Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Common implementation method for Noting that Fault has occurred, with or without a related System.Exception ex.</summary>
        public static void NoteFaultOccurance(string faultDesc, System.Exception ex, AssertType assertType, System.Diagnostics.StackFrame sourceFrame)
			if (ex == null)
				AssertCommon(Fcns.CheckedFormat("AssertFault:{0}", faultDesc), assertType, sourceFrame);
				AssertCommon(Fcns.CheckedFormat("AssertFault:{0} with exception:{1}", faultDesc, ex.Message), assertType, sourceFrame);
Exemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary> This is the inner-most implementation method for the Assert helper class.  It implements all of the assertType specific behavior for all assertions that get triggered.</summary>
		private static void AssertCommon(string mesg, AssertType assertType, System.Diagnostics.StackFrame sourceFrame)
			// always log all triggered asserts to the BasicFallbackLog

			string logStr = Fcns.CheckedFormat("{0} at file:'{1}', line:{2}", mesg, sourceFrame.GetFileName(), sourceFrame.GetFileLineNumber());

            if (assertType != AssertType.Log)
                if (EnableBasicFallbackLogging)

                if (queuedAssertLogger == null)       // in an MT world we might create a few of these simultaneously.  This is not a problem as the distribution engine supports such a construct so locking is not required here in order to get valid behavior.
                    queuedAssertLogger = new Logging.QueuedLogger("MosaicLib.Utils.Assert");


			bool ignoreFault = false;		// intended to be used by debug user to ignore such asserts on a case by case basis

			if (assertType == AssertType.Log)
                if (assertLogger == null)       // in an MT world we might create a few of these simultaneously.  This is not a problem as the distribution engine supports such a construct so locking is not required here in order to get valid behavior.
                    assertLogger = new Logging.Logger("MosaicLib.Utils.Assert");


			else if (assertType == AssertType.LogFallback)
				return;	// already done
			else if (assertType == AssertType.ThrowException)
				if (!ignoreFault)
					throw new AssertException(mesg, sourceFrame);


			if (!ignoreFault)
                // the remaining types always trigger a breakpoint if a debugger is attached and the hosting environment has set the EnabledAssertDebugBreakpoints flag
                if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached && EnableAssertDebugBreakpoints)
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Converts the given DateTime value to a string using the given summary desired format</summary>
        /// <param name="dt">Specifies the DateTime value to convert</param>
        /// <param name="dtFormat">Specifies the desired format from the set of supported enum values.</param>
        /// <returns>The DateTime converted to a string based on the desired format.</returns>
        public static string CvtToString(ref DateTime dt, DateTimeFormat dtFormat)
            string result = string.Empty;

            switch (dtFormat)
            case DateTimeFormat.LogDefault:
                result = Fcns.CheckedFormat("{0}-{1}-{2} {3}:{4}:{5}.{6}",
                                            dt.Year.ToString("D4"), dt.Month.ToString("D2"), dt.Day.ToString("D2"),
                                            dt.Hour.ToString("D2"), dt.Minute.ToString("D2"), dt.Second.ToString("D2"),

            case DateTimeFormat.ShortWithMSec:
                result = Fcns.CheckedFormat("{0}{1}{2}_{3}{4}{5}.{6}",
                                            dt.Year.ToString("D4"), dt.Month.ToString("D2"), dt.Day.ToString("D2"),
                                            dt.Hour.ToString("D2"), dt.Minute.ToString("D2"), dt.Second.ToString("D2"),

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Essential constructor: caller specifies className, objID and objIDStrSuffix.
        /// If className is given as null or empty, method takes class name from caller's type definition.
        /// If objID is given as null or empty, method takes 8 hex digit hash code of this object to use as ObjID.
        /// </summary>
        public ObjIDBase(string className, string objID, string objIDStrSuffix)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(className))
                className = new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame(1).GetType().Name;    // get the name of the caller's type
            ClassName = className;

            objIDStrSuffix = Fcns.MapNullToEmpty(objIDStrSuffix);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objID))
                objID = objID + objIDStrSuffix;
                object obj            = this;
                string objHashCodeStr = obj.GetHashCode().ToString("x8");

                objID = Utils.Fcns.CheckedFormat("{0}{1}", objHashCodeStr, objIDStrSuffix);

            ObjID = objID;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>Common implementation method for Noting that a condition test failed.</summary>
        public static void NoteConditionCheckFailed(string condDesc, AssertType assertType, System.Diagnostics.StackFrame sourceFrame)
			AssertCommon(Fcns.CheckedFormat("AssertCondition:[{0}] Failed", condDesc), assertType, sourceFrame);