position
            var approach = new Effect <Demo3Controller, Vector3>
                Duration      = 1f,
                RetrieveStart = (me, lastEnd) => me.MyLeaf.localPosition,
                RetrieveEnd   = (me) => new Vector3(me.MyLeaf.localPosition.z,
                                                    me.MyLeaf.localPosition.y, -me.MyLeaf.localPosition.x) * 0.001f,
                OnUpdate        = (me, value) => me.MyLeaf.localPosition = value,
                MovementSpace   = MovementOverTime.MovementSpace.Spherical,
                HoldEffectUntil = (me, timeSoFar) => me.AtRest,

            var dock = new Effect <Demo3Controller, Vector3>
                Duration      = 0.2f,
                RetrieveStart = (me, lastEnd) => me.MyLeaf.localPosition,
                RetrieveEnd   = (me) => Vector3.zero,
                OnUpdate      = (me, value) => me.MyLeaf.localPosition = value

            Sequence <Demo3Controller, Vector3> landingSequence = approach + dock;

            landingSequence.Reference  = this;
            landingSequence.OnComplete = WakeUp;


            // #2 points forward in local space
            var pointForward = new Sequence <Demo3Controller, Quaternion>(new Effect <Demo3Controller, Quaternion>
                Duration        = 1.1f,
                RetrieveStart   = (me, lastEnd) => me.MyLeaf.localRotation,
                RetrieveEnd     = (me) => Quaternion.identity,
                OnUpdate        = (me, value) => me.MyLeaf.localRotation = value,
                HoldEffectUntil = (me, timeSoFar) => me.AtRest,

            Movement.Run(this, pointForward);